Chapter 3: Fights

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Hey! How's life for everyone? I hope it's good! Anyway, I have the next chapter ready for you all, so here it is! Chapter three!


I also just want to say, thank you all for over eighty views! Gosh, you all are amazing! XD

Seriously! I do not in any way deserve this! Not with the lousy amount of updates I've been giving! Thank you all sooo much!!!!

But before we begin, I figured I probably should mention(because I forgot) that this is around a few weeks into the school year in Amity Park. The events of the first chapter and second chapter were spaced between a few days while Sam and  her parents got settled in her grandmother's house. Once they were finished(mostly), Sam's parents decided it was time for her to go to school. I completely spaced that part! ^-^'  Sorry!

I also need to apologize for how long it took to get this chapter finished. I did not mean for it to take so gosh darned long! I was just dragged out of my den by my parents to a place without Wi-Fi for a week, and then I had difficulty writing a particular part of the chapter. You'll see what I mean, because I'm still quite certain it's still a little odd, but I wanted to finally get this out so I forced my perfectionist side down. ;)

Feel grateful! It's seriously not an easy thing to do! XD

Now, why are you still reading this? Go ahead and begin reading the chapter! I promise it won't bite!



(P.S. Probably should mention, there is a bit of blood in this one. I don't think it was particularly gory or horrible, but everyone has different opinions on the matter. This is just a heads up. :)  )


Sam walked to school in silence, uninterrupted besides the moment when she ran past the Dead House. Sam sighed slightly under her breath. It had been a full week since they had moved here to Amity Park and she had finally just finished unpacking everything into her new room, but she was still creeped out by the place. If she had been scared of it for this long, how could she possibly stand to live here for a few years, possibly more?!

What frustrated her the most was the fact that she didn't know why it scared her. She was hardly afraid of anything, and enjoyed watching horror films! A dinky, old house shouldn't freak her out in the slightest! But, as she thought about it, it wasn't really the house that scared her in so much as the feeling that emanated from it.

The whole place gave off a creepy vibe, and it seemed like she was the only one who could feel it. Even her grandmother didn't seem affected by it!

With a deep sigh, Sam kept walking quickly. She had just about had it with the stupid building. Shoving all thoughts of it from her mind, Sam thought ahead to her first day of high school.

The first day of high school she was going to be late to.

Glancing at her phone, Sam panicked. It was now 7:21. She needed to hurry. Picking up her pace, she moved forward until she saw the sign leading to her school.

Casper High? That's an unusual name... Sam briefly thought before shaking her head and rushing up the path and through the doors.

She pondered for a moment whether or not she should go to her locker, but she decided against it. While she did know her locker combination, she didn't know exactly where it was located. She could find it later. Right now, she just needed to spend her time finding her first period classroom.

Rushing through the hallways, she eventually found the right room.

Mr. Lancer for English.

The instant she passed through the door, she sighed in relief. She made it on time!

The final bell suddenly tolled out loudly, ringing through the air.

Sam winced. She barely made it on time.

Moving through the aisles of seats, Sam walked past as all the students stared at her. It made her feel slightly uncomfortable, as if she was some strange oddity to be stared at and observed. She didn't like it one bit.

Some of the students were simply glancing at her out of curiosity, instantly looking back to the front of the room. Others were a bit more judgemental. Many looked at her quizzically, questioning her reason for being there. A few were staring at her scornfully or with a stuck-up air, those ones being a few boys and girls, most likely popular kids. Two girls, a dark haired one and a blonde, stuck out particularly as they glanced at her and then quietly whispered to each other, giggling like they had just made a hilarious joke.

Feeling even more out of place, Sam only moved forward more quickly, attempting to get to the back of the room.

The last person she noticed was a blonde jock who was grinning at her rudely, and she only noticed him because as she tried to walk by, he stuck out his foot to trip her. Luckily, before she even processed it, she instinctively hopped over it, taking the jock by surprise. He looked away from her, obviously annoyed.

(Oh my gosh! I loved adding that! X'D Sorry for interrupting, but the whole 'some-boy-trying-to-trip-you-but-you-jump-over-his-foot-and-show-him-off' actually happened to me! It was really funny when it happened, because one of the friends of the guy who tried to trip me actually said, "Whoa!" when I walked past.  Me and my friends were laughing for a long time after that! XD)

Feeling satisfied with herself for thwarting his plan, Sam swiftly made it to the back and sat down.

A few seats away from her, she saw a boy separated from the rest almost as much as she was. He had dark skin and was wearing a red beret, busily typing on a PDA as if he was doing his best to ignore everyone in the room. Sam paused in her thoughts and wondered why the boy was so distanced from the rest of the class. He wasn't a nerd, in fact, he looked like a techno-geek. Surely, he had at least a couple friends here?

