Chapter 1.

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Okay. Let's get this straight, heh unlike me. My name is Dylan Biddick. I know, I know Big dick. Get your laughing over with but in the future that will be the most popular name of all! So I'm gonna tell you about my life from the day, 14th of August 2017 at precisely 1:06 pm. The train was late. Don't judge me!

A mix between Dylan's POV in 1st person

I walked into the train compartment and it was a library. It was super tense and you could cut it with a chainsaw! "Jeez it's like a library," I mumbled but it was so quiet it rang through the compartment. So if you know me, I don't don't do tense so I slung my guitar off my back and started strumming it. A song popped to mind that has recently been playing on the radio.

All lyrics go to Twenty One Pilots.

Nah-nah-nah-nah, ooh-oh
Nah-nah-nah-nah, ooh-oh
Nah-nah-nah-nah, ooh-oh

All most all the heads looked up and half of them grinned. They knew the words and I was going to deliver.

When the leader of the bad guys sang
Something soft and soaked in pain
I heard the echo from his secret hideaway
He must've forgot to close his door
As he cranked out those dismal chords
And his four walls declared him insane

About a quarter into the verse the half that were smiling were singing along while the rest were smiling or grinning.

I found my way
Right time wrong place
As I pled my case

By now everyone was singing except one. He was sat alone at a table. We crossed gazes before he continued looks out the window putting in a ear plug. I felt his face frown before shrugging to myself and continuing.

You're the judge, Oh no
Set me free
You're the judge, Oh no
Set me free
I know my soul's freezing
Hell's hot for good reason
So please, take me

I brushed my black hair our my eyes for a second before carrying on with the singing. I felt his green eyes study me. Wait. How did I remember that? He thought to himself.

Three lights are lit
But the fourth one's out
I can tell cause it's a bit darker
Than the last night's bout
I forgot about the drought
Of light bulbs in this house
So I head out
Down a route I think is heading south
But I'm not good with directions
And I hide behind my mouth
I'm a pro at imperfections
And I'm best friends with my doubt
And now that my mind's out
And now I hear it clear and loud
I'm thinking
'Wow, I probably should've stayed inside my house.'

Probably just the voices right? He asked himself mentally.
Wasn't me!
Why would it be me?
So it wasn't them. Jeez I gotta get some sleep.

I found my way
Right time wrong place
As I pled my case

You're the judge, Oh no
Set me free
You're the judge, Oh no
Set me free
I know my soul's freezing
Hell's hot for good reason
So please

I looked out to all the faces that were singing. They was a bunch of boys in the corner shoving each other and singing. I grinned at them and nodded my head to them.

I don't know if this song
Is a surrender or a revel
I don't know if this one
Is about me or the devil
I don't know if this song
Is a surrender or a revel
I don't know if this one
Is about me or the devil

He just brushed his hair out of his eyes. He's beautiful.
You should befriend him, then break his heart.
What?! No! You should give him hugs!
Break his heart! Shatter it!

I mentally rolled my eyes. Yeah I'm also gay. Get use to it because one day they'll create a pill to make you immortal. Then they'll ban same sex marriages and stuff because humans are over populating the world. True stuff and conspiracy theories.

You're the judge, Oh no
Set me free, oh no
You're the judge, Oh no
Set me free, oh no
I know my soul's freezing
Hell's hot for good reason
So please

I felt his eyes behind his brown hair looking at me. It gave me a confident smirk and I finished the song.

You're the judge, Oh no
Set me free
You're the judge, Oh no
Set me free
You're the judge, Oh no
Set me free
You're the judge, Oh no
Set me free

I played the last cord and the doors opened for my stop. "Bai!" I shouted waving and grinning replacing my guitar on my back and making sure I had my bag on my shoulder.

Find him and ask his name!
Do that then crush his heart!

