Chapter 7: Moon Letters.

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The Elves were true to their word. They had amassed a large amount of food for the company of Dwarves who were now among their ranks. And by food, there was mainly an assortment of fruits and vegetables. And the Dwarves looked all disappointed by the lack of meat. 

"Well, they're no Dobby or the other House Elves back home. But they are generous hosts." Ron commented eating something. 

Neville looked at Ori just looked at his plate. "You alright?" He asked.

"I don't like Green Food." Ori answered. 

Dwalin was tossing his hand through his salad. "Where's the meat?" He asked in disbelief. 

"Have they got any chips?" Ori asked.

The Dwarves and them complaining about the food was a reminder for Harry of that one time when Dudley got so fat that Harry's Aunt Petunia put the whole family on a diet. "Peasant food, my Uncle Vernon calls this stuff." He said. Next to him were the Elves playing instruments on their strings as they ate.

"And for good reason there, Harry." Dwalin commented.

"Feels like the Slug Club all over again." Ginny commented.

"Except for the music." Hermione pointed out. She couldn't complain too much. This was at least civilized eating. Except for Ron trying to eat as much as he could.

"You know, I'm not really a big fan of vegetables. But this puts a smile on my face." Ron admitted as he ate the elvish cooking and as Elrond and Gandalf walked by. 

"Kind of you to invite us." Gandalf thanked Elrond. "Not really dressed for dinner." 

"Well, you never are." Elrond replied. 

The eating and drinking continued. And Harry sat with Thorin, Gandalf and Elrond at one table. Elrond inspecting one of the blades. "This is Orcrist, the Goblin- cleaver. A famous blade, forged by the High Elves of the West. My kin." He explained. "May it serve you well." 

"Goblin Cleaver." Harry repeated. "Can't imagine any Goblin would want to go near it." 

Thorin gave a small nod taking the blade back. And then Elrond examined Gandalf's sword. "And this is Glamdring. The Foe-hammer, sword of the King of Gondolin. These swords were made for the Goblin wars of the First Age." He went on. 

While that was going on, Bilbo unsheathed his own sword a bit. Wondering if it had a name of its own.

"I wouldn't bother, Laddie." Balin interrupted Bilbo. "Swords are named for the great deeds they do in war." 

"What are you saying, my sword hasn't seen battle?" Bilbo asked.

"I'm not actually sure it is a sword." Balin figured. "More of a letter opener, really." 

"Don't feel too bad, Bilbo. The Sword of Godric Gryffindor doesn't have a name either." Luna assured. "Unless you count the name the Sword of Godric Gryffindor. But that seems rather long for a name." 

"Well, if it's seen action in Wizarding Wars and Goblin Rebellions, don't you think it should have a name?" Neville asked.

"I guess no one really thought about it that way, Neville." Luna replied.

"What name would we even call it?" Hermione asked.

"How did you come by these?" Elrond asked astonished.

"We found them in a Troll hoard by the Great East Road." Gandalf explained. "Shortly before we were ambushed by Orcs." 

"And what were you doing on the Great East Road?" Elrond asked.

"Excuse me." Thorin said excusing himself from the table. And then started walking towards the table with the others.

"A Halfling, six wizards, and thirteen dwarves. Strange traveling companions, Gandalf." Elrond noted. 

"These are the descendants of the House of Durin. They are noble folk that are surprisingly cultured." Gandalf countered.

"Let's not overdue it, Gandalf." Harry thought.

"They have a deep love of the arts." Gandalf added. 

He spoke too soon. Because Bofur started to climb up onto the table. "There's an inn, a merry old inn beneath an old grey hill. And there they brew a beer so brown that the Man in the Moon himself came down one night to drink his fill." 

"And there it is." Ginny thought out loud.

Evidently, the Dwarves could only deal with respectable manners for so long. Because they began to throw the food around, which caused many of the elves to stare at the party completely baffled. 

"Oh, the ostler has a tipsy cat that plays a five stringed fiddle; and up and down he saws his bow now squeaking high, now purring low, now sawing in the middle! So the cat on the fiddle played hey-diddle-diddle; a jig that would wake the dead. He squeaked, and sawed, and quickened the tune, while landlord shook the Man in the Moon: 'It's all three!' Bofur finished.

The Dwarves all let out laughs, then proceeded to throw pieces of food at one of the statues behind Lindir.  While Gandalf gave a sheepish smile to Elrond. And also Luna was clapping her hands at the song. And she began humming Bofur's song. 

"Well, there goes civilized dinners." Hermione said.

"Welcome to the Weasley Family, Hermione." Ginny replied. 

The party continued to stay at Rivendell for some time. And it saw all six Wizards gathered around a Courtyard. Harry in particular stared out at the valley of Rivendell. It's tranquility, its simplicity, and most importantly, how beautiful it looked. 

