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"Come on, Ciel, come over here." I can hear him scrambling to get up, trotting down the hallway to greet me as I lock the front door. I take him into my arms, nosing tenderly into his neck. "Give me a kiss hello." He obliges with a chaste kiss on my cheek.

Moments later I'm sitting on the couch and Ciel joins me, promptly sitting down on my lap like why not. Cocooned in my arms, he lifts a hand to stroke the side of my face and I catch it, kissing the inside of his wrist.

I grip his wrist gently, rubbing my thumb against his smooth skin, and start to tell him all about my day while we watch TV.

"...and so I'm reading the license plate," I recount softly, stroking Ciel's sweet-smelling hair while he lays curled on my lap like a proper kitten. "And it's coming back as stolen. So I figure, okay. Gonna stop and chat with him real quick, you know?"

Ciel smiles contently, snuggling further into me, and I stop for a second because my voice gets lodged in my throat.

God, this boy is so good for me.

I sigh, deciding that's enough for tonight. "Alright, time for bed."

Ciel goes into his bathroom to change into his new flannel pyjamas with cows on them. I leave him to it and go into the bathroom to brush my teeth.

When I come back, there's a Ciel-sized lump under my blankets. I carefully climb on the bed and lay on top of the lump, kissing where his head is.

"Did you take your vitamins?"


"Come outta there, sweetheart."


Coy, demure little shit.

I start tickling him through the blankets he's cocooned in like a caterpillar.

"Stop," Ciel laughs, "let me go hahaaa, stop!"

I nuzzle his neck and he shrieks, that crystal clear peal of laughter filling the air. I manage to get his face exposed.

"Stoooppppp," he giggles, and I realize belatedly that my stubble must be tickling him.

Nougat comes up to us then and jumps on us both. This makes Ciel ten times more hyper. He loves that chipper puppy, and Ciel has become Nougat's favourite human.

Ciel pokes his head out from his blanket cocoon.

"Who's a good boy..."

He grins and throws his arms around my neck, rubbing his cheeks against my beard.

Getting up, I take off the cargo military pants I'm wearing, but make sure to put on a pair of sweatpants. I normally sleep in my underwear, but not anymore. It would be improper, what with Ciel insisting that my bed is his bed.

When I pull back the covers, Ciel is lying on his tummy. I lie down on my side next to him, head propped on one hand.

"Goodnight, beautiful."

Ciel smiles, but doesn't open his eyes.

I lean over to peck his cheek and Ciel flips over, pulling the blanket up over his face so only his eyes are exposed. Eyes shining, twinkling like stars in the dark room, he implores me wordlessly. And I oblige him, of course.

I kiss his temple, and then kiss slowly, gently, soft as a butterfly, all the way across his forehead to his other one. Ciel shivers and curls up closer beside me, nosing into my shoulder.

I switch off the bedside lamp.


"Nice beard," Ken greets me.

"Huh? Oh." I rub it thoughtfully. "Hadn't even noticed. I haven't had time to even think about shaving lately, I've been so busy with Ciel."

It's lasagna night down at the station, and I'm currently packaging some in a styrofoam box for Ciel.

"Oh yeah, the homeless boy." Jackson's fork scrapes across his plate. "How is he?"

"Guys, he's amazing," I gush. "He's so sweet. God, and so adorable. I could just watch him eat, or smile, or sleep, or do anything, forever."

"Aww," Miranda squeals. "When can we meet him?"

"Anytime," I enthuse. "He's doing car-washing after his shift at the coffee shop, but you can come over after six if you want."

"So what, now you're his sugar daddy and he's your house boy?" Reagan snickers.

A couple variations come up. Pretty boy. Kept boy. Boy toy. Sugar baby. Haha, these guys are so funny. Or not.

Ken smirks.

"You really look the part, what with the beard."

Preston's smile is soft.

"He sounds perfect."

"He's such a good boy," I affirm with feeling.


I'm kneeling by Ciel's skinny legs to change the bandages on his feet, his hands clutching my shoulders for balance, when the doorbell rings.


My heart does that funny little flip it always does when he calls me that.

"That's some of Daddy's friends coming to visit, just like I told you, okay?"

"Okay. Can I have more scones?"

I made vegan chocolate scones for dessert tonight, using substitutes like almond milk instead of regular milk, and Ciel loves them.

