Chapter TWELVE

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Shelby Quinn

... one week later ...

"Mr Bennings will see you now, Miss Quinn.." Tyler's perky breasted, brunette secretary stands behind her desk in her inappropriately short skirt as she motions towards the double doors that lead through to the Blackstar's CEO office.. I manage to take all of one step before the chime of the elevator pings across the waiting room and a most unexpected figure emerges..

The picture of confident masculinity, Logan Nash appears in a neatly pressed navy three piece suit, striding purposefully across the room towards me, heat and hatred burning behind his stoic cinnamon stare.. "Sorry I'm late, I had a heck of a time getting through downtown traffic.."

I blink at the man in confusion as the secretary begins to frantically flick through the notes scribbled in her calendar.. "Oh, I only have Miss Quinn on Mr Bennings schedule..I'm sorry I don't see your name here, Mr-?"

"Logan Nash.." He introduces himself, turning to the ditzy dame behind the desk with a charming grin, disarming her entirely and causing her to blush a deep shade of scarlet.. His gaze almost passes over her in curious assessment before his hardened focus returns to me.. "I'm Miss Quinn's security consultant, I'm sure she just forgot to mention I'd be joining her today.."

"Uh-y-yes.. He's with me.." I stammer, dumbfounded that Logan would show up and put himself on display for my sake, especially after he had been so adamantly against my coming here today..

"Oh- Alright-" The secretary hesitates, clearly unsure how to proceed when the light on her desk phone lights up and she jumps to answer it..

"What the hell are you doing here?" With a furious whisper I round on Logan, taking advantage of the distraction..

The Hacker just continues to beam his polite and irritatingly pleasant smile back down at me as he utters a low reply.. "I'm here to make sure you don't go and do something I can't fix, Barbie.. Since I know just how abrasive you can be upon introduction.."

Before I can open my mouth to reprimand him for insulting my capabilities yet again the secretary interrupts our exchange.. "You can both go in, Mr Bennings will see you.."

"Much appreciated, Little Darlin'.." Logan winks at her and she giggles a flirtatious titter before he links his arm through mine to escort me towards the doors, leaning down to grumble in my ear.. "Did you really think I'd let you come here alone? You could have at least brought your bodyguards.. Where are Ken and Kenny?"

I know that he is snidely referring to Lincoln and Duke, but I don't give him the satisfaction of showing how annoyed I am by the suggestion that I would need his, or any man's assistance.. I refuse to take the teasing bait he dangles in front of my face.. "You're the one who said it was dangerous to come here, Lone Star, so why would I put them at risk?"

"Ah.." He scoffs.. "So you do listen, you just don't obey.."

I grit my teeth as he reaches for the doorknob.. "I will never obey you, Asshole.."

"Now that sounds like a challenge, Barbie.." A sly smile spreads over his handsome face. For a second I forget how angry I am, instead feeling nothing but furiously hot.. Fever floods throughout my blood to pool down between my thighs, just the way he looks at me with that stupid sexy smirk and burning golden gaze, it heats me in unexpected ways..

Logan pushes the doors open and steps aside, allowing me to enter the confines of Tyler's opulent office.. Behind a glass desk sits a young man, maybe twenty seven or so.. With sandy blond short cropped hair and dressed in a bright red blazer and black jeans, he doesn't look dangerous at all.. Actually, he doesn't even look like a CEO, appearing more like an overgrown child than anything else.. Still there is a sense of old money about the man, something upper class and extremely cold emanates around him making me uneasy in his presence..

"It's Shelby- right?" Tyler waves me over to his desk with a posh flick of the wrist, his eyes skimming up and down the length of my body in an overtly perverted manner as I move.. Logan remains protectively close to my side, standing behind my chair as I sink down opposite The CEO..

"Mr Bennings, thank you for making the time to meet with me-"

Tyler lifts a haughty finger to silence me.. "Ah-ah, Mr Bennings is my father, please Shelby, you must call me Tyler.."

"Oh, okay, Tyler.. I was just hoping you could share with me any information you might have on my father Hendrix's whereabouts.. Perhaps you could provide the details of his employment here at Blackstar or his last point of contact before his disappearance.. Anything really that might help me find him?"

Tyler rubs his chin in thought, a false and smug smile distorting his rodent-like features.. "Unfortunately Shelby, Sweetie, our contracts are confidential and I already gave all necessary information to the detectives you pointed my way a few months ago.. Really I only took this meeting as a courtesy to you, out of the respect I have for your father and his work.. Tell me, have you made any headway finding Hendrix? We'd very much like to have him back.."

