Chapter 16: Lake Town.

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Bard's Bulge had now come towards a heavy early morning fog that had just rolled in.

"Well, it'll give us some cover from any unwanted eyes." Harry commented.

"I hope we don't run into a Borda." Luna said.

"A Borda?" Bilbo asked.

"It's a creature that lives in fog. Comes out and lashes at unwanted visitors. Not very friendly." Luna answered.

"Are you sure you can see through this fog, Bard?" Hermione asked.

"Watch out!" Bofur suddenly exclaimed as a large stone from an old ruin appeared right in front of the boat.

But without much of a struggle, Bard maneuvered to get past the stones no problem. 

"What are you trying to do? Drown us?" Thorin asked furiously.

"I was born and bred on these waters, Master Dwarf." Bard explained. "If I wanted to drown you, I would not do it here."

"Well that's reassuring." Ron sarcastically commented. 

Harry continued to look at Ginny who was just sitting and looking over the water. He had feelings for Ginny, but he just had difficulty trying to see if Ginny returned the favor. "You alright there, Master Potter?" Bard asked.

Harry was snapped out of his trance. "Oh, yeah. It's nothing." He answered.

But Bard could see Harry was looking at Ginny. "Ah... I see."

"See what?" Harry asked.

"Does she have someone already close to her?" Bard asked.

"It's complicated." Harry answered looking down. "And there's another thing with Ron. He's my best mate and everything and-"

That was all Bard needed to hear to understand. "You won't know for sure unless you talk." He replied. "Best thing you can do is be patient and be calm."

Harry nodded. For some reason, Bard reminded Harry of his Godfather, Sirius Black.

"Oh, I've had enough of this lippy lake-man. I say we throw him over the side and be done with him." Dwalin grumbled.

"You mental?" Neville asked.

"Bard." Bilbo suddenly said. "His name's Bard." He told the Dwarves.

"How do you know?" Bofur asked.

"I... asked him." Bilbo answered.

"I don't care what he calls himself, I don't like him." Dwalin retorted.

"We do not have to like him, we simply have to pay him." Balin reminded while he counted the coins to pay Bard.

"Well I rather like him. He seems nice." Luna said.

"Come on now, lads. Turn out your pockets." Balin urged the Dwarves.

And the Dwarves started looking for coins in their pockets. "There's not by any chance he takes, Galleons? Does he?" Ron asked.

"I don't think so." Harry answered.

"Good, because I don't really have any." Ron said.

"How do we know he won't betray us?" Dwalin whispered.

"We don't." Thorin answered.

"If he was going to betray us, he would've done so already. He doesn't seem like someone to betray us to me." Harry said.

"How do you know?" Dwalin asked.

"I just know." Harry answered awkwardly.

"There um, just wee problem. We're ten coins short." Balin interrupted.

"Oh, that's perfect." Hermione grunted.

Thorin crossed his arms as he looked at Gloin. "Gloin, come on. Give us what you have." He ordered.

"Don't look to me. I have been bled dry by this venture!" Gloin refused stubbornly. "What have I seen for my investment? Naught but misery and grief and.." But his words stopped when he and the other Dwarves got a good view of the Lonely Mountain of Erebor. "Bless my beard." Gloin gasped.

"Woah." Harry said as he looked at the Mountain.

And that made Gloin take out a sack of coins from his pocket. "Take it. Take all of it." 

That was when Bard walked towards the Dwarves. "The Money, quick. Give it to me." He ordered.

"We will pay you when we get our provisions, but not before." Thorin informed.

"If you value your freedom, you'll do as I say." Bard warned.

The Fog had lifted to reveal a port of a town not too far away.

"Okay. Here. Take the money." Neville said giving the coins to Bard quickly.

"Much obliged. Now all of you, hide in the Barrels and wait for me." Bard told everyone. "It'll look out of place if you're seen with me."

"Oh... here we go again." Ron grunted but seeing the logic.

"Just be glad we're not going down a river this time." Ginny said as she got into her barrel.

Harry started to get into one of the barrels.

"Harry. You have an invisibility cloak." Luna reminded.

"Oh yeah." Harry remembered. And he pulled out his cloak and put it on him.

"What the-?" Bard asked confused.

"It's okay, Bard. I'm invisible. I got this as a gift years ago. I was told it belonged to my Father." Harry explained.