I ruffle his mop of curls.

"Of course." I let him go with a smooch on the forehead. "You're a growing boy."

When I open the door, the men pile in. Reagan, Jackson, Ken, and Preston. We greet each other with customary fist-bumps and non-too-gentle claps on the back.

"Miranda said she'll be a little late," Reagan informs me.

"Man, it smells good in here," Ken sniffs the air appreciatively. "Remind me again how you're still single?"

"Stop pressuring him," Jackson insists. "Maybe he doesn't even like women."

Reagan laughs, shaking his head wistfully.

"Dude, I could never be gay. Every time I'd try to do it with a guy I'd probably just remember that first case I handled with Romano when we were with the LAPD..."

"Oh yeah!"

Entirely unsolicited, Reagan launches into a recount of the time when one gang member had stuffed drugs up his ass and we had to conduct a thorough investigation. Happens all. The time.

"You touched his butt?" Standing in the doorway, Ciel narrows his eyes at me.

The men, noticing him for the first time, look between us.

"What? No! I didn't - I stood outside the room, I swear! Now you choose to talk?"

Ciel reddens, spins around and leaves abruptly.

"Wow, he's adorable," Jackson marvels.

Reagan looks thoughtful.

"You know, actually, I could be gay..."

Later, the men are piled up on the living room couches with healthy snacks and drinks littered on the coffee table. We're watching WWE, well, except for me. I'm watching Ciel play with the puppy a few feet away.

The doorbell rings and Ciel lifts his head.


"Go ahead and open it, Ciel; it's Miranda."

"Hey, Dare," Jackson implores me quietly when Ciel leaves. "I'm just curious, why does he call you that?"

"He doesn't have a dad so he calls me dad instead. Is it really that difficult to comprehend?"

Jackson's hands raise defensively.

"Just wondering. Totally just out of curiosity; I'm sorry, man."

I can hear Miranda cooing from the doorway. Chuckling, I rise to my feet and join them. The men follow.

Ciel stiffens, hackles raised like a disgruntled cat as he stares down our newest guest.

"Aww! Innocent smol bean!"

Miranda reaches out to pinch Ciel's cheeks. Her hand must get a little too close for Ciel's comfort, because the next thing we know, he's chomping down on it.

Miranda yelps, instantly retracting her hand.

"Ah! He bit me!"

"Less innocent, more smol," Preston mutters wryly beside me.

I fight back a chuckle, schooling my features into a grim frown.

"Ciel, come here right now," I say.

The guilty boy complies sullenly, shoulders hunched up and glaring at the floor.

Taking him into the privacy of the kitchen, I lecture him firmly but patiently. I don't want him to become spoiled and bratty under my roof. I've been in this line of work long enough to know how those people usually turn out.

The truth is I found the incident rather funny. But Miranda is sure to be upset and I don't want her making this into a big deal, plus I don't want Ciel to get into the habit of biting strangers, because God only knows what germs he's getting. Does he want random people's hepatitis? I think not. Luckily I've already made him a doctor's appointment. If I hadn't, I'd be making one now, because I'm concerned, doting, and super type A, which is a lethal trifecta.

When I'm done lecturing him, I leave him to think about his actions and start bringing dinner out. Ten minutes later, I find his stick-thin figure sitting on the ground where I left him, hunched sullenly over his knees with his hood up.

"Come on, Ciel, come watch TV and talk with us. You'll have fun."

Ciel growls at me and doesn't reply. He's like a skinny, rabid dog.

I fold my arms across my chest. I can't encourage behaviour like this, even if being mad at him is hard.

"You seem awfully grumpy," I try, patient and calm. "Why don't you tell Daddy what's wrong?"

He continues to ignore me sullenly.

"Nothing? Okay. If you don't want to talk, that's fine. I'll be here when you do."

I go to the bathroom. When I emerge a few minutes later, everyone is standing around poor, emotionally-wounded Ciel. The boy is sniffling, crocodile tears drying on his red cheeks.

One by one, they come up to me. Miranda slaps me first, then walks away wordlessly.

"Ow! Why are you guys siding with Ciel, anyway? I didn't do anything!"

"You have no heart," Reagan tells me coldly.

"Dare, you are perfectly useless."

