Chapter 11; Tell Her You Love Her

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[A/N play the video while reading this chapter for major feels]

    "This is a bad idea." said Newt shaking his head and taking a few steps back.
    "Come on Newt, just walk up to her and tell her you love her." said Minho pushing Newt towards Hazel, who was sitting under a tree writing in her notebook.
    "I can't, I can't bloody do it." said Newt turning around his back facing Hazel.
    "Listen," said Minho placing his hand on Newt's shoulder. "You're not the only shank who likes her, remember what Gally said?" asked Minho.
    "Yeah, I remember what that bloody shuck'face said." replied Newt angrily.
    "Do you think what he said about him and Hazel is true?" asked Minho.
    "I don't bloody know, but I sure hope not."

(10 minutes earlier)

    "Newt, be honest with me, what's this really all about?" repeated Minho for the second time.
     "I can't lose her Minho. I think..." said Newt, pausing to wipe the tears off his face. "I think I love her." said Newt.
    "What?" said a voice from behind them.
    "Who's there?" shouted Minho.
    "Who do you think, shuck-face?!" said the voice again.
    It only took Newt half a second to recognise the person speaking.
    "Gally, why the shuck are you even here?" asked Newt.
    "Hazel sent me." replied Gally plainly.
    "How much did you hear?" asked Minho.

    "Enough to know that you think you have a chance with her." answered Gally crossing his arms.
    "So... You love Hazel?" asked Gally raising his eyebrows.
    Newt hesitated for half a second before saying, "Yes... I'm in love with her."
    "Well then, may the best shank win." said Gally turning to walk away.
    "What makes you think that you have a chance with her?" asked Minho standing up for Newt.
    "Because, believe it or not, Hazel and I have a history together. We knew each other before we were placed in this shucking Glade." said Gally as-a-matter-of-factly.
    "I don't believe you." said Newt.
    "Oh yeah? Ask her yourself." said Gally walking away.

(Back to the present)

    "Okay fine," groaned Minho pinching the bridge of his nose.
    "Forget that. Just start small, ask her if she knew Gally before all of this," said Minho gesturing to the Glade. "It won't be that hard to ask her that, right?" asked Minho.
    "Right?" he repeated again when Newt didn't answer him.
    "Yeah, I guess your right, I'll ask Hazel if she knew him first." said Newt. "Ask me if I knew who?" asked a small voice from behind Newt. "Oh, umm, I, um." mumbled Newt incoherently. "Yes?" asked Hazel looking puzzled.

    Minho feeling that he should help his friend, sighed and blurted out, "Oh for Shuck's sake! Newt wanted to ask if you knew Gally before we were all placed here." said Minho gesturing to the Glade, like before.
    "Umm, what?" asked Hazel no longer looking confused.
    "You heard me," said Minho, "Is it true that you knew him?"
    "How'd you find out?" asked Hazel, shock written all over her face.
    "So it's true?" asked Newt looking a bit hurt.
    "Look, I'm sorry that I didn't tell you that earlier, I just..." said Hazel trailing off.
   "How long have you known?" asked Newt.

   Hazel mumbled something under her breath trying her best to not making eye-contact with them.
    "What?" asked Newt.
    "Two weeks... Are you mad?" asked Hazel looking up.
    "No, I'm just hurt that you didn't tell me." said Newt.
    "I'm sorry, I just wasn't sure what to make of those memories." said Hazel.
    "So, what did you remember in your dreams?" asked Newt.
    "Gally and I were close, it was like we were joined at the hip close. At first I didn't believe it, but then, Gally came to me and told me that he had same memory of us when he was stung by the Griever." explained Hazel.

    "That's it?" asked Minho.
    "No, that's not it. There's more, in many of those dreams Gally mentioned that I had a brother. So naturally I thought that he might be here in the Glade, but I haven't found him yet." said Hazel.
    "And since then you and Gally have been looking for you missing brother?" asked Newt.
    "Yup." replied Hazel.
    "Oh, I thought, umm, never mind what I thought..." said Newt trailing off.
    "Is there anything else you want to ask or tell me?" asked Hazel with her hands on her hips.
    "Uhh, nothing. There's nothing else." replied Newt.

