Chapter NINE

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Logan Nash

"Gosh-darn-it! I'm gonna be late for practice!" Dallas exclaims, checking the time on her phone, drawing my attention away from the movement outside the cafe windows and stirring me from my bored trance as she leaps to her feet.. After listening to my niece and Shelby discuss everything from evening wear to pageant strategy for the past hour, my head aches and my patience has worn thin..

All I want is some solitude, to close myself off and hole up in my office with some code to crack and the hum of hard drives.. I itch for something that makes sense, something to take my mind off all this pageant bullshit, the likes of which only reminds me of yesteryear..

Honestly, it all reminds me of Dixie and all the ways I failed her..

The Miss Darkport Pageant is exactly the kind of thing Dixie would've adored doing with her daughter, and because I had failed to protect her, she isn't here to share in Dallas's dreams. She isn't here to watch her grow and thrive.

Goddamn.. I fucking hate that my sister isn't here. Every day I keep thinking I'll feel a little less lonely but every day I only miss her more.

"You need a ride back to campus?" I offer to my niece a little too eagerly, in a hurry to escape the Army Barbie and the terse, daggered look she's been giving me since I sat down..

"Naw, Wacey is already out front to pick me up.." Dallas reddens in embarrassment at the mention of her crush, star athlete and captain of the Northbank High Lacrosse team, Wacey Taylor..

She must assume that I'm a fucking moron not to notice the way she swoons at the very mention of the guy..

But I see it.. I see everything..

Yeah, I know all about that no good fuckboy and his intentions towards my niece.. I can tell from his online presence, his shirtless selfies and stupid caption quotes that he's a vain and insipid little shit that doesn't deserve even a dribble of Dallas's attention.. Still for some stupid reason she seems to think he's something special.

Typical fucking teenagers..

"I don't like that kid, he thinks the sun comes up just to hear him crow.." I grumble in disapproval but Tex just giggles, knowing full well that I hate to intervene in her business.. She's a smart girl and mature enough to make her own choices.. I just wish she'd make better ones..

Reaching out to link her little fingers around my wrist she placates me with an innocent white lie.. "Chill, Lo-Lo! He's really not so bad once you get to know him.."

I scoff.. "That remains to be seen, little lady.."

Shelby, with her sapphire eyes illuminated in interest, looks up at Dallas as she collects her patent paperwork from the table to stuff it into her daffodil-yellow backpack.. "Oh? Is Wacey your boyfriend?"

"What? No way! We're just friends!" Dallas splitters, flushing an even darker shade of pink, unable to meet my eye.. Somehow in the short span of time since we walked into the cafe Shelby had managed to forge some kind of connection to the teen, because Dallas bites her lip and leans forward to whisper conspiratorially to her new confidante.. "Although, would you believe my bestie Sheridan seems to think he's going to ask me to Senior Prom!"

"That sounds like fun." Shelby forces a smile though it comes across as more sad than sincere..

"Oh, It will be!" Dallas giggles, leaning down to peck my cheek before she shuffles away from the table.. "Anyways, I gotta go you guys! I'll see you at home, Lo-Lo.."

"Don't be late, Tex.." I call after her in response, but Dallas escapes before I can even finish the sentence..

Shelby waits for the girl to disappear out the cafe doors before she turns back to look at me with those big blue oceans of hope.. "That went well- I think.."

"Sure.." I shrug, watching out the window as Dallas climbs into the pretty-boy Wacey's white Lexus across the street before they speed off together..

"You don't think so?" Shelby frowns back at me, clearly expecting some kind of answer, her expression irritatingly expectant.. "I thought she liked me.."

"I dunno.. Who can ever tell with teenagers?" I toss a few bills on the table to pay for our coffees, rising to my feet ready to make my retreat.. "As if you give a shit either way.. We both know you're only here for one thing.."

"Oh-kay.." Shelby stands too, letting out a sigh of frustration.. "So are you going to start working on my father's case now? How long until you'll have something for me?"

