Chapter 23: Sickness of the Mind.

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The Company of Thorin Oakenshield continued their search for the Arkenstone to no avail. Even with the help of the Wizards and Witches, they still could not find it. Thorin gazed on the throne, where the Arkenstone used to be, before Thror tried to get it out of the City before Smaug moved in. Only to loose it in the escape. 

"It is here in these halls. I know it." Thorin said as he stared at the throne. And the only ones to hear it were Harry, Balin, Dwalin, and Bilbo. 

"We have searched and searched..." Dwalin informed.

"Not well enough!" Thorin snapped. 

"This Arkenstone is like trying to find a needle in a haystack. Everyone's on fumes." Harry informed. 

"Thorin. We all would see the stone returned." Dwalin tried to reason.

"And yet, it is still not FOUND!" Thorin yelled. Making everyone stand back. And Harry could see now how Thorin was becoming very obsessed with finding the Arkenstone. 

"Do you doubt the loyalty of anyone here?" Balin asked. Thorin didn't answer that. But he walked slowly towards Balin and Dwalin. "The Arkenstone is the birthright of our people." 

"It is the King's Jewel." Thorin corrected. "AM I NOT THE KING?!" He yelled as everyone around him looked uneasy. "Know this- if anyone should find it and withhold it from me, I will be avenged." He warned as he walked away. 

Harry started to walk back towards his friends who were in the workshop. 

"Well, what did crazy obsession King Dwarf want now?" Ginny asked. 

"The same thing to know that if the Arkenstone was found." Harry answered. "I told him that we still haven't found it. And all that's doing is making  Thorin even more paranoid." 

"I don't like it. He's acting like Harry did last year when talking about Voldemort and all the things that Umbridge was doing at Hogwarts." Ginny said.

"That's two completely different things." Harry shot back. "It's like he's... he really wants that Arkenstone." 

"Isn't that the truth?" Luna asked. "Just the other day, he yelled at Neville and I for being in La La Land and not looking for the Arkenstone. I don't even know where that is." 

"It's an expression, Luna." Hermione commented. "It means lost in your own world. And to be honest, you do end up stuck there-" 

"Sh." Neville whispered. He noticed Balin coming. "Here comes Balin." 

"You don't have to be so secret, Laddie. I know what's on your mind." Balin sighed as he walked up. 

"Balin. There's something wrong with Thorin." Hermione said. "Very wrong." 

"Yeah. You would think that us taking back the Lonely Mountain would call for celebration. And a feast." Ron added. And Hermione glared at Ron over the feast comment. 

"We never glare at you when you say comments about Spew, Hermione." Ron shot back. 

"What about Spew?" Bilbo asked as he walked in.

"It's nothing, Bilbo." Harry assured.

"Well actually-" Hermione started to say.

"He doesn't need to know." Ron shot down.

"It's Dragon Sickness." Balin suddenly said. "Not whatever this Spew thing is. The thing with Thorin. I've seen it before." He explained. "That look, the terrible need. It is fierce and jealous love. It sent his Grandfather mad." 

"But Thorin said he's not his Grandfather." Luna pointed out.

"Aye, Luna. But this gold. The Mountain. It has a way of changing you. I guarantee that even if Smaug had not attacked. It would've consumed Thrain and eventually Thorin too." Balin informed sadly.

"Balin..." Bilbo suddenly said. "If-if Thorin had the Arkenstone. Well, if it was found, would it help?" He asked. 

"Hypothetically speaking of course." Harry added. 

Balin frowned. "That stone crowns all. It is the summit of this great wealth, bestowing power upon he who bears it. Will it stay his madness?" He asked.

"Will it?" Harry asked. 

"No, lad; I fear it would make it worst." Balin answered sadly. "Perhaps it is best that it remains lost." 

Bilbo sighed. "Guess I can't give it to Thorin after all." He thought. 

He turned away from the group and sat on a bench in one of the halls. He reached into his coat pocket and pulled an item out of his pocket. Unfortunately for him, Thorin was walking along another hallway, seeing Bilbo pulling something out. "What is that?" He asked suddenly in a paranoid tone. "In your hand!" 

Bilbo jumped up startled. "It-it's nothing." He answered.

"Show me." Thorin demanded. 

"It..." Bilbo held out his hand, revealing an Acorn. A simple Acorn. And it made Thorin's expression change to that of relief. "I picked it up in Beorn's Garden." He explained. 

"You've carried it all this way?" Thorin asked confused.

And Bilbo nodded. "I'm gonna plant it in my garden, in Bag End." He told Thorin. 

Thorin smiled fondly at Bilbo. "That's a poor price to take back to the Shire." He pointed out.

