Chapter 1: The Boy With The Riolu

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Author's Note:

Hello all, and once again happy GCTOversary! Since I had a few things delayed that I wanted to upload today, I thought I'd post the first part of a two-parter story that I've been working on for Potat Lasaro, winner of one of my hockey pools. I've actually had this part done awhile, but I've been waiting to get the second part done...and I've been bad at keeping up with everything. Anyway, this was written prior to Ash and Bea facing off in the Hyper Class in the anime, but it doesn't actually involve the World Championships so I think it still works. This kes place in the Isle of Armor and Ash, Goh and Chloe are on a trip to look for a Kubfu for Professor Cerise. While there, Ash is competing in a tournament and...a certain fighting type trainer is there. Hope you enjoy part one!

Chapter 1: The Boy With The Riolu

"Ash, hurry up! Your battle will be starting soon!"

Ash blinked in confusion, staring over at the front doors of the Pokemon Centre, where his friends Goh and Chloe had just burst through, each looking flustered. The piece of toast that was in Ash's hand dropped to his plate as he followed their gazes to the clock that was over the front desk where Nurse Joy was currently helping a trainer with an injured Scorbunny. The three of them continued to stare at the clock for another moment, before suddenly Ash felt something hitting his hand.

"Ouch!" he hissed, rubbing the back of his hand as he turned to the yellow Mouse Pokemon glaring at him from the seat next to him.

"Pika!" Pikachu snapped, nudging Ash in an attempt to get him out of the booth where he'd been stuffing his face for the last few minutes, oblivious to everything around him.

"Uh, right!" Ash said quickly, grabbing his Rotom-phone off the table before sliding out of the booth. He quickly yelled his thanks to Nurse Joy for the breakfast before running out the doors behind Goh and Chloe, scolding himself for not having paid any attention to the time. He was just putting his hat on over his messy raven-coloured hair, when Goh glanced at him, still keeping up a fast pace as they ran through the cobblestone streets of the busy Galarian town on the Isle of Armor.

"I can't believe you forgot about your match, Ash!" his friend said, amusement in his blue eyes, despite his exasperated tone. "We left early to watch the other semi final match and thought you would meet us at the stadium."

Ash gave a sheepish laugh, rubbing the back of his neck. "Well, I guess I slept in a bit and then I got hungry. I thought you must've been out trying to look for that Kubfu Professor Cerise was asking us to keep an eye out for."

"We did actually start out doing that," Chloe noted, looking sideways at Goh, flicking her maroon-coloured ponytail away from her face, which got the attention of her Eevee, who mimicked the motion. "Then Goh noticed the other match had started and we went to see if you were there."

"Uh...yeah, I guess that sounds right," Goh muttered, laughing nervously.

"Why didn't you guys just call me?" Ash asked. He'd never really used cell phones before, but he had to admit that once he'd gotten the Rotom-phone, it had been very convenient. "I would've liked to see the other match. We haven't been able to watch any of the other battles with Professor Cerise asking us to look for Kubfu, and that Mustard guy needing us for all those other tasks. I'm still wiped out from gathering those Slowpoke."

"I was about to and then Goh took off after a Pancham that he thought was this mysterious Kubfu. We were right next to the Pokemon Centre once that was done," Chloe explained, rolling her eyes. "Anyway, we should be able to make your match now," she added as she glanced at the time on her own Rotom-phone.

"I wonder who my opponent will be," Ash said, putting his hands behind his head and looking up thoughtfully. "Usually I have some idea of who I might be up against in a tournament." He shrugged it off a moment later, though, grinning as he looked to Pikachu up on his shoulder. "Oh well, it makes the challenge all the more exciting, right buddy?"


The group continued to make their way to arena in silence, starting to hear the noises of people up ahead. It was clear people were already excited about the next match. Ash tried to listen in on a few conversations about the other battle as he passed by, but he didn't hear anything beyond someone saying the winning trainer had won with a powerful fighting type. He sighed, wishing that he hadn't slept in. He and the others hadn't been getting much rest since arriving in Galar, though, with the tournament, Cerise's quest and the guy running the tournament, Mustard, asking them to help with a variety of things.