"Dare, you're an idiot. A God fuckin' idiot."

Ken is the only one left.

"And what are you going to say," I demand jadedly. "Something about how mean I am? Because that seems to be the fucking theme of the day."

He shakes his head.

"Dario Armani Romano, just shut the fuck up and come kiss Ciel. He's crying."

I kneel by the couch and cup Ciel's face, inspecting it while everyone looks on. I realize they're not going anywhere, and Ciel won't open up to me while they're fussing over him, all up in our shit, so I pick him up and sling him over my shoulder, holding his legs with one hand and his bum with the other.

Reagan narrows his eyes when I start off down the hall with determination.

The men quickly barricade the way, arms crossed over their chests.

"What are you doing to Ciel," Reagan challenges.

"Guys, I swear to God if you don't let me go I will break your jaws."

They part reluctantly after a beat.

Once upstairs in my room, I sit Ciel down on the blanket and kneel before him at the foot of the bed.

"Ciel." I place a reassuring hand on his bony shoulder. "What's wrong, doll?"

Light floods the room in a golden, dream-like glow. Ciel's eyes are so big and bright, sheen of tears sparkling in the ethereal glow.

He shrugs my hand off and turns away from me, hunched over with his arms wrapped around his knees. I can see all his vertebrae through his shirt.

"Go away," he sniffs, all reclusive, pouty little kitten.

I lean over him and wrap my arms around his, chin resting on his head.

Years of this job have given me the sharp, uncanny ability to intuit what's going on.

He doesn't like Miranda. Might even be jealous of her.

"You have nothing to worry about, Ciel," I murmur. "You're my favorite."

Reluctantly, Ciel peers up at me. Slowly but surely his little heart melts and he lifts his arms to wrap loosely around my neck.

"There you go," I murmur encouragingly. "You're alright. You're alright."

Ciel turns his head and rests his cheek against my pecs, nose gently rubbing back and forth against the hair above my v-neck. I let him do his thing against my chest, because it's actually cute as shit.

He's baby. So baby. Just way too pure for this whole world.

The guys could be setting my house on fire downstairs and I wouldn't know, or care. I just hold Ciel until we're both unconscious.


"Ciel," I murmur in a low, dulcet tone, "wake up, its time for your doctor's appointment."

Kneeling by the bed, I stroke him tenderly through the blanket, trying to rouse him. But he's too warm and comfortable to move. Gently, I get on the bed and pick up the lump, blanket and all. Ciel's head emerges when I pull the blanket around myself, and he whines. I sit with Ciel in my arms, both of us cocooned by the large blanket up to our chins. I cuddle and rock him and whisper coos in his ear, my lips tickled by his permanent bed head. Ciel stands up on long, spindly legs. I look away because he's only in his duck-patterned underwear. I reprimand him gently; he knows about my pyjama rule. I refuse to share a bed with him wearing just his undies.

Finally, after food, I manage to coax the soft boy with sleepy eyes and messy hair into clothes and then into my car.

We arrive at the doctor's, and Ciel immediately feels unsafe. He's leaning his whole body against me, fingers locked with mine, as we make our way to the waiting area.

I'm trying to be stern, trying to discourage this childish neediness. It's unhealthy dependence. I sit down and look away from him. But he crawls onto my lap and sits there contently, oblivious. I move him off of me only for him to climb back on. I move him off again and he pouts but stays put. He trembles like a wet kitten.


Slouched in his seat, he looks up at me with huge, scared owl eyes when his name is called.

"I'm sorry you're scared, darling," I murmur. "But you need to get checked out. This'll teach you to misbehave and bite people. You will never do that again, understand?"

The nurse repeats his name and he looks to me. I have to admit I love when he looks up at me like he needs me, my approval and support, even if I can't encourage this behaviour.

"Alright, bud, time to go. Where's my goodbye kiss?"

Ciel buries his face in his hands, one hundred percent about to burst into tears. The poor boy probably doesn't remember the last time he's had a doctor's visit. He's probably scared of what the doc will find wrong with him.

The nurse says I can come in with him, though, which makes Ciel perk up.

"Ciel, if you cooperate, I will buy you a treat." I extend my hand and he takes it trustingly. "Good boy."

