Chapter 13; Trapped (Part 2)

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    "Get your kluck together, Hazel." said Hazel, scolding herself.
    Breathe, just breathe. First things first, find someplace safe to hide for the night, thought Hazel getting up.
    Although Hazel was a Runner and knew her way around the Maze, she feared that she wouldn't live to see the next day, especially because no one had ever survived a night in the Maze.
    "Just focus on the task at hand, thinking you'll survive is winning half the battle. Mind over matter." said Hazel out loud.
    She then started running to the nearest section to find a suitable place to hide for the night.


    Back in the Glade Newt and Minho sat in Newt's room, not having any appetite for Frypan's food. Newt blamed himself for not demanding for Hazel to refuse Minho's offer for her to be a Runner, he also blamed himself for not telling her he loved her.
    "Shuck it! I should've told her!" shouted Newt punching the wall.
    "Newt, dude, just slim it nice and calm down for a second." said Minho restraining Newt from hurting himself ever further.
    "I should've never let her become a Runner, Minho. I should've begged her to stay in the Glade. This is all my fault." said Newt, collapsing on the floor.

    "Newt, don't beat yourself up. It's not your fault, she would've continued running in the Maze anyway, you know how persistent she is." said Minho.
    "Yeah, she's as stubborn as a mule." said Newt chuckling. His smile slowly faded as he said, "I just wished I could've done more."
    "Newt, you did everything you could. Don't worry about Hazel, she's strong, she'll find a way to make it back to us. Just wait and see." said Minho.


    Four hours later, in the Maze, Hazel was safely hidden, behind the wall vines. She found that spot when she first entered the Maze with Minho. She was just passing by that section when she noticed the unnatural wall of vines. After further examination, she realised that there was a cavity inside the maze wall, hidden by the thick vines. From inside the cavity you the vines were thinner, letting you see everything outside the cavity. But not thin enough to be seen from the outside. As the hours passed by slowly Hazel was more confident that she would survivel, especially with her bow, armed and ready to be used by her side.

    That is, until she heard a familiar hair-raising sound.


    Hazel's breath hitched and her hand instinctively flew to her month, preventing her from.making any noise to indicate that she was there.
    Turn, pleaded Hazel silently.
    Go away
    Normally Hazel would've stayed put, but her damn curiosity got the best of her and she slowly tilted her head to get a better look at the Griever.

    It was very ugly up close, and very big. It stood rooted a few meters away from the entrance of the cavity. Hazel slid down the wall of the cavity, crouching.
    Please don't come here, begged Hazel silently.
    Go away.
    As the minutes passed, Hazel's breathing remained short and ragged. Then all of a sudden the Griever started rolling towards Hazel's hiding place!

    "Shuck!" swore Hazel as she ducked out of her hiding place, narrowly missing the Griever's claw, falling onto the ground. The Griever hit the Maze wall with a loud thud, creating a crack in the wall. Hazel quickly got to her feet and started running. She sprinted to the nearest corner, trying to lose the Griever. But, unfortunately for her, the Griever was right on her heels.
    Oh God, it's gaining on me, thought Hazel, panicking as she made a sharp turn in the corner.
    Lose it in the blades, said a voice in her head.

    It's now or never, what will it be fight or flight, wondered Hazel, looking back at the Griever chasing her.
    Flight. Flight, definitely flight, thought Hazel as the Griever's claw came down, narrowly missing her arm.
    "Shuck, not another one!" shouted Hazel, turning around.
    Oh God, I'm trapped, thought Hazel, raising the bow. Suddenly, the Griever plunged forward at her, catching her off guard. The sudden movement caused Hazel to release the arrow.


    Newt woke up with a start. A scream had jolted him awake. He ran out the door and saw that the scream had woken up most of the Gladers.
    "What the bloody hell was that?" asked Newt walking towards Minho, whose eyes were fixed onto the Maze doors.
    "That was a Griever." replied Gally, leaning against the homesteads' wall.
    "Just a little bit longer Newt. The Maze doors will be opening soon." said Minho, his eyes still on the Maze Doors.

    Just as Minho said that, the Maze doors started to open slowly.
   "I'm going to go into the Maze with Nathan. Don't worry Newt, we'll bring her back." said Minho patting Newt's back.
    "Ready to go?" asked Nathan, picking up a spear.
    "Yeah, come on Nathan, let's get our Greenie back." said Minho slinging on his backpack. And with that, Nathan and Minho ran into the Maze, not knowing what to expect. After five minutes of running Nathan noticed something out of place.

    "Minho, look." said Nathan pointing as a broken stick a few meters away from them. "What's that?"
    "That's Hazel's," said Minho. "Okay, so, she ran down this route, and dropped her bow here."
    "Wait- She was injured here." said Nathan pointing at the drops of blood on the ground.
    "It leads to the next section." said Minho looking at the trail of blood.
    "Let's find my best friend." said Nathan following the trail, with Minho right behind him. They both continued following the trail until they came across a corner.

    "She went this wa-" said Nathan making his way pass the corner.
    "What? What is it?" asked Minho, running after Nathan.
    "Nathan wha-" begain Minho, "Oh! Oh my shucking God!"

Hello my wonderful Gladers, sorry for the cliffhanger. Don't worry, I'm working on the next chapter now. I hope you guys like this chapter and comment on it, because I love it when you guys vote and comment on my stories.

Have you guys watched TST yet? I totally loved it! XD (Even though they left out a lot of things) I can't believe they're writing the TDC Part 1 script now, I'm not ready for it :( Well, I'm gonna write the next chapter now bye.

- Alice xx


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