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[fluff to angst] a lot of grammar mistakes here 🤡 request for _INseongMin  I include Sunwoo, I hope you dont mind

Another 5 more minutes.....

"I hAVE ARRIVED!"Haknyeon shout while running his way towards me.He swept his hair backwards today just how I like it.

"You are 5 minutes early today and why is that?"I ask smirking since I clearly know why he is early today.Its because he have his eyes for this particular girl that work part time at the ice cream parlor.

Here is the tea, so I may or may not have feelings for Haknyeon but I am trying to avoid it since he is my bestfriend and my ONLY bestfriend.Tell me to be obsessive but he has been with me through my ups and down.He also have his own group of friends but he still hangout with me.

"Oh nothing important really my mom let me out early today so why not?"He said making random excuses making me smirk even more.

"You should talk to Eunsoo over there, I know you have this tiny crush on her I mean come on she wont bite"I said excitedly making him scoff.

"You know that I dont like girls like her, she is way out of my league also, she is not my ideal type"He said making me sigh out of relief, but even if he have a crush on her I wont mind.I can deal with it.

"Now come on my beautiful best-friend, a long adventure is waiting for us"He said and slung his arm around my shoulder making my heart thumping aggressively.

Thats a first, he hated pda.

Currently I am busy organizing my folders and notebooks along with some of my textbook in my locker.I was busy humming some random songs but then screamed a bit when I felt a person hand grab on my shoulder making me shocked.

"Sunwoo you scared the shit out of me!"I scold him making him laugh hysterically.He mumbled a sorry before handing me a chocolate.

"Oh what is this for?"I asked while licking my lips, I really like sweet foods plus since Im craving for it at the moment.

"Its for you.I heard from Haknyeon that you like chocolate.A LOT, so I thought buying you one can be a mini gift from me"He said coldly not showing any smile but his cheeks are red as a tomato.

"Well thank you Prince Sunwoo I will cherish it until I finish eating it"I said patting his shoulder making him just nod at me before walking away to his classroom.

I smiled a bit before putting the chocolate in my bag and walked inside my classroom.Like always, all of my classmates gave each other a bored look since our classes starts off with Maths, thats mean forcing your brain to try to be smart.

The teacher is still not here so I decided to text Haknyeon about the plans we made later.

I will wait for you at out usual spot later

Okay, I'll be late a lil because I have dance practice for our teachers day next month

Oh how I cant wait for the day to fly faster

It takes forever for the bell to ring for the day.My classmates and I let out a long loud sigh before cramping our books inside our bags.

I slung my bag over my shoulder before walking passed my classmates and walked outside waiting in the corner of the hall for Haknyeon.Then, Sunwoo walked to me with Haknyeon's bottle in his hands.

"Hey Y/n this is Haknyeon's bottle, do you know where he is?"He asked me coldly like always but I knew he's just the type that rarely smile.

"Oh he is in the practice room with Hyunjoon and the others practicing for the upcoming event.I can give that to him if you want to"I said slyly.

"How about we both walk to the practice room? Im also waiting for Hyunjoon"He offered and I accept it.

"So you are close with Haknyeon I see... are you two a thing?"Sunwoo asked making me embarrassed.

"No we are just close.You can say we are bestfriends but he is the popular and outgoing one and Im the shy outcast girl.Even so I act as if he is my brother or the person that I can trust the most.He is important to me"I said.

"Im sure the both of you are close"He said and I said a "Yes, sure we are"

"How did you end up with Y/n again?" A voice was heard inside the practice room, Sunwoo and I wanted to step in but I hold him signaling I wanted to hear more of this 'conversation' that taken place at.

"Whats wrong about her?"Haknyeon asked as he panted loudly.

"I dont know, its just that I dont know the both of you are that close since the both of you are so different.You are an outgoing person and she is just, you know, 'her' "

"Look, at first I dont want to be friend with her but she seems so lonely and nobody wants to be friends with her because she looks so intimidating when she is not smiling so I approach her.But I didnt know that we will be this close, after all I did that out of pithiness, she's not that important"Haknyeon replied making my heart clenched.

Slowly, I turn my head to Sunwoo who's shocked with my eyes that have tears in it.Why would he even be friends with me at the first place if Im someone who is not that important to him? He should have just abandoned me and not let me get attached to him.

"Y/n...."Sunwoo silently said making me shush him.

"J-just give him his water bottle I'll be going now u-um I forgot to water my plant"I said making random excuses and walk straight back to my house.