"Ash! There you are! Your match will be starting soon. Quick get inside!"

Ash and the others glanced up upon hearing the voice, seeing Mustard waving them over from near the front entrance to the stadium. He was an elderly man in a turquoise sports jacket and a bowler hat with highlights of the same colour. He appeared quite enthusiastic as he called Ash and his friends over, and they couldn't help but look at one another nervously. Mustard might've been elderly, but he was always busy. And he seemed to like asking them for help.

As they made their way over, however, Mustard simply waved them inside and began leading them through the busy hall towards the stadium. "Ash!" he said excitedly, looking back at him with wide eyes. "I know I've kept you busy, but this tournament is winding down, now, and after all the work that's gone into it, I want it to end off with a bang. Do make sure to give everyone a good show out there!"

Ash grinned at the request. Having a good battle was definitely something he could do! "Of course, Mr. Mustard!" he said, pumping his fist. "It's the semi finals! What else could we do, but give it our all?!"

"That's the spirit, my boy!" Mustard said happily, stopping as they reached the entrance, where Goh and Chloe would head to the seats and Ash would make his way through the tunnel and onto the battlefield. "It looks as though you'll be going up against quite a strong trainer if you win this match, so please do give it your all."

"Who won?!" Ash asked excitedly, ignoring the announcement that was calling him onto the battlefield.

"Oh that's not important right now," Mustard said with a laugh. "Just head out there and win, and then you'll see. She's a strong one, though! I know that as a proud Galarian!"

"What do you-"

"Ash, you have to go!" Chloe snapped, pushing him away towards the tunnel. "They'll disqualify you if you don't hurry up!"

"Uh...right!" Ash said, quickly starting to towards the tunnel. "See you guys later!"

"Good luck!" Goh called, as he, Chloe and Mustard made their way to the stands.

As they disappeared, Ash quickly took off, hearing the sounds of the crowd get louder as he made his way further down the tunnel. Just as light was appearing at the end, he could hear the announcer, calling his name once again and he picked up the pace, exchanging an embarrassed glance with Pikachu. As Ash emerged from the tunnel, the lights causing him to squint as he rushed towards his place on the battlefield, the crowd roared in approval, clearly relieved to have their two competitors now ready.

"All right, let's do this!" Ash whispered to himself, listening as the announcer got the crowd ready and he stared across the field at his opponent, who had called out a monstrous looking two-legged Pokemon that appeared to have green skin, but it was covered in dark, black hair, with two pointy green ears poking out at the top of its head.

"Ladies and gentlemen!" the announcer then called out. "It appears the first Pokemon chosen is a powerful looking Grimmsnarl! How will Ash respond to this?! Remember, it's a one on one battle here in the semi finals, so this will be an important choice!"

Ash smirked, holding up a pokeball as he looked towards the opposing Pokemon. "I've got the perfect Pokemon for this! Gengar, I choose you!"

As both Pokemon moved forward, glaring at one another, the referee raised his arm, looking to both trainers. With both signalling that they were ready, he waved his arm. "Let the battle begin!"

"I know I've kept you busy, but this tournament is winding down, now, and after all the work that's gone into it..."

Bea stared in shock at the retreating forms of four people making their way down the busy hall of the stadium. The sight had been so surprising to her that she'd nearly dropped the triple chocolate dipped donut she'd been holding in her hand. Not that much was left of it.

The trainer with the Riolu...she realized, absentmindedly stuffing the rest of the donut in her mouth and continuing to watch as the group disappeared. I didn't know he was in the tournament.

Bea shook her head a moment later, moving to the side as a few fans rushed by, making their way to the stands so that they could watch the match. Meanwhile, she turned her attention to one of the monitors hung up in the hallway which would show the broadcast. She had no interest in sitting with a bunch of people to watch the battle. It was part of why she hadn't been paying attention to the tournament at all as she had battled her way to the finals.

