Chapter 2

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Slowly I sit up from the bed seeing my master laying there right by my side still sleeping. I smile as I crawl on top of him admiring more of his handsome good looking face.

Those strong muscular arms that could be wrapped around me. Those big rough hands that could be used to punch anyone's face to keep me safe. That hard toned body for me to lay on. Those strong long legs to kick down any door I'm in when I cry. Finally that BIG HUGE COCK that could make me scream and moan of pleasure.

"Princess stop watching me sleep, it's not normal." I heard him say as he slowly opened his blue eyes making me squeak and hide my blushing face on his chest. He chuckled and wrapped his arms around me. "S-Sorry! I just couldn't go back to sleep so I started to admire your handsome good looks." I said with a slight blushing face.

He chuckled and sat up pulling me close to him. "Then lets go take you a bath because you are sweating under that onesie." He told me as I giggle childishly happy.

He took me to the bathroom that wasn't that big. It was an okay classy bathroom. The walls are painted in a light baby blue. The tub was in the corner right by the shower which were on the left corner, the sinks were right by the door. It was a medium size if you could say that.

He started to undress me by first taking off my onesie and then taking off my glittery red collar that sparkled in the light. He slowly took off my boxers revealing my tattoo that was in the left side of my hip area. It said, Daddy's Teddy Bear ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ.

I look at my body from the mirror making me frown a bit. Jonathan was getting the water ready and warm for me by taking his time.

"Um master..."

"Yes princess?"

"Am I really needed in this world?" I asked him as stared down at my body feeling a bit insecure. My eyes start to get watery starting to remember those days back in Canada when kids used to call mean things to me like fat, ugly, a whore, trash, disgusting, and many more. The word that did hurt me the most back then was unneeded...that was the worst thing that I had never liked being called as.

I was unneeded for almost anything. They didn't need my help. They didn't need my respect. They didn't need my presence around them. They didn't need all of my drama. They didn't need anything else from me...they didn't need me.

Jonathan immediately ran up to me and pulled me into his arms as I start to cry onto his chest. "Princess you were always needed for so many marvelous thing. Your parents needed you. Craig needed you. I needed you. I needed you to be in my life here with me. Don't you ever ask that never again. Do you understand?" He told me as I replied with a small nod as I sniffle. "Y-Yes master."

"You are a miracle princess. You were meant to slay away all those bad bitches. Those bitches weren't meant to be needed. Remember what I said back then if someone tried to talk smack about you?"

" told me to sway away from those bitches until they get stitches." I said as I felt his lips brush against face. "Good and remember that I will always love you." He said making me smile as I get picked up.

He slowly placed me in the tub that had the warm water touching my skin. Then he started to wash my body softly.

Also when I was little like 7 years old I would always play Final Fantasy online by meeting people from all around the world. And that's where I met Delirious.

Me and him laugh played in every mission that was available for us. He was a knight and I was a healer. He really was my shining armor. We became best friends even if we lived far apart from each other. Him in North Carolina and me in Canada.

My parents told me to be careful with the people I meet online, but I ignored them as I kept talking to Delirious and with some other people that I don't really care about.

Then at the age of 15, everyone started to call so many bad things when Delirious wasn't around m. It just made me cry as they said that I was unneeded. Again with that stupid word that I hate so much but that all changed when Delirious log in the game and started listening to all those bad things about me.

He stood up for me by saying, "Don't you fucking dare say those things to him!! He did nothing to you guys! He would always heal you guys when you guys were low on health! He would always make you guys potions just incase he wasn't around! So stop fucking saying that he isn't needed! He was always needed you son of a bitches! YOU NEEDED HIM!!!! I NEEDED HIM!!!! WE ALL NEEDED HIM!!!"

It really made me smile when he would always stand up for me. He was my shining armor, my knight.


"Okay could you twirl around for me Evybear." I told him as Evan giggled and twirled around in his pretty yellow dress that made me smile. He sure has such a nice body that could get any girl jealous. He really did grow so much.

"So kitten, you ready to head outside for our date?" I asked him which made him squeal and nod his head quickly. I get up and hold his hand starting to head outside.

Things really did change between us, ever since he was a kid. Our love for each kept growing every day, week, month, year. He is the love of my life. I won't let anyone take him away from me or even hurt him because he is my teddy bear.

My Evybear.

My little.

My fiancé.

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