"Lord Almighty, you are relentless, woman!" I groan, shuffling through the cafe towards the doors as the persistent pretty-faced Marine follows me close behind.. "Doesn't it get exhausting?"

I push open the door, stepping aside to allow Shelby to pass by me and exit first.. "Doesn't what get exhausting?" She questions sharply, stepping out into the street to fold her arms in annoyance.

A flood of hot blood flows through my veins at the sight of her combative posture, her hips, round and tempting popped to one side and the succulent swell of her tits thrust forward to project confidence.. "This whole compulsive control freak thing you got going on, why ya always got your panties in a wad-"

"I'm not a control freak!" Her starry eyes flash fiery with anger.. "And my panties are none of your concern, Mr Nash!"

I bite back on a smirk and wave a hand up and down in demonstration that even now the way she stands is anally inflexible and stiff.. "Naw, I mean- look at you, hell, right now ya look like you could chew nails and spit out a barbed wire fence!"

"I don't know what that is supposed to mean!" She snaps, tossing her long silky ponytail back over her shoulder, distracting me as the collar of her studded leather jacket peels away to reveal her inky collarbone beneath.. "What I do know is that we had a deal, Logan.. I did my part, now are you going to do yours and help me find my father, or am I just wasting time I don't have on you?"

"Relax, Army Barbie.. I said I was gonna do it, so I'll do it.." I chuckle which only causes her defensive hackles to rise even higher.. I don't entirely mean to antagonize her, but I can't help it either.. Her attitude aggravates me and her reactions entertain me..

"You don't have to be such a patronising prick all the time, you know!" Shelby bristles, propping her hands on her curvy hips to challenge me..

"Sure I do.. It's just the way I am.." I smile down at the haughty princess, tossing her tantrum.. Fuck.. She's annoyingly adorable in the worst kind of way, I can't tell whether I want to kiss her or kill her.. "Kinda like how you can't help actin' a bossy little bitch.."

With her slight on me returned I set off down the sidewalk towards the crossing, leaving her stunned ass behind, though not for long because she begins chasing me once again..

"Seriously?" She huffs, hop stepping double time to catch me up.. "You're un-fucking-believable!"

"Me? Do you even hear yourself when you talk, Barbie?" I ignore her presence beside me, continuing on to the crosswalk, only stopping to wait for the traffic to clear before I begin jaywalking to the other side of the road.. "Cus I sure as shit do.. I hear that bitter tone you take just for me or the way you turn up your prissy little nose when you speak to me?"

"I do not- Oof!" I stop dead in my tracks, turning to face her and she collides into my chest with a forced gasp of surprise.. I grab hold of her arms to steady her as she wobbles but she quickly shakes me off, taking a step back to regain her command..

"I wonder- do you even know why you hate me so much, Shelby?" Pedestrians pass us by as we stand, horns locked in a power struggle, neither of us willing to give way to the other..

"Oh believe me, I fucking know." Dramatic and disinterested, The Beauty Queen rolls her eyes..

"Go on then, why?" I cross my arms casually, rocking back on my heels to assess her incredibly irritable mannerism as she answers...

"Because you're so fucking rude!" She squares her shoulders and throws up her hands theatrically..

"You gotta be kidding me.." I chuckle.. "YOU'RE fucking rude, Shelby.. You're a self absorbed, stuck up, spoiled little snob.. And I'm just the first guy who ever dared to say as much, because you probably intimidated every boyfriend you've ever had onto telling you whatever you wanted to hear.."

"That's not true-" She opens her mouth to argue but I can see the darkness of doubt as it dances behind her eyes..

"Go on then, what was the first thing you thought when I walked into Iris' office the day we met?" I sneer.. "Tell me you weren't up on your high horse, making judgements about me before I could ever open my mouth.."

"I wasn't-" She shoves her dainty hands into the pockets of her jeans, with a guilty glance down at her tawny boots.. "I didn't think anything.."