A sudden movement from the front of the classroom caught her eye, and she turned to face forward.

"Good morning class, I see you've met our new student." A pot-bellied, balding man said in a bored voice from his place behind the desk.

He moved from behind it to the front and faced the teens. Sam guessed he must be the teacher.

"Although, next time, she might want to arrive a bit earlier than a few seconds before the bell rings." He purposefully continued, sending her a look.

Sam shifted uncomfortably underneath his gaze and a few of the students chuckled. As the chuckles reached her ears, she felt her face heating up in embarrassment. She quickly lowered her head and covered her face with her black hair.

Great, she thought as she glared to the side, Just what I need, blushing and making a fool of myself on the first day.

After she was singled out, the teacher continued to take role, speaking out each individual's name. Sam silently watched, hoping to match some of the faces she had seen to actual names.

One of the first she noticed was when the boy who had tried to trip her responded to 'Dash Baxter.' She would have to watch out for him; he seemed like trouble.

Then, after that, more names came. The dark haired and blonde girls that had been giggling earlier were named Paulina and Star. There were some other kids, like another jock named Kwan and a nerd named Elliot. There were many others, but Sam couldn't remember them all. One that particularly made her perk up was when the boy sitting by himself quietly answered to 'Tucker Foley.'

However, she didn't have much time to really dwell on it as the teacher then chose that particular moment to introduce her.

"...And our new girl, Sam Manson."

Sam winced slightly as every head turned back to her, and she hesitantly raised a hand to answer an audible, "Present..."

Once Mr. Lancer was satisfied at having all the students present, he continued to lecture about some book they were going to begin reading and making a literary analysis of. Some book called Lord of the Flies, by William Golding, or something like that.

Sam usually was very intent on paying attention in school, but she just couldn't seem to focus. She felt vastly uncomfortable in the room of peers and deeply wished to retreat into the safe haven of her mind. At least there no one eyed her like some kind of alien from another planet.

Taking a deep breath, she calmed her jumpy nerves and forced herself to keep cool. It was normal to be nervous when one came to a new school. Or, at least, she thought it was. She hadn't really ever moved before now, so she didn't exactly have any past experiences to call upon. Though, she did recall some stories she overheard in her old school from students who moved often. However, then she hadn't really felt concerned or worried, never really expecting it to happen to her. Now that it had, she could all but relate and she suddenly felt as if she saw perfectly where they were coming from.

With a heavy sigh, she continued to half listen to the teacher's explanation of the importance of the book and the powerpoint presentation he gave along with it to emphasise his point.

Suddenly, before she knew it, her class was over. It seemed to almost happen in a flash. Shaking her head slightly after starting from the suddenness of the bell screeching through her ears, Sam gathered her things quickly to hopefully find her locker before her next period started.

With that, her other periods seemed to whirl past in a strange blur. Her Biology and Geometry classes passing by what seemed to her quicker than the blink of an eye. With it, however, came a great and joyous feeling of elation; half her school day was over and it was now time for lunch!

Happily exiting her last class room, she walked down the halls to where she guessed the cafeteria would be(at least, she hoped it was where the cafeteria was located; she was just following the flow of other kids.).

"Hey," a voice called out over the loud chatter from the other high schoolers.

Sam ignored it and continued her way down the hall, assuming it wasn't directed towards her.

"Yo, new kid. Over here!"

Now that one was much more specific and much harder to brush off as not meant for her. Going against all her instincts that told her to ignore the voice and continue walking, Sam turned to the voice to see who could possibly be calling to her.

She scowled deeply when she realized who it was.

The blonde-haired jock from her first period stood by the water fountain, leaning on a few nearby lockers as he smirked at her tauntingly, teasing her with just his smile as a group of boys clustered around him chatted with each other.

Was it too late to pretend she didn't see him and walk away? Sam supposed it probably was. Groaning under her breath, Sam made her way casually over to him doing her best to act as if him trying to trip her earlier never happened. On her arrival, she put on her best 'how's-it-going,-person-I-don't-like?' face as she waved a greeting to him.

"Hey, you're Dash, right? Nice to officially meet you," she said through her fake smile, holding her hand out for a handshake.

The boy completely ignored her outstretched hand, instead answering, "Yeah, I'm Dash, and these here are my friends." he gestured to the other jocks surrounding him. Afterwards, he simply folded his arms again, resuming his previous position.