He doesn't say a single word during the entire appointment. Even when the doctor asks his age, he turns to me and says very quietly that he's nineteen. I have to answer for him and do my best to fill in any details Ciel is supposed to provide. Good thing I came in with him.

When it's all over, the doctor pulls me aside to talk about Ciel's selective muteness.

"Obviously, I don't know his whole medical history. If I knew for a fact that his mother had difficulties giving birth to him, that he was quiet when he was born and never cried, then I might be compelled to run some tests. But right now I believe that it's not that he can't talk. It's just that no one ever paid attention to him or listened so he quit. We call that elective mutism."

"Always trampled over during that period of homelessness, invisible, ignored..."


I nod gravely throughout and the doctor gives me prescriptions for supplements.

When it's time to leave, I kiss the top of Ciel's head and collect his hand.

"Good boy," I praise warmly. "I'm going to buy you so much chocolate."

I'm nothing if not a man of my word. So, on our way home, I stop to pick up the highest quality chocolate bars I can find for Ciel. He insists on having one in the car even though it's normally disallowed, and I let him. He waits with evident impatience while I carefully unwrap the chocolate for him.

It's done by the time we arrive home, and I have to make sure Ciel's sticky-sweet fingers don't touch anything before I get him in the bath.


"Control, five-sixteen. On scene." I kill the ignition and step out of the cruiser, assessing the scene.

I'm handling an MVA, and the wreck is pretty bad. Luckily there was no one in the parked vehicle that was hit.

The driver is unconscious. RP has been pounding on the window of the car, no response from the driver. I work with the firefighters to smash the windows as carefully as we can. There are signs of heroin use everywhere. A spoon, baggies, empty bottle of suboxene which is known for helping people with their heroin addictions.

Once I give him a shot of NARCAN through the nasal spray he starts to come to. I get him out of the car, onto backboard, and on his way to the hospital.

When I've wrapped everything up and cleared the scene, it's the end of my shift. As I drive back to the station with Ken in the passenger seat, I notice a flower shop coming up.

"Aww, you're getting flowers for your boy toy," Ken teases when I signal and turn into the shop's parking lot.

"Shut up, Kenneth. Don't call him that," I snap, voice tight.

There's a sweets shop right next to it; perfect.

"How sweet," the lady who rings me up croons. "Girlfriend?" She's been checking me out and flirting with me since I walked through the door.

"Sorry, ma'am; gotta go. Police business to take care of." Aka getting home to Ciel and Nougat, my precious boys.

Her eyes widen with understanding when I nod towards the cruiser parked outside. Works every time.

As I walk up to my front door later, a voice startles me.

"Well, hello there... tall, dark and handsome."

Miranda steps out of the shadows in heels and a nice dress.

I do a double take, barely biting back the litany of curses piling up on my tongue.

"What are you doing here?"

She tugs a strand of hair behind her ear, twirling it nervously around her finger.

"I was in the area...on a date, actually."

"Oh, that's good to hear."

"No it's not." She sighs despondently. "The guy was a deadly bore. Nothing like you."

"Oh, really?" I laugh, but she looks at me seriously.

"Yeah, really." Her eyes bear into mine earnestly. "You... You don't just look the part of Superman. You're righteous, honourable, powerful, fiercely protective. You're the backbone of all the charities, events, and functions in this city-"


"-and just have this amazing command presence. You know what I mean? Like, you definitely talk it and walk it. I mean, you just walk around with your dick out, Dare. Yelling in that deep voice of yours - how it doesn't get hoarse I don't know-"

"Miranda," I gruff, growing impatient.

"See what I mean? Big dick energy right there. You walk around like you have a big dick and a big gun. That's what I mean."

"Look, Miranda, can I just cut to the chase? I'm not interested in doing anything sexual with you."

Miranda scoffs in disbelief, a light pink dusting her cheeks.

"Is it true then? Are you seriously celibate?"

I stare at her, expressionless.

"Come on, seriously? Are you religious or something?"

"So what if I am?"

She shakes her head and pushes past me to leave. And not a second too soon. She's alright, but I'm just itching to see my boys after a long day at work.

I nearly trip on one of Nougat's toys when I come through the front door.

"Daddy!" Ciel's cry can be heard from further inside the house. Laughing, I close the door behind me and drop my bags. I catch him when he flings himself into my arms.

