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Logan Nash

...the next day...

Dark clouds encircle the Darkport skyline, painting the light and ominous grey as I climb from the backseat of the cab and cross the sidewalk toward the looming skyscraper that is to become my own personal hell. Supporting my weight on a black-walnut Derby cane, I drag myself through the front doors and into the corporate lobby of Sabre's uptown offices. Each cruel step wears on my barely recovered body, but reminds me of the fact that I am lucky to be on my feet at all.

The medics at SPC had all marvelled at my accelerated recovery, finding it impossible to believe that I could even stand, let alone walk. I had become somewhat of a fascinating subject of study for the team of doctors who had stitched me back together, a burden I am pleased to be free of now that I have been discharged from hospital.

I suppose I have Hendrix Quinn to thank for the Nanosite injection that had been my saving grace. Although I could also argue that without his mad-scientist antics I would never have been shot in the first place.

I guess we'll just have to call it even.

I wish there had been something more I could have done to help the old guy, if only for Shelby's sake. But after everything the FBI had discovered in the seizures of Wyatt Bennings records, the evidence was stacked too slanted against him for even Alistair's pull.

Still, something about it all doesn't sit right with me. Hendrix is a selfish and egotistical bastard, sure, and I'm not exactly the guy's biggest fan. But he had been coerced into doing something against his will to protect somebody he loves. His fate seems like a far worse punishment than the crime.

I can only hope Shelby can forgive the choices I have made this past week, and the one I will make today.

"Hello Mr Nash! Welcome to Sabre Corp!" The perky secretary Cara smiles up at me though two rows of over bleached veneers as she slides a magnetised key card across the front desk. "Mr Sabre is expecting you, they're waiting in conference room one, on the 21st floor."

"Appreciate it, Little Darlin'." Collecting the key before folding it into my pocket, I force a friendly smile. After all, it isn't Cara who orchestrated this mess.

No. This is my reckoning.

I always knew I'd end up back here, under the thumb of another evil dictator. I was programmed for it. As hard as I had fought against the inevitable, somehow I had manifested my own worst nightmare.

"Would you like me to inform your representatives that you have arrived?" She asks politely, her long ruby nails clacking across the keyboard.

"I don't have representatives." I frown.

"Oh. Um." Cara looks between me and her computer screen with a puzzled expression. "A Miss Lennox and Mr Ashton have already checked in for the meeting. I was told they were your lawyers. Has there been some kind of mistake?"

From somewhere in the back of my mind I recall the name of a Darkport law firm by the name of Lennox & Ashton. A firm, that if I am not mistaken, employs the daughter of one Spymaster, Iris Santiago.

"Ah." Feigning recall I palm my forehead in a forgetful gesture. "Of course, my lawyers."

Fucking Iris. I should have known she'd meddle in this mess. Last we'd spoken, she was pretty pissed off at me for bargaining with her chips. Honestly, I'm not so sure she is going to back me by signing over the Blackstar shares I had promised as part of my deal with Alistair. I am not looking forward to finding out what piece of myself I will have to sell as a replacement.

My integrity?
My dignity?

I'm sure Alistar Sabre will find a way to take everything from me. Eventually.

"Are you alright, Mr Nash? Do you need assistance?" Cara pushes up to her feet, sympathetic concern pinching her petite features as she motions towards the elevators.

"Don't you worry 'bout me, Little Darlin'." I wave her off with a half laugh, far too prideful to allow the dainty elf of a woman to help me.

With exhausting effort I make my way to the elevator, swiping the card that would take me to the 21st floor before leaning against the rail to rest my aching muscles for a mere moment before the doors ping open.

Dread knots low in my guts as I pass down the office corridor, stopping by the glass doors that lead to the conference room. Every pair of eyes turn to watch as a bespectacled assistant in a knitted sweater opens the door for me.