Sunwoo watched Y/n walked out of the hall out of his sight.With anger, he stepped inside the dance room pushing the door opened with all of his strength making a loud thud.

In a speed of light, the students inside the room looked at him flinching at the sudden outburst.Haknyeon who is busy laughing with his group of friends also stopped only to looked at him.Sunwoo walked towards Haknyeon and threw the water bottle straight at him.

"What the hell is your problem Sunwoo?!"Haknyeon yelled at the sudden action staring at his now broken water bottle on the floor.

"My problem? My problem is that you fucking be friend with Y/n only out of pithiness and thats not it.You dont care about Y/n at all!"Sunwoo replied loudly making others formed a circle between the two.

"So? She doesnt have to know, others did that too why did you lash it at me only?"He asked making him scoffing loudly while rolling his eyes.

"I lash it at you because she heard it with me outside this room, and you know whats the worst part is? She thought that you are her bestfriend that actually cared for her, she even look at you like her brother than an actual friend, you Haknyeon are so fucking important to her!"He yelled loudly making others stared at Haknyeon with dirty looks.

"She heard that I talked about her?"Haknyeon said hands pulling his hair.Sunwoo walked silently at Haknyeon and whispered in his ears.

"Now do me a favor and dont come back at Y/n's life.She's hurt enough and I, Kim Sunwoo will try everything to make her happy without pithiness attached to it"He said before facing his back at him walking out.

"Why are you wiling to do this Sunwoo?"Hyunjoon asked out of the circle the dancers made.

"Thats simple Hyunjoon, its because I like her for so long"He answered before completely leaving the practice room.

I didnt attend school for days ever since the tragedy happened.That night, rumors about Sunwoo and Haknyeon fighting gone viral, whats even worst is Haknyeon got hated for it. I mean he deserves it after all.

Haknyeon tried calling me and text me ever since, telling me how sorry he is but I am not going to buy that.

Dont forget to eat lunch Y/n

Sure do Sir!

Drink a lot of water, I will see you tomorrow since you promised me that you will start schooling again tomorrow

Okay mom I will drink a tank for you

I chuckled reading my previous text with Sunwoo, he is so caring despite his cold tsundere personality.Atleast I have Sunwoo that didnt befriend with me out of pithiness.

With a heavy heart and nervous mind, slowly I walked towards the school.Looking at the sight already made me feel dizzy but still I need to attend school for my future.My parents are nice enough to let me skipped school for the whole week due to my personal problems.

When I walked pass through the gate I saw Sunwoo,Hyunjoon and Eric talking together with Sunwoo leaning against it.Hyunjoon and Eric nudged while smirking at Sunwoo when they saw me walking.Sunwoo bid them goodbye before jog towards me making me smiled at him.

"Good morning Y/n"Sunwoo said and I greet him back.Ofcourse, I can feel people butting their heads at us or more specifically at me.Sunwoo and I talked about what happened when I was gone.Then, talking about the devil.Haknyeon approach me.

"Y/n wait for me please!"The devil yelled, taking my attention.Sunwoo and I stopped in the middle of the school hallway.

"What do you want?"I asked coldly looking at the boy infront of me with Hyunjin beside him who looks so done with his life.

"I am so sorry, I didnt mean what I said last week.Please forgive me Y/n you know that you are not you without me"He plead making me wanted to laugh.

"Pft forgive you? Dont try to approach me again you squid.You dont need me in your life. Oh what was it again? I didnt know that we will be this close, after all I did that out of pithiness, you, Haknyeon, are not that important I have others now" I said saying the same line as he said last week.

Everything seems like dejavu when I said that.Things seems to go vice versa.

"Oh please Y/n you are nothing without ME.You have people approach you now because they only pity you more than I pity you"He said mocking me making Sunwoo almost threw a punch at him but luckily I held him back.

"They didnt befriend with me out of pity Haknyeon.They all asked for forgiveness at me for not noticing me earlier, turns out I can fit with anyone well unlike you who faked everything.I think I will forgive you because we have so many memories in the past but we shouldnt be close again"I said and walked away from him.

"How about I treat you ice cream later?"Sunwoo asked as he dropped me in front of my classroom making me raised an eyebrow at him.

"Are you asking me on a date?"I asked stuff that I shouldnt ask.It made me sound stupid so I cursed myself inside my head for the confidence that I have.

"Maybe, you should come if you want to find out"He said with a straight face making me face palm.This boy, seriously.

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