But Bilbo didn't think so. To him, there were things that were far more valuable than gold. "One day it'll grow. And every time I look at it, I'll remember. Remember everything that happened, the good, the bad. And how lucky I am that I made it home." He said as if he was trying to bring Thorin back to his senses. And a smile from both Hobbit and Dwarf grew. A sign that Thorin had his senses back after all.

"Thorin, I..." Bilbo started to say.

But their thoughts were interrupted by Dwalin who ran in. "Thorin, survivors... from Lake Town." Dwalin reported as Thorin's smile faded into a stern, uncompromising face. "They're streaming into Dale. There's hundreds of them." 

"Call everyone to the gate." Thorin ordered as he strode off through the Halls. "TO THE GATE! NOW!" 

Harry heard Thorin as he walked through the Halls in front of everyone with a determined look. "Okay, Thorin. I know I'm going to regret asking this. But, what's going on, now? Did you find the Arkenstone?" He asked.

"No." Thorin answered. "Not yet. But we're about to have company. Thieves are approaching the gates of Dale. We'll need to fortify the Mountain. I will not lose our Kingdom again." He ordered. "Now. Get to work on fortifying our walls." 

"Get to work?" Ron asked as he looked out from one of the Balconies. 

Bilbo looked down defeated. "You alright, Bilbo?" Luna asked.

"I tried to get him back, Luna. But... the sickness took him over again." Bilbo answered.

"Well, you shouldn't give up, Bilbo. I think you're on the verge of a breakthrough." Luna assured. 

The Lake Town refugees walked right into the ruins of Dale. While starring around at the ruins as they walked in, they could see many charred and burned bodies. But it was better than nothing at all. Like what was going on in the sad ruins of Lake Town. 

"Come on, keep moving." Bard instructed the refugees as they walked into the ruins. 

"SIRE! Sire! Up here!" Alfrid had called from one tower of the City Walls. And Bard ran up to see what Alfrid was looking at. "Look sire, the braziers are lit." 

And Bard could see massive braziers full of fire at the Gates of Erebor. "So, the company of Thorin Oakenshield survived." He said. 

"Survived?" Alfrid asked disappointed. "You mean there's a bunch of Dwarves in there with all that gold?" 

"You shouldn't worry, Alfrid." Bard assured. "There's gold enough in that mountain for all." He then turned to call to the people below. "Make camp here tonight. Find what shelter you can. Get some fires going." He ordered people. "Alfrid, you take the Night Watch." He instructed Alfrid.

Alfrid looked sourly at Bard at the prospect of taking the first watch. And he stomped off while Bard looked back at the Mountain, uneasy. He wondered what the Dwarves were doing at that very moment.

What they were doing at that moment was fortifying the walls of Erebor, and blocking up the entrance that Smaug broke through. Carrying Rocks both by hand and also with various pulleys and other machines. And also Harry and his friends lifting up the rocks with Wingardium Leviosa. Harry put up with Thorin as to not make him mad or anything like that. 

"Wingardium Leviosa." Harry casted as he placed a rock on top of the one Dwalin put.

"Yes. Yes. Excellent." Thorin grinned at them helping. 

"Um, why are we even building up the walls again, Thorin?" Hermione asked. "Isn't the Dragon already destroyed?" 

"He is, Miss. Granger. But I will not take any chances." Thorin answered. "Now keep lifting up those rocks. I want this fortress made safe by Sun Up. The Mountain was hard won. I will not see it taken again." He ordered.

And as Ginny lifted another rock she looked at Harry with an expression as if to say: 'What did I tell you?'

"Excuse me!" Ron said urgently. "But may I remind you that the people of Lake Town have nothing. They came to us in need. They lost everything." He reminded. "I know because Neville and I were there!" 

But Thorin marched up to Ron. "Do not tell me what they have lost." He shot back. "I know well enough their hardship. Those who have lived through Dragon fire should rejoice. They have much to be grateful for." He looked out at the City of Dale, where many fires could be seen and were being lit by the people of Lake Town. And it was as if Thorin expected an attack any minute. 

And Harry didn't like it one bit. Ever since they set foot into the Mountain, it was as if Thorin had transformed instantly. He was even more paranoid, even more cautious, and always suspecting betrayal at any given moment. And now he was barricading his own Mountain. 

"That might just be the Most Paranoid Dwarf I've ever seen, Harry." Ron commented. 

And Neville nodded his head in agreement with Ron. "He looks like my Gran when she hears mention of the name, Bellatrix Lestrange." He added. 

"Yeah. I know, this is bad." Harry agreed trying to keep the peace and hoping that Thorin wasn't listening. 

"It's worse than bad, Harry." Hermione said. "It's almost like he's defending his home against the people who are flooding into Dale. And didn't he promise to give the people of Lake Town a share of the treasure?" 