"Logan please, join us." From his seat at the centre of the long table, Alistair waves a hand to the chair on the opposite side, nestled between a disinterested man of about 35 in a sharp black suit who types on his phone. He is joined by a raven haired beauty in a grey pencil skirt and silky white button down who, judging by her stony expression, obviously means business. "Miss Lennox and I were just getting acquainted."

The fierce woman jerks her head towards the chair beside her, motioning for me to sit, watching me with piercing green eyes.

So, I guess she is my lawyer.

She waits for me to settle in and make myself comfortable before she begins to speak. "Now, as stipulated in our offer, Mrs Santiago has agreed to sign over all rights to her Blackstar Industries shareholdings as a sign of good faith moving forward. But as I was already saying, Mr Nash is unable to meet the requirements of your proposed contract, so we are here to negotiate on his behalf."

"What exactly makes him unable to uphold his end of our agreement?" Alistair's two balding solicitors give each other a tired look of redundancy as Alistair holds up a hand to interrupt them before they even get a chance to open their mouths .

Miss Lennox produces a manilla folder from her briefcase, selecting a single page which she places on the table between herself and Alistair's solicitors. She then places a copy of the same document in front of me. "As you can see, Mr Nash already has a signed contract with Specter Security that grants his services in exclusivity and perpetuity. Any agreements made after the fact are simply void since he was not authorised by his employer to do so."

I bite my tongue as I lean forward to look over the paper. Irritated fire simmers beneath my skin when I find my signature inked at the bottom of the page, the document backdated to the day Iris had called me into her office to meet with Shelby for the first time.

That sneaky bitch forged my signature!

I want to be mad at her for it, and later, I will. But right now it appears her unscrupulous methods seem to be working in my favour and I'm not about to look a gift horse in the mouth.

If Miss Lennox thinks she can get me out of this deal, then I wont stop her.
And if Iris arranged Miss Lennox being here. Then I guess I am going to owe her one.

Miss Lennox continues, unperturbed by Alistar's snarling lips and dark glare. "Now it is my understanding that Mr Nash provided complex software solutions that his employer is graciously willing to overlook in order to have this situation resolved quickly and quietly. Mr Sabre will keep the S-E-K flash drives that have been given, free of monetary payment, and Mr Nash will honour his original agreement with Specter Security. Ms Santiago would like for you to consider these generous offerings a symbol of peace in these volatile times."

"Is that supposed to be a threat?" Alistair narrows his angry eyes on Miss Lenox before rounding on me, his growl thick with contempt. "You are devious little fucker, Nash, I'll give you that."

He gives me way too much credit for the unexpected turn of events, but I don't correct his assumptions. "I could say the same thing about you, Alistair." I smirk, unable to contain my satisfaction in seeing him fail. I am sure defeat is a rare experience for the guy, and one I can't help but relish.

The distracted suit beside me, who I figure is Mr Ashton, suddenly coughs as if signalling to his co-worker, tucking his phone away and rising to his feet. "Now, if there's nothing else, our client has other meetings to attend."

"This isn't over, Logan." Alistair bites out a final warning, slamming his hands down on the table as he jumps to his feet in a huff.

"Well, that is debatable, Mr Sabre." Miss Lennox stands too and I follow suit, watching as she flicks a business card across the table with a fake honeyed smile. "But do get in touch if you'd like to discuss anything further."

Escorted back to the elevator by my new attorneys, it isn't until the three of us step inside and the doors close that Miss Lennox turns to me with her cool gaze. "Next time you're feeling inclined to sign something without reading the fine print, give me a call, Mr Nash."

I shake my head, regarding her with suspicion. She's an impressive woman, I'll give her that, but I'd have to be a complete dumbass to trust the type of shark she is. "I never signed anything, Miss Lennox. Least of all that farce of a forgery you flashed around up there. You can tell Iris to shove her contract up her-"

"You can tell her yourself." The pretty Lawyer steps out into the lobby and motions towards the front doors of the building, through which I can see the black town car parked curbside, waiting for me.

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