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Epilogue characters;
Dustin Drake & Dallas Nash


Dallas Nash


...six months later...

"Oh, Tex! You look like a princess!" Shelby sniffles, wiping the tears from her eyes as I twirl in the lacey pink gown. A dress that she had dug out of storage weeks ago and had altered just for me to wear to prom. The very same dress that she wore when she was Crowned Miss Pennsylvania all those years ago. Ever since their lowkey courthouse wedding a few months ago, Shelby and Logan have been inseparable, they do everything together. They eat together, they go to the gym together, they work together, they watch the same shows , read the same books and laugh at the same lame jokes. But most of all, they dote over me and my baby cousin as if we were the second coming of Christ and Mary.

"You look just like your mother, Tex. So beautiful." My uncle cradles a bundle of soft blue blankets in his arms as he leans one shoulder against the door frame. With a proud smile he watches over us as Shelby fusses over the final finishing touches on my hair.

"You really think so?" I blush at the compliment, feeling sentimental and a little sheepish at the mention of my mom. Things have been different since Shelby moved in with us. Her nurturing feminine presence is one I have longed for ever since I can remember, and some days it even feels as though I have real parents. But then I am reminded by my mothers death and I can't help but feel guilty. It's not that Shelby has ever said or done anything to try and replace my mom, instead it is my love for her that I struggle to reconcile with.

Happiness has always been a fleeting feeling for me. But now, with the love of my family, each day seems a little brighter.

"I really do, Little Darlin'." Logan smiles at me surely before my baby cousin begins to stir awake, and grumble in disapproval of his nap being disturbed.

"Oh, Sweet Harvey! Don't you cry now!" I rush over to place a smooch on his adorable bald head, pained by his frustrated whining. When Harvey cries, I feel this strange ache deep down in my stomach and it's all I can do to find a way to make him feel better.. "Is he okay? He sounds super cranky!"

"He's probably just hungry." Shelby settles on the bed, holding out her arms for her beautiful baby.

"This one is on you, Mama." My uncle chuckles as he passes his cranky son off to his happily glowing wife for feeding before he reaches into his pocket and retrieves a small black box, offering it out to me. "And this is for you, Princess. It belonged to Dixie, the only thing I have left of her really. Houston gave it to her on their wedding day.. But I think you're old enough that it belongs with you now."

"Really?" My wide eyes look up to find my uncle's sincere and loving gaze.

He nods solemnly. "She'd want you to have it."

"Oh." I crack open the box to find a delicate silver locket, strung on a fine glimmering chain. Taking the heart-shaped charm in my fingers, I gingerly pry the thing open to see the two time-stained pictures still inside. One is of my mother, radiant and young. And the other of my Uncle, my mother's very best friend, and now mine. Blinking back the tears that threaten to ruin my makeup, I hook the necklace over my head, allowing it to settle over my collarbone before I throw my arms around him in gratitude. "Thank you, Lo-Lo. I love it so much!"

Shattering the peaceful moment, I jump in fraught when the doorbell rings and Shelby cheers excitedly, taking silly to entertain the fussy baby Harvey. "Oooh, I wonder who that could be?!"

"I'll get it." Logan grunts, disappearing from the bedroom and heading off to the front door to no doubt terrorise my date.

Pausing before the bedroom mirror to brush swathes of strawberry blonde curls away from my cheeks, I let out a shakey breath. "Gosh, I am nervous as a long-tail cat in a room full of rocking chairs!"
Effervescent excited nervousness fizzes in my chest. I have been dreaming of this night since the beginning of senior year, but now that it is here, I hardly feel prepared for it and the anticipation is killing me.

Tonight is the night I am going to lose my virginity to my boyfriend, Dustin.

He just doesn't know it yet...

"It's a special night." Shelby comforts gently, rocking Harvey in her arms until his eyelids begin to droop, heavy with sleep. "But that doesn't mean you have to rush anything. I just don't want you to feel pressured."