Now, however, Bea found herself intrigued. She fiddled with the hairband that was carefully positioned in her grey hair, somewhat surprised with herself as she watched the screen intently, seeing the Riolu trainer rushing onto the battlefield a moment later, the announcer having just been doing a last minute call for him. It seemed he had been late.

Ash...right, that was his name, Bea realized, hearing the boy's name as the announcer excitedly announced the arrival and began calling for the trainers to select their Pokemon. I wonder if he uses that Riolu again. It was pretty impressive.

A couple of arena staff walked by as Bea watched the screen, staring at her in recognition after her own battle not long before, in which she had one handily with her Hawlucha. She ignored their stares, though, raising an eyebrow in interest as Ash called out his Gengar to take on his opponent's Grimmsnarl. It was certainly a bold move. From what she knew, Gengar were known for their power, but being from Galar, Bea was aware of the strength of a Grimmsnarl.

As the referee called for the battle to begin, Bea was surprised to see Ash allow his opponent to take the first move. He seemed to enjoy getting into the battle quickly, which was part of how she had trapped his Pokemon with her Grapploct in their previous battles. Of course, his shift in strategy with his Riolu had helped him in their rematch, so she realized he might've learned a little more patience. Perhaps he wanted to see how Grimmsnarl battled before he acted too hastily.

"Grimmsnarl, use Sucker Punch!" the opposing trainer ordered first, his dark and fairy type smirking as he pulled his fist back, shadows engulfing it.

Unfortunately for Grimmsnarl and his trainer, Ash's Gengar was much too fast for it. The ghost type disappeared well before the punch could land, appearing as though it had been swallowed by the battlefield, before appearing behind the Bulk Up Pokemon. Ash immediately ordered an Ice Punch with Gengar in prime attacking position, and within an instant, they were on the offensive and dominating the match.

That was quick, Bea thought, smirking to herself as Grimmsnarl tried to fight back with its signature move, Spirit Break. Unfortunately for it, Gengar was not one to have its spirit broken. In fact, it appeared as though the Shadow Pokemon was only further motivated to win, responding quickly with a Shadow Ball that sent Grimmsnarl crashing to the battlefield.

"Man, that kid and his Gengar are strong," Bea heard one of the vendors nearby saying as he handed a candy bar to a customer. "I bet he'll give that girl from the first match a run for her money in the finals."

Bea smirked at the comment, although she shuffled away a little bit so that she wasn't spotted. She couldn't help but agree as she glanced at the monitor again, seeing Gengar land another Ice Punch, followed by a powerful Night Shade. It appeared he and Ash had taken full control now, and the battle would be over quite soon. There was certainly no doubt about who would meet she would be meeting in the finals.

It looks like he's improved even more since our last battle, Bea thought, admiring the quick and refined movements she noticed in Ash's Gengar as he ducked under another Spirit Break attack, before thrusting forward with yet another Ice Punch. She couldn't help but notice his Pikachu looking very sleek and sure on its feet standing next to Ash as well. She could always tell when a trainer kept their Pokemon in tip top shape, and Ash was clearly very attentive.

"All right, Gengar," Ash's voice then rang out from the TV, "finish with Shadow Ball!"

"GENGARRR!" the Shadow Pokemon's call came a moment later, the dark sphere shooting down at his opponent, lifting Grimmsnarl off its feet and sending it hard into the ground just in front of its trainer.

The referee made the call easily, and quickly declared Ash the victor, the crowd and the announcer going wild over the dominating match. "Unbelievable! What a dominating performance! Gengar and Ash were in perfect sync! Ash certainly won't be an easy out in the final match tomorrow!"

Bea smirked at the comment, stepping away from the TV and making her way back towards the exit of the arena. He certainly won't be an easy out, she realized, somewhat surprised by the excited beating of her heart. It should be a good challenge.

And with that, she set off to the Pokemon Centre. She would need to ensure her Pokemon were in top condition. She needed to be ready for the boy with the Riolu.

"Man, that was a fun battle! Gengar was really on the top of his game out there!" Ash said excitedly, punching the air in triumph as he and his friends emerged from the stadium, the crowds having just dispersed after the day's battles. "It was awesome getting a chance to battle a Grimmsnarl, too!"