They argued back and forth something about the plot continuing in a good and bad ending. What ever but they were really distracting me from my to do list.
Buy 8 yellow sunflowers.
Maybe go to the Pharmacy.
Get some booze for Dad.
I shuddered at the last one before doing the one thing train station warnings tell you about in that really annoying voice.

I didn't mind the gap.

Suddenly I was falling my weak and pale hands and arms pushed out in self defence of the ground. He dropped into the gap between the train and the platform.

"Watch where you step dumbass. Maybe next time you'll actually look and pay attention to where you're going," the same boy said stepping over me. I grinned at my own stupidity. "I'm gonna have to go with Light on this one," He said to himself and the voices.

Yes! Dylan's going after the boy!
What ever still time after that to break his heart.

As an very enthusiastic Light bounced around in side my head I got up and headed in the direction of the shop.

The mystery boy's and 3rd person

One more stop until I can get off this Hell train. The doors opened to reveal a man of around 18. His black beanie and hair matched perfectly in colour and he had a sticker bombed guitar on his back. He looked around nervously before he unslung his guitar with his almost translucent hands and started strumming.

I recognised this tune from the radio the other day. The Judge from Twenty One Pilots and it seemed as if everyone else did as well as they tension that was once suffocating me was lifted.

Nah-nah-nah-nah, ooh-oh
Nah-nah-nah-nah, ooh-oh
Nah-nah-nah-nah, ooh-oh

When the leader of the bad guys sang
Something soft and soaked in pain
I heard the echo from his secret hideaway
He must've forgot to close his door
As he cranked out those dismal chords
And his four walls declared him insane

I found my way
Right time wrong place
As I pled my case

By then, everyone was singing and grinning. I felt out of place as I shrunk into the corner. I locked gaze with him for second. His black eyes stsring at me. Wait. They're brown. They're beautiful either way.

He smirked and looked back at me. I could see him smiling but I turned away to look out the window, putting my ear plugs.

You're the judge, Oh no
Set me free
You're the judge, Oh no
Set me free
I know my soul's freezing
Hell's hot for good reason
So please, take me

He sang as if he had experienced terrible pain and he paused for a second as he brushed his death-like black hair from his eyes and continued.

Three lights are lit
But the fourth one's out
I can tell cause it's a bit darker
Than the last night's bout
I forgot about the drought
Of light bulbs in this house
So I head out
Down a route I think is heading south
But I'm not good with directions
And I hide behind my mouth
I'm a pro at imperfections
And I'm best friends with my doubt
And now that my mind's out
And now I hear it clear and loud
I'm thinking
'Wow, I probably should've stayed inside my house.'

I found my way
Right time wrong place
As I pled my case

You're the judge, Oh no
Set me free
You're the judge, Oh no
Set me free
I know my soul's freezing
Hell's hot for good reason
So please

There was some jocks in the corner and he nodded to them with a grin. It was a grin that spread happiness inside the entire compartment.

I'm not falling for him.


I am.

I don't know if this song
Is a surrender or a revel
I don't know if this one
Is about me or the devil
I don't know if this song
Is a surrender or a revel
I don't know if this one
Is about me or the devil

I brushed my hair out my face slightly leanedy jead against the window. Just one more stop until I can get off.

You're the judge, Oh no
Set me free, oh no
You're the judge, Oh no
Set me free, oh no
I know my soul's freezing
Hell's hot for good reason
So please

I began to stsre at him for the last song. He had a confident smirk on his face.

You're the judge, Oh no
Set me free
You're the judge, Oh no
Set me free
You're the judge, Oh no
Set me free
You're the judge, Oh no
Set me free

He finished the song and as cliche as it sounded as he finished the train stopped and the doors opened. He shouted, "Bai!" He waved and walked out the compartment.

As all the safety warnings told him not to, he fell into the gap between the train and the platform. His arms flew out in self-defence against the floor.

"Watch where you step dumbass. Maybe next time you'll actually look and pay attention to where you're going," I told him stepping over him.

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