"Are you alright, Harry?" Hermione asked him.

Harry was shifted out of his trance. "Oh, yeah. Yeah. I'm alright." He answered. "Just thinking..." 

"About?" Ron was looking for specifics.

"We don't see many things like these in Pivet Drive. I wonder if this is what the Countryside looks like." Harry explained. "If this is what Sirius and I could've had had we not let Pettigrew escape."  

"Harry. It wasn't your-" Hermione started to say.

"I know, Hermione." Harry interrupted. "It's just a thought in my head. That's all." 

"I get those thoughts too." Luna said. "Part of me wonder what it might have been like had my Mother lived. I think about it a lot." 

"Yeah... me too." Harry admitted. 

"Say, Harry... since we're on Middle Earth, is your scar... you know...?" Ron asked.

"Ron!" Hermione hissed.

"It's fine, Hermione." Harry assured. "And no, Ron. I spoke about it with Dumbledore once. And he doesn't seem to think that Voldemort will try a stunt like that again. Not without either of us getting into the others head." 

"But you can't get into his head, or can you?" Ginny asked.

"I've never tried." Harry answered. "Let's just hope that Voldemort doesn't show up here." 

"I don't think he will." Hermione said. "I have a good feeling that this place has some very powerful protection charms over it." 

Something else was on Harry's mind too. It had been bugging him ever since the party had arrived in Rivendell. But luckily, Ron was one step ahead of him.

"Oh, come on, Harry. Nobody could've predicted that we would've been ambushed by Orcs or nearly eaten by Trolls. Don't beat yourself up about it." Ron said.

"Yeah. We all knew that there would be dangers. And none of us could've known about all this that would be happening." Ginny added.

"I know. But..." Harry started to say. "It feels like the Ministry all over again." 

"At least this time we're not in some deep dark place in the middle of nowhere... yet." Luna added. 

Harry sighed. "Well, I'm glad you guys are with me." He admitted. "I suppose there was no turning back when we stepped into Middle Earth. Wish I knew what Voldemort was going to turn into the Horcrux." 

"Let's try not to think about that too much, Harry." Neville suggested. "Take some time and breathe." 

"Okay." Harry started to walk. "I need some air." And he walked away.

As Harry walked through the Courtyard of Rivendell, he could have his thoughts to himself. And enjoy the beauty of the Elvish city. He could see Bilbo walking towards one particular chamber. He turned back to see Harry walking about. "Oh, hello, Harry." He greeted.

"Hello, Bilbo." Harry greeted. "Not with the Dwarves either?" He asked.

"No. I don't think I'll be missed." Bilbo answered. "Thought I might try and see what's in Rivendell." 

Harry looked at the chamber with Gold Morning Light streaming into the chamber. And Bilbo could see a massive stone statue that held a broken sword on the stone basin. Harry looked at it with admiration. "This sword's seen better days." 

"So it has." Bilbo also noticed a portrait behind him. The Mural of Dagorlad, And a Giant figure looming over a figure in shining armor. A Black Mace raised high in the air. But Bilbo had noticed one item in particular. The Gold Ring around the finger of the Giant. Harry also noticed. 

"What is this?" Harry asked. He also noticed the portrait. And how it wasn't moving like the ones at Hogwarts. Guess that was one thing his world had that Middle Earth didn't. 

"I'm not sure myself." Bilbo admitted. 

But there was someone who did. "Not with your companions?" Elrond asked as he walked up to Bilbo and Harry.

"Just getting some air." Harry answered. 

"Well, I shan't be missed. The truth is that most of them don't think I should be on this journey." Bilbo explained.  

"Indeed?" Elrond asked. "I've heard that Hobbits are very resilient." 

"Really?" Bilbo asked surprised.

"I mean if it wasn't for you, we would've been Troll Food." Harry added. "You did distract those Trolls for us." 

"I suppose I did." Bilbo grinned.

"I've also heard they're fond of the comforts of home." Elrond added. 

"I've also heard that it is unwise to seek the council of elves, for they will answer with yes and no." Bilbo replied. 

Elrond looked down at Bilbo and gave him a warm smile at that. And Bilbo returned the favor with a nervous smile of his own. "You are always welcome to say here, if that is your wish." He informed. "And the same for you and your companions, Harry Potter." 

"Thank you. Um... that's very generous of you, Lord Elrond." Harry nodded. Before turning his attention to the portrait. "Sir... if I may ask what this is?" He asked.

Elrond looked at the portrait. "Ah, I would suspect your curiosity would lead you to that question. That is the portrait of Isildur and Sauron. In the Second Age of Middle Earth, many years ago, the Dark Lord Sauron forged a Ring of Power to enslave the people of Middle Earth. He would've succeeded too, if not for the Last Alliance of Men and Elves." He explained. "And on the Slopes of Mount Doom, we fought for the Freedom of Middle Earth."  