"Wow. Okay. Perfect." Bard said. He had no idea how Harry got a cloak. But he was not complaining.

Once reaching the port, the company all hidden in the barrels, waited for Bard who would go off to talk to someone. Except for Harry who was under the cloak.

"Ssh. What's he doing?" Dwalin asked.

Bilbo who was looking through a hole in one of the barrels, could see Bard speaking with someone. "He's talking to someone."

Bard then pointed over towards the barrels and the man looked at that direction. 

"He's pointing right at us." Bilbo said. "And now they're shaking hands." 

"What?" Thorin asked. 

"Now let's not jump to conclusions." Hermione whispered.

"I knew it! Never trusted that lake man." Dwalin said.

But before anyone could do anything, Bard had returned with the man and a few others, and grabbed giant nets full of fish. 

And a thunder of fish was poured all over Ron. "Why the-"

"Oh no." Hermione mouthed as the fish hit her and filled up the barrel.

"Wow. That class in Divinations was right." Luna thought as she was with the fishes.

"Bard." Harry whispered while thinking of his friends buried in fish.

"It could be worse." Neville assured from inside. "We could be entangled in Devil's Snare." 

"That's true." Harry figured as he thought back to his time ensnared in Devil's Snare.

And Bard continued down the lake that was filled with ice patches. And he remained silent as he moved the boat down the port and further into the river.

"You alright in there?" Harry asked.

"What do you think?" Ron grunted.

"Well, we couldn't all fit under the cloak." Hermione said although she was not happy about being stuck in a barrel of fish.

Some of the other Dwarves groaned in the barrels. "Quiet!" Bard hissed as he kicked one of the barrels. "We're approaching the toll gate." 

Harry looked at the Toll Gate to the Town of Laketown, which was a town built on a lake. It was as if he had just entered Hogsmeade if Hogsmeade was on the water. But there was no way that it could've been held up over the water by magic. 

Soon the boat approached the toll gate and Bard stopped the boat. Right beside the gate there was a small lodging.

"Halt! Goods inspection. Papers please!" An old man exclaimed as he stepped out of the lodging. But his face softened as soon as he saw Bard. "Oh, it's you, Bard!"

"Morning, Percy." Bard greeted politely.

"Anything to declare." The man known as Percy asked.

"Nothing. But I am cold and tired, and ready for home." Bard answered as he handed a piece of paper to Percy.

"You and me both." Percy agreed taking the paper. And giving it a stamp. "There we are, all in order." He said.

But before Bard could grab the paper, a man with a unibrow and black clothing stepped out of the lodging, snatching up the paper himself. And a few armored guards were by his side. "Not so fast." He said in a weasel like voice. He reminded Harry of Filch, the Caretaker of Hogwarts.

"Alfrid." Bard grumbled loud enough for Harry to hear.

"Who's he?" Harry asked.

"The Master's Deputy." Bard answered having had run ins with Alfred before.

"Only... they're not empty. Are they, Bard?" The Man known as Alfrid asked. "If I recall correctly, you're licensed as a bargeman. Not..." He took a fish from the barrel. And one of the eyes of Ron could be seen. It made Harry feel like he needed to take out his wand. "...a fisherman."

"It's none of your business, Alfrid. Just like the fish." Bard shot back.

"Wrong." Alfrid pointed a finger at Bard. "It's the Master's business, which makes it my business." 

"Oh, come on, Alfrid. Have a heart, people need to eat." Bard argued.

"These fish are illegal." Alfrid then threw the fish in his hand into the water. "Empty the barrels over the side." He ordered.

"You heard him, in the canal." One of the Guards ordered the others.

And the Guards started climbing up onto the boat and grabbed the barrels. Harry began to panic, and was ready to stun anyone if need be. Luckily, he wouldn't have to use it. "Folk in this town are struggling. Times are hard. Food is scarce." Bard explained.

"That's not my problem." Alfrid scoffed like it was no big deal.

"And when the people hear the Master is dumping fish back into the lake? When the rioting starts? Will it be your problem then?" Bard asked. 

But just before the guard could empty the barrels over the side of the boat, Alfrid shot up his hand. "Stop!"

The Guards put the barrels back, right before any of Harry's friends could be discovered. "Ever the people's champion, eh, Bard?" Alfred asked. "Protector of the Common Folk. You might have their favor now, Bargeman, but it won't last." He then turned around and walked off the boat.

