Chapter 2: That's what Bilbo Baggins hates.

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But just then, all the Dwarves started pillaging more and more of the pantry. Carrying out barrels of wine, jars of jam, blocks of cheese. Pretty much everything. Harry and Ron summoning it all to the table using magic. 

"Well, at least they're getting better at the Summoning Charms." Hermione commented a little nervously. Nervous because now she felt like a trespasser and they had just walked in on an innocent Hobbit and invaded his home without his knowledge. 

And Bilbo trying to stop the Hobbits. "Excuse me. That's my chicken! Oh no, not my wine! Put that back. Put that back!" 

"Do we really need all this food, Harry?" Neville asked.

"Well, I don't know what the eating habits of Dwarves are. For all we know they could have an extra stomach than humans." Harry answered and right as the Dwarf Gloin carried out three massive cheese blocks.

"That's... that's a tad bit excessive, don't you think?" Bilbo asked nervously. "Do you have a cheese knife?"

"Cheese Knife? He eats it by the barrel." Fili informed like Bilbo had just told a joke.  

"Harry. We can't just go inside and raid his pantry." Hermione said.

"Well why not?" Ron asked suddenly interrupting.

"Because it's rude." Hermione answered. 

"Read the bloody room, Hermione." Ron shot back. "The Dwarves are doing it. And Gandalf says that it's okay." 

"Yes, but he also didn't tell Bilbo that we were coming." Hermione countered. "And don't tell me to read the room. We all know why you're really doing this. You can't stop eating." 

But she had to duck as the Dwarves started taking more furniture into the dining room. With Bilbo looking livid.

"No no, that's Grandpa Mungo's chair, no, uh, so is that. Take it back, please. Take it back, this is an antique, not for sitting on. Thank you. That is a book, not a coaster. Put that map down." Bilbo ordered to no avail. 

"Oi! Can't hear what you're saying, Laddie!" The Dwarf Oin said as held a metal trumpet to his ear.

Gandalf had joined the Dwarves in the dining room where the table was now covered in food and drinks. 

"Excuse me, Gandalf?" Balin asked as he carried a tea tray. "May I tempt you with a cup of chamomile tea?" 

"Oh, no thank you, Balin. A little red wine for me, I think." Gandalf replied. 

Ron was also with the Dwarves eating. "And my Mum could make food just whip out of the air and onto your plates. You would like her. And what we could really go for, is a bunch of Butterbeers. The greatest beverage to ever live." 

"Now that sounds like a party." Dwalin agreed. 

All the Dwarves would later bang their plates and were burping. 

"You good with all of this, Ginny?" Harry asked as he sat down next to her. 

"Harry. I grew up with Fred and George. I can handle this group of Dwarves." Ginny answered. 

Luna was also telling stories to the Dwarves. "And that's what the Blibbering Humdinger is." She said.

"Ooooooo." The Dwarves all stared in awe. 

"Some people don't think that it exists. But they're so close minded." Luna added.

"No imagination." The Dwarf known as Gloin commented.

"That's what I said." Luna replied with a grin. 

Gandalf in the meantime was counting all the Dwarves and checking inventory. "Fili, Kili, Oin, Gloin, Balin and Dwalin, we appear to be one Dwarf short." He said.

"One Dwarf short?" Harry asked. 

"He is late is all. He traveled to a meeting of our kin. He will come." Dwalin commented as he lounged in a nearby corner.

Balin approached Gandalf with a Glass of Wine in hand. "Ad you requested, a glass of red wine. It's got a fruity bouquet."

"Cheers!" Gandalf replied as he took the cup. 

But Bilbo had also seen one of the Dwarves with a hat known as Bofur carry out a dolly. 

All the Dwarves were not seated around Bilbo's Dining Room, with Harry, Ron, Hermione, Ginny, Neville, and Luna. The Dwarves all being messy about preparing and eating. 

Harry at least tried to be restrained. Ron was taking full advantage of the chaos. Ginny was trying to grab as much food as she could. While Neville was just protecting his food so the others won't take it. Luna was just sitting there in a dream like face. And Hermione just looked so disgusted at all the Dwarves and their eating habits.

"Does anybody want napkins?" Hermione asked nervously.

All the Dwarves all glared at her. "That Hermione is such a prankster. Isn't she? That's why she's the funniest girl in all of Hogwarts." Harry timidly said out loud while also laughing. 

And all the Dwarves started to laugh.

"It wasn't a-" Hermione started to protest. But Harry had quickly kicked her leg under the table. "Shutting up." She finally said while also managing a nervous laugh. 

"Oi! What's your name?" Fili asked Neville.

"Neville Longbottom." Neville answered. 

"Toss me a loaf of bread?" Fili requested.