"Okaaaay," Sam drawled out, growing more irritated with every passing second she stood there without a reason for being called over. Glancing over her shoulder, she watched the kids heading to lunch filling out of sight, leaving her practically alone in the hallway with the group of boys. It was all practically screaming trouble.

"Sooo...why did you call out for me?" she questioned, hoping to get to the point of the awkward meeting.

The boys' playful bickerings beside Dash grew silent as they all realized who their leader was chatting with, all eyes staring at her.

Sam began rubbing her arm slightly, feeling the awkward levels rising quickly in the hallway with all the eyes trained specifically on her.

"Oh, no reason at all. Just wanted to make sure there were no hard feelings from what happened before." Dash finally answered, the smirk growing on his face to become what appeared to be a sincere smile.

Sam paused for a beat, startled into silence by the suddenness of the apology. She definitely hadn't been expecting that. Neither, apparently, had his friends.

Many of the boys stared at their leader with dropped jaws, confusion and surprise clouding their eyes. A few of them muttered inaudible ramblings of shock and one even blurted out, "Whoa, what the heck are you doing, Dash?!"

Calmly glancing at his group, Dash assured them, "Don't worry guys, I got this handled."

Unsure of his answer, the boys simply settled down and decided to enjoy whatever show was planned for the moment.

Thankful that his friends had decided to close their mouths, he turned back to Sam as she stared at them all weirdly. Things were getting a little too strange for her. This jock didn't seem like the apologizing type, and yet here they were.

Hoping for a bit of clarification, Sam asked, "You're sorry for trying to trip me?"

"What? No, I'm sorry for spying on you before when you were walking to school, it was very wrong of us to do." He shrugged absently, acting as if it was normal to hang around and watch people.

"Wait, what on earth? You were spying on me?!" Sam started, stepping back a pace.

"Yeah, we all were this morning at our usual hang on your street...but I must say, that bright pink, sparkly bow really suited you! You should wear girly stuff like that all the time!" he smirked at her, knowing he was hitting a sore subject.

Sam felt herself beginning to blush but she forced the sensation down and prepared herself to storm the other way. She knew if she stayed she would only be the subject of more useless torments and teasing, so she simply decided to retain her dignity and cooly walk away. She wouldn't give him the satisfaction of seeing her pop.

Even so, she couldn't help but pause and leave with a comeback.

Turning around, the goth teen folded her arms and retorted, "Yeah, I was saving that bow for a special occasion, but then you showed up and I had to take it off."

The moment the words had left her tight, scowling lips, all the boys surrounding the jock started 'ooh'ing and 'ah'ing.

"Man! She just burned you good!" One of the boys laughed, Kwan, she believed.

Flash's cool demeanor quickly melted away as his friends continued to laugh in the expence of his embaressment at being shot down a peg or two. Finally losing it completely, he glared daggers at them and they snapped their mouths shut in an instant.

Turning the dangerously sharp gaze back on Sam, he growled out in anger, "You must think you're so cool, huh?!"

"Yeah," she replied, calmly breezing past him and the others down the hall, "I am, but I need to leave now because I'm afraid I'm just too much for a hothead like you."

Silencing the boys with another death glare before they could start up again, Flash turned to look at her retreating back. He ground his his teeth together and growled in frustration. No one got away with talking to him like that! He was the alpha here, not the other way around! He just needed something he knew would make her lose her cool; something that would make her upset and crawl underneath her skin. Suddenly his eyes lit up with an idea. Everyone could practically see the wheels in his head turning as his frown slowly turned into a large grin of wicked triumph.

"Well, at least I don't go running past spooky abandoned buildings like a little girl wailing for her momma!" He threw at her distant form.

Sam stopped walking away, pausing as the snide remark sunk through the light air faster than a ton of lead.

D-did he...? Did he just call me a frightened little girl?!

Sam could handle a lot of things. She didn't mind snarky remarks. She could easily brush off comments about her getting caught in ridiculous clothes. What she couldn't brush off easily was people challenging her bravery and calling her a scaredy cat. She was not afraid of that dumb house and she would not stand by and be taunted by this jerk who decided to torment her about running past a darned building!

As her mind was racing, she could already feel her body shaking in anger and her fists clenching up, ready for the attack. Before she did, however, she quickly realized what she was doing and took in a deep cleansing breath in a last ditch effort to keep her temper from flaring up.

Don't let him get to you. Don't let him get to you. Don't let him get to you.

You've already made your stand, so just walk away. It's that easy.

Her thoughts broke as Flash spoke up once more, obviously seeing her hesitation and the anger hidden behind her clenched fists. Knowing he had found her soft spot, Flash moved to exploit the fruit of his labor and venomously released one last, final retort.

