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The scene opens up with Y/N in his mantra form as he has multiple metal arms on his body as he was seen walking in a purple endless void as a voice was heard.

???: You exceeded my expectations.

Y/N stops in his tracks and sees a glowing light appear as a figure appears and Y/N isn't happy to see who it is. It was Chakravartin, the god that created their world.

Y/N: Where's Mithra?! He shouted demanding to know where his sister is held captive.

Chakravartin: I praise you. He said as he floats off the ground and glows. You are indeed the one to inherit this world. Gaea..... must be led by one of its own.. he said as he held his hand out. Now that you have become a perfect being. I may now leave this world, and save other worlds in need of my guidance. An orb suddenly appears as he spoke again. Come, and join your sister.

The orb disappears shortly as Y/N immediately recognized that the figure was his little sister.

Y/N: Mithra!

Mithra opens her eyes and noticed him as she immediately stood up.

Mithra: Brother!

She ran towards him as he held his arms out and hugged her tightly while glaring at Chakravartin as he just stood there smirking at Y/N. He then kneels down as Y/N glares towards him.

Chakravartin: I am counting on you. He said as he held his hand out as Y/N was glaring at him still with his piercing glowing white eyes.

Y/N was looking at Chakravartin as he then looks down at his sister who was looking at him with worry in her eyes not wanting to accept the offer. He then looks back at Chakravartin as he stares at him for a few more seconds until-

His fist goes straight into his face.

Y/N: I refuse! He said as he shoved his fist with more impact pushing Chakravartin back as he groaned.

Chakravartin: How dare you defy me!

Y/N: I will destroy you and your so called world!!

Chakravartin: That is unlikely!!!

Mithra: Brother!

Chakravartin held his hand out.

Chakravartin: GET BACK HERE! He shouts as he sends a powerful shockwave as Y/N uses his metal arms to protect him and his sister. Unfortunately the shockwave was too strong as Y/N was pushed back dropping Mithra in the process as Chakravartin traps her in the small orb once again.

The orb is sent back to Chakravartin as Y/N gets up and clenches all his fists and lets out a furious roar.

Chakravartin: I may have overestimated you! He shouts as he starts shooting projectiles towards Y/N who is currently jumping and dodging them. I hope you don't disappoint me any further!

Y/N: SHUT UP! He shouts as he continues dodging the projectiles while rushing towards Chakravartin.

Chakravartin: Good. Very good.

The projectiles fade away as Y/N is rushing towards him with all his strength prepared.

Y/N: You won't be laughing for long- HYYYAAHHHH!!! He shouts as he tried to land a punch on him only to get pushed on the ground. Chakravartin tries to hit Y/N with his staff as he moved his head just in time as the staff hits the floor shattering the void as everything turned white.

Y/N's eyes open again as he is flying in the air while descending at a rapid pace. He continues flying down as he sees the statue of Chakravartin come to life and started shooting projectiles at Y/N once again. Y/N uses his fists to shoot out energy beams while destroying the projectiles and the statue. Few minutes passed as he got close enough to the statue as he cocks his fist back as it was glowing with immense power.

Y/N: HYYYYYAHHHHHHH!!!! He roared as he punched the statue as it shattered only to be returned to the purple void once more. They are back in the purple void as Chakravartin was standing there unfazed. Give me Mithra Back!!!!

Chakravartin: You are the redeemer! You must become the new god of this world!!!

Y/N: Not everything bends to your will!!! He shouts while punching projectiles back towards Chakravartin.

Chakravartin: It must! It will be!!! And you will accept your fate!!!!!! If you do not, this world will come to an end!!

Y/N punches all projectiles back stunning Chakravartin as he rushes towards him and super kicks him down as he floats in the air and gathers up allot of mantra energy fires multiple energy blasts towards Chakravartin as it explodes on impact.

Y/N: You either give up and give me back my sister! Or you die!!!!! 

Chakravartin: You won't be able to stop me!! Nothing can!!!!!!

Y/N starts punching him until a shockwave pushes him back.

Chakravartin: Weak. Very weak.

He then started shooting at Y/N as he quickly jumps up and flies in the air once more as Chakravartin missed again as he is pounces on his head by both of his fists.

They continue fighting for a few more minutes until Y/N rushes towards Chakravartin and roars as he punches him once more in the face stunning him and pushing him back. Chakravartin roars in rage as he sends his fists into Y/N's face causing him to groan in pain until he recovers quickly and fights back as they both roared and started punching each other fast.

Y/N's arms started cracking and breaking apart as Chakravartin's skin was cracking. Y/N growls loud as he gains up more mantra energy and cocks his fist back as he yells.

Y/N: FUUUUUCKKKK YOUUUUU!!!!!!! He shouts as he uppercuts Chakravartin pushing him back.

