Chapter 17

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The sky had been rumbling that day.

It growled as Felicity, Eden and Lei walked through the school. It was lunchtime, and as peaceful as the rain was, it wasn't so great to walk through it with the sky threatening to drench them if they did something wrong.

Felicity had gotten talking with a teacher, prompting Lei and Eden to walk by themselves. It was a Friday, which meant that Hanna and Nikita had gone home early, true to routine.

Eden stole a glance at the girl walking besides her. Lei had been acting panicked and fidgety all day, and she had barely even looked Eden in the eye that morning. It was strange, considering that most days would be spent with them laughing and skipping, or teasing each other as they walked down to the cafe for food.

Eden's senses of the other's feelings were only heightened as she saw the way Lei was nervously picking at the skin on her hands as they walked around aimlessly.

Eden attempted to start a conversation, but it was batted down with a half-hearted laugh from Lei.

After an endearing silence, the girl finally spoke up.

"Hey Eden, do you wanna go to the locker room?

The walk down to the locker rooms was blistering. The rain pelted down on their heads and for once Eden cursed at herself for not wearing her hat.

But Lei walked on, and Eden followed.

It was empty and echoey inside the hollowed out room, the great wall mirror on the left side of the cavern adding a certain dimension to the space. It was noticeably cooler inside the locker room and the smell of Rexona was apparent, although the rusty scent that lingered around all the lockers that lined the area still made a presence. Eden pranced inside as the girls usually did when they had the place to themselves (which was often).

She slowed down however, when Lei didn't follow and instead took a seat on one of the benches, down in the very corner of the locker area. She pulled her knees up to her chest and motioned at the other end of the bench for Eden to sit.

The once prancy girl sat with crossed legs, giving the older girl her undivided attention.

"Lei, what's up? What's wrong?"

Eden felt her blood pressure slowly rise as the girl remained motionless in front of her. She looked almost like a glass doll, her head rested down on her knees and her hair swished around the right side of her neck.

When Eden had finally managed to coax Lei to look up, she wasn't prepared for the tears that riddled her fair complexion or the rattling sobs that were escaping from her hunched form.

Eden's blood ran cold and intense concern washed over her senses. She immediately leaned forward and put her hands on Lei's shoulders, as if she was trying to shake the girl out of her misery.

"Lei? What's wrong, love? Come here-"

Eden was silenced as the sobbing girl shook off her hug and buried her face in her hands.

"Eden I'm so very sorry...I'm sorry for being such a terrible friend..." She managed to make out between the tears.

Eden felt her heart stop beating out of utter helplessness and despair as she watched her best friend cry in front of her. She didn't know what was happening, fear and panic washing over her senses as she sat frozen and wide eyed.

And then her heart started to beat once more.

She shuffled over to the crouched girl and coaxed her to the side so that they were both sat side by side in the corner of the dimly lit room. She placed her arm over Lei and held her tight, her body shaking from the impact of the now smaller girl's heaving cries.

She held her to her chest for what felt like hours, until the girl's sobs turned into sniffles and she sat up, wiping her tears with the sleeve of her jumper.

Eden looked at her with comforting eyes till she started talking.

"Eden...feel free to unfriend me after this...I know I deserve to be hated and well, you are definitely going to hate me because I am the worst friend ever-"

"Shh it's alright Lei. You know I'll never hold anything against you, right? Whatever happens, we can work it out I promise."

"Lei took a few deep breaths, hiccupy from the crying.

Her voice came out almost as a whisper, raspy and dehydrated.

"Lucas asked me out and...and I said yes."

Eden was suddenly acutely aware of the watch on her wrist, the ticking of the minute hand as loud as the beat of drums from a marching band in her head,

Her grip on the girl in her arms slackened, and she felt Lei shift on her shoulder to stare up at her.

One look at her and she saw all of it, the guilt and the misery and the self hatred on the face of the girl whom Eden loved more than her own family.

And so the beating of the watch in her ears subsided and she gripped the girl tighter in her arms, hugging her close.

From the corner of her eye she saw tears form in Lei's eyes once again, and so she leaned her head on Lei's shoulder as she spoke.

"It's alright. I wish you the best, love"

Lei looked as if she didn't expect those choice words.

"But..why? I knew that you've loved him for so long but I-"

"Lei, calm down. It's truly alright."

Eden patted her shoulder as a sign of comfortability.

"This doesn't change anything between us, girl. I still love you, very very much indeed so don't go about thinking otherwise."

"Then why are you crying..."


Eden didn't notice the tears that dampened her eyelashes and fluttered down her cheeks. She put her fingers up to her face and touched a cheek, bringing it down and inspecting the salty dampness on her fingertips. She felt the tears now, unstoppable and blurry in her vision.

She blinked a few times but they never subsided.

Believe it or not, she wasn't crying for herself. Instead she cried for the raven haired beauty in front of her as she felt the pain that the girl had been holding onto for god knew how long. It must have been hell, not having anybody to talk to.

"Idk Lei. I feel for you. I didn't notice them, lol."

Eden shrugged as she used the internet slang in daily vocabulary, as if to comfort. She tried to smile, but the vicious tears at her eyes stung. Instead she opted to face the girl, eyes half closed to talk.

And so the two talked about everything that needed to be said, Eden listening to and trying to comfort her best friend to the best of her abilities. Their tears never left their eyes, and it took many attempts to convince Lei that no, she didn't secretly hate her and that the tears were just...there.

Eden realised that she had accepted it a long while ago, honestly. From those hurried glances, she had picked up much more between her lover- ex lover and her friend and she was happy, happy for the beauty she knew would be created.

The rain pattered on in the sky as the girls finally walked out.

"You know..."

Eden stopped in her tracks and turned to the girl who strode quietly behind her.

"You cry really prettily."

Lei stared at her incredulously, before she cracked a smile. The first in a while. 

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