"Raise the gate!" Percy ordered.

The Guards raised the gate. Harry breathed in a sigh of relief. And Bard continued on his way into the town.

"The Master has his eye on you. You'll do well to remember, we know where you live." Alfrid shot off to Bard.

"It's a small town, Alfrid. Everyone knows where everyone lives." Bard retorted as he sailed on.

While the Boat continued onward. Alfrid went back to the Great Hall where the Master of Lake Town lived in high life. And splendor. He was red faced, big bellied, and dressed in a floral dressing gown. "All this talk of civil unrest." He said while Alfrid tossed the contents of a chamber pot out an open window.

"Someone's been stirring the pot, Sire." Alfrid informed.

It was during this that the Master of Lake Town hobbled out of bed, sitting down hard.

"Gout playing up, Sire?" Alfrid asked.

"It's the damp- it's the only possible explanation." The Master answered. "Get me a brandy."

"The mood of the people, it's turning ugly." Alfrid continued.

But the Master couldn't care less. As he sat on the end of his bed. "They're commoners, Alfrid... they've always been ugly. It's not my fault they live in a place that stinks of fish oil and tar. Jobs, food, shelter; it's all they ever bleat about."

"It's my belief, sire, they're being led on by troublemakers." Alfrid said as he poured a large tumbler of Brandy.

The Master then entered a dark vaulter hall, lined with ledgers. And at an ornate desk. "Then we must find these troublemakers and arrest them!" He demanded. 

"My thoughts exactly, sire." Alfrid agreed playing the weasel that he was.

"All this talk of change must be suppressed. The next thing you know they'll be asking questions, forming committees, launching inquiries." The Master said.

"Out with the old, in with the new?" Alfrid asked.

"What?" The Master asked in disbelief.

"That's what they're saying, Sire." Alfrid informed. "There's even talk of an election."

"An election!" The Master yelled out as if the word election was blasphemy. "That's absurd! I won't stand for it!" 

"I don't think they'd ask you to stand, Sire." Alfrid replied. 

But the Master was already standing out on the balcony and looking down at Lake Town. "Shirkers, ingrates, rouble rousers... who would have the nerve to question my authority? Who would dare-" But there was only one man who fit every single thing the Master described. "Bard! You mark my words, that trouble making bargeman is behind this."

The Barge continued onward into Lake Town. Finally docking the boat. "Alright, Harry. Coast is clear." Bard informed.

Harry took off the cloak, while Bard tipped the barrels over so the Dwarves, as well as Ron, Hermione, Ginny, Neville, and Luna. But before he tipped Dwalin's barrels over, Dwalin stopped him. "Get your hands off me." He hissed at Bard.

Ron helped get a fish that was hanging off of Hermione's shoulder. "We are supposed to be Prefects, Ron. And we were in fish barrels." Hermione shivered.

"Well that was bracing." Ginny commented. "The next time Dad asks how Muggles transport food, we'll have a point of reference."

"We've had worse. Remember my Mimbulus mimbletonia?" Neville asked.

"How could we forget, Neville? It squirted us all in a horrible substance." Harry answered.

Luna also emerged from the fish barrel. "That was quite thoughtful thinking of you, Bard." She said to Bard.

"All in a day's work." Bard replied. He then tossed a coin to a man who saw the whole thing. "You didn't see them, they were never here. The fish you can have for nothing." And then he turned to the Company. "Follow me."

As they followed Bard, Harry also took notice of how the wooden buildings and home all built above the lake were all closed together. And many humans were dressed in poor cloth and rags. Soon enough, there was a young teenage boy who approached Bard. "Da! Our house! It's being watched." The boy warned.

"Who are you?" Harry asked.

"Oh. This is my son, Bain." Bard introduced. "But it looks like we've got trouble." He figured.

"Well how are we going to get inside the house now if it's being watched?" Ron asked. 

"There's one way. But... you're not going to like it." Bard answered. 

"How bad can it be? We've already got fish thrown at us." Hermione asked. 

Bard and Bain headed for home. While the Company headed for the water where they would sneak into Bard's home by climbing up through the toilet. "You had to ask, Hermione." Ron commented. 