"Bullshit.." I shake my head.. "You think I didn't notice the way you squirmed after shaking my hand like you couldn't wait to wipe your palm on your jeans?.. Yeah, I saw that.. You think I didn't see the disapproval in your critical eyes when Iris told you what I do? Pfft.. Just admit it, Beauty Queen, you think you're better than me.."

"Fine! I fucking hated the idea of asking you for help! Is that what you want me to say?" She snaps.. "I think that you're shady as shit.."

I lean down to lower my voice.. "So I've exceeded your expectations then, Miss Quinn? Am I the bad guy you wanted me to be?"

"Honestly?" She wavers admittedly.. "I don't know what to think anymore.. I mean- you're obviously a massive jerk, but maybe- maybe I was wrong.."

"You weren't wrong.." I chortle in return, pleased to have her talking truth for a change.. "But that's the thing about you Feds.. You make all these snap judgments, and it's everyone else who has to suffer your mistakes.. Always playing judge, jury and executioner.. If we met under different circumstances, you'd probably shoot a guy like me on site without a second thought, isn't that right?'

"If you were a danger to others or you were threatening me- yes, I would.." She answers honestly and I take a step forward to tower over her..

"I won't threaten you Shelby, but I'll warn you one last time, so you better listen real good.." She tilts her chin defiantly, unwavering underneath my stoney stare.. "Don't tell me how to do my fucking job.. I don't take kindly to orders and I don't work for you, got it?"

She holds up her hands in an unconvincing hail for peace.. "Okay-yeah, I get it."

I narrow my eyes on her, doubtful of her fast surrender.. "Good."

"You're the boss.." She reaches out, softening her tone to place a soft hand at my elbow with a subtle squeeze.. "Please, Logan, all I'm asking is for you to tell me how all this works.. It's been months since I saw Hendrix.. I just want some answers- and I need a little hope.."

I sigh.. "Goddamnit.." I know she's playing me once again with her fluttering lashes and damselesque performance, but it's difficult to argue with her when she puts on that lovely little pout.. I take a leading step back towards the office with an inviting jerk of my head, motioning for her to follow me.. "C'mon, Barbie, I'll show you.."

I already regret my decision to take her with me and I never share my operational secrets with anybody, but if giving her answers gets her off my back and calms her the fuck down then it'll be well worth the risk.. She has no reason to believe that I am the kind of guy who keeps his word, or that my uniquely coded seeking software has already been running for the last hour, looking to find a new back door entrance into Blackstar's recently updated security systems.. A notification sent to my phone only a few minutes ago had alerted me that I'd found just that.. A new way in.. A vulnerability that I will target in order to gain the access she needs..

"Shelby, wait-" When we reach the doors to the office I stop her, putting my arm across the architrave to for a barricade..

She blinks up at me in confusion.. "What is it?"

"I need you to make me a promise.."

An expression of bemusement paints her pretty face.. "What kind of promise?" When my stern frown doesn't falter, her smile fades and she shifts into a serious mode to match my own..

"Who I am-- the shit I got going on upstairs-- it ain't exactly legal.. So you gotta swear to me you won't tell anybody about any of it.. Not Iris, not your Devil Dogs Cassidy and Slater.. Nobody.." My eyes search hers for sincere understanding.. "This shit could get me in to a hell'ov'a'lotta trouble.. With the NSA-- The FBI-- Homeland Security-- Hell, all your buddies want a slice.. And If Blackstar figures out who I am.. They'll probably kill me.."

Everything about her reaction is honest and pure.. Shelby doesn't hesitate, her blue eyes don't blink and her voice doesn't waver.. "I promise, Logan.. I won't tell a soul.. You can trust me.."

It makes absolutely nonsense to me how or why, but for some inexplicable reason I believe her.. Because as much as I try to hate The Beauty Queen, and believe me, I really fucking want to.. I just don't.. In truth, I think I really can trust her..

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