Y/N quickly lands on his feet and roars again before rapidly punching him at the speed of light. He continues punching him until he finally lets out one last roar before delivering a straight punch to Chakravartin's gut as he spits out saliva while being pushed back and falls on the ground. Y/N was breathing heavily and was tired from the fighting. Chakravartin clenched his fists and roared loudly.

Chakravartin: Arrogant destructor! I shall erase your very existence!

Y/N: Huh?!

Chakravartin creates a portal as he disappeared along with the portal as Y/N was confused, did he win the battle??? If so then where was his sister????? But then, he was horribly mistaken when the ground shook and the portal reopened as a white glowing light was shown as a figure was seen. Once the figure touches the ground everything around them had turned white. Y/N's face was shocked as he soon realized, it was Chakravartin.

Y/N growls as he gains mantra energy again and cocks his fist back.

Y/N: So what?! You think your new form can stop me?! ILL KILL YOU BEFORE THAT HAPPENS!!!! He shouts as he charges straight towards Chakravartin while roaring. TAKE THIS!!!!! He shouts as he was about to land a punch on Chakravartin's face until he lifts his finger up and manages to catch Y/N's fist with just his finger shocking the raged boy.

Chakravartin: Weak. Very weak..........

Just then Y/N's arms started glowing black as his extra arms and armor started disintegrating as he groans in pain. He then is force pushed back as he rolls on the ground as he quickly recovers as he is now defenseless and left with only his two arms to fight. He groans as he looks up at Chakravartin and growls and ignites flames around his body and grits his teeth.

Chakravartin: YOU WILL NOT DEFY ME!


Minute after minute. Blow after blow. They were still fighting over and over, until Chakravartin was finally feeling weak as Y/N now had a chance to actually kill the creator of his world. Y/N lands a punch on Chakravartin's stomach as he just stood there unfazed as Y/N was building up mantra energy and glared at Chakravartin while gritting his teeth shocking the god. Y/N takes a step foward as his punch increases his power until Chakravartin puts his hand on his face and tries to push him back only for Y/N's fist to increase more power. Y/N smirks knowing that he now has the advantage to defeat him. He then roars as he increases the power inside his fist one last time as they both stood there after the impact of the punch. Just then a huge wave of fire erupted from Y/N's punch impact caused Chakravartin's body to crack as he struggles to stand.

Chakravartin: WHAT?!!!!!!

Chakravartin then stood back up as he yelled in frustration.

Chakravartin: IMPOSSIBLE!!!!!!!

Y/N stood his ground bloodied, scarred and injured as he was still going no matter what happens to him:

Y/N: This ends............ NOW!

Chakravartin was shaking and trembling as he charges at Y/N only to be countered and met with a fist to his metal face.

Y/N pushes his body all the way through the punch as Chakravartin was dizzy. Before he quickly recovered and cocked his fist back as he hissed like a raging animal. He then punches Y/N in the face catching him off guard as he stumbles a bit before recovering fast and growls and kicks the creator in his stomach but was unfazed and grabbed his leg and knees him in his stomach causing the raging boy to cough out saliva and some blood. Y/N grabs Chakravartin's leg and spins him around before slamming him on the ground and tries to stomp on his face only to miss and slip as they both started rolling over each other's bodies until Y/N kicks him off of him and toss him into the air and tackles him to the ground while picking him up one more time and slamming his body on the floor.

Y/N: I understand it all now!! He shouts as he punched Chakravartin in the face and continues to do so. The true reason for my wrath!! He shouts again as he continues to punch him in the face until Chakravartin punches him in the cheek and gets on top of him now as he punched Y/N causing him to groan.

Chakravartin: YOU ARE NOT WORTHY!!! He shouts as he punched Y/N in the face.

He continues to punch him for 10 more seconds until Y/N grabs his face with his hand as Chakravartin uses his hand to push his face back. Y/N slowly got up and was overpowering the creator.

Y/N: I could not STAND IT!!!

Y/N is standing up now with his hand still intact on the creators face until he is suddenly kicked hard on the side of his body causing him to let go and groan in pain. He gets kicked again until he grabs his leg and punches him in the face pushing him back. Chakravartin recovers quickly and charged at Y/N ready to punch him while roaring. The punch lands on Y/N's head but he stood still unfazed.

After he punched Y/N in the face his arm was now in unbearable pain as it was sent throughout his whole entire body.


Chakravartin stumbles back while feeling weak and overwhelmed. He tries to get up and regain composure but limps as Y/N steps closer.

Y/N: THERE IS ALWAYS SOME DAMN FOOL WHO ALWAYS WANTS TO RULE THE WORLD!!!!! He shouts as he punches the creator again as he falls back and stumbles and is kneeling down. ALWAYS FORCING OTHERS TO DO WHAT THEY CANT DO FOR THEMSELVES!!!!! He clenched his fist and got closer to Chakravartin as he tries to power up more energy until he falls on his knees again.

Chakravartin: HOW- HOW CAN HE- BE POWERFUL???!!!!