"Yeah..." Harry answered. "Why?"

"Cause it feels like Thorin's not going to give them that if he's staying in this hole of his and building walls." Hermione explained. "It's almost as if he's becoming Smaug himself." 

"Well... to be fair. Gold and Greed can turn anybody to go mental." Ginny pointed out. "I just never thought it would happen as quickly as it did." 

"More stone! BRING MORE STONE TO THE GATE!" Thorin commanded as if he was expecting Dale to attack at any moment.

And on that note, Harry agreed completely. 

But when Morning came. The people were doing what they had to do to survive and Bard trying to keep everything in order. "These children are starving! We need food!" "We won't last three days!" People were trying to say to Bard. 

"Bard, we don't have enough." Percy reported to Bard. 

"Do what you can, Percy." Bard commanded Percy knowing they barely had a choice.

"We need more water." A Woman informed Bard. 

"The children, the wounded and the women come first." Bard told everyone. He walked over to where Alfrid had been standing guard.

"Morning, Alfrid. What news from the Night Watch?" Bard asked an Alfrid who was taking a nap and woke up as Bard walked by.

"All quiet, sire, I must report." Alfrid answered getting up with a yawn. "Nothing gets past me." 

But Bard stopped in front of an archway when he saw a sight he did not expect. "Except an army of Elves, it would seem." He replied.

And sure enough. An Army of Mirkwood Elves dressed in full battle armor stood in perfectly ordered lines. So much so that the people of Lake Town began coming out of their buildings to see the Elves. And as Bard walked down the steps and approached the Elves, they took a step back to make a pathway for Bard to walk straight forward. So Bard walked straight forward, to see King Thranduil ride up on his Stag. And all the Elves turned to face him.

"My Lord Thranduil." Bard greeted surprised. "We did not look to see you here." 

"I heard you needed aid." Thranduil said. And right on cue, hordes of Elvish Wagons carrying food and drink for the people emerged from behind Thranduil. The People of Lake Town smiled and cheered at the idea. And some of the Towns Guard started unloading the Cart with the Elves help to give to the people. 

"You have saved us!" Bard praised gratefully. "I do not know how to thank you." 

"Your gratitude is misplaced." Thranduil replied as if scripted, for he had another reason for being there. "I did not come on your behalf. I came to reclaim something of mine." 

That something just happen to be what Thorin was picking up with his hands. A silver necklace made of tiny, shining, white gems. A voice sounded in his head. 'There are gems in the Mountain that I too desire. White Gems of pure starlight.'

"The White Gems of Lasgalen." Thorin whispered under his breath. "I know an Elf Lord who would pay a pretty price for these." He tossed the necklace back into the pile of jewels, scattering many of the tiny gems." But then he was interrupted by the sudden arrival of Ron.

"Thorin! We've got trouble!" He announced. "There's Elves right outside the Mountain!" 

"What?" Thorin asked putting the Gems down.

Back in Dale, the Elves all began to march out of Dale. Thranduil taking the lead. 

"Wait! Please, wait!" Bard requested running up to Thranduil. "You would go to war over a handful of Gems?" 

"The heirlooms of my people are not lightly forsaken." Thranduil answered. 

"We are allies in this." Bard pointed out. "My people also have a claim upon the riches in that Mountain! Let me speak with Thorin!" 

Thranduil stopped and looked at Bard confused. "You would try to reason with a Dwarf?" He asked like it was asking if he wanted to get the plague.

"To avoid war? Yes." Bard answered. And the good news at least in this instance was that Thranduil agreed to let diplomacy resume. 

But the Dwarves did not feel the same way as Thorin strode off toward the Blocked off Gate, calling the other dwarves to him. "Come on!" He ordered as the Dwarves all started to lay down their tools, pick up their weapons and Thorin went up to see Harry and Hermione looking outside the top of the gates and the plains of Dale filled with Elves ready for war. 

"Thorin? You don't suppose that they're mad we broke out of their dungeons?" Hermione asked. "Because I don't want-" 

"Oh, please. I think we're past that point." Harry interrupted looking at the Elven Forces now. It was one thing to deal with the Men of Dale. But now the Elves were going to be another problem. 

"Oh, now the Elves come to the Lonely Mountain." Thorin scoffed. "If we're lucky, they'll leave just like last time." 

"Someone's coming." Harry could see Bard approaching on Horseback up to the gate. "It looks like it's Bard."

"So he lives." Thorin said as if he didn't care if Bard lived or not.

"Oh, please be diplomatic, Thorin." Hermione begged. "I'm sure that-"  

"Fat chance of that, Hermione." Ron commented as he and Neville, Ginny, and Luna joined.  