"I remember seeing a few of their pre-evolved forms in the Glimwood Tangle when I was with that Ponyta," Chloe murmured, tapping her chin thoughtfully. "They just wanted to play games, though. They definitely didn't look like they would ever turn into something that big and...hairy."

"I wanna catch one!" Goh said excitedly, locking eyes with Ash. "We should both catch one! They seem really strong!"

Ash nodded, pumping his fist excitedly, Pikachu mimicking the action from his shoulder. "Maybe once we're done with the tournament, we can head over to the Glimwood Tangle! What do you think, Chloe? You could lead the way."

Chloe sighed in exasperation. "That place is hard to get around if you don't know where you're going. Those Imidimp could be hanging around anywhere."

"That's why we need you to help us!" Goh said. "You're the one who knows the place the best."

"Well...if my dad doesn't have a problem with us staying any longer," Chloe muttered, sounding as though it was an inconvenience, but Ash noticed as small twinkle of excitement in her eyes. "We do need to finish up with finding some information on Kubfu for him."

"Then it's settled!" Goh said happily. "After Ash wins his battle tomorrow, we'll head off to the Glimwood Tangle and me and Ash can catch an Imidimp."

"After Ash's battle and after we finish my dad's mission," Chloe added, narrowing her eyes.

"Right," Goh agreed distractedly, looking to Ash as though something had just occurred to him. "Did you hear anything about who you would be battling? All Mustard mentioned was that she was strong."

"He also mentioned something about knowing that 'as a proud Galarian' so maybe that means she's from Galar," Chloe murmured. "Although most of the competitors are from Galar, I think."

Goh nodded, although he seemed to think it was still relevant. "It might be someone he knows well, though. He was a Champion once, so maybe they're involved in the League in some way."

Ash pumped his fist excitedly, the thought of his next opponent already getting his blood pumping. "It doesn't matter who it is! I'll beat them no matter what!"

"Well, if you're going to win, you'll need your Pokemon taken care of. Let's get them to Nurse Joy before it's too crowded," Chloe said, pointing out the Pokemon Centre ahead of them.

Ash nodded, leading the way as the trio headed inside. It seemed to Ash almost as though he had just rushed out of the Pokemon Centre this morning in order to make it to his match. He was already feeling quite hungry as he thought of the last of his breakfast that he'd been forced to abandon.

He quickly headed over to the front desk as they entered, Pikachu hopping off of his shoulder as Nurse Joy greeted him and collected his other Pokemon. As she was heading into the back room to check up on them, Ash turned back around to head back to his friends, before noticing a familiar face in the lobby, absentmindedly eating a cupcake as she stared at her Rotom-phone. Realizing what she was looking at, Ash glanced down, seeing his own lighting up.

"World Coronation Series challenger identified!" the smartphone cried out, getting the attention of Goh and Chloe, along with the girl in the lobby.

"'s you," the girl murmured, finishing her cupcake and wiping her hand with a napkin, before shoving her phone in her pocket. "The boy with the Riolu."

Ash frowned, narrowing his eyes. "My name is Ash," he muttered, as Goh and Chloe came over, the former looking amused as he glanced at the girl.

"Bea! So you competed in this tournament, too?" he asked, greeting her with a small wave.

Bea nodded, adjusting her hairband somewhat as her eyes shifted over Ash and his two friends. "Why else would I be here?" she muttered, locking eyes on Chloe. "I recognize him," she said, nodding to Goh, "but not you."

"Oh," Chloe said, blinking in surprise as her Eevee copied her action. "I'm Chloe." She swallowed nervously as Bea continued to stare at her. "N-Nice to meet you."

Bea shrugged, turning back to Ash. "There's no point in battling for the World Coronation Series right now. We'll be battling tomorrow anyway."

Ash's eyes widened. "What?! You're my opponent in the finals?!"

Bea nodded again, looking very disinterested in the whole thing. "It hasn't been much of a tournament. I was just using it as a warm up until I could find another Ultra Class competitor." She studied Ash for a moment. "Looks as though you've made it there."

