Chapter Five

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"Makes sense..." Canna responded, knocking on the Plexiglas. "She obviously doesn't want us to escape easily."

"Honestly, I think it's a little overkill. This Plexiglas could take a beating that could last years and the main door has so many locks plus a maze chain." Justin shouted, as he plopped onto the sleeping bag in frustration.

"A maze chain..?" Canna whispered to herself, admiring the weapons.

"Ya. Those fancy locks in some movies where it's just an overly complicated chain lock." Justin mumbled.

"I see..." Canna stated, turning to look at Justin. "Can I see the other rooms? I think I might have found something."

"Like what?" Justin asked, standing up.

"If it's actually anything important, I'll let you know." Canna replied, walking out the door.

Justin sighed following her and opening the door with the Harry Potter poster.

"Hey! What are you doing! This is my room! Not a hang out for trash bunnies!" Jordan snapped, jumping off his dark blue bed.

The bed frame seemed to be made of random sticks but the random pieces of straw on one confirmed that they were old brooms. The walls were painted like a dark sky, the beginnings of sunrise on one wall that revealed a dark landscape of what looked like a forest, a castle on the opposite side of the sunrise. The floor was painted like dark grass, the side nearest to the sunrise was barely lighter than the rest. The dresser was dark blue and looked like it was being painted with white on some spots. And the shelf looked like a castle, the shelves stuffed with books, paints, and other assorted objects.

"Hey! Earth to trash bunnies!" Jordan shouted, waving his hand in front of Canna's face. "Can I help you?!"

"I'll only be a minute." Canna reassured before moving over to admire the shelf.

"She's crazy..." Jordan mumbled, receiving a smack over the head from Justin. "Ow! What was that for, jerk!"

"For insulting Canna. I'd do the same for you if you were too nice to say anything back." Justin explained, smirking.

Canna turned away from the two slightly to hide a small smile that crept onto her lips.

"You done yet sensitive trash bunny?" Jordan groaned.

"If I'm the sensitive trash bunny what does that make Justin?" Canna replied, ignoring the question.

"The annoying trash bunny. Now get out so I can start painting." Jordan said.

"Fine, but I have a feeling you just want an excuse to be alone." Justin replied.

"So what if I do? I have every right!" Jordan grumbled.

"Have fun reading your Harry Potter series again." Justin said with a smile.

"Don't be surprised if I don't come out in a while." Jordan mumbled.

There was a loud droning sound and Jordan responded with an exasperated sigh.

"Breakfast..." He mumbled.

"Well if you don't come you'll either die from starvation or from Violet chopping off your head." Vivien said as she walked out of her room.

Jordan groaned in return and Justin received an angry look from the dark haired female.

"I'm guessing she's still mad at you for butting into her joke with Jordan?" Canna whispered as Vivien walked away.

"Joke?!?! She was making fun of him while he was still upset!" Justin whisper shouted back.

"I know you're talking about me!" Jordan whined.

Canna shrugged in reply before following Vivien.

"Hi Canary!"

Canna let out a shriek as the red head appeared behind her.

"Sorry, polka dots can be quite scary." Andrew replied, shrugging.

Canna didn't even try to reply to him, she didn't know how to respond. She watched the door, holding back a gasp as it unlocked itself. Justin pushed it open and Andrew immediately bolted out.

"FOOOOOOOOOOOD!!!!!!" He shrieked as he ran down the hall.

"And that's Andrew in less than a sentence..." Vivien mumbled, following behind, more slowly, with her arms folded and face in a scowl.

Jordan made a 'huff' noise before snuggling deeper into his yellow hoodie.

"I'll follow you guys..." He mumbled.

"Fine. Come on you two." Justin said, waving his hand before walking out.

Canna followed close behind and watched as people, from other locked doors, streamed out.

"Hey! Sophie!" Justin called out, waving.

A girl with ice blue hair turned around, her brown eyes wide. She smiled when she spotted Justin.

"Justin!" She said enthusiastically, hugging him.

"Hi, Sophie!" He said, hugging her back.

"Who's the new girl?" She questioned.

"I'm Canna. Canna Oversea." Canna said, holding out a hand for Sophie to shake.

"Sophie. Sophie Patel." Sophie responded, shaking Canna's hand.

"Hey, you met Short Stop!"

Canna jumped as Andrew appeared behind Sophie.

"Short Stop?" Canna questioned.

"Ya! Oh, and this is Carmex!" Andrew shouted, gesturing at a girl with short brown hair.

"Carmex? Like the chapstick?" Canna continued to question.

"My name's actually Carmen." Carmen said, smiling.

"I'm Canna. Nice to meet you Carmen." Canna replied with a smile.

"I think you meant chapstick." Justin whispered into Canna's ear, giggling softly.

"Maybe I'll turn you into a makeup brush, fluff head." Carmen threatened playfully.

"I'll take that as a compliment." Justin replied, grinning.

Sophie giggled at the conversation, hugging Justin's arm more tightly.

"Alright let's get going before Violet has our heads." Justin said, continuing to walk down the hall.

Canna felt herself moving closer to Jordan, the only familiar person who wasn't surrounded by strangers.

"What are you doing, sensitive trash bunny?" Jordan mumbled.

"Just being shy..." Canna sighed.

"Seems like you. I have some spare hoodies back in my room. It might help settle your nerves." Jordan huffed.

"Are you offering me one of your sweatshirts?" Canna questioned.

"No, I'm giving you a free balloon." Jordan said sarcastically.

"Should've seen that coming." Canna giggled.

"Didn't you get a bag of clothes with your room?" Jordan questioned.

"I might have, but I didn't check what was inside the suitcase." Canna replied.

"That's probably what was inside. When we get back you might want to change. You smell like a wet towel that's been sitting under a bed for ten years." Jordan said before walking ahead of her.

"How did I not see that coming..." Canna mumbled.

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