"Um... sure." Neville answered wanting to be helpful.

Fili caught the Bread. "Gloin! Catch!" He threw the bread across the table, towards Gloin. Gloin catching it in his mouth. And all the Dwarves applauded.

"Okay. That was brilliant that was." Harry said. 

"That's totally barbaric." Hermione commented.

"I reckon that Sirius would enjoy it." Ginny shot back.

"He so would." Harry agreed. 

As Bilbo watched the Dwarves feast. It was clear that he was disgusted just as much as Hermione was. Quickly, he turned to face the pantry, which was now completely cleared of all food.

"Now, Harry my boy. These are some of the Dwarves you see. Fili, Kili, Oin, Gloin, Dwalin, Balin, Bifur, Bofur, Bombur, Dori, Nori, and Ori." Gandalf introduced. 

"Are you sure that this is alright, Gandalf?" Harry asked. 

"What do you mean?" Gandalf asked.

"You know what he means." Hermione said not being able to take it anymore. "We've just invaded this poor man's home. And you didn't inform him that we were coming. I feel like a trespasser now." 

"You are not trespassing. You are here at my invitation. And Bilbo does not mind being a host." Gandalf defended.

"He's right, Hermione. Can't you just enjoy the food?" Ron asked stuffing his face again.

"I will not!" Hermione yelled affronted. 

But that was just the beginning. Kili had entered the kitchen, using a Doily to wipe his face. Bilbo came in behind him and ripped the doily out of Kili's hands. 

"Excuse me, that is a doily, not a dish cloth." Bilbo told him. 

"But it's full of holes." Fili pointed out. 

"It's supposed to look like that , it's crochet." Bilbo protested.

"Oh, and a wonderful game it is too, if you got the balls for it." Fili replied.

Kili laughed at his brother's jest. 

"Bebother and confiscate these Dwarves!" Bilbo exclaimed as he stomped over to the kitchen.

"My dear, Bilbo, what on earth is the matter?" Gandalf asked.

"See what I mean?" Hermione asked but this time to Harry.

"What's the matter? What's the matter?!" Bilbo retorted. "I am surrounded by Dwarves. What are they doing here?" He asked. 

"Oh, they're quite a merry gathering, once you get used to them." Gandalf assured.

"They also sing." Luna added. 

"I hope these ones don't sing in Valentine's Day wings and sing poems to me." Harry replied. "Again." 

"Harry. I said I was sorry for that." Ginny commented. 

"I don't want to get used to them." Bilbo snapped. "Look at the state of my kitchen! There's mud trod in the carpet, they... they've pillaged the pantry! I'm not even going to tell you what they've done in the bathroom, they've all but destroyed the plumbing! I don't understand what they're doing in my house!" 

But at that moment, Ori approached Bilbo and Gandalf with a shy smile. "Excuse me, I 'm sorry to interrupt. But what should I do with my plate?" He asked. 

"Here you go, Ori. Give it to me." Fili answered as he took the plate from Ori.

Fili then threw it over to Kili, who threw it to Oin by the sink. 

"Look out." Harry insisted as a bunch of the plates came all throwing around and getting caught. 

"And now they're throwing plates around." Hermione said with her anxiety levels going through the roof. They had continued this process. 

"Now, I'm suddenly reminded of the time when my magic accidentally sent all the plates smashing on the floor. It was horrible for Gran." Neville commented. 

"Excuse me! That's my Mother's West farthing pottery, it's over a hundred years old!" Bilbo exclaimed. 

"Um, Mr. Bilbo sir." Luna suddenly said. "It's not a good idea to interrupt once there's a rhythm." She informed. "You might break them by accident."  

And a bunch of the Dwarves now were playing with the forks, spoons, and knives. It made Bilbo more irritated. "And, and, can you not do that, you'll blunt them!"

"Ooh, you hear that lads? He says we'll bunt the knives!" Bofur taunted. 

But just then, the Dwarves all started to sing as they moved the plates around. 

"Blunt the knives, bend the forks." Kili began.

"Smash the bottle and burn the corks." Fili continued. 

"Chip the glasses and crack the plates. That's what Bilbo Baggins hates! Cut the cloth and tread on the fat. Leave the bones on the bedroom mat, pour the milk on the pantry floor, splash the wine on every door, dump the corks in a boiling bowl, pound them up with a thumping pole. When you've finished, if any are whole, send them down the hall to roll!" All the Dwarves sang. 

To Harry's great surprise. They were all singing in perfect synchronization as all the plates were being stacked up. And he also saw Neville being caught up in the rhythm too. The same with Luna. 

"You know, Harry. I bet Kreacher would be a lot happier if you taught him this song." Ron commented. 