"Dusty would never pressure me." I spin in my heels, defending Dustin and his intentions, since sex on prom night was entirely my idea. "And I trust him, Shelby. It's like you said, I feel safe when I'm with him. I feel ready."

"It's good that you feel safe, Tex, but--" Her brows knit together in concern. "I just want you to be safe."

"I know." I flush, trying to evade an uncomfortable speech about the birds and the bees and what kind of condoms they use. "We'll use protection, I promise."

Shelby nods, forcing a smile despite her obvious concern. "Well, I trust that you know what's best for you. You're 18 after all."

"Thanks." I sit beside her. "I just wish Logan would trust me too. You won't tell him about this, will you?"

"I can't lie to him, Dallas, you know that." Shelby chews the inside of her cheek. "But he trusts you more than you think. I'll talk to him. He might be a little upset at first, but he will understand. Eventually."

"Thanks, Shelby." I smile as she leans across to kiss my cheek. "I better go save Dusty from whatever torture Logan is putting him though." Shelby chuckles as I climb to my feet. I move to gather up the crystal studded clutch that goes with my dress, stuffing my phone and lipgloss into it before waving goodbye to Shelby and hurrying down the hall.

When I step into the living room I find Logan and Dustin taking Dallas Cowboys and arguing over the famous fumbled snap that haunted Tony Romo's career. Both seem to agree the QB was a star player, but Logan's stance is far less forgiving. Still, I am happy to see them getting along and bonding over football stats, a relatively safe subject given Logan's appreciation for the game and Dustin's full ride scholarship to play for the Longhorns at the University of Texas.

"Uhem." I clear my throat and Dustin turns, his eyes widening when he sees me.

"Wow, Dallas!" He shakes his head, a dopey smile on his handsome face."You look- so beautiful."

I blush.. Dustin looks like some kind of movie star in his pressed black tuxedo, and the way that he is looking at me, his eyes shining like rare gemstones, it is enough to make my knees wobble.. "You clean up pretty nice yourself." I smile as he crosses the room, unboxing the pink rose corsage he had picked out for me. Helping to slip the delicate arrangement onto my wrist, the scent of the roses and the outdoorsy aroma of his cologne combine to make me dizzy with desire. Running my fingers over the silky petals, I smile. "It's so pretty, thank you, Dusty."

"I'm glad you like it." He beams with pride and a sexy smile. "Are you ready to go? I borrowed my dad's Bentley so we can pull up to prom in style!" With a playful wink Dustin offers me his arm like a gentleman..

I laugh, linking my elbow through his. "I surely am."

"Wait a minute-" Logan stops us like some kind of domestic bouncer, folding his arms by the front door to block the only exit.

Oh boy, here we go..

"Yes, I will be home by midnight." I roll my eyes with a smirk pre-empting his curfew rule before he has a chance to embarrass me. But to my surprise he just leans down, scooping me up in his arms and squeezing me so tight I let out a little breathless groan. "Uh? You're- crushing- me- LoLo."

"I know." He sighs, settings me carefully back on my feet before he affectionately twists a curl of my strawberry locks around his finger.. "Have fun tonight, Princess. Make good choices... And call me if you get into any trouble.." Logan draws back to full height and casts a glare at my boyfriend as if the last part were meant for Dusty to hear, as if it were a warning..

Knowing my uncle, it is much more like a threat.

But Dustin doesn't cower or shy away the way that Wacey used to. He stands tall, barely two inches shorter than my uncle, and so confident with his hefty linebackers shoulders square and his chin up.

Nothing phases Dusty. He is solid steel on the outside.. But inside he is all mush, the sweetest boy I've ever met.

Nobody will ever compare.

"I will." I nod diligently and I can't help but wonder if Shelby had been right. Maybe Logan does trust me more than I realised. "I love you, Uncle Lo."

I never wanted to give Logan a reason to doubt me. I always tried my very hardest in school. I did my homework every night. I stayed out of trouble and kept my nose clean.

All I ever wanted was to make him proud, and after winning the Miss Darkport Pageant, graduating with honours and being accepted into Princeton, I finally feel as if I have made some headway towards repaying all the sacrifices he made to take care of me.

