The Empire meet the Hunter

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(No one pov)
A Empire supplies convoy was under attack by the rebels fleets Tie fighters were fighting back but they were being pick off a ship name the ghost flew by the window of the light cruiser as it fire at the ties Agent Kallus was in command of the cruiser as he watch the rebels take the supplies all fighters force fire on that Frigate Kallus said as all fighters and ship guns fire at the frigate but all rebels ship enter Hyperspace Kallus got mad as he made a fist in anger.

*on lothal*

Kallus ships return to lothal and Kallus shuttle land in the hanger Kallus walk down the ramp to see Thrawm and Pryce standing there how was the supplies run?Pryce ask Rebels ambush us they got the supplies Kallus said making Pryce shake her head these rebels scum they seems to be harder to deal with by the day Pryce said as all three of them walk to Thrawn office. They enter Thrawn office to see Darth Vader standing by the window Lord Vader I didn't know you are here Pryce said I made arrive sooner Governor but that why I'm not here Vader said then why are you here Pryce ask my master as ask me to help find these rebels mainly the Jedi and his team Vader said the Ghost crew or the Phoenix squadron they are called Kallus said they are a tricky bunch our fighters can't seems to destroy them even our best ships Pryce said because the rebels watch each other in the field so we use that to draw them out Vader said what do you mean Lord Vader Thrawn ask I call in a bounty hunter he will hunt the rebels down and bring them in Vader said Lord Vader not to question your order but no bounty hunter will never find the rebels base or even capture them even with the Jedi Pryce said but this Bounty hunter isn't like the others the other bounty Hunter's fear him including the great Bobo Fett Vader said so where do we find him Kallus ask he on his way as we speak he will have a rebels spy with him Vader said making Pryce and Kallus look at each other so when he will arrive Pryce ask soon bring the inquisitors as well Vader said as he look at them.

Vader Inquisitors Kallus Pryce and Thrawn walk down to the hanger where the bounty hunter is arriving what do we know about this hunter Kallus ask as Pryce was looking at a Data-pad from what the Empire as of him it not much Pryce said then what on there Kallus ask so far the number of bounty he brought to the Empire and he does have a bounty on his head from a gang leader but that all Pryce said no birth,no parents nothing Kallus said yes it seems he a shadow that no one want to meet Pryce said as she out down her Data-Pad Lord vader how did you meet this...bounty hunter Fifth brother ask I meet him when the Empire was looking for the remaining Jedi since then he been hunting our bounty turn the Empire Vader said as they stop when they saw a ship they never seen before land in the hanger

The front of the ship lower down and a figure walking down the ramp well dragging a body behind him the figure had armor no seen before wearing a helmet with a blue visor with a exo suit that run down his arms and his chest and his feet glow blue as well

The figure stop walking and toss the body at them Kallus Pryce Thrawn look at the body to see he was alive he alive barely the hunter said as he walk to Vader Lord Vader how can I serve you the hunter ask you know why I already call you here Vader said as the hunter nod his head then let talk business The hunter said as he and Vader walk into his ship with the Inquisitors and Pryce Kallus Thrawn Kallus look around the ship as they walking a room the hunter sit down in a chair well Vader sit across from him so who the bounties this time the hunter ask as Pryce out the Data-pad down and slid it across the table the hunter grab the data-pad these are the rebels we want you to bring Thrawn said as the hunter put the data-pad down and a holo-image appear this is the pilot one of the best in the rebellion Pryce said

Hera Syndulla is one of the best pilots in the Rebellion and her droids is a clever one for a old model Pryce said as the hunter switch to the next picture

Garazeb Orrelios he the muscle of the group I had run in with him many times Kallus said we all do Agent but when you see your enemy again make sure it you..that pull the trigger the Hunter said as he switch to another picture

This Sabine Wren a cadet of the Empire until she betrayed the Empire she was force to leave her clan in shame Thrawn said there still Honor she as in her she may be trying to redeem herself The Hunter said

This one he the leader of the group and a Jedi Vader said another Jedi his weapon will be a fine collection to my wall the Hunter said as he look at the wall Kallus Pryce Thrawn and the Inquisitors look to see a lot of Jedi Lightsaber, helmets, blasters, and different kind of weapons The Jedi is to be bring to me you can do whatever to the rest Vader said has so long I get a front seat for their execution I really don't care the hunter said the Empire will supplie with whatever you need Vader said that won't be needed I'm sure me and partner can handle it The Hunter said as a tall armor figure walk out of the shadow and growl now what the bounty on them The Hunter ask for all of them you capture the Empire will pay $89 thousands Credits for them including the Jedi Thrawn said making the Hunter and his partner look at each other what you say ready for a hunt The Hunter ask as his partner nod his head in agreement the Jedi as a student he is on this planet hunt him down and make the rebels come Vader said as he stood up so did the Hunter both shake hands you have your bounty Vader I promise the Hunter said as Vader and the others left the ship go get ready my friend our hunt isn't over the Hunter said as his partner left and the Hunter walk to the cockpit.

Hope you guys enjoy this new book. Will the rebels be ready for this bounty hunter.

Spartanleader out

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