"That might make him even more miserable." Harry replied. 

The Dwarves were playing on their flutes and other instruments. And it wasn't long until the plates and other utensils were all cleaned, and stacked in neat piles. "That's what Bilbo Baggins hates!" They exclaimed before they let out a laugh. 

Bilbo then entered, rather shocked to see that his plates and utensils all cleaned and stacked. "I thought they would be smashed for sure." He said. 

"Okay. That was impressive." Hermione admitted. It appeared now that there was more to the Dwarves than met the eye.

"I'd like to see the House Elves work that efficiently with the plates." Ginny commented also impressed. "Or Mum for that matter." 

"You calling Mum a slob?" Ron asked.

"No." Ginny answered affronted.

"Well, even if they did smash one plate-" Harry said. But that was when he heard a smashing sound. Harry turned to see Neville accidentally smash his own plate. 

"Sorry." Neville said.

"Oh." Bilbo squinted.

"It's okay, Bilbo. Watch." Harry took out his wand. "Reparo." And the Plate repaired itself. 

"My Plate. It looks brand new." Bilbo said. "Thank you, Harry. Um... you're not from Middle Earth, are you? So where are you from?" He asked.

"We're from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry." Harry answered. "A School that teaches us about Magic." 

But then there was a knock on the door. Gandalf's eyes widened as he spoke above a hushed whisper. "He's here." 

"Who?" Harry asked. 

Gandalf had made his way towards the frond door. Bilbo, The Wizards, and the Dwarves all trailed behind him. Gandalf opened the door to reveal a dwarf with long black hair with streaks of grey, a beard, and blue eyes. Now doubt to Harry, that this was Thorin Oakenshield. 

"Gandalf." Thorin said as he walked in. "I thought this place would be easy to find. I lost my way, twice. I wouldn't have found it at all, had it not been for that mark on the door." 

"Mark?" Bilbo asked, rather confused. "There's no mark on that door, it was painted a week ago." 

"There is a mark, I've put it there myself." Gandalf explained. 

"It's true. That's how we knew where to find it." Luna added. 

"Bilbo Baggins. Harry Potter, allow me to introduce the Leader of our Company, Thorin Oakenshield." Gandalf introduced. "Thorin, this is Harry Potter, he is Dumbledore's Protegee. The one I've told you about." 

Thorin glared at Harry. "So, he is the Apprentice Wizard?" He asked. 

"That's right." Harry answered. 

"Hm. I was expecting someone... different." Thorin said. 

"Well, I don't like to be much of a looker." Harry replied. 

"He even sounds exactly how Dumbledore described him." Thorin thought out loud.

"You've met Dumbledore?" Harry asked. "When?" 

"Not too long ago." Thorin answered coming in. And then he noticed the other Wizards. "And who are they?" He asked. 

"My friends." Harry answered. "Ron Weasley, his younger sister, Ginny. Hermione Granger, Neville Longbottom, and Luna Lovegood." 

"And you are Wizards?" Thorin asked.

"We are. Of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Sir." Hermione answered.

Thorin turned to Harry. "Have you done, much fighting?" He asked.

"We've had our encounters." Harry answered. 

"Harry once fought of a Basilisk." Ron added. 

"And a hundred Dementors." Ginny added.

"And he fought You Know Who in a Graveyard." Neville added. 

"And he led us to fight the Death Eaters in the Department of Mysteries." Luna added. 

But the Dwarves all were just not following this.

"Long story short. We've all had fighting experience." Hermione finally said.

"We have, yes. But that was all mostly just luck. And half the time, I didn't know what I was doing." Harry admitted.

"Most first timers don't." Thorin said. And then he turned to the Hobbit. "And this is the Hobbit. Tell me, Mr. Baggins, have you done much fighting?" 

Bilbo looked taken aback. "Pardon me?" He asked.

"Axe or sword, what's your weapon of choice?" Thorin asked.

"Harry prefers a wand. But he will fight with a sword if need be." Neville answered. 

"Thanks, Neville." Harry grunted.

"Well, I do have some skill at conkers, if you must know. But I fail to see why that's relevant." Bilbo replied. 

"I thought as much. He looks more like a grocer than a Burglar." Thorin shot back. 

The other Dwarves all laughed at his words. 

"Now, then. Let's stop wasting time and get right down to business." Thorin said sitting down. 

"Indeed." Gandalf replied. "Now, Thorin. Harry Potter and his friends are very well qualified. Accomplished Witches and Wizards in their own right. And they have seen your memories of the Dragon." 

"Then they know why we go on this quest?" Thorin asked.

"No." Harry suddenly answered. "All I saw was a memory. But I'm still not sure of all the details of said quest." 

