Ch 2- Strange Feeling

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I walked behind the girl I had just met. She led the way to the high school building, as if she knew where it was.

Wait, wasn't she a new student? I thought, suddenly becoming confused of my own thoughts.

"Hey," I called out to her, waiting for her to answer.

"What do you want, Lucas Bradley?" she asked, power and authority thick in her voice. It sent chills down my spine.


Wait, what was I going to ask again?

"If you're not going to say anything, don't get my attention." She said and I could tell that she was rolling her eyes.

She sped up her pace, I couldn't tell if it was intentional or not but  I had to speed up my pace too.

I had caught the attention of some of the other students. Some familiar faces stared at me, probably confused.

I could tell what they were thinking just by their face expression.

"What's the Lucas Bradley during with that freak?" I heard one of the girls say and I almost stopped walking completely.

Freak? Were they referring to the girl? Why was she a freak? Didn't she just transfer to this school?

The thought caught me off guard as I remembered what I was going to ask.

"Hey, um..girl?" I tried, walking faster so I was walking right next to her.

She gave me a sideways glance and turned left. "I have a name, Lucas Bradley." She responded.

"Yeah, well, I don't know what your name is. Anyways, what school didn't you transfer from?"

"Transfer?" she frowned.

"Yeah, aren't you a new student?"

She chuckled. "Typical. Is that what you thought, Lucas Bradley?"

I frowned. "What? What did I say?"

"I'm not a transfer student. I've been in this school since the first day, Lucas Bradley. Plus, I'm in all your classes." she answered simply and elegantly.

I was totally caught off guard. What?!

"B-but...but I never..."

"Ah, we're here." She said, interrupting my sentence.

I looked up to see that we were standing in front of room 582 in the high school building.

Wow, that was fast. We're already here?

The girl walked straight into the room, not even bothering to knock.

"Hey!" I said, and I would have reached out my hand if not for the boxes over them. "You can't just-"

"Angela! I have the supplies!" She said.

Angela? Who was that?

An older and more mature voice answered back. "Ellery? Is that you?"

A head peeked out from the back of the room. Her black hair was in a messy ponytail and she had a white lab coat over a gray shirt and jeans.

"Ah! It is you! Long time no see." That  woman said with a smile and began to walk toward us.

I stood there awkwardly. Angela? Ellery? Was that they're names?

They hugged and patted each others backs.

"Um..." I shifted my feet.

The woman seemed to just notice my presence. She gave the girl a sideways glance and smirked.

"Oh, so you finally got a boyfriend, Ellery. I always knew it would be soon." She teased.

The girl didn't seem to give much attention to the comment. "Nah, if I were to get a boyfriend, it would have to be someone who treasured me and remembered me everyday. Not someone who doesn't even remember a classmate."

She gave me a deadly stare and I covered my face with the boxes. I didn't want to admit it but I was intimidated by her just a little bit.

"Anyways, what's your name young man?" the woman asked me.

"Lucas." I said.

"Nice to meet you Lucas, I'm Ms. Poll but Ellery calls me Angela." the teacher told me.

Ellery? Her name was Ellery? Interesting. I'm going to have to ask Nate more about this.

"Okay! Let's get this going!" Ms. Poll said happily, clapping her hands together as if preparing for something.

She started walking towards a back room and I took this as my chance to actually get a look at the room. The room was pretty big and there were bookcases everywhere.

The desks were organized nicely and everything seemed to be in perfect sync.

Ms. Poll took out a key and opened the back room to reveal a room that was literally suffocating itself with books.

Okay, place the boxes over there," she said, pointing to the right of the room where there was a little space left.

Wait, did that mean that inside those boxes were books?

"Okay, thank you guys." she said, leading us out and locking the door.

"Now, I mustn't take up any more of your time. Please go eat your lunch." She said to the both of us but it felt as if it was directed to me.

"Ok..." I said, waving goodbye and walking toward the front door.

I looked behind me to see Ellery staying behind, as if she and Ms. Poll had something important to talk about.

"Well, I'll see you later," I paused, not sure if I should say this but I said it anyways, "Ellery."

She smirked. "Finally figured out my name, Lucas Bradley, haven't you?"

I don't know why but that smirk filled me with a strange feeling. A feeling that I haven't felt before.

It felt addictive and I wanted more of this feeling. What was this?

Interest? Yearn? Curiosity?

And I flipped by the first page of the book with the ugly cover, yearning to read the next...

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