Chapter 13

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There was another sharp knock on the door. "Come out right this minute, you two," the principal called out again.

Sebastian and I, still face to face and dripping wet just stared at each other in an absolute panic. We were so screwed! There was no way we weren't going to get into major trouble for this.

Suddenly, Sebastian pushed me softly up against the wall before raising a finger to his lips and mouthing 'shush, stay here.'

Then before I could wrap my head around what he was doing, he slid out from behind the door and out into the open.

I heard him clear his throat. "Hi, Principal Williams, I was just taking a shower. Is there a problem?" Sebastian asked in a chilled tone.

My brows furrowed. What the fuck was he doing?

"Yes, there is, a problem Diaz and you know it! Tell the girl you brought in here, to come out this minute," the principal snapped.

"There's no girl. What are you talking about? Why would I bring a girl into the boy's locker room?" Sebastian asked with a slight breath of laughter as though the notion was ridiculous to him.

Pausing, I realized something. Was Sebastian covering for me...? Or even weirder, protecting me?

But then again, he could also be lying to me only as a way to get himself out of trouble.

"Nice try, Diaz, but I saw you two enter through the security footage. And I think we both know the reason you might bring a girl in here," the principal said, his voice coming stern. "Now out of my way."

My heart jumped as I heard footsteps approach. "Hey, hang on a second, principal Williams," Sebastian started. "Just hear me out. I can-"

His words died into nothing as the principal rounded the corner, and came into my immediate view. I could see him, and he could definitely see me.

Still soaked, and leaned up against the wall of the shower, I swallowed nervously not even sure what to say.

"Erm, hi," I said meekly while raising a pathetic hand.

Principal William's eyes went from angry to frustrated to fed up in about a nanosecond as he looked back and forth between an equally looking embarrassed Sebastian and myself.

The principal let out a heavy sigh. "Diaz and Brooks, dry off and change. Then my office now!" he snapped.

Swallowing nervously, I let my eyes dart around to the pictures on the office shelf as I tried to avoid my principal's fierce like gaze. Sebastian and I had both dried off after our little shower spectacle and were sitting uncomfortably on two identical chairs in front of our principal's desk.

Since Sebastian idiotically soaked me from head to toe, he had offered me his way too big-sized hoody and sweatpants which I was sitting in now.

I was grateful for them at first, but now as the principal scanned the material of my quite obviously male clothing up and down, I realized that my new outfit only made things look that much worse.

Sebastian shuffled nervously on his chair as he equally avoided the intense stare-down our principal was giving us. I swear, to God, I don't think