Chapter 5; Gally

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    "I wanted to tell you that..." said Gally, looking left and right checking to see if anyone followed them. "We knew each other before we were placed in this shuckin' Glade."
    Hazel was speechless, she just stared at him until he started to explain what he was talking about.
    "About a month ago, I was attacked by a Grever, and it stung me. Then, I started having these weird dreams. But then I remembered what Alby said about Gladers that get stung."

    "What happens to them? What did you remember?" she asked, being her usual curious self.
    "They start remembering some things from their past through their dreams. I then realised that my 'dreams' were actually memories from my past."
    "And what did you remember?" Hazel asked him again.
    "I remember you. A few days ago, before you arrived in the Glade, I had a dream about you and I. We were in the forest and I was looking for you, we seemed very close."
    And then it hit her, she had the exact same dream last night.

    "I had the exact same dream last night! How is that even possible?!" exclaimed Hazel.
    "I don't have a shuckin' clue. All I know, is that you and I were close friends before all this happened."
    "I'd better go back before Minho or Newt come and look for me." said Hazel, walking back to the homestead.
    "Wait, before I forget. You'll be working with the Builders tomorrow, so if you want to talk about it, come and find me."
    "Sure thing." said Hazel.
    They were already at the edge of the forest, close to the bonfire.

    "Oh, and Hazel?"
    "Remember not to tell anyone. Especially Newt or Minho." he said as he walked towards the bonfire, leaving Hazel with her thoughts.
    Wow. Gally and I knew each other before this? And we might've been close friends? That's a lot to take in. Who's my "brother"? Is he still alive? Is he here, in the Glade, thought Hazel worriedly.
    "Hazel!" shouted a voice bringing her back to reality.
    She turned around and saw Newt and Minho running towards her. Well, Minho was running and Newt was limping.
    "Hey guys." said Hazel walking towards them.
    "What did that bloody shuckface want to tell you?" asked Newt, placing his hand on her shoulder.

    Hazel was about to tell them, when she remember Gally's warning not to.
    "Oh, nothing much. He just told me that I'm working with the Builder tomorrow and some other stuff that's not important. Anyway, I'm gonna sleep now." mumbled Hazel, looking at the boys.
    Minho, bought her lame excuse but Newt on the other hand, did not. He knew something was up when she hesitated to answer them. And Newt was determined to find out what it was.

    "Okay. Hazel, Minho I have to attend a gathering with Alby." lied Newt. "You go to the homestead first." he said to Hazel.
    "Okay Newt. Goodnight guys." said Hazel, walking back to the homestead.
    As she was walking towards the homestead Minho broke the silence saying, "What's up with you? We don't have any gatherings today, what's wrong?"
     Newt waited until he was sure that Hazel had walked into the homestead before turning to Minho saying, "You actually believed what Hazel said about her talk with Gally? About how it wasn't bloody important?"

    "Yeah. I mean it's not like she'd shucking lie to us for that slinthead."
    "She hesitated when she was talking about it." said Newt, shaking his head.
    "So ya think she's lying to us? Just 'cos she hesitated when she was talkin' about it?"
    "Yes, I think she's bloody lying to us. And I for one, want to find out why."
said Newt, walking towards the bonfire.
    "So what're'ya gonna do about it?" asked Minho catching up with Newt, which wasn't that hard considering that Newt had a limp and Minho didn't.

    "I'll tell you what I'm gonna do, I'm gonna find Gally and ask him myself." stated Newt, walking towards Gally.
    "Woah! Hold up. Did you just say your gonna shuckin' TALK to Gally?" said Minho stopping Newt from walking towards Gally.
    "Yes. Yes, I did say that. Now could you get out of my bloody way?" asked Newt trying to get past Minho, but to no avail.
    "You know what happens when people 'talk' to Gally. It doesn't end well. I mean, remember what happened to that Glader who tried to talk to that slinthead?" said Minho.
    "Yeah, I remember. He ended up in the med jack's hut for the day." said Newt.

    "And yet, you still wanna talk to him?" said Minho.
    "I'm just gonna ask him somethin' and see how he reacts. If he hesitates before answerin' then it proves my point." said Newt, pushing Minho aside.
    "Okay. I'm comin' along. But don't say I didn't shuckin' warn you when you end up in the med jack's hut." said Minho, following Newt.
    Gally was sitting next to his Builder friends, near the bonfire, drinking some drink that Gally invented.
    "Hey, Gally." said Newt walking up to Gally. "I wanna ask you somethin'"
    "What?" said Gally standing up.

    "What did you and Hazel talk about?" said Newt.
    Just like Newt predicted, Gally hesitated before answering. "It's none of your shuckin' business what I talk to her about." said Gally crossing his arms.
    Rolling his eyes, Newt walked away with Minho behind him. Minho opened his mouth and said, "Don't say it Ne-"
    "I bloody told you so." interrupted Newt with a smug smile.
     "All that proved is that Hazel was lying to us, and that what they were talkin' about must've been important. It doesn't tell us what they were talkin' about." said Minho.

    "Yeah, well, I plan to find out what the shuck they were talkin' about if it's the last bloody thing I do." said Newt, walking off towards the homestead to retire for the night.
    Newt was worried about what they were talking about, he assumed it was very important if Hazel would lie about it. Hazel was already asleep when Newt walked into the room. She was sleeping at the side of the bed, near to the wall. Newt took off his shoes then, slipped under the covers. Little did he know that Hazel was having a dream about her past...

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