"You'd like to have him back?" I repeat through gritted teeth, seething at the indifferent insensitivity of his words.. I know that Logan hears it too because I can feel the pressure radiating as he grips the back of my chair just behind my shoulder, his hold so tight the tension of it vibrates through the frame of my seat.. "I find that hard to believe, Tyler, since it is my understanding that your company hasn't exactly been forthcoming with evidence.. No security footage was provided to the police.. No work logs were handed over or in fact anything that might actually help them to find my father.."

Tyler's terse smile remains plastered in place.. "Without a subpoena we aren't actually obligated to share any of that information, Sweetie-"

My temper turns sour as I lean forward with a warning.. "Call me sweetie one more fucking time-"

A strong, comforting hand silences me as it settles over my shoulder as Logan steps forward..

"Sergeant Quinn prefers to be addressed with the respect her rank has earned her, Mr Bennings, you understand?" With a cool yet polite tone Logan takes command of the room and Tyler turns his attention away from me, far more interested in what my supposed Security Consultant has to say..

Sexist fucking pig..

"She is a decorated service-woman, revered among certain political circles.. I'm sure we could arrange to take this meeting to- say- the governor's office.. Perhaps as an alternative to wasting your time since you appear to be such a busy man, we should be seeking assistance elsewhere.." The pleasantries that smooth the surface of Logan's tone could easily be interpreted as sincere, bit from the glare of disgust that twists Tyler's face it is obvious he understands the threat..

"I'm sorry- and you are?" Tyler tilts his chin back to peer down his nose at The Hacker..

"I'm Miss Quinn's associate.." Logan replies flatly.. "Now, I don't need to tell you what a hassle it'd be to have attention brought down on you from a Federal level after we do the work to have a subpoena granted. I mean, of course we'll have to make a request for all financial records and payments made to Mr Quinn as well as any other industry projects he may have been working on, who knows what we might find.. I understand you share contracts with Sabre Security and that Mr Quinn operated as an employee of both companies. We'd hate to have your business partner included in our applications? Do you think they'd take it well? Maybe they'd be more cooperative.."

The Blackstar CEO darkens dramatically, his jaunty dry demeanor fast hardening to a stone cold seriousness.. A wicked fury flickers behind his eagle eyes as they narrow to razor sharp points, cutting into Logan with a steely and accusatory suspicion.. "Are you threatening me?"

"I don't believe so.." Logan barely acknowledges the attempted intimidation, throwing a cheeky sideways glance down at me.. "Did you hear me make a threat, Miss Quinn.."

His smile is one of sarcastic satisfaction, dripping with wry amusement, so much so that I can hardly contain my own entertainment.. To see him taunt somebody other than me is somewhat enjoyable and it would be downright impressive if it weren't so reckless.. In that very moment I am forced to realise just how alike the two of us are.. For all our differences the one common ground we share is an inability to be patronised by inferiority..

For the first time I finally understand him, fundamentally.. For a brief moment, it actually seems like we are on the same team.. And I like how that feels..

So, I shake my head in support of his argument and back him up.. I have to believe that The Hacker knows something I don't.. Actually, he likely knows many things I don't due to his opportunistic, unscrupulous and curious nature.. "No, not at all, Mr Nash.."

"See, we simply came here today to ask you kindly if you'd be willing to share all evidence relevant to the disappearance of Hendrix Quinn, before we are forced to have you compelled by a court.." Logan shrugs.. "But you've made your stance on that pretty clear.."

"Quite so.." Tyler scowls..

"Well then-" Logan takes another step backwards, rejoining me at my side as I rise to my feel.. "I guess we'll have no choice but to take this story to the press.. Hendrix is an esteemed academic after all, maybe the public can help us solve the mystery of his disappearance.. Of course you understand the implications of that, Mr Bennings, all kinds of people looking for answers in all kinds of places.. But I can't imagine an above board company such as yours would have any issue with being placed underneath the media microscope.."

The defeat that passes through The CEOs eyes couldn't be more obvious or more satisfying, Logan's words clearly getting to him, but before her can open his mouth the doors to the office swing open and an older man bearing much the same ferrite-like appearance appears with a fiendish scowl..

Wyatt Bennings, the crown king of weapons trading himself walks through the door, causing his son to leap to his feet..

"You'll have to excuse my boy, Miss Quinn, he seems to have forgotten his manners.." Wyatt rounds on me, offering his hand which I reflexively accept in greetings.. "Wyatt Bennings, at your service.."

