4️⃣1️⃣New PT 1

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My heart shattered as I tried to held back my tears.Yes they are forming but somehow they dont want to fell.Is it weird?Weird watching your boyfriend kissing another girl's cheeks?

Maybe just maybe

"Woaaa—Y/n!"Chanhee shout as soon as he saw me standing along the crowd at the school's rooftop.I smile bitterly like those on stupid bitches in the drama.

"Ohh, so this is what your doing when Im not beside you"I said disappointed at myself for picking him as my boyfriend.

"Its not whats it loo——Y/N!!"He said but I dont need to listen to his next words so I just walked to the door and jog-walked out of the place walking into an abandon classroom where Chanhee's friends and mine used to hangout.

Chanhee saw me leaving and so he pushed past the crowd's of students and also the girl who he kissed running after me into the classroom.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA———————"Changmin's laugh was cut off as soon as the both of us enter the classroom with Chanhee slamming the door.

"Dont go near me Choi Chanhee.."I growled low-key not daring to look at the boy.His eyes showed sincere but I dont care.Once its done,itS done.

"Y/n please..."Chanhee begged me infront of his friends and mine,all of them are watching us as we fall apart with each other.

"Im not stupid I have my own eyes you idiot,I watched it.I watched IT done infront of my face and you even fucking yell WOAHHH before noticing me"I said highlighting the word.

"Okay whats happening here?"My friend Taehee asked walking to my side comforting me.I just sigh and hug her not wanting to face Chanhee.Taehee was shocked but hugged me back and from it I can feel her sticking out her middle finger towards Chanhee.

"Talk to that stupid boy.."I said as my group of friends started to hug me.The boys including Chanhee look so fucked up.

"Dude what did you do?"Kevin asked walking next to Chanhee who's ruffling his hair and pulling it.Chanhee just have him a 'I fucked up' face and Kevin just sigh loudly.

"You fuckin did the fucking dare?!"Sunwoo cursed standing up from his sit and walked towards Chanhee pulling him by the collar.

"Okay okay calm down,Sunwoo he's your senior"Sangyeon interfere pulling the both of them away.

"It was just a dare okay!I was dared to kiss the cheerleader on her cheeks!"Chanhee yell at the boys and I pushed away my friends feeling mad at the boy.

"Ofcourse its just a dare,but you dont have to do it!"I shout making all of them look at me.Jiah tries to calm me down as I just push her lightly.

"AND WHY IS THAT I CANT HUH?!"Chanhee yells back at me.Cant he fridgeting get it?What am I then?A statue?Welp at least im a goddess statue even that stupid cheerleader cant even beat me in studieS ahaKs .

"BECAUSE YOU HAVE A GIRLFRIEND YOU DIMWIT!!"I shout at him and grab my bag on the floor walking towards the door.

"I——Y/n"He ran after me grabbing my wrist but me being me I just grab it back harshly walking out as Hyuna grab Chanhee telling him to let me go for a while.

I walked into my dorm that I shared with Jiah and lays down on my bed.Thinking of a way to resolve this problem,I dont think it can be resolve.The girls knew me well,the boys knew me well and Chanhee knew me so well.

Like I said,once its done its done.

Taking out my phone ,I slide it open and tap on Chanhee's number messaging him.I dont think Im gonna regret this even though the next few weeks Im regretting it but I know,I know I can move on with this.Theres ton of guys out there.

My Smarty
See you later♡


Hey Chanhee I think we need
To have some times for our own.
You do know that I dont like
Being cheated and you know whats
The consequences if the person that I
Cheated on me.

Wait screw that,you're not even cheating ,
But you did the freakin dare
On kissing that girl's cheeks.
You shouldnt have done that
Cause you own urself a gf

U can scored well in exams ,
But you cant even scored well
In thinking of not to disappoint a girl

I think breaking up is the best
For us.

Change My Smarty contact to C Chanhee?
Yes or No?

I was about to to shut my phone when my phone vibrate again signalling me a message was sent.

U can scored well in exams ,
But you cant even scored well
In thinking of not to disappoint a girl

I think breaking up is the best
For us.

C Chanhee
You dont want me to explain?

C Chanhee
Oh right,you don't even want me to
Cause its obvious already

C Chanhee
Once your done,
Its done

Its not my fault.Your acting as if your

C Chanhee
You wanted to break up,
But you still loves me.What kind
Of breakup is this?

Im happy being w you,
I hope we can still be friends:)

Im happy being with you,but you screwed up my smarty,

Pt 2 anyone?

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