I will never be able to do enough fto shoe him how grateful I am to him for everything he has done, but I will never stop trying.

"I love you too, Dallas." My uncle turns his intimidating attention to my boyfriend. "If anything happens to my girl I'm gonna hold you personally responsible. That means no drink driving, no drugs, and no disrespect. I expect you to behave like a gentleman, Dustin.. And you better believe I'll make you regret it if you don't."

"I wouldn't dream of disappointing you, Sir. Dallas only deserves the best." Dusty nods rigidly. As an army brat my boyfriend has a certain kind of disciplined posture and respectful manner that his father must have drummed into him as a kid. And it is those same traits that make it almost impossible for Logan to continue his reign of overprotective terror.

"Good answer." Logan finally holds out his hand in a gesture of respect and Dustin shakes it firmly.

Phew.. Thank god that's over.

"Alright that's enough awkward for a lifetime, we've got to go or were going to be late! Byeeeeee!" I pull determinedly on Dustin's arm, dragging him out the front door and down the steps into the soft apricot glow of a beautiful Darkport sunset.

"Thanks for the rescue, Strawberry Shortcake, I thought your uncle was gonna kill me back there." Dustin laughs his wicked booming thunder as he walks me to the shiny black Bentley that is parked curbside.

"It's not Logan you need to worry about, Dusty." I giggle, sliding into the passenger seat after he pulls open the door for me. "Shelby is the one who sleeps with a pistol under her pillow."

"I knew there was something scary about her." That charming dimpled smile of his curls his full lips up and his tousled flaxen hair shines in the fading sunset luminescence.

"I guess that's just the risk a guy has to take if he's going to date me.." I tease, his deft digits gently brushing over mine on the doorframe, ensuring my precious fingers don't get caught..

"It's a risk no other guy is gonna get a chance to take." Dusty leans down and scoops up the lacy layers of my dress to help me bundle them into the car. "You're my dream girl, Dallas. You didn't think I'd ever let you get away, did you?"

"I was really hoping that you wouldn't." A wistful whimper is all I can muster before I am swept up in the whirlwind of his sweet kiss.

A kiss that I feel from the tip of my tongue down to my tippy-toes. A sticky warm molasses drips through my veins, sugary sensual syrup that fills me up and sends my nervous system into overdrive..

A kiss that is full of promises and a sign of everything to come. My heart beats out of my chest from the pure rush of just thinking about what taking our relationship to the next level and exploring a new kind of intimacy might be like.

I can't wait to dance with him.. To have his powerful arms around me and to hear his gruff, thundering laughter as we happily waste the night away together.

I can't wait to kiss him again. Over and over. I want to be making out with him wildly in the backseat of his dad's Bentley until our lips are bruised and our bodies are aching for each other.

I can't wait to tell him that his name is written across my heart, that I love him, and that I want for him to be my first.

But most of all, I can't wait to find out what our future holds.


A note from the author...

Hey Beauties! Thank you for completing SNAKE EATER the third book in my second series The Bravo Boys. A spin off from my original set of novels The Specter Series.

I have so enjoyed sharing Logan and Shelby's story with you all, and would love more than anything to hear from you about your reading experience!

Please do leave me a comment, some feedback, a review, or if that's too much trouble just a little old vote.. It truly does mean the world to me..

I can't express enough just how much I appreciate each and every one of you who reads, loves and comments along the way. To my silent readers, I hope to hear from you one day! And to my most loyal readers who have been on this journey with me from the first book, your ongoing support motivates me to continue writing. Thank you all so much, I absolutely couldn't do this without you encouraging me!! xx



Would you like to see more of Snake Eater?

Let me know in the comments which characters were your favourite and why?


Dedicated to my Texan Bestie, StellaRoseATX
Whose companionship, humour and golden nuggets of sage advice really got me through this one.


There are many more Bravo Boys we are yet to meet and I hope you'll stick around to find out who is next in line.

Who do you hope it will be?

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