"Or... what the bloody hell is going on." Ron added. 

"Let me guess, Dumbledore was very cryptic?" Thorin asked not surprised.

"He was." Harry answered. Thorin and Dumbledore had probably met before according to Harry.

"I'm sure that Dumbledore had a reason for being cryptic. Even if he doesn't share it with Ron." Hermione interrupted. 

"All he told me was that a Dark Wizard from his world, seeks a powerful Darkness from our world and use it against both of our worlds." Thorin explained. "And then he traveled East to confront the enemy. But he has said to me that he would give me help to aid on our quest in the form of his most accomplished protegee. This Harry Potter." 

"And that would be Harry." Neville said.

Harry wasn't sure how he felt about being called Dumbledore's most accomplished protegee. 

"Oh, don't be ridiculous, Harry. You are and don't deny it." Ginny said.

"Yeah, you're practically Dumbledore's Golden Boy." Ron added. 

"Who is this... Dark Wizard anyway?" Thorin asked. And all the Dwarves and Bilbo had now listened in. Bilbo was always curious about a story. 

"It's a long story." Harry said. Having had the lessons with Dumbledore about Voldemort's past, he now knew most of the story. "But it all started long ago with boy. He called himself, Tom Marvolo Riddle. This boy would grow up to become one of the most powerful and dangerous Dark Wizards of all time. Not all Wizards turn out good. And Riddle became the darkest of them all. He started going by a different name. Calling himself Voldemort." He started. "We of course, can't say his name. So we have to call him You Know Who. And then one day. When I was only a year old. Voldemort attacked my home. Killed my Father and Mother, and I nearly suffered the same fate."  

The whole room grew dark. And the Dwarves all remained silent. "You have my sympathy, Mr. Potter. I too lost family." Thorin said. 

"Why would he try to kill you?" Bilbo asked Harry. 

"It was basically something to do with a Prophecy." Harry answered. "That a boy who would be born at the end of July would defeat the Dark Lord. And that ended up being me." 

"How did you survive as an infant?" Balin asked. 

"A Protection Spell from my Mother. She died to save me." Harry answered. "And in doing so, she casted a spell that meant that Voldemort couldn't harm me. And he was vanquished. All that I got away with, was this scar on my head." He lifted his hair to reveal his lightning bolt scar on his forehead. 

"But he wasn't vanquished." Bilbo said. "If he's still alive." 

"No. Voldemort survived." Harry confirmed. "And now he's returned and gathered his full strength. And he wants to gather strength and allies from here it seems. At least, that's what Dumbledore thought." 

Harry had then proceeded to explain the next few years of his life. Living with the Dursleys. The Family that treated him more like a servant than an actual member of the family. 10 years of sleeping under a Cupboard under the stairs. Until one day when he turned 11. And Hagrid had come for him and told him that he was a Wizard. And that he could come to Hogwarts and learn to use his magic. And it was there that he met Ron, Hermione, Ginny, Neville, and Luna. And his adventures of the Philosopher's Stone, fighting off the Basilisk, saving his Godfather Sirius Black, And then witnessing the return of Voldemort, but also the battle in the Department of Mysteries. 

"That is an awful lot to take in at once." Thorin admitted. 

"It's just a part of our life, it seems." Harry replied. "I've told you my story. What's yours?" He asked. "I've only seem the memory of what happened to your kingdom, but..." 

"That seems a fair deal." Thorin said. "Very well. You've seen the Kingdom of Erebor. The Kingdom Under the Lonely Mountain. We were the most powerful, wealthiest, and splendid Kingdom of all of Middle Earth. Our Forges were the greatest. Our wealth was grand, our craftsmen, the greatest. But then... all of it was lost. The day the Dragon came." 

"Yeah. I've seen a lot of Dragons. Well not really. But my Brother Charlie studies Dragons in Romania. And I've got to say that I've never seen anything that big before." Ron said.

"Because he was a Dragon from the North. Smaug. He had overran our people and took possession of all our kingdom. Leaving us homeless, and searching for a new home." Thorin said. "No one would help us." He admitted. "Not even the Elves who had turned their armies around as I called to them for help." 

"That's awfully rude." Luna said. 

"I never forgave and I never forgot." Thorin continued. "After we lost our Kingdom, we were forced to settle. I found refuge for the rest of my people in the Blue Mountains. Just west of here." 

"So this is your quest now?" Harry asked. "To Reclaim your Kingdom?" 

"Yes." Thorin answered. 

"Harry." Hermione started to say. "You think that this Dragon, Smaug is going to join forces with Voldemort?" She asked.

"Well, I wouldn't put it past him, Hermione. Both take possession of something that isn't there. And then they reap the rewards." Harry answered.

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