"We?" Harry asked. "You were there?" 

"Of course. I led the Elvish armies, while Isildur and his Father, Elendil led the Armies of Men." Elrond answered. Elendil didn't survive when Sauron arrived on the battlefield. That was when Isildur took up his Father's Sword. He cut the ring of of Sauron's hand. And Sauron was defeated that day. But not destroyed." 

"Hm?" Harry asked. 

"For the Ring survived, and as long as the Ring survived... so too did Sauron." Elrond answered. 

"Sauron created a Horcrux too?" Harry asked himself. But then he looked at Elrond. "Then what happened?" 

"We had to destroy the Ring. And there was only one way to do it. We had to go to the slopes of Mount Doom. Where the Ring was forged, the one place it could be destroyed." Elrond answered. His expression turning dark. "But Isildur had other plans. He kept the Ring for himself. For the Hearts of Men are easily corrupted." 

Harry sighed. He knew it couldn't have been easy.

"And the Ring..." Bilbo was listening in as well. "What happened to it?" He asked.

"Isildur kept the Ring, but the Ring... betrayed Isildur to its death. The Ring disappeared after his death. And for 2 and a half thousand years, Middle Earth was free of its evil." Elrond answered. 

It reminded Harry a lot of the time when everyone thought that Voldemort was defeated. But he still lived. Then again, if Sauron hadn't come back in 2 and a Half Thousand years. Then there was no chance he would turn up tomorrow. And the ring was long buried where no one could find it. 

"You alright there, Harry?" Bilbo asked.

"Yeah... I'm fine." Harry answered. "Do you know that tale of this Sauron guy?" He asked Bilbo.

"Of course. Nearly everyone in Middle Earth knows the tale." Bilbo answered. "I wouldn't worry too much though, Harry. The Ring's probably long gone and buried deep now. There's no way it's going to turn up again." 

Later that evening, Thorin, Bilbo, Balin, Elrond, Gandalf were in the Rivendell Library. Harry was also there with Ron. "Blimey, that Ring sounds like a Horcrux if ever I saw one." Ron commented as Harry told him the story he heard from Elrond.

"I thought the same thing." Harry agreed. "What do you think, Hermione?" He tried turning to Hermione, but Hermione was no longer there. 

"Where's Hermione?" Harry asked.

"Where do you think?" Ron pointed to Hermione ecstatically going through all of the books in Elrond's library. 

"Oh, look at all these books. This is far greater than the Library at Hogwarts! Oh, Merlin! These writings and texts! Why didn't I take Elvish in School, Ron?!" Hermione asked in hysteria.

"Because they don't offer the course." Ron answered like it was Common Sense.

"Well they should!" Hermione shot back.

Fortunately, the conversation of Elrond and Thorin took their minds off Hermione. 

"Our business is no concern of Elves." Thorin was saying.

"For goodness sake, Thorin! Show him the Map!" Gandalf ordered. 

"It is the legacy of my people. It's mind to Protect! As are its secrets." Thorin shot back.

"Save me from the stubbornness of dwarves. Your pride will be your downfall." Gandalf scolded. "You stand here in the presence of one of the few in Middle Earth who can read that map. Show it to Lord Elrond!"  

And Thorin reluctantly took out the map. "Thorin, no!" Balin tried to urge as he tried to reach out and take the map from Thorin.

But Thorin had simply but gently pushed aside Balin's arm before handing the map to Elrond. And Elrond took one glance at the map of the Lonely Mountain..

"There's not by any chance you can figure out what's on it by saying: 'I solemnly swear I am up to no good', can you?" Harry asked. 

"No." Elrond answered before turning to Thorin. "Erebor. What is your interest in this map?" He asked.

"It's mainly academic. As you know, these sort of artifacts sometimes contain hidden text." Gandalf answered covering for Thorin, which Thorin was grateful for.

"You still read Ancient Dwarvish, do you not?" Gandalf asked.

Elrond looked at the map again. "Cirth Ithil." 

Neither Harry or Ron had a clue about what that meant. But Gandalf did. "Moon Runes. Of course. An easy thing to miss." He told Bilbo. 

"Well in this case, that is true. Moon Runes can only be read by the light of the moon of the same shape and season as the day on which they were written." Elrond went on.

"Can you read them?" Thorin asked.

"Did somebody say something about Runes?" Hermione asked suddenly jumping in front of Thorin. "I know how to read Runes-" 

"You know how to read Moon Runes?" Harry asked.

"No. Moon Runes don't exist. They're just a myth." Hermione answered. But then she looked at everyone starring at her. "You guys have Moon Runes on you, don't you?" She asked. 