But then Bard and Bain walked into their two story house sitting on a narrow canal in a rundown part of Lake Town, and could see two spies out on a boat pretending to fish. And they were being signaled by a one eyed beggar who was hunched over an Alcove. He tapped his cane on a wall. Two small boys ran down ringing a bell as they passed. Then a shady looking character in a nearby alley lit his pipe. Way too obvious. Bard threw a piece of bread down into the boat. "You can tell the master I'm done for the day."

As soon as Bard and Bain were into the home, Bard quickly shut the door. It was a simple home, but tidy and neat, which was all anyone could ask for. It was also then that a 10 year old girl, Bard's youngest daughter, Tilda ran up to hug Bard. "Da! Where have you been?" She asked.

And Bard's eldest Daughter, Sigrid walked in. "Father, there you are. I was worried."

But that would have to be quick. Bard looked at Bain. "Get them in." He ordered Bain. Bain hurried down the steep stairs and pushed open the toilet lid over the Lake Town water. Dwalin's angry head popped up through the hole. And he glared at Bain. "If you speak of this to anyone. I'll rip your arms off." He threatened climbing out.

Harry was the next to come out. "It's Dudley and his friends sticking my head in the toilet at school all over again." He commented. And Luna was right behind him.

"Well that was not very sanitary." Luna commented as she climbed out.

Neville climbed out in a very miserable tone. "I'm really sorry about that, Neville." Harry said.

Neville shivered. "Don't sweat it, Harry. It builds character. But please don't tell Gran about this."

"Not a word."

Hermione was the next to come out. "Harry... it is a very good thing that Rita Skeeter is not here spying on us." She said getting out. "If people at Hogwarts were to find out we did this... oh the Prophet would have a field day-"

"So don't tell them." Luna interrupted.

Ron was the next to come out. And he had a shocked expression on his face. "Well, now I know how Moaning Myrtle feels." He groaned. "No wonder she's moans."

Ginny was next followed by Bilbo. "We must NEVER speak of this part to anyone." Ginny said crossly.

"Agreed." All the Wizards and Witches said in unison as they walked up the stairs to a confused Sigrid as she watched the Company all walk up. 

"Da, why are there Dwarves coming out of our toilet?" She asked.

"Will they bring us luck?" Tilda asked in all innocence.

"Oh, not from Dwarves. But you can get lucky when it's Nifflers coming out of the toilet." Luna answered.

"Nifflers?" Ron asked. "Seriously?"

"Oh yes. There was one article about it in the Quibbler, Ron." Luna answered. "It was next to the article about Sirius being a secret Rock Star. Was he a secret Rock Star, Harry?"

"Of course he wasn't-" Hermione started to say.

"Well, he might've been." Harry figured. "At one point maybe. Maybe he had a life I didn't know about."

Bard's house may not have been the biggest, but at least it was where they could be safe. And there was a fire to dry themselves and pass out dry clothes.

"They may not be the best fit, but they'll keep you warm." Bard told everyone.

Harry kept looking around the home. "It's not much. But it's home." Tilda told him.

"It's charming." Harry replied.

"You really think so?" Tilda asked. 

"You can be honest." Sigrid assured. "It's not much to have to all live together and sleep on the same floor."

"Well, I lived in a Cupboard under the stairs of my Aunt and Uncle's house for 10 years of my life." Harry pointed out.

"You lived under a Cupboard?" Bard asked.

"Yeah. It's a... it's a long story." Harry answered.

"What's that stick?" Tilda asked as she noticed Ron's wand.

"Oh, well you see-" Ron tried to say.

"For for Goodness sake." Harry groaned. "See. Ron, Hermione, Neville, Ginny, Luna and I, we're different. We're Wizards." He explained.

"Wizards?" Bain asked confused. "I thought there were few wizards out there in the world."

"Well, we're different in that regard." Harry figured. "But all the same, we can wield magic."

"Oh! I bet that's fun." Tilda said.

"Yeah. But Tilda, let's just keep that between us." Hermione suggested. "It's not something we generally don't go telling Muggles."

"Muggles?" Bain asked.

"Non Magic Folk." Ron answered. 

"Da? Are we Muggles?" Tilda asked.

"We can't use magic, so we are indeed." Bard answered. 

"What kind of magic can you do?" Sigrid asked skeptically.

"Can you pull rabbits out of hats?" Tilda asked.