Ash grinned, thumping his chest proudly. "Yeah! I beat my friend, Iris, in order to qualify. She's the Champ-"

"Champion of Unova?" Bea shrugged, glancing away. "Not bad, but it's not as strong as other regions."

"What do you mean?" Ash asked, bewildered by the girl's dismissive attitude. "Iris is really strong!"

"A true Champion would be in the Master Class. At the very least, at the higher end of the Ultra Class," Bea stated matter-of-factly. "Still, I hear she is strong. I'm just not surprised you beat her."

"I..." Ash glanced at his friends, unsure how to react.

Goh seemed somewhat amused, however. "Ash...I think Bea just complimented you!"

Ash glanced at the Galarian Gym Leader, noticing that she actually looked somewhat surprised by this. She stared blankly at Goh for a moment, before shaking her head and resuming her serious demeanour. "I'm just acknowledging Riolu Trainer's strength. I watched his battle earlier." She looked at Ash once more. "Your Gengar was very impressive. You worked well together."

"Thanks," Ash said, grinning. "Gengar works really hard when he's not playing pranks, so it was good to get the win with him today." He then narrowed his eyes. "But don't think you know all my secrets yet. I've got a couple of surprises for our battle tomorrow."

"Yeah!" Goh said excitedly. "Ash's Riolu-"

"Shh!" Chloe snapped quickly, covering Goh's mouth with her hand. "Don't you go ruining Ash's secrets!"


Everyone turned to Bea in surprise, each seemingly wondering if they'd heard correctly. Ash was almost sure she had...laughed. She straightened her face quickly, however, glancing away as Ash exchanged a confused glance with Goh. Chloe ignored it, though, looking to Goh and Ash after checking on her Rotom-phone.

"We should probably head out and see if we can find any more clues about that Kubfu," she said. "You can train later," she added a moment later, noticing Ash frowning, his eyes shifting to Bea and the training field outside.

"You're looking for a Kubfu?" Bea asked, glancing at Chloe with slight interest in her eyes.

Chloe nodded. "My dad is a Pokemon researcher, and Ash and Goh help him out with research tasks. I came along for this mission, though, so that I could help while Ash prepared for this tournament."

"I'd like to see a Kubfu," Bea said, looking out the window, appearing thoughtful. "It's been said it's a pretty powerful fighting type."

"Professor Cerise said there was a rumour one has been spotted in this area," Goh said. "We've been looking around, but there's been no sign so far."

Bea stared at him for a moment, before looking at Ash. "I'll help you."

Ash returned her stare, although his eyes were wide with surprise, not having expected such an offer from Bea. "Y-You will?" he asked. "Um...sure, that would be great, right guys?"

Chloe nodded excitedly, but Goh simply looked as surprised as Ash had been. "Why do you want to help?" he asked, getting a slap on the arm from Chloe for the question.

"I'm interested. And I know fighting types well," Bea said simply, before glancing back at Ash. "Are you sure that you're okay with this? I don't want you to think I'm trying to use this to get ahead for our battle."

"Of course it's okay!" Ash said, rubbing his neck in embarrassment. "Besides, it'll make tomorrow's battle even better if we get to hang out a bit!"

"Why is that?" Bea asked, frowning, almost suspiciously.

"Because we'll be battling as more than just rivals," Ash said, shrugging. "We'll be battling as friends!"

Bea stared at her hands in surprise as she followed along behind Ash and his two friends, the group making their way down a forest path to the west of the Pokemon Centre. She wasn't entirely sure what had come over her in the Pokemon Centre. She had been interested in this strange research mission that Ash and his friends were on, but that wouldn't normally be something that would compel her to ask to join in on the whole thing.

It's the sweets, Bea told herself. I need to stop eating so many. They make me too emotional.

"...wonder if we should ask Mustard about this."

Bea blinked and glanced up, hearing Ash speaking. She picked up her pace just a little bit, deciding she might as well hear what he had to say if she was joining on his outing. Perhaps she would be able to help. She did think it would be interesting to find this Pokemon they were looking for.

"He was a former Champion, wasn't he? He must know all kinds of Pokemon in Galar!" Ash said, spreading his arms and looking around them.

