The Prey part 1

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(No one pov)
The pod hit the ground in the middle of the jungle where no one didn't see it. The pod launch off and hit a tree Sabine exit the pod well she hold her head oh that a rough landing Sabine said as Hera and Kanan climb out Zeb had wedge as he climb out put wedge here Zeb Kanan said Zeb place wedge on a tree Hera knee down in front of his to check his wounds how is he Kanan ask it bad his left arm is broken, he lost alot of blood and three scratches on his back Hera said Sabine look around in the pod until she found a medkit here maybe this will help Sabine said as she give Hera the medkit so she can patch Wedge but then they look in the air to see a group of Tie's and a shuttle flying over them where they going in a rush Zeb ask I don't know but we need to move Kanan said I can stop his bleeding and patch up his back but he need a medical attention Hera said then just leave me Hera I just slow you down Wedge said no we aren't leaving you Wedge Hera said yeah kid Zeb said as he pick him up so where we go Kanan ask we head north see if we can find a outpost Sabine said as they head North but they didn't notice that a probe droid was hidden near by and it record everything they said.

The Empire were fixing the hutner ship well he and the Predator got ready The Hunter load his sniper rifle on his back well he grab two SMG and put them on his thighs e place his dual pistols in the back of his belt he grab his grenades and put them on him the Predator grab all of his gear his spear, ship,Shuriken,netgun,disc,shoulder cannon including his own Medkit Vader and the inquisitors walk up to them how you found the rebels pod Vader ask the pod landing 25 miles northwest and the rebels are heading north The Hunter said as he load his assault rifle and adjust the sight

I have men ready to assist you and the inquisitors will help Vader said the Hunter look at the storm troopers and the Inquisitors the Predator Growl making the storm troopers back up alittle we don't need them we got this The Hunter said I hire you to capture the rebels but now the Empire will step in Vader said as he point at the Hunter do I remind you that I am the one who hire you Vader said making the Hunter grip his handle tightly fine but it our hunt and they follow us the Hunter said as you wish Vader said as he left just to be clear you will follow me and listen to my orders the Hunter said we know Vader told us seventh sister said as she cross her arms whatever but the rebels will do whatever it takes The Hunter said Vader told us to listen to everything so when do we began Seventh Sister ask The Predator drop three larges cages he open them up and three large alien hounds walk out of the cages

The Predator hounds walk up to the Hunter these will track them for us and let us know where they are The Hunter said as he pull a cloth of Wedge dry blood he put the cloth in front of the hounds and all three of them began to sniff the cloth Find them boys The Hunter said as all Three Hounds let a roar as they ran out of the hanger the Predator follow the hounds from the tree's the Hunter walk to the rear of the ship and open it up and the inquisitors saw some new droids they never seen before let the Hunt...began The Hunter said as he look into the forest.

*in the forest*

Sabine was in front of the other well Kanan and Hera were in the middle and Zeb was in the back with Wedge so if we do fine a outpost what the Plan Zeb ask we find a shuttle use it leave and warn the rebellion Hera said they heard more Tie's coming in they got down to see a group of Tie's and a shuttle flying over them that the fourth group we saw today where are they going Sabine said I don't know but I got a bad feeling Hera said which way Kanan ask we keep following where those Tie's came from maybe there a ship still there Sabine said as they head west but they didn't know that the Predator was landed on a tree branch it zoom in to see the thermal of their body then it active it shoulder cannon and lock it laser on Zeb but Kanan felt a present he turn and felt the Predator present ZEB DOWN!Kanan said as Zeb look behind him to see The Predator

It fire it cannon Zeb got to cover with Wedge Kanan Hera and Sabine pull out their weapons but the Predator was gone where is he Hera said as she look around Sabine look around to see something in distance she look at the figure to see two pairs of yellow eyes glow in the distance

THERE!Sabine said as she fire a shot it hit the Predator in the mask but it move Hera and Sabine fire at the Predator as it run through the trees Kanan use the force to launch the Predator into a tree Zeb put Wedge down before he grab his bo-rifle and went to help. The Predator uncloak and let out a hunter call the rebels heard three new roars then the Predator hounds burst through his bushes and growl at them what there dogs now Zeb sais as they fire at them the hounds dodge their blaster fire and jump at them they dodge them but Zeb punch one in the face making it whine as it hit the ground but it got back up and growl these thing are tough Zeb said as he back with the other's the Predator lock his laser to Sabine head as his hound move in but before he can fire a Grenada roll in front of him the Predator look down at it as it active but it shock the hounds and the Predator making them fell to the ground RUN!Wedge said as he stood up everyone ran in different ways well Wedge ran but not fast enough. The Predator lift his right arm over the shock grenade and use his wrist blade to destroy the grenade He stood up and let out a huge angry roar as each hounds chase after the rebels but the Predator went after wedge. Wedge ran as fast as he but with his leg broken he can run quickly I should have think this through Wedge said as he look behind him to see the Predator chasing him as he fire his shoulder Cannon at him Wedge got behind a tree and the Predator stop and look at the tree to see Wedge was gone the Predator look around as he switch his thermal to see him but Wedge was behind him with a large tree branch as soon he lift the branch the Predator turn around and fire his net-gun Wedge got hit by the net-gun and it lock into a tree Wedge try to break free but he can't The Predator walk up to him and knock Wedge out.

The Hunter was with the Inquisitors and the storm troopers as they search the forest. The Hunter comlink turn on good bring him to the ship and continue the Hunter said as he continue to walk forward my friend as the Jedi student we bring him to the ship and continue to hunt the other's the Hunter said as the Storm troopers kneel down sir the pod is up ahead a trooper said as he look forward The Hunter walk out of the forest slowly as he switch to his shotgun as he got close to the pod

The Hunter peek in with his shotgun pointing inside he saw it was empty empty they must be moving to your outpost the Hunter said as he heard a small beep he look inside to see a bag full of Grenade's it exploded blowing up the pod and the Hunter the Inquisitors and storm troopers cover their eyes from the blast. The Hunter walk out of the flames with his back burning the storm trooper look at each other same with the Inquisitors how are you not dead seventh sister ask it take more then some bomb to kill me the Hunter said as they heard a load roar from a distance it one of the hounds he found his prey as well the Hunter said as he ran to the hound with the Inquisitors and troopers following him.

Hera and Kanan ran through the forest as the hound was right behind them Hera fire a couple of shots but each one miss the Hound was getting close to them Kanan jump Hera said as they jump across the river both land on the other side making the Hound stop it look around to find another way but couldn't see one it can't get across Hera said as she catch her breathe but the Predator hound back up before it ran and jump across oh come on Hera said as she and Kanan ran as the Hound land and ran after them Hera and Kanan ran until a second tackle Kanan to the ground but Kanan kick it off him as he got up but he felt a blaster on his back remember me Jedi The Hunter said as he point his shotgun to Kanan back well the storm troopers had Hera on her knee's make it easy and surrounder or Hera will be food The Hunter said as the Hound walk to Hera okay okay you win Kanan said as he lower his arm down good choice The Hunter said as he stun Kanan and Hera three down two to go The Hunter said as he pick up Hera carry well two troopers drag Kanan.

Hope you guys enjoy the book so far and I decide to add something in the next Chapter as well.

Spartanleader out

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