"I've never really thought about that before. But I don't think so." Harry answered. "And we can do all types of spells like Transfigurations, Charms, craft Potions, handle Magical Plants, Divinations, Arithmancy... that type of stuff."

"We just can't conjure up food." Ron added to his sadness.

"That's because it goes against the 5 laws of Transfigurations-" Hermione started to lecture.

"Hermione. I know you like to go into lectures and that sort of thing, but we don't want to overwhelm them." Luna interrupted.

"Oh... of course." Hermione said.  

Harry figured that a demonstration was in order. He noticed the fire was going out a bit. "Watch. Incendio." He casted lighting the wood back on fire.

"Oh..." All of Bard's children looked astonished. Harry also noticed a window that looked a bit cracked.

"Been trying to fix that window for some time. Especially with Winter on the way." Bard explained.

"Well watch this." Harry said with a grin. "Reparo." And the window was repaired.

"Wingardium Leviosa." Ron also levitated a cup up into the air to Tilda's happiness. "And it's pronounced Leviosa. Not Leviosar." He winked at Hermione.

"Oh, please." Hermione said while rolling her eyes. But deep down was amused.

"There's other stuff too, but that's just some of the basics." Harry figured.

Thorin in the meantime was busy starring out the window. His face was pale as he looked onward, to see a large ballista on a tall tower in the distance. "The Dwarvish Wind Lance." He whispered. 

"You look like you've seen a ghost." Bilbo noted.

"He has." Balin informed as he walked towards Thorin. "The last we saw such a weapon, the city was on fire. It was a day the dragon came. The day that Smaug destroyed Dale. Girion, the Lord of the City, rallied his bowmen to fire upon the beast. But a Dragon's hide is tough, tougher than the strongest armor. Only a Black Arrow fired from a Wind Lance could pierce the Dragon's hide. And few of those arrows were ever made. The store was running low when Girion made his last stand."

"If the aim of men had been true that day, much would've been different." Thorin said.

"You speak as if you were there." Bard said.

"All Dwarves know the tale." Thorin replied.

"Then you would know that Girion hit the Dragon. He loosened his scale under the left wing, one more shot and he would've killed the beast." Bain pointed out.

"Is that so?" Luna asked having a pondering thought on her. "That's good to know."

"That's a fairy story, lad. Nothing more." Dwalin chuckled.

"But if it is true-" Hermione started to say.

But before she could continue, Thorin walked up to Bard. "You took our money. Where are the weapons?" He demanded.

"Wait here." Bard ordered.

Bard soon returned with the weapons And he dumped them onto the dining room table. But they weren't exactly what the Dwarves were looking for. "What's this?" Thorin asked in disbelief at the pathetic excuses for weapons.

"Pike hook. Made from an old harpoon." Bard answered.

"And this?" Kili asked picking up one weapon.

"A crow bill, we call it. Fashioned from a smithy's hammer. It's heavy in a hand, I grant. But in defense of your life, these will serve you better than none." Bard explained.

Gloin didn't think so. "We paid for weapons. Iron forged, swords and axes!" He protested.

"It's a joke!" Bofur exclaimed as they threw the weapons back on the table.

"Um... you guys know that we can-" Ginny started to say.

"You won't find better outside the city armory." Bard pointed out.

"The City Armory?" Harry asked.

"Yes. But all iron forged weapons are held there under lock and key." Bard answered. 

"That's not a problem." Ron assured referring to his wand.

"Or we could always-" Ginny started to say. But she started to feel a burning sensation in her arm. She grunted.

"You alright, Ginny?" Bard asked.

"Yeah. I just got a cut on my arm is all. It's nothing." Ginny answered. 

Balin then turned to Thorin. "Thorin, why not take what's on offer and go? I've made do with less, so have you." Balin suggested.

The second that Balin said Thorin's name, it made Bard think of something. The name Thorin sounded so familiar to him. But it couldn't be. 

"Or we could always-" Luna offered.

"You're not going anywhere." Bard suddenly jumped.

"Why not?" Neville asked.

"What did you say?" Dwalin asked in a hostile tone and ready to throw hands if need be.

"There are spies watching this house and probably every dock and wharf in the town. We must wait till nightfall." Bard answered. 

The Dwarves all sat down at the though of Bard's logic. Kili sat down in a little bit of pain as well. 

"You okay there, Bard?" Harry asked. But Bard was pacing outside his home. 