    "So, Minho, who's that running partner you were talking about earlier?" asked Hazel turning to Minho, their conversation temporarily forgotten.
     "Your partner is Nathan." said Minho.
     "Okay thanks. Well, it's getting late, I'm going to bed. Goodnight guys." said Hazel picking up her notepad in one hand and her pencil in the other. After Hazel had walked away from the duo, Minho smacked Newt's head with his hand.
    "You shuckface! You should've told her what you told me!" said Minho, convinced that Newt had blown his chance.

    "She just said that they were friends, not that they were dating or that they were together. And, ow, that bloody hurt!" said Newt rubbing his head.
    "She may not have said that he was her shuck boyfriend, but she said did that they were very close." said Minho.
    "So?" asked Newt, clueless to what Minho was talking about.
    "So, it means that Gally has an equal chance as you to be with Hazel." explained Minho.
    "Shuck, and I thought you were the smart one." said Minho under his breath.
    "Oh and if you're such a smart shank, why don't you bloody tell me what I should do?" said Newt rolling his eyes.

    "As I said before, tell her you love her." said Minho, before shaking his head and muttering something under his breath. Newt could hear words like, 'slinthead' and 'shucking idiot' from where he was still standing.
    "'Just tell her you love her.'" said Newt, mimicking Minho's voice.
     "Oh and I suppose it'll be so bloody easy!" shouted Newt. After Minho had left for the homestead, Newt had decided to take a walk in the forest to clear his head.
    "This is so shucking frustrating!" shouted Newt walking towards the tree house that he made for Chuck.

    He walked up the winding staircase and opened the door leading to the small room.
     "This is giving me bloody headache!" shouted Newt plopping down on the hammock in the small room.
     Back in the homestead, Minho was in his room, he had just finished talking to Nathan about him partnering Hazel.
    "I see that Newt didn't take the news well." said Gally with his arms crossed, standing at the doorway of Minho's room.
    "I don't remember you being there." said Minho.
     "I saw someone headed to the forest, and I know Newt is the only one who ever goes there." said Gally walking into the room.

    "That sounds like something he'd do." said Minho.
    "So, what did she tell you guys?" asked Gally. "She pretty much confirmed that everything you said was true." said Minho.
    "Told ya I wasn't lying, but you shanks never listen." muttered Gally under his breath.
    "I'll have you know that this "shank" has a kinfe in his hand." said Minho revealing the sharp dagger he was holding in his right hand.
     "So? It's not like you'll hurt me, there are shuckin' rules remember?" said Gally confidently.

    "Be that as it may, you never know, one day I might accidentally slip something in your food when I'm in Frypan's kitchen." said Minho.
    "You're a shank, you know that?" said Gally turning to leave.
    "It was nice talking to you too." said Minho sarcastically as Gally left the room. While Minho and Gally were talking, Hazel sat on a low hanging tree branch next to the canopy of trees in the forest. She had a hard time falling asleep and figured that she wouldn't be sleeping anytime soon. The moon light was just enough for her to see the leaves swaying the light breeze.

   She held a pencil in her right hand and had her sketchpad on her lap, and was drawing something- no, someone. She had changed into a white spaghetti- strap top and brown shorts after dinner. On her sketchpad was a detailed drawing of Gally and her as little kids playing. This made her remember her dream of her and Gally playing hide and seek.
   Best friends since young, thought Hazel smiling as she set the pencil down.
   Another day in the maze, I wonder when we'll ever find a way out, thought Hazel, leaning back onto the tree branch and gazing on the thick canopy of trees making up the Glade's forest.

    Hazel sat up on the branch, letting her legs dangle near the grassy ground.
    Newt and Gally seemed so strange today. Boys are so weird, thought Hazel rolling her eyes as she looked up at the late night sky. The sun had set a long time ago and the sky was a dark shade of blue with the full moon high in the sky, shining down on her. Before Hazel knew it, she had fallen asleep on the tree branch and was given another memory from WICKED...

Hello my lovely Gladers! Can you believe that the year passed so fast? It's just 29 more days until TST! I can't wait! Do any of you guys have instagram? If you do please follow @Themunies she posts aMAZEing (did you see what I did there? XD) TMR edits and she's really nice.

I'm so sorry for not posting in such a long time, I've been having exams every week for the past month and I've been trying to catch up with my school work. I'm having another exam next month, in September, but till then, I'm going to try to edit and post more frequently.

Don't worry, I'll still be posting a few times a month. Oh well, I guess I'd better start writing the next chapter. Bye guys!

-Alice xx


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