Y/N uppercuts him hard enough to push him back even more. Chakravartin tries to get up again as he spoke.

Chakravartin: I..... AM.... THE.... ONLY..... GOD!!! He shouts as he manages to finally stand up and punch Y/N in the face.

As Y/N was caught off guard again he grabbed his hand hard and started twisting it as his body was glowing with mantra. He fully twists his hand and breaks it.

Y/N: That's why............. I PRAY TO NO ONE! He shouts as he ignited his fist with mantra and fire as he throws a gut punch to Chakravartin's stomach. NOR WILL I BE PRAYED TO!!!! He ignited his other fist and uppercuts him again as a powerful blow was heard. But- above all else....... He said as he stood his ground and clenched his fist hard while fire was bursting thoughout his body. I will never........ Forgive you! He clenched his fist as he then cocks his fist back. FOR MAKING MY SISTER CRY!!!!!!!!!!

He shouted one last time as he connects the punch hard in Chakravartin's face as the impact was so loud that the entire world could hear and feel its impact. The impact exploded Chakravartin pushing him back as he was now weakened and groaning in pain as the orb Y/N's sister was in was released. Mithra groans a little as she sits up and had wide eyes from the sight of her brother who was exhausted and injured.

Mithra: Brother! She whispered in a worried tone.

Y/N was panting and injured badly as he then spoke.

Y/N: Get up Chakravartin............ I'm not done beating the shit out of you.......

Chakravartin gets up slowly while feeling weak.

Chakravartin: How................ I-I am.............. a g-g- GOD.................. y-you........ y-your just a worthless boy!

Y/N laughs a little in pain.

Y/N: Now then............ he clenched his fist and growls as he charges up all the mantra in his body and charges at Chakravartin. YOU DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mithra: WAIT! She shouts as Y/N immediately stops in his tracks and looks at her. If you kill him, you won't have anymore mantra left in your body! won't survive....

Y/N was thinking about what his sister told him. She was right...... if he killed the creator of their world with all his strength and mantra.... He'll die. But he didn't care if he died, he started to remember the promise he made to his father.

(Flashback start)
Y/N finds his mother on the ground dead as he was kneeled down besides his dying father.

Asura: Y/N........... protect your sister for us..... please........ it's the last thing I can ask of you.....

Y/N: Father- I-i don't know if I can do it. I-I'm not strong enough.......

Asura: Y-y-yes y-you are.... Your mantra powers are kicking in... please son... y-you need to save her- b-before it's too late.......

Y/N has tears in his eyes as his father dies in his arms as he started to cry. He then started feeling angry and raged as he lets out a huge raging cry of agony and betrayal.

Y/N: YOU- YOU BASTARDS!!!!!!!!!!!!
(Flashback end)

Y/N closes his eyes and sighs as he then opens his eyes again.

Y/N: I'm so sorry Mithra.......

Mithra: Huh-

He then continued to charge at Chakravartin as he then glanced into his sister's eyes and whispered to her.

Y/N: But you'll be safer this way. He then continued charging at Chakravartin as he charges up all the mantra and energy and strength in his fist.

Mithra: BROTHER!!!!!!!!

Y/N: CHAKRAVARTIN!!!!!! YOUR DEAD!!!!!!!!!!!!

He shouts as he lands his final punch onto his face hard as growling and roaring in agony, rage, sadness, and despair. His arm started cracking and breaking. RRRRRRRAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! He lets out that final blood curling roar as Mithra covered her ears.

He finished punching Chakravartin as Y/N falls on his knees as Chakravartin was screaming in pain.

Chakravartin: NO NO- NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! He shouts one last time as he disappears from the world forever.

The whole entire area turns back to normal as Y/N was seen on his knees injured, bloodied, and exhausted. Mithra quickly runs over to her big brother and is worried.

Mithra: Brother! W-why?!!! Why did you do it?!!!! Why do you always act so recklessly??!!! She asked while being emotional.

Y/N's body started glowing and fading away.

Mithra: No! No no no!

Y/N: I- I- I'm sorry m-Mithra.......... B-but..... I- I couldn't bear to see you....... Like this........ I-i made a promise to mother and father that......... I would always protect you..... n-no matter what..... I- I had to......... I-I'm sorry......

Mithra starts crying as Y/N noticed this and started feeling a bit emotional as well.

Y/N: Hey.......... D-don't cry....... S-smile.... t-they can't hurt you anymore...... He said weakly while trying to smile. 

Mithra couldn't help but hug her brother tightly while crying as he did the same holding back tears.

Mithra: Brother.......... No........ not you too.....

Y/N sheds a tear a little as he then smiled weakly.

Y/N: D-don't worry.......... You're safe now..... goodbye Mithra.......... I-I love you........

Mithra cries as she hugs her brother tightly. He smiles before he started fading away as Mithra reached her hand out to him only her hand to go through his body as he disappeared from the world. Mithra couldn't help but cry as all of her family was now gone.......

To be continued...

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