"Yes. It's just... your friends name was Thorin, right?" Bard asked.

"Yeah. Why?" Harry confirmed.

"I got to see something, could you just stay here?" Bard requested. And then he ran down and out of his house. He then turned to Bain who had walked out. "Don't let them leave." He whispered to his son.

"Well, that was strange." Harry thought. 

Meanwhile... on the Riverbank by the Forest River. Tauriel raced over the River Boulders as the remains of a slaughtered deer littered the ground. It didn't take a genius to know why. The deer was ripped apart and eaten raw by the Orcs. This was confirmed when Tauriel pulled out an orc arrow. She then followed a trail of Orc tracks that went up a rock face. Then over the hill she overlooked the Massive Lake and the small town of Lake Town looking very small in comparison with the small smoke. 

There was a sudden sound from behind her. But in a fast move, Tauriel pulled a spin move and found herself looking at Legolas, their bows armed at each other. 

"Ingannen le Orch." (I thought you were an Orc.) Tauriel said in relief. 

"Ci orch im, dangen le." (If I was an Orc, you would be dead.) Legolas replied as he lowered his bow. "Tauriel, you cannot hunt thirty Orcs on your own."

"But I am not on my own." Tauriel pointed out. She now had Legolas on her side.

But Legolas wasn't as easy about the news as Tauriel was. "The King is angry, Tauriel. For six hundred years my Father has protected you, favored you... you defied his orders, you have betrayed his trust."

Tauriel knew that was true. And that Legolas was speaking the truth. But it didn't matter to her. And she had to do something that would redeem her in the eyes of Thranduil. 

"Dandolo na nin ... le gohenatha." (Come back with me ... he will forgiveyou.) Legolas begged.

"Ú-ohenathon ... ci dadwenithon, úohenathon im." (But I will not ... If I go back, I willnot forgive myself.) Tauriel explained. "The King has never let Orc filth roam our lands, yet he would let this Orc Pack cross our borders and kill our prisoners." 

"It is not our fight." Legolas protested.

"It is our fight." Tauriel shot back. "It will not end here. With every victory this evil will grow. If your Father has his way, we will do nothing... we will hide within our walls. We will live our lives away from the light and let the darkness descend." She then looked Legolas in the eyes. "Are we not part of this world? Tell me, mellon... when did we let Evil become stronger than us?"

Legolas couldn't argue with that one. He would go with Tauriel. But he knew, this was going to end badly.

Meanwhile, Bard hurried over to one of the stalls in the market area of Lake Town. He began pulling down old blankets and woven rugs.

"'Allo, Bard. What you after?" The Stallkeeper asked.

"There was a tapestry- an old one. Where's it gone?" Bard demanded as he rummaged through more rugs.

"What tapestry you talkin' about?" The Stallkeeper asked.

Bard hung on the back wall. And there was a large woven tapestry. Showing the coat of arms of the Line of Durin. While all around him, there were people gossiping about Dwarves that they saw around Lake Town. "There were Dwarves I tell you, appeared out of nowhere. Full beards and fierce eyes. I've seen the like."

"What would Dwarves be doing in these parts?" Another asked.

"It's the Prophecy..." A Fisherman answered.


"The Prophecy of Durin's folk."

Bards's hand traced the line of Durin to the name of Thror, then down to Thrain, and then down to Thorin. "The Prophecy... the prophecy..." He said under his breath. 

"The old tales will come true." One Townsman said.

"Vast halls of treasure." A Townswoman said.

"Can it really be true, has the Lord of the Silver Fountains returned?" Another Townsman asked. 

Bard looked up in the realization. "The Lord of Silver Fountains, the King of carven stone. The King beneath the Mountain, Shall come into his own." He now knew why there were Dwarves that arrived at Lake Town. They were going to head for the Lonely Mountain and take it from Smaug. And under normal circumstances that would be good. But it was actually bad. Because that meant that Smaug would wake up in a pretty angry fury. And Smaug would take it out on Lake Town. For there was another part of the Prophecy.

"And the bells shall ring in gladness. At the Mountains King's return. But all shall fail in sadness. And the lake shall shine and burn." It was Dusk when Bard got back to his house. Only to see that The Wizards, the Dwarves and Bilbo were all gone. 

"Dad, I tried to stop them." Bain said.

"How long have they been gone?" Bard asked.