"These runes were written on a Mid-Summer's eve by the light of a crescent moon nearly two hundred years ago. It would seem you were meant to come to Rivendell." Elrond explained as they walked towards a Chamber behind a waterfall and to the entrance of a cave where a stone slab lay. "Fate is with you, Thorin Oakenshield. The Same moon shines upon us tonight." 

"Well, brilliant." Harry commented. "But, Lord Elrond, sir. How do... how do read a Moon Rune? I'm only asking because I never took Ancient Runes in school." 

"I have." Hermione chimed in.

"That's only because Hermione takes everything." Ron pointed out.

"Except for Divinations." Harry muttered. 

Elrond decided to let actions speak louder than words. He placed the map on the stone slab. The Moon light after letting the clouds clear, shined down and hit the stone, making both slab and map glow, revealing rune appearing on the map. Elrond then translated the runes. "Stand by the grey stone when the thrush knocks, and the setting sun with the last light of Durin's Day will shine upon the keyhole." He read.

"Durin's Day?" Bilbo and Harry asked. 

"It is the start of the Dwarves new year, when the last moon of Autumn and the first sun of winter appear in the sky together." Gandalf explained.

"Well, that's good news. Now we know when to get to the Lonely Mountain." Hermione chimed in.

"Not quite, Miss. Granger." Thorin shot down. "Summer is passing, Durin's Day will soon be upon us." 

"We still have time." Balin assured. 

"Time for what?" Ron asked. 

"To find the entrance. We have to be standing at exactly the right spot, at exactly the right time. Then, and only then, can the door be opened." Balin answered. 

Unfortunately, Elrond happened to still be standing there. "So this is your purpose, to enter the mountain." He noticed to Thorin.

"Well, it was only a matter of time." Harry figured.

"What of it?" Thorin asked. 

"There are some who would not deem it wise." Elrond warned.

"Who do you mean?" Gandalf asked.

"You are not the only Guardian to stand watch over Middle Earth." Elrond reminded him.

Harry in the meantime, returned with Ron and Hermione over to Neville, Ginny, and Luna. And explained the plan to them. 

"Durin's Day? How long do we have?" Neville asked.

"Well according to the people of Middle Earth, Durin's Day falls on the Last Moon of Autumn. So... that's..." Harry started to figure. 

"He means we have till the Winter Solstice." Hermione clarified.

"Well, what month is it now?" Ginny asked. 

"Mid Summer." Harry answered. 

"Well, I'm not worried. That's plenty of time to trek through to the East and wherever the Lonely Mountain is." Ron assured. 

"And even if we get there early, then we can still be able to camp out and wait for Durin's Day to come." Hermione said. 

"Why can't we just use Revelio to reveal the Key Hole?" Neville asked.

"It's got to be some kind of powerful magic that prevents us from using Reivilo. At least that's my guess." Hermione answered. 

"But all the same, I'd rather not take any chances." Thorin had suddenly appeared before everyone else. 

"Thorin? How long were you standing there?" Harry asked.

"Just walked in, actually." Thorin answered. "I just came by to inform you that we'll be leaving at the crack of dawn." 

"Why?" Harry asked at the sudden change. 

"Yeah, I rather like Rivendell." Ron agreed.

"Actually, Ron just likes to sleep in." Luna clarified. 

"Well, now we're on a Time Crunch, we need to reach the Lonely Mountain before the Sun Sets on Durin's Day." Thorin informed. "And we'll need all our strength as we cross over the Misty Mountains."  

"Cross the Misty Mountains?" Harry asked.

"Yes." Thorin answered. "It's the fastest way to the Lonely Mountain." 

"What if we go around the Misty Mountains?" Ron asked. Mountain climbing was not up his forte.

"That would tack on an additional 40 days." Thorin answered.

"Over the Mountains, let's go." Hermione decided just like that.

"In that case, try to get some sleep early." Thorin said. "Besides, I don't think the Elves really appreciated the others bathing in their fountains. So, the sooner we get out of here, the better." 

"Oh, Merlin." Hermione smacked her head. 

"That is a thought that is not getting out of my head anytime soon." Harry thought out loud. 

"We'll be ready to go by tomorrow." Neville assured. "Us, the Dwarves, and Bilbo of course." 

The mention of Bilbo just made Thorin stare at Neville. "Neville Longbottom, was it?" He asked.

"Yeah." Neville confirmed.

"Try not to put too much faith in the Halfling." Thorin advised.   

"But you asked him to join." Harry pointed out. "You even invaded his house and ate his food." 

"And now I'm starting to think that maybe it was a mistake." Thorin replied before leaving. And as he left, Bilbo could be seen from another hallway having heard everything that Thorin was saying. And he just sighed. 

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