Bard got off his horse to address Thorin. "Hail Thorin, Son of Thrain! We are glad to find you alive beyond hope." He greeted Thorin.

But Thorin on the other side of the wall did not even bother to look at Bard. "Why do you come to the gates of the King under the Mountain armed for war?" He asked silently. 

"Why does the King under the Mountain fence himself in? Like a robber in his hole." Bard shot back. 

"Perhaps it is because I am expecting to be robbed." Thorin answered. 

"I don't think they've come to rob, Thorin." Hermione tried to say.

"Keep out of this." Thorin hissed. 

And Hermione would prove to be right. "My Lord. We have not come to rob you, but to seek fair settlement. Will you not speak with me?" 

"I'll deal with this." Thorin declared as he walked down to the wall to speak with Bard on the same level.

"Deal with this?" Hermione didn't like the sound of that. And Bard dismounted his horse and crossed the bridge in front of the gate. As he approached the blockade, a raven flew out of the opening above the gate and flew away rapidly. 

The only way to speak to each other was through a small hole inside of the wall. Bard was on one side, and Thorin on the other. "I am listening." Thorin told im.

"On behalf of the people of Lake Town, I ask that you honor your pledge. A share of the treasure so that they might rebuild their lives." Bard requested. 

"I will not treat with any man while an armed host lies before my door." Thorin denied.

"What?" Harry asked in disbelief. He was there when Thorin gave his pledge that he would give a share of the treasure to the people of Lake Town.

And Bard also sounded shocked at that comment. "That armed host will attack this mountain, if we do not come to terms." He pointed out.

"Your threats do not sway me." Thorin replied. 

"What of your conscience?" Bard asked in disbelief. "Does it not tell you our cause is just?! My people offered you help. And in return you brought upon them only ruin and death!" 

"When did the men of Lake Town come to our aid, but for the promise of rich reward?!" Thorin shot back.

"Are you mental?" Ginny asked. "You made a bargain with them!" She reminded.

"Miss. Weasley speaks the truth." Bard added.

"You! Stay out of this!" Thorin shouted at Ginny. Then he turned to Bard. "And you... What choice did we have but to barter our birthright for blankets and food? To ransom our future in exchange for our freedom? You call that a fair trade? Tell me, Bard the Dragon slayer... why should I honor such terms?" He asked.

"Because you-" Hermione started to say.

"Because you gave us your word. Does that mean nothing?" Bard asked. 

And on those words, Thorin turned away from the hole. He leaned back against the blockade. Leaning against the blockade and for a moment he looked tired and weary. And he looked at the other Dwarves, The Wizards, and Bilbo who were all standing beside Thorin wondering what move he would make. 

"Thorin. Please..." Harry begged. 

But Thorin had already made up his mind. "Be gone, ere our arrows fly!" He shouted to Bard. 

To Bard, that was basically a solid hard no. He slapped the rock angrily, then mounted his horse and rode back to Dale. 

"Bard! Wait!" Harry tried to call. He then looked at Thorin. "Are you mental?!"

"Thorin, you lunatic!" Ron shouted. "You can't just go to war!" 

"This does not concern you. This is now an internal Dwarven affair." Thorin deflected and he started walking away.

"Excuse me?!" Bilbo yelled. "But just in case you haven't noticed, there is an army of Elves out there. And not to mention several hundred angry fishermen. We- We are in fact outnumbered." 

But Thorin turned to Bilbo with a grin.

"He finally cracked." Ginny whispered to the others.

"Not for much longer." Thorin told Bilbo.

"What does that mean?" Harry asked.

"It means, Master Potter, you should never underestimate Dwarves." Thorin answered. He then turned to everyone else. "We have reclaimed Erebor. Now we defend it!" He declared. "Mr. Longbottom! I'm going to need you with something!" 

"Um..." Neville started to say. "I'm not sure that-" 

"NOW!" Thorin ordered. 

"Neville just do it." Harry said not wanting to increase the tension further. 

Bard had rode back to the gates of Dale where Thranduil was waiting. "He will give us nothing." He told Thranduil.

"Such a pity. Still, you tried." Thranduil replied not surprised at all by the outcome. In fact, he was counting on it. 

"I do not understand. Why? Why would he risk war?" Bard asked. 

"Bombarda!" A voice had suddenly shouted and both turned to the Mountain to see a head of one of the massive stone statues of Erebor fall off and onto the bridge of the Lonely Mountain causing it to fall and break the bridge so as to avoid any attackers from approaching the gates. 

"It is fruitless to reason with them; they understand only one thing." Thranduil answered as he pulled out his sword. "We attack at dawn! Are you with us?" He asked. And as he rode off toward Dale. Bard could only look over his shoulder at Erebor. There was a storm coming. And it was only a matter of time before the Clouds burst.

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