Field Trip-Pt1

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-Akiras POV-
I felt a nice warm presence as I slowly awoke. "Mmmmmm So warm" I said sleepily as I opened my eyes to see the sleeping figure of a familiar demon girl.

"Tertia!?!" I said blushing embarrassed.

-3rd person POV-
Soon the other residents of the dorm woke up. "She snuck in her again?" Arnold asked groggily as he used his shape shifting powers to turn into a snake and slither down from his top bunk above Akira's bed. "Tertia this is the 7th time you've done this" Braedey said stretching after he got out of his bunk. "I know but Akira is so nice to cuddle with" Tertia said causing Akira to blush more. "Just Head Back to your room! And in your human form!" Akira said as the demon girl took her human form and snuck back to her dorm room. "Alright Ben and I are gonna head to the smoothie stand" Akira said as him and Ben began to wash up quickly and get dressed. The two then headed out leaving Braedey and Arnold in the dorm. "You know ever since Akira found out about our powers things have been pretty cool" Arnold said getting dressed. "Yeah. Why didn't we tell him in the first place?" Braedey asked. "Hm. I think it's because he wasn't with us when we all found out and never knew how to break it to him" Arnold answered.

Ben and Akira are then seen at a stand in the Academy's cafeteria that looks similar to a Mr. Smoothie stand from Ben's world that was because Mr. Smoothies did exist in this alternate world much to Ben's delight as well as Sumo Slammers. Akira was seen taking orders and serving people very fast as the smoothie machine was seen having a green black and white color scheme. "Man ben this is awesome" Akira said whispering to the machine who was Ben in his Upgrade form merged with the machine. "Anytime" ben said.

Soon Persephone walked up to the stand. "I'll have the usual cousin" Persephone said. "Alright. One mega berry blend coming right up" Akira said as he walked up to the smoothie machine to see Ben hand making the smoothie. "Why do you hand make the smoothies my cousin orders?" Akira asked. "She likes them better this way" ben said as he finished it and brought it to Persephone as she winked at him after she payed for it.

Once the two were done they sat with their usual friend group. "I can't wait to see dad today!" Persephone said smiling. "Same. Uncle Charles is awesome" Akira said. "What does he look like?" Tertia asked.

"Like this" Kurai said taking out her phone and showing Tertia an image of a man in a lab coat.

"What's with his right eye?" Tertia asked. "Well when he was younger my dad ended up in a lab experiment. Aside from loosing an eye he was fine. He had to wear an eye patch for awhile. He then made a prosthetic eye for himself." Persephone said.

After everyone finished eating they all headed onto a bus with Akira Tertia Ben Arnold Braedey and Diana all sitting in the back with 5 of them minus Akira showing off things they can do with their powers. "I really wish I had cool powers or something"'Akira Thought as he saw ben with an arm made out of Diamonds making sculptures. "This is so cool that the girl Kelly gave me this feature with master control and ultimate." Ben said.

The bus then arrived as Persephone rushes out and hugged the man from the image Kurai showed Tertia. "Daddy!" She said hugging her father.

Chuckling the professor hugged back and said "It's good to see you too Persephone"

"Hey uncle Charles" Akira said as he walked to his uncle. "Akira how are you?" Charles asked. "I'm good. Oh meet Tertia" Akira said introducing his uncle to the demon girl in her human form.

Soon everyone went inside the massive building and groups were made. Akira Tertia Ben Persephone Arnold Kurai Braedey Diana and Aphrodite were all in a group being lead by Charles.

-Akira's POV-
As my uncle was showing our group around the building and all the labs Tertia taped my shoulder. "Yeah?" I asked her. "Where's your aunt?" Tertia asked sniffing around. "My mom is probably at her bakery that or on a trip to get some cool ingredients." Persephone said.

Once our tour ended all the groups met up at the cafe for lunch. "Mmmm I love it how Dad had moms bakes sweets sold here" Persephone said munching on a cookie.

Suddenly some of my uncles coworkers started wrecking the place in the construction exo suits he made.

Everyone began to evacuate but rubble blocked the door way leaving Tertia Ben Persephone Arnold Kurai Braedey Diana Aphrodite uncle Charles and myself trapped.

They all had on strange masks

"Possessors" Persephone said as he skin began to turn green as horns wings and a tail sprouted from her.

"I hate those things" Kurai said as he cylinder Back pack changed into a lagger black mace as her skin became a light blue and she grew horns as well

"Wait Persephone your a demon and Kurai your an oni!?" I asked shocked.

"Yup" the two said in unison.

Ben then transformed and had a more larger beetle humanoid form.

"Eatle? Not bad" he said as he began to eat some rocks firing lasers form his horn. Braedey Tertia and Persephone then began to fire balls of fire. Arnold then turned his hands into hammers and fought back with Kurai. Aphrodite then changed as her clothing became more skin tight and she had a more perverted look and she turned her hands into swords and sliced at some of the unmanned robotic suits.

"What the?!" I asked shocked. "I also met a Matrixian she gave me some of her DNA and it's taken over." Aphrodite said fighting.

"I'm the only one with out powers" I said. "I can help. Follow me" Uncle Charles said as he took me to a secret room.

"What the?" I asked as he started typing stuff down.

"I'm guessing your first question is how is persephone a demon? She's half demon. Your aunt my lovely wife Marina is a demon" Uncle Charles explained.

Suddenly a tube moves up for the ground and slowly opened. "Cool!" I said looking at what was inside.

A/N: To be continued......:kinda

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