It was nightfall now. The Dwarves were all on the move. Thorin had insisted they move straight away when Bard left. "We need weapons to get to the Lonely Mountain before Durin's Day. That's tomorrow! We're running out of time!" He told everyone.

"How long again were we in Mirkwood again?" Neville asked. 

"Doesn't matter. We need weapons and we need them now." Thorin answered.

"Well what about what Bard gave us?" Hermione asked.

"Those aren't weapons. Those are jokes of weapons." Bofur answered.

"They might be suitable for Bilbo though." Dwalin commented.

"I've already got Sting here." Bilbo held up his sword.

"Huh. You found a name for your Weapon after all." Balin praised. "You owe me 5 Coins, Oin." He muttered.

"What?" Bilbo asked.

"Nevermind." Balin answered. 

The Company headed for the Armory Building. "As soon as we pull the weapons, we make straight for the Mountain." Thorin ordered as he was looking around for any guards on high alert. There were none so far.

"So why did Bard want us to stay at the house again?" Hermione asked.

"He didn't say." Harry answered.

"Go... go... go!" Thorin whispered to the Dwarves. Dwalin, Fili, and Nori all started getting on each other's shoulders to reach a high window to the armory building. The rest were watching nervously.

"Are we going to have to climb up the Dwarves too?" Neville asked.

"Neville. We have the Unlocking Charm." Hermione reminded. "Alohomora." She casted on the locked door.

"You guys go help Thorin. Neville and I will keep watch." Luna assured the others.

Thorin and the rest of the Dwarves all started climbing in. And Thorin was the first in. "Alright, I'm in." He called down.

"So are we." Ron replied as he, Harry, Hermione and Ginny, walked in.

"How did you guys get in here?" Thorin asked as Kili and Bilbo also climbed up. 

"Oh, we just walked through the door. You do know we can use Alohomora right?" Harry asked.

"Oh yeah." Thorin remembered like an idiot. "Nevermind that. Let's just take what we need and go." He started loading weapons out of Swords, Axes, Maces... And he loaded a couple into Kili's arms. But Kili was staggering under the weight, his wounded leg giving fast.

"Are you alright, Kili?" Harry asked as he grabbed one weapon to give to Ginny.

"I can manage. Let's just get out of here." Kili assured.

"We'll need at least one weapon for each. So that's 13 weapons." Hermione said.

"I've got it." Ginny tried to grab a weapon but her injured arm started to give way and it felt like it collapsed under the weight of the sword. "Ow!" She screamed in pain.

And as Kili walked down the stairs, his leg gave way and fell down, sending weapons clattering into the Guardroom below. 

"Oh, Merlin's Beard." Hermione said hearing the sound like it was painful.

"You think anybody heard that?" Ron asked. 

Right on cue, armed Guards flooded right into the armory, their spear points and sword tips held at the Dwarves.

"They heard it, Ron." Harry answered awkwardly. 

"Sorry, guys. Bloody arm wound." Ginny cussed under her breath.

"Don't feel too bad, Ginny." Luna assured as the Company was dragged into the Town Square as snow fell down in the middle of the night. 

"We should've just taken those weapons that-" Neville started to say. But kept his mouth shut about Bard. 

"Or I could've transfigured those weapons into regular weapons like the Dwarves wanted." Luna suggested.

"Wait. You could've done that this whole time?" Thorin asked.

"That's what I tried to tell you before we set off." Luna answered. "But you were far too frustrated. And you don't really listen when you're frustrated." 

"Of course...." Thorin groaned. 

Soon enough, they were now in front of the steps of the Master's Hall. And from all directions, townsfolk hurried into the Square to see what the Commotion was. And the night was lit up by hundreds of torch lights. 

Alfrid's head peered out from the door overlooking the square. Then withdrew inside, closing the door. But soon enough. The Double Doors swung open again and out walked the Master. 

"What is the meaning of this?" The Master demanded.

"We caught them stealing weapons, sire." One of the Guards explained. 

"Ah! Enemies of the state, huh?" The Master asked.

"A desperate bunch of mercenaries, if ever there was, sire." Alfrid agreed while glaring at Harry.

"No need to call me, Sire, Alfrid." Harry chimed in with the Master of the Lake reminding Harry of Cornelius Fudge. The Former Minister of Magic.

