Chapter 31

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As they walked in a circle getting ready to fight. "You hurt him..." The man growled as his blue eyes shined. Not gonna lie, those eyes are a more bluish color than his twin. Also his twin left, leaving this masked freak behind. Maybe his brother doesn't even know how to fight.

"I may of had hurt him, but I regret it more further on in the day." Tyler tells him with a slight chuckle. "Then why do you keep hurting him...can't you see he is scared." "Scared of what exactly? Scared of the darkness?" Tyler asked him. "Oh no no no! Scared of never being his normal self again." The blue hooded man said as he clenched his fists, making his scared knuckles turn white.


I should think of a way to hurt him while he gets distracted by my handsomely, good looking man. "Evan go, now!" Tyler orders me loudly knowing he had a serious expression while I glared straight at the hockey masked guy who was getting tackled down by him.

"Okay..." I mumble as I start backing up and and went into the dark trees. Once I was far away from the fight, I climb up a tree and sat all the way from the top, starting to think.

So he is the actual Mr. Dennis that they all talked about...seems tough but I'm pretty sure babe can take that clown down. I thought he was going to be a weak looking guy but now that I see's gonna be hard.

"AH! Not fair! I thought it was a normal one on one fight without weapons hehe!" Tyler laughed out which got me worried. He always laughs when he gets hurt or is in pain.

I immediately climb down the tree and ran up to them, but then froze seeing what was happening . Not only that, but I heard laughter...a maniacal laughter.

"What the...TYLER!"

He was trapped against a tree getting beaten up pretty bad.

Smashed head on the tree multiple times...kick...punch...kick kick...punch punch...headbutt...STAB?! STAB STAB STAB!!!


The loud sound rang through my ears as blood drip down onto the dirt floor. I cover my mouth as the hooded man slowly backed away with blood all over him. In one hand he had a fucking handgun and the other had a fucking survival knife.

"T-T-Tyler?" My blood started to boil as he stepped aside and let the body drop on the bloody ground. He slowly turned showing his dark blue eyes that had super small pupils.

I wanted to cry, but never came out. The only that came out was the knife from my pocket and ran up to him with a wide grin.

"Evan! It's me."

My heart was beating fasts when he said that. He let out a sigh and grabbed my wrist, swinging me against a tree. "I'm so sorry for this Evan, the only thing I wanted was you to come back." He said as I grunted and rubbed my side.

"You hurt him!" I yelled out as I stood tall. He slowly took off his mask showing those teary blue eyes on his scarred face. All of a sudden his arms spread open as if he wanted me to hurt him.

"You will feel what he felt!" I yelled out as I ran up to him. "I deserve it!" He yelled back at me. My skin went pale and my eyes widened. My lips forming a slight grin and let out a chuckle.

"Oh you clearly deserve being stabbed repeatedly like you did to him." I tell him as I lift the weapon. I swung it multiple times feeling a bit of his blood splatter on my face. I would even chuckle at the sight of this, enjoying it like a little kid.

My heart would sometimes regret the pain I gave him, but from the outside I was smiling so wide. I just love it when blood starts sleeping out of them and seeing their sad expressions on their faces. I JUST LOVE IT!

Stop! STOP!!

He then backed up a bit, gripping his bleeding body. I only left deep cuts on him, but comes the real pain.


I walk up to him as my bloody face just showed pure evil. I lift up the knife and swung back down on his shoulder, stabbing it really deep.

His instincts reacted fast that he fucking pushed me back. "Evan! I know you are somewhere in there!" He cried out as he gripped his bleeding shoulder.

"Oh but this is me." I tell him as I make a sweet innocent smile and blink my bright red eyes.


I ran up by his side and kicked his knee, making him fall forward and make a loud snapping sound. He let out a low growl as he was on ground like a fucking, pathetic, weak bear not being able to get up after an attack with a pack of wolves.

I stood in front him and make him look at me by the lifting his chin with fingers. "Evan, I know that you are somewhere in there. If you can hear me. Fight back! This is your body, not his! Do you fucking give up on me!! Remember what I told you before when someone talks bad about you or make you feel insecure. I told you to sway away from those bitches until they get stitches! Evan! I NEED YOU BACK!!" He fucking yelled out as tears slid down his face.

I lift my the knife up ready to stab him again, but now aiming for the chest, and then swung it down. Everything went silent. The sound heard was the birds chirping. The rain pouring down on us.

"What the..."

I open my eyes seeing my arm frozen with the tip of the knife barely touching him. I try to move it down, but it wouldn't budge. That's when I felt it. Small trails of tears slid down my face as I felt my heart get shattered into a million pieces.

I am not gonna let you fucking hurt him.


My frozen arm started to uncontrollably move by its own and now aim the knife at me. "No! Stop!" I scream out.

No one hurts my family! No one will hurt him! No one will hurt me!

A loud ringing noise grew in my ears making me scream and grip my head tightly. My vision would sometimes flicker from darkness and back to normal repeatedly.

This is what happens if you mess with me!

Te ringing got louder as my hand dropped the knife and reach for something that was on the dirt floor. I heard click and slowly turn as I saw myself staring straight to the barrel of the gun.

"Evan no!"

But it was too late. A bright flash appeared in my eyes but then darkness consumed me. Feeling my body hit the floor hard and a warm liquid slide down my head.

I love you Jonathan...

"I love you...J-Jonathan..."


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