Chapter 8

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"Hmm...I wonder what my brother sees in his computer." I wondered as I saw him get up. "I'm going to go take a wiss. Do not do anything stupid!" He told me as he left quickly.

I smirk and jump into his rolling chair, turning on the device in front of me. It required password so I start to look through his drawers looking for his old logins notebook that he always carries around. I know he has one!

I found it which was an old Disney's notebook that he had since he was a kid. Ah memories! I open it and see multiple passwords and usernames, but good thing they are all labeled for what. I found it which was 420BlazeIt. Weird. I already know the username because he told me but never said the password.

It took me to his main screen which had a wallpaper of him and Jonathan together. My first interest was check the small trash bin so I clicked it and press view. It had some old schedules and stuff until I saw a random file that said, Smexy Evan <3.

I click it and my eyes started to burn. There were multiple pictures of my bro wearing cute and kinky stuff. WHO FUCKING TOOK THIS PICTURES?! Himself? must be Jonathan or a friend of his.

I immediately took pictures of it, even took video as I scroll up and down. I get out of it and click on a tab that was jumping up and down and showed his plans or some sort of work.


Good thing I was still recording. My brother walked in so I immediately dropped down to floor. "Sis what the hell were you doing?" "Rolling on your chair." I lied as I slowly peaked up.

He noticed that the computer was on as his eyes widened and immediately ran up to it. I tried my best to click out of page but he grabbed my wrists and lift them up over my head. WHY IS HE SO STRONG!!!

"You work as I a fucking a drug dealer." I told him as he saw what I was seeing. His eyes wide in shock and took a deep breath. "Okay you got me! I am a drug producing company, but I don't sell them I give them to someone so that the person could sell them." He told me as he let go of my small wrists.

I smirk evil knowing that my mom and dad would not like this at all.

"Please don't tell nobody! Not even mom and dad." "Hmm...I'll think about it since I have the evidence. Not only that but I think you're a porn star too." I told him with an evil smirk. "What do you mean by porn star?" He asked me confused.

I clicked the trash bin and clicked the Smexy Evan <3 file. His eyes widened as he immediately clicked out of it. "Fucking Craig..." He cursed as I just sat there smirking.

"Please don't tell or show anything to our parents! Please I beg you. I don't want mom and dad getting upset of me again." He pleaded as I chuckled evil. "Okay but in one condition." "Which is?" He asked. "You will pay me a $100 to me every month." I told him.

He sighed and then nodded his head, agreeing with this. "This feels like blackmail." He said. "It is blackmail. If you don't send money or do something that I don't like, I will tell them and show them." I told him right when his phone office started to ring.

"Go ahead and answer. It must be someone really important. Maybe the Chapo." I said as I sat down and watch him pick up the phone.


Chapo is in freaking jail you retard. "Hello?" "Mr. Fong, I got your mail. I'll be there tomorrow." "Oh okay Mr. Calibre, I'll have everything ready for your appearance tomorrow." I said slightly nervous as the eyes of my sister stared down at me.

"See yah tomorrow then Mr. Fong. Make sure I say hi to your fiancé for me hehe, I hope he regretted denying my offer to work there." He said with an slight chuckle as he hanged up.

I sigh and place the phone down as I look over towards her. I guess I have to do what she says for the rest of her life. I hate my life sometime.


I got message from my sweet loving princess, saying that Lui will be coming tomorrow. Great the plan is working perfectly fine. Just ask him a few questions and then see if he is guilty for all of this or not.

My bro was getting taught how to hack stuff like hack cellphones and other devices. Good job Tyler.

"So cool! I can see through my sis phone camera...OH GOD!! TURN IT OFF TURN IT OFF!! ITS TO DISGUSTING!!" My brother complained as I looked over at what he meant by disgusting.

I almost instantly puked as I saw a naked sister getting undressed and then putting some new clothing on. Tyler didn't give a fuck. "Your sister is hot but my boyfriend is way hotter." He said with a slight chuckle. We both just look at him with disgust.

More later on in the day back home, me and Evan were laying on the bed. "I fucking hate myself..." He cursed which made me slap his bum which made him yelp a bit.

"Don't day that princess. I love you so much." I told him as I pull him close. He sighed and looked up at me. "My fucking sister knows about all of this...she is blackmailing me. I have to keep paying her $100 like every month unless she changes her plans and prefers for me to pay her like everyday." He said as he rest his head on my chest.

I lift it up and gives his lips a slight peck. "Don't worry she won't tell anyone. I have her phone number and Tyler can just hack in to erase every evidence that she has there about your job." I told him.

He smiled slightly as he leaned forward and kissed my lips. "By the way, I still have to punish you for cussing and saying something bad about yourself." I told him which made him squeak and crawl out of bed. I chuckled and got off, immediately locking the door.

"No where to run princess." I told him with a slight smirk. He squealed and crawled under the bed as he took his plush owl with him too. I crouch down seeing him there until I noticed a nerf gun. He pulled the trigger hitting my forehead, getting the dart stuck there.

I went to the other side of the bed and grabbed his legs which made him squeal. So I pulled them, dragging him out. I pick him up as he struggled and whined. "No puns! No puns!" He complained as I bend him over my knees. "Get ready for the PUNishment. Hehehe." I chuckled knowing that my pun was horrible.

I pulled down his pajamas pants and his underwear and gave him a spank. "Never play poker the worlds fastest animal..." "Oh god no! No master no." "...'cause he's a cheetah!" I said as I gave him another spank.

"No more puns!" He pouted as I kept giving him a spankings and said a couple more good old puns.

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