Ron and Ginny grinned. While Hermione smacked her head. "Oh, we are so dead."

"Hold your tongue!" Dwalin snapped at Alfrid. "You do not know to whom you speak. This is no common criminal. This is Thorin. Son of Thrain, son of Thror!" 

And that shut everyone up. Even the Master. Thorin then stepped out from the party and stood beside Dwalin. "We are the Dwarves of Erebor. And we have come to reclaim our homeland." He announced to the crowd.

"And we're here to help." Ron added.

"Shut it, Ron." Ginny hissed.

The crowd then began to whisper among themselves. "I remember this down in the great days of old. Fleets of boats lay at harbor, filled with silks and fine gems. This was no forsaken town on a lake." Thorin continued. "This was the center of all trade in the North! I would see those days return. I would relight the Great Forges of the Dwarves and send wealth and riches flowing once more from the Halls of Erebor!" 

The crowd cheered at Thorin's words. Happy at the thought of great riches and a prosperity. Harry had to hand it to Thorin and his word.

"Death! That is what you'll bring upon us!" Bard had suddenly shouted pushing through the crowds. He pushed his way up to Thorin as he kept his piercing gaze.

"Dragon fire and ruin. If you awake that beast, it will destroy us all." Bard countered.

The crowd grew silent again.

"What do we do?" Hermione whispered to Harry.

"Eh... let's just watch this play out." Harry suggested.

But Thorin didn't come this far to fall short. And he wasn't going to let Bard stand in his way. "You can listen to this naysayer, but I promise you this; if we succeed, all will share in the wealth of the Mountain." Thorin offered the people. "You will have enough gold to rebuild Esgaroth ten times over!" 

The Crowd cheered again. "Sounds reasonable." Ron commented.

"Why should we take you at your word, eh?" Alfrid asked suddenly. "We know nothing about you. Who here can vouch for your character?"

There was silence amongst the crowd. And Harry was about to say something, but Bilbo beat Harry to it.

"Me." Bilbo walked up. "I'll vouch for him." Thorin looked at Bilbo surprised. "Now I have traveled far... with these Dwarves through Great Danger, and if Thorin Oakenshield gives his word, then he will keep it." He informed.

People seemed to like that.

But Bard wasn't done yet. "All of you! Listen to me, you must listen! Have you forgotten what happened to Dale? Have you forgotten those who died in the firestorm? And for what purpose?" He asked. Then he shot another glare at Thorin. "The blind ambition of a Mountain King, so driven by greed, he could not see beyond his own desire!"

"Well, I don't think anyone here knows really what happened to Dale. Because they didn't see it." Harry pointed out. "I mean I'm... I'm just saying. Um... Thorin, how long ago was that?"

"About 171 years." Thorin answered.

"Wow. You look great for your age." Ron commented.

"Now. Now." The Master suddenly interrupted. "We must not, any of us, be too quick to lay blame. Let us not forget, that it was Girion, Lord of Dale, your Ancestor, who failed to kill the beast. Hm!" 

"That doesn't make any sense." Hermione thought out loud. "He says we shouldn't lay blame while laying blame."

"It's true, sire. We all know the story. Arrow after arrow, he shot. Each one missing its mark." Alfrid taunted.

"That was his Ancestor?" Neville asked as the People all agreed with that.

Bard's face fell at that. But he took a step closer towards Thorin. "You have no right. No right to enter that Mountain."

"I have the only right." Thorin shot back. He then turned to the Master. "I speak to the Master of the Men of the Lake. Will you see the Prophecy fulfilled? Will you share in the Great Wealth of our people?" 

The Master hesitated at those words. "What say you?" Thorin asked.

"I say unto you..." The Master said then looked at the people. And an idea of greed formed in his head. "Welcome!" He exclaimed, causing the crowd to cheer. "Welcome and rise! Welcome, King Under the Mountain!" The Master bowed low to Thorin inviting him to enter the Great Hall with the Crowd cheering even harder.

"Well, that's that." Harry figured. And he looked over at Bard who walked away.

"Harry? You don't think we're making a mistake, do you?" Hermione asked. 

"I hope not." Harry answered. "If not then everyone we've done here on Middle Earth will have been for nothing."

"And the Dragon-" Hermione started.

"I've faced a Hungarian Horntail 2 years ago." Harry pulled out his wand. "I think we can take Smaug."

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