"Yeah, but as soon as we approach him, we'll be chasing after Slowpoke for the next ten hours," Ash's friend said. I think his name was Goh, Bea remembered. And the other one is...Chloe.

"It's still worth trying, I guess," Chloe said. "We've searched everywhere and there's been no sign."

"Then it's settled!" Ash announced happily, taking the lead as they continued down the path. "After the battle tomorrow, we'll ask Mustard if he's got any tips." He suddenly turned around, looking at Bea, who instantly frowned at him. "What do you think, Bea? Want to join us if Mustard has any idea where to look?"

Bea stared back for a moment, before simply shrugging. "I don't know. Maybe," she muttered.

"Come on!" Ash said, grinning back at her. "It's a fighting type Pokemon, right? You must be pretty excited to see it!"

She shrugged again. "Maybe."

"Sheesh, don't get too excited," Goh muttered. Bea glared at him in response, and he quickly grimaced and looked away, Chloe shaking her head in exasperation at him.

It was somewhat silent for a few minutes after that, which Bea was relieved about. It gave her some time to think. She was considering if this was truly the best way to spend her time before the final match the next day. Finding a rare Pokemon might be interesting, but she was missing out on valuable training time. If they did find this Kubfu, she hoped that at least it would have the courtesy to battle her.

Suddenly, the bushes up ahead began to rustle, and everyone ahead stopped moving. Bea did so as well, raising an eyebrow as she watched. She doubted their luck would be this good, but she watched on as Ash took a hopeful step forward. The sight was admittedly somewhat amusing. Somehow he seemed convinced that they had found this elusive Kubfu.

"Hey Kubfu," he called out softly. "Would you like to come out and-"


"No! Pikachu!"

Bea's eyes widened and she jumped back, along with the others as suddenly, some kind of mechanical device shot out of the bushes, grabbing ahold of Ash's Pikachu. Before their eyes, the electric mouse was lifted high into the air, shooting up towards a hot air balloon that was designed to appear like a Mewoth. In the carrier, were a woman with magenta hair, a man with periwinkle hair, a Meowth and a Wobbuffet.

"Team Rocket!" Ash yelled angrily, glaring up at the strange people.

The woman laughed at his yell, smirking down at those on the ground as Pikachu was quickly trapped in some kind of glass case. "Prepare for trouble, we've got him this time!"

The man joined in a moment later. "And make it double, we're surely in our prime!"

"To protect the world from devastation!"

"To unite all people within our nation!"

"To denounce the evils of truth and love!"

"To extend our reach to the stars above!"


"And James!"

"Team Rocket blasts off at the speed of light!"

"Surrender now, or prepare for a fight!"

"Meowwwth! That's right!"


Ash yelled something in response to this strange routine, but Bea merely stared up at the balloon in bewilderment. What a strange time to start droning on with some weird motto about...well, Bea wasn't exactly sure what. The thing that was truly shocking to her, however, was the Meowth. She was almost sure she had heard it speaking. It wasn't long before that thought was proven correct, too.

"You watch it, twerp!" the Meowth suddenly yelled down to Ash, who had pulled out a pokeball from his belt. "Any sudden moves, and Pikachu gets it!" At that moment, Pikachu had attempted to use a Thunderbolt to free himself, the electricity being absorbed into the top of the case. With a click of a button, Meowth was apparently able to redirect the electricity back at Pikachu, making him cry out in pain.

Bea was not impressed by this. "Who are these fools?" she asked, folding her arms as she glared up at them.

"They're Team Rocket," Ash explained, clenching his fists in frustration as he put his pokeball away. "They're bad guys that steal Pokemon."

"They bug us a lot," Goh murmured, clutching at a pokeball, but clearly unwilling to risk getting Pikachu hurt. His Grookey and Chloe looked as though they wanted to help, too, but Grookey and Eevee were both clearly incapable of doing anything from down where they were.

"Hmph." Bea narrowed her eyes further, noticing this Team Rocket eyeing her for the first time, apparently displeased that she had referred to them as fools.

