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Shelby Quinn

After I carefully explain everything about the unpleasant encounter in the park, detailing the unsettling appearance of Tyler Bennings and his inappropriate leering, I expect Logan to be angry.. I am fully prepared for him to yell or cuss me out.. To tell me that I fucked up or blame me for putting his niece in danger.. All those things I would deserve and I am more mad at myself for allowing it to happen than he could ever be..

But he doesn't do any of that..

Instead all the air is vacuumed from my lungs when he grabs me gently by both arms, his burning butterscotch eyes washing over me like two swirling tempest tornadoes, concern etched into his handsome features.. "Are you alright? Did he hurt you?"

"I-Im fine, Logan.." He lifts my hands to inspect every inch of my arms, looking me over as if searching for signs of damage.. "I swear, I'm fine.."

"Aw hell.." Slowly he relinquishes his grip on me with a heavy breath, taking a swift step back to leave me cold without his touch.. "I tried to warn you about that family, Barbie.."

"I know.." I glance down to my boots with a newfound nervousness trickling down my spine.. Sometimes he makes me feel so small and powerless, and I find it near impossible to admit to myself just how much I like that.. His penetrative dark gaze tracks the movement as I reach up to rub the back of my neck, burning me alive under the scrutiny.. "And it gets worse- Tyler asked me to go to dinner with him.. And I had to say yes.."

"The hell you did!" He scoffs beneath his breath in disbelieving outrage, shaking his head with a stern disapproval that somehow manages to annoy and excite me simultaneously. "You ain't going nowhere with that preppy, blue blood motherfucker.."

A ripple of satisfaction rolls around in the base of my belly at his irked and jealous reaction.. I'm not proud to admit that his protectiveness gives me a jolt of pleasure because even though neither of us is willing to admit it, deep down somehow, some part of him must feel something for me.. Just like I do about him..

"Yes, I am.. I have to.." I blink up at him with my treacherous heart thundering out of control in my chest.. "But you have to know that I don't want to.."

"If you can't be talked out of it, why does it matter what I know?" Logan folds his arms across his broad chest, goading me with that slow and sarcastic southern drawl..

"It matters to me-" I admit quietly..

"I find that real difficult to believe.." He chuckles dryly as he scrubs a hand down his face, clearly struggling to maintain his patience.. "Since you never fucking listen to anything I say, Beauty Queen.."

"You're right, I should have listened to you when you told me not to take that meeting at Blackstar.." With a careful step forward I challenge the accusation.. "But I can't undo what's already been done.. Tyler isn't going away and this might give me a chance to find out what he really knows about Hendrix.."

The Hacker doesn't say a word, he just stares at me, as though he is trying to decide how to deal with me.. Eventually I force myself to speak again, this time to offer the reassurance I am certain he needs to hear from me.. "I don't expect you to help me with this, Lone Star.. I just thought you should know.. But this isn't your problem.."

The last time we'd spoken I was asking favour on behalf of my boss and he hadn't taken it so well.. Of course he hadn't.. Honestly I wasn't expecting him to and I knew it would only feed into that same narrative he has painted of me in his mind since the very first time we met; that I am a cold and heartless narc who would turn on him on a dime, use him and betray his trust..

But that isn't who I am.. And even though he doesn't want to see it, I have never done anything disloyal or deceitful that should give him cause to doubt me..
So maybe I'm not as soft or warm as other women, maybe I can be blunt and belligerent when challenged, but that doesn't mean I am some uncaring cold-blooded snake.

My heart beats the same as his and right now it is racing..

"Aren't you precious.." Logan sneers down at me, his gravelly timbre thick with facetious undertones.. For a brief moment I think he might argue my honesty before he blows out a long sigh of defeat, either too disinterested or too tired to fight.. "I suppose it's an opportunity to clone his cell and take a peek at what he's been hiding.."

"How would we do that?" I query, unsure of how exactly we would gain access to Tylers phone.. I have world security detail and served in the armed forces but technology is something I have been fortunate enough to avoid..

"All you'd have to do is keep him distracted.. Think you can manage that?" His taunting toothy grin gleams an enamouring glimmer and a wave of relief washes over me to see his mood lighten..

Even though his scowl is just as sexy, I always prefer it when he smiles..

I draw my shoulders back confidently.. "I could manage Tyler Bennings with one hand tied behind my back.."

"I'm sure you could, Barbie.." He chuckles, the flitter of his gaze dipping down to check me out suggestively.. "But I ain't gonna take my eyes off you just in case, and you're gonna bring your boyfriends Ken and Kenny to watch your back too.."

I know that he is tormenting me but still I can't bite back on my defensive prickle..
"They aren't my boyfriends.." I breathe in irritation..

"I know that.." He smirks, that same stupid sexy grin that has led to all our past mistakes, it's magnetic draw now tempting me towards making another.. "But you sure are pretty as a peach when you get all mad like that.."

In that moment, his self confident swagger and southern charm is enough to make me forget how pissy I had been when I arrived and instead all I can think about is how utterly sexy he is..

Oh god.. He is irresistible in the worst kind of way..
Every atom buzzes and all my cells are drawn powerfully to him, the tension claws at my chest and pools between my thighs until I can barely take the ache..

"Ugh! You're such an asshole.." It is as though my mind is lost to the whims of my desperate body and before I can control myself my arms are flung over his shoulders and I am on tiptoes, kissing him..

With my lips firm against his and my fingers threading through the soft thatch at the nape of his neck, I can feel the surprised constriction that claims his muscle bound frame, but soon his rigid resistance melts away and two warm hands slide possessively around my waist to pull me tight to his chest..

Logan kisses me Iike a man devoid of reason, ravenous and unyielding.. His soft tongue and scratchy stubble grazing my lips as he deepens our heat and passion to test the boundaries of how much I am willing to give..

Oh, I would give him anything at this moment.. I am willing to give him everything he could ever need just to feel the way he'd made me feel at his office earlier today.. I would beg and plead and fall to my knees to know what else he is capable of.. I would swallow my pride and
suck up my attitude.. I would flex and bend beneath his command.. I would become his entirely..

I can lie to myself so easily when I am alone and convince myself that I don't need him, but in his presence I am a helpless captive..
I can try to fight it but it's useless.. I like Logan Nash and the way he makes me feel..

As we break apart a furrowed confusion dips his dark brows.. "I thought you said we shouldn't keep doing this-"

"Fuck what I said." I whisper, clutching him close and breathing in his intoxicating scent..

"Dallas is asleep.." He seems to waver, fighting an internal war and clearly conflicted, confused by my inability to stick to my false convictions..

"I can be quiet.." I promise as my fingers cinch into the soft fabric of his sweatshirt and a slight groan escapes him, a sound caught somewhere between temptation and frustration.. "She won't even know I'm here.."

He sighs, low and longing before pressing me back against the entryway wall to bury his face in the crook of my neck, nibbling gently at the sensitive spot behind my ear.. "Fuck, Shelby- I'm not for sale.. You're hot as hell n' all, but if we do this, you know it ain't gonna make me your puppet-"

"For once would you trust me-" Taking his face in my hands I draw him close to kiss him again, pouring all of my desire into it and hoping he can feel just how sincere I am.. "I'm not here to buy you or pull strings.."

"Then why are you here?" He growls, the pressure of his fingertips digging deeper into the fleshy softness of my hips, his principles teetering on the brink of destruction..

Just one little shove and he would be all mine..

"You, Logan.." I press up to whisper the seductive truth against the shell of his ear, feeling the shiver of gratification that runs through him in response.. "I'm here for you.."

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