Ciel kisses me hello all over my cheek.

"Good boy," I murmur. "There's my good boy."

Nougat comes trotting up to me, a ball of fur streaking a mile a minute across the room. He yips and pants and wags his tail excitedly when I bend down to pet him. "You miss me too, Nougat?" The puppy walks through the space beneath my feet, weaving around my legs and rubbing against my pant leg before getting dizzy and sitting down on my foot. I pick him up with my free arm and carry both boys into the living room. I have to double back to get the flowers and chocolate, and Ciel is over the moon when I present them to him.

A cooking show is playing on the TV. Ciel is chipper and lovely as he interrogates me animatedly about my day. Stray dog toys litter my once pristine living room. Ciel's wearing a flour-dusted apron.

I sigh contently.

This isn't what I'm used to. But nonetheless, it's good to be home.


Ciel is staring at Ken and I as we work out in my in-house gym. I sectioned off part of the basement for some exercise equipment almost as soon as I moved in.

As if holding a four-minute plank isn't difficult enough, Ciel chooses this inopportune moment to wriggle his way underneath me.

"Aaarrrgghhh," I groan as Ken struggles not to laugh. Both our faces are sweat-soaked.

Ciel shimmies into place, wrapping his arms around my waist.

My arms quiver, beads of sweat rolling down my skin.

"Really, Ciel? You're going to take a nap right here?"

He snuggles into me by way of replying.

This isn't safe. I could crush this kid to death if I'm not careful.

Thankfully, the time sounds and I'm able to roll off of him. Next, Ken and I run on the treadmills, towels around our shoulders.

We shower, Ken using the guest bathroom, and get dressed before reconvening at the door. Ciel has been waiting patiently for us, holding Nougat in his arms. The puppy is tucked in the dog carrier sling under Ciel's chin. I smile fondly at the sight of my two favourite boys.

"What do you think you're doing," I exclaim when Ken opens the door, herding Ciel outside. "Dragging him outside without a hat on! He'll get sick, you moron!"

Ken rolls his eyes while I bundle the boy up.


At the skating rink, Ciel stumbles about like a newborn calf on ice. The atmosphere is lighthearted and joyous, the scrape of skates and laughter of children gliding around the square rink and multicolored Christmas lights strung up everywhere mingling to form a festive ambience.

"Good boy," I encourage Ciel, holding him securely. He's got on a jacket with angel wings on the shoulder blades - he picked it out himself - and a hat with a bobble that shakes when he flails about.

We go to a carnival next. Ciel wants to hold hands, and I win him a cute, white llama plushie.

There is a chilly nip in the air, as it's a colder winter than we normally get. Ciel wipes his runny nose on his sleeve, which I gently admonish him for.

It's only November and the leaves on the trees are still multicoloured, but we get in the Christmas spirit pretty early here in New York - and Ciel loves it. We have a good time.

When we get back home, I do laundry while Ciel watches Live PD on the couch. I smile at the sight of Ciel's clothes mixed with mine in the hamper. Uncontrollable giggling makes me look up at the TV screen periodically and chuckle to myself.

Ciel falls asleep on the couch and I have to carry him bridal-style to bed.

I watch him sleep with adoration, my chin propped on one hand, before I too fall asleep.


The churning of coffee grinds rumbles and purrs quietly, the fragrance of espresso potent and bitter.

I pour the hissing, bubbling liquid into my mug. Sluggishly, I tip the scalding hot liquid back and instantly burn my tongue.

"Ow," I hiss. Fuck, I'm slow today.

Ciel reaches a hand up to cup my lips, stroking affectionately. I take his proffered hand by the wrist and kiss the back of his palm.

"Daddy, wait." Ciel scampers over to the fridge. He pulls out a carton of almond milk and scurries back over to the table where he pours it in my mug.

"Thank you, darling."

He then pours himself a tall glass of the 2% I've started buying just for him. Ciel sits down at the table beside me, swinging his feet happily. Cute cheeks contract rhythmically as he chews and swallows small bites of a chocolate chip muffin and washes it down with milk. I thumb away the milk residue on his upper lip when he finishes. He's so fetal and cute; watching him do something as simple as drink his milk makes me smile.

I make sure he takes his multivitamins for the day.

When I start my shift, I feel like I can take on the world.

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