"Who are you, new twerpette?" the woman named Jessie called down to her. "We haven't seen you before."

Bea didn't answer, instead slowly reaching her hand down to her waist, unnoticed. Suddenly, there was a flash of light, and her Hawlucha appeared at her side. "Go," she said quietly, keeping her eyes trained on the balloon up above.

The balloon people, or Team Rocket as Ash had called them, seem completely stunned by the Wrestling Pokemon darting ahead and immediately kicking off a tree and up towards them. Before they could even react, Hawlucha had sliced the remote that Meowth had used to send Pikachu's electricity back at him. With another spin and a kick, the glass case was broken open as well.

"Awesome!" Ash yelled happily, looking back to Bea. "Thanks!"

"It was nothing," she muttered, although she couldn't help but smirk at the enthusiastic reaction. "Now, Hawlucha, use Karate Chop!" she then ordered.

"Pikachu, join in with Iron Tail!" Ash added in.


"Chuuu PIKA!"

Within an instant, both Pokemon lashed out. Hawlucha's fist smacked hard into Meowth, sending him hard into James' stomach, while Pikachu's Iron Tail sent Wobbuffet stumbling into Jessie. In desperation, it appeared as though James had managed to send out a pokeball in response, however, and Bea noticed a Morpeko emerge, its body a dark purple, showing the characteristic sign of its monstrous appetite.

"PEKOOO! MORPEEEKOOO!" the Two-Sided Pokemon roared, suddenly stomping around in the carrier of the balloon, startling both Pikachu and Hawlucha as they retreated to the railing. Unfortunately for them, there was no safety to be had, an explosion breaking the carrier a moment later, and popping the balloon above.

"We're blasting off again!" Team Rocket cried out as they were blown away by the blast. Somehow, though, Pikachu and Hawlucha were descending back towards them. Hawlucha had its cape-like wings spread, slowly gliding to the ground, but the blast had sent Pikachu too far away for the Wrestling Pokemon to catch.

"No! Pikachu!" Ash shouted, suddenly taking off and grabbing on to the nearest tree and beginning to rapidly climb up it.

"Ash be careful!" Chloe warned, seeing what he was doing.

Bea watched in stunned silence, seeing Ash desperately climbing up, before leaping out to catch Pikachu. He pulled the electric type close to him, before he landed hard on the ground, rolling over and groaning, keeping himself from landing on Pikachu as he did so. Everyone rushed over immediately, Bea included.

"Ash, are you okay?!" Goh called out, he and Chloe kneeling next to their friend as he sat up.

"That was really reckless," Chloe snapped. "Why'd you do that?"

"I had to save Pikachu," Ash muttered, rubbing his back in discomfort, before looking at his Pokemon. "You okay, buddy?"

"Pipikachu! Pikapi!" Pikachu answered happily, nuzzling Ash affectionately. Bea couldn't help but smile at the sight.


"Huh?" She shook her head, looking back up at Ash and quickly wiping the smile off her face. "What is it?" she asked, ignoring Goh and Chloe appearing amused.

Ash grinned. "I just wanted to say thank you. That was awesome how fast Hawlucha got up there to stop Team Rocket. It's almost as fast as mine!"

"You have one?" Bea asked, frowning.

"He's got lots of Pokemon," Goh said. "I've seen them at Professor Oak's lab."

"Yeah, and as a Hawlucha trainer, I know yours is pretty great!" Ash said, giving a thumbs up to Bea's Hawlucha as it went to her side.

Bea frowned, glancing down at her Wrestling Pokemon, before looking to Ash's Pikachu. "I guess your Pikachu was pretty good, too. That was a strong Iron Tail."

"If you think that was strong, wait till you see what I've got planned for our battle tomorrow!" Ash said, grinning in challenge.

Bea couldn't help but smirk in response. "I'm looking forward to it. I expect nothing but the best from the boy with the Riolu."

Author's Note:

And so, part one is done. Obviously some stuff from the anime is past this point already, but I think this is still fairly self contained. Hope part one of your hockey pool prize was enjoyable, Potat! See you all next time.

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