"You were all alone walking by that house, and you're gonna stay all alone, just like the weak, pathetic, sniveling little girl that you are! No one here knows you, and no one here wants to get to know you!"

Sam felt herself loose it in an instant, unable to take a direct hit to her weak point. Any other girl would have ignored the ridiculous taunt. It was painfully obvious what was happening and what he was trying to accomplish, but Sam just wasn't one of those girls. Without a thought, she turned around, closing the distance between them quickly, and, winding up, whaled him right in the nose.

It was a bulls-eye.

(A.N. Is it wrong I am seriously enjoying this? No? Good, because this is payback for all Dash has done to Danny!!! >:C )

Her fist connected with his head and a resounding crack was heard as the cartilage gave way, bringing forth spurts of blood from his now crooked nose. Flash recoiled from the hit with shock evident on his face and surprise flashing in his eyes as he hit the ground.

Sam smirked. He didn't think I could do it. Well, he was wrong.

Slowly, Dash stood up and reached for his face. As his hand brushed under his nose, he smeared the blood that was dripping down from it all over his skin. He drew his hand away, a surprised and confused look entering his gaze, almost as if he hadn't expected the scarlet, life-pumping liquid to be there. He glanced around and found that it had dripped from his face and onto the shiny floors and all over his clothes, including the football coat he wore proudly.

Finally registering what had happened, the blonde whipped his head up with a look of hatred gleaming and boiling in the depths of his blue eyes.

"Y-you...hit me?!" he roared out, outraged. The way he said it made it sound like he had simply been trying to get a reaction out of her or make her cry. It simply made Sam feel all the more prouder for not crying and simply making him pay for his taunts.

She scoffed and crossed her arms, trying to hide how much his comments really had gotten to her, "Yeah, I did. Maybe next time it'll teach you to learn some manners."

"Why you little...!"

"Ms. Manson, Mr. Baxter, I am hoping that my assumption is wrong, but did you two start a fight in this orderly school hallway?"

Sam glanced behind her to find her English teacher, Mr. Lancer.

Just great. She definitely need all this on her first day.

As both Dash and her both rushed to face the teacher, they both began to stutter their excuses.

"He called me all sorts of awful names, and taunted m-"

"Sir, she totally whammed me right in the bonker, and-"

"That's enough from both of you. I don't care who started it, but I must say, I am very disappointed in the both of you. Especially you, Ms. Manson. It's not even the end of your first day here and you've already wound up in a heap of trouble."

Sam growled and glared at the floor in shame, staring at it so intently it looked like she was going to rip it apart with her mind alone.

"Now, I don't know how things are done in Virginia, Ms. Manson, but here we don't break each others noses as a greeting," the teacher said calmly. It was then, he seemed to have finally noticed the blood.

"To Kill A Mockingbird! Is that blood?! Were you trying to kill each other?!"

Sam and Dash then awkwardly shuffled their feet, finding the ceiling all of a sudden very interesting. Sam, however, couldn't help but wonder how the teacher hadn't noticed it in the first place. After all, it wasn't like there were injuries like this all the time...right?

Lancer sighed loudly before saying, "Ms. Manson, you come with me. Mr. Baxter, go get your nose fixed by the nurse, but don't think I'm done with you yet." He then turned and walked down the hallway, heading towards his classroom as he picked up his walkie talkie from his side, it crackling to life as he directed the janitors over to where the bloody mess was. Having no other choice but to follow, Sam trailed after the teacher to his classroom to await her doom as Dash triumphantly turned to walk to the Nurse's office, his shocked jock friends walking with him.

Sam messed up big time.


Yay! So...there it is! ^-^'

Heh, I think you all understand now...

I HAVE NEVER BEEN IN A FIGHT IN MY LIFE! Like, at all! I have fought with siblings, but those were either the yelling kind, or fighting for fun. So, naturally, I had a bunch of trouble with the Sam vs. Dash scene. I, uh, I hope I pulled it off okay...^-^'

Sorry if the anger seemed rushed, or anything like that! I did try my best and have been trying to get it right for practically forever! Feel free to scold me, or anything like that. Just, please try to be nice about it...:)

Anyway, so I hope you all enjoyed! I'm going to try to finish the next chapter much sooner this time, but I might have a few difficulties...

Namely, I have no idea what Sam's punishment should be. XD

Again, never really got in trouble, so I have no idea what Mr. Lancer should say. If you have an idea what Sam's punishment should be, I'd love to hear it! I just can't have it be a suspension or getting expelled, because Sam needs to be going to school.

Anyway, thanks for reading! I really appreciate your views and comments! 

So, have a wonderful day/night! Make it a great one! :)


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