4️⃣8️⃣Younghoon PT 1

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"Trust me Y/n someone is going to confess to you today."My friend Min said eating her apple.

I sigh for the nth time, its not that Im bother by people confessing to me but yes I am bother by that.My expectation on a boy is really high so if someone cant be at my expectation then Im sorry to say I cant accept him.

"I dont like anyone Min please stop its annoying"I said rolling my eyes at her and leave her.She groan and chase me making me laugh.

"Seriously you need to stop having high expectation to a boy Y/n, not all boys are smart"Min said

"You cant blame me that I want my ideal boy to be smart or just at the same level at me."I confessed.

"That flower-boy just confessed to you last two months but you end up rejecting him.Like come on he's so handso———-"

"Sorry to say Min but he's not my type.He failed all of his subject and didnt even bother to study.I want my future to be bright not to be thrown on beside the rail with a person like that"I cut her off making her shut up.

Any other girls will die going out with a handsome dude.In this modern world every girls are like that.All they care is money,visuals and popularity.But Im not one of them.I dont mind going out with a handsome dude but I want his attitude to be nice,caring and funny.As well as his studies, I want him to at least cares about his studies and smart.Even though he got C I dont mind.

"Fine smarty pants now Im going to go home bye bruh"Min said before running out of the building like a dork.

It was a hectic day as a college student,mostly I do is study or in my free time I will just fangirl by myself or with Min.But now I feel so lonely, most of my friends got into a relationship and maybe Im kinda jealous?Min is single but she's happy because she have someone courting her unlike me.Mostly its my fault because Im being a choosy ass.

I shake my head violently before walking out of the building.Apparently I missed the bus so I just choose to walk back to my dorm where I share with other girls thats studying in the same college as me.


I seem to know that voice——wait isnt that

"Younghoon?"I asked turning around trying to find the owner's voice.I was about to turn 360 when a body block my way half through.I take a step back only to see a tall figure.

"It is you!!"He exclaimed excitedly.I just smile at him awkwardly making him chuckle.

Let me introduce you to Younghoon.He's studying at the same college at me.He's one of the semi-famous but not semi-famous.I dont know how to describe him, he's famous on some days but mostly its everyday.

He's a sweetheart I mean he's kind to everyone.Rumor said a teacher once confessed to him.Like bruh even a teacher is whipped for him—-wheres the lie?He's good looking too.As for his studies I think he's okay?

"Do you want to say anything to me? If not I can go now.."I said since he kept on staring at me.

"O-oh yeah, just wondering if you want to go to the dance with me the next two weeks"He asked scratching his neck awkwardly.

My eyes widen at his words.How come I forgot?Our college is holding an event in the next two weeks.Its like prom but this one is different.We can go out with a person who's not studying with us.I still havent buy a dress though.

"Ayeee sorry Younghoon-nie I think Im not going.Im so sorry.."I said trying to comfort him and as I was about to walk away he rab my wrist turning me back.

"How about this."He took a deep breath before continue. "If I have a good grade for two of my subjects then you will go to the dance with me"

"Oh wow—— is the Younghoon wants to go to the dance with me that badly?"I tease him making his ears goes red.I laugh at his ears before agreeing with him.

"If only you master your two subjects then I go with you.Like you said TWO subjects Younghoon, you better start studying mister"I said before walking away from him.

I hope he start studying cause I cant wait to go out to the dance with him.

I have lots of request right now, so please wait if yours is not the next one.Im having my important exams in a few weeks.

Okay so this seems to make me look like Im reading and revise for my exams when I actually write my books here in wattpad——-like wheres the lie?

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