"Of course, Mr Bennings, thank you for seeing me-"

"Nonsense! Hendrix was a dear friend of mine.. If there is any way Blackstar can help, I shall see it done!" Wyatt tears his eyes from me to pass a cool look over at Logan, completely disregarding him from the conversation with a curt nod.. "I will have Felicity send out the security footage first thing.. Rest assured, you have our cooperation, Dear girl.. You take care now.."

"Thank you, Sir.. I appreciate that.." I utter as Wyatt ushers us towards the exit, distracted as my mind sticks on the one word I hadn't wanted to hear..

He said 'was'..
Not 'is.'

My stomach sinks as I reach out to take ahold of Logan's arm to steady me and he leads me back across the waiting room and into the elevator..

"Did- did you hear that?" I whisper as the doors slide closed and this time it is Logan who doesn't seem to want to accept the obvious..

"It doesn't mean anything, Shelby.." He offers unconvincingly.. "That guy was just trying to get in your head.."


As we step out onto the street I turn to The Hacker in frustration.. As unfair and unfounded as my anger is, there is only one person around who I might direct my fury at and Logan just so happens to be in the wrong place at the right time.. "I can't believe you.. You gave me hell about how dangerous it would be to antagonize Tyler Bennings and then you went ahead and did it yourself! I mean, you totally steamrolled my meeting and then when it was finally getting somewhere you completely clammed up, what the fuck was that-?"

"It wasn't going anywhere.." He murmurs the aggravated response beneath his breath as he rubs his temples..

"Oh there you go again! Mr 'know-it-all'--"

"Don't fucking start, Shelby.." He grumbles, tugging at the knot of his tie, the colour quickly draining from his face as he looks around the busy street as if in some kind of daze.. His eyes flitter back and forth tracking the overwhelming movement around us, cars whizzing by and pedestrians passing..

I blink in confusion.. "I wasn't starting anything, I was just-"


A thunderous pop emanates from the street and I turn in the direction of the explosive sound to see an old Ford pickup pulling away from the curb, the backfire of its exhaust stillresonating around the block..

"What a piece of shit-" I mumble as I turn back around to see that The Hacker has slumped against the building, as if he is unable to stand unsupported.. "Logan? What's wrong?" I reach for his arm as he leans back against the wall, panting, gasping for air..

"I can't breathe.." He wheezes, pitching forward to lean on his knees.. "Fuck-"

Crouching down beneath him I reach out towards his cheek but in a lighting reflex he grabs my wrist to seize my arm in a tight, panicked grip.. "Jesuss, Logan.. What is happening to you?

"D-Dixie?" He shakes his confused head, his gaze vacant and far away as his body begins to rack with violent tremors..

"No-No, it's me, Shelby-" I purr gently..

"Shelby?" He chokes.. "I-I couldn't stop them-"

"Stop who? What are you talking about?"

"No no.." He closes his eyes tight.. "She's dead.. It's not real- I know it's not real- none of it is-"

"Has this happened before?" I look around for assistance but nobody seems to see us..

His panicked eyes lift to mine and he nods, struggling for breath.. "Uh-huh... Once or twice.. "

Rising to my feet I place a hand on his shoulder to smooth slow circles down his back.."Okay- it's Okay, Logan.. Everything is going to be alright.."

He swallows hard, his eyes glazed over as if he is not really here at all.. "Everything is alright.." He repeats my words in a soft, detached mumble, reaching for my hand when I take a step back he grabs onto me, clinging on for dear life as if I were an anchor.. "Dixie- Don't leave me-"

His finger lace through mine, twisted tight.. "I'm right here, I promise, it's all going to be okay.."

As he slides down the wall to sit on the concrete I am pulled along with him, sinking to my knees beside him.. Strangers look at us funny as they pass by but nobody stops to help.. "It's a panic attack, Logan, you need to breathe.."

He shakes all over, his shoulders hunching forward.. "I c-can't- no- no.."

"Yes, you can.. Hey, focus on me, Okay? Logan, listen to the sound of my voice.." I squeeze his arm.. "My car is parked across the road, do you think you can make it that far? I can take you home.."

He nods.. "Yeah- yeah I can.."

I help pull him to his feet and guide him across the busy road in a daze before corralling him in through the passenger door.. He tumbles into my black Beamer, leaning back in the seat to close his eyes, one hand clutching at his chest.

His fugue state is something so familiar to me, something I have survived myself and I can't help but swim in a sea of sympathy to see him suffering..

As I climb in behind the wheel , I find he is still heaving heavily as he turns to me with glassy eyes.. "I'm s-sorry- Shelby-"

"Shh, it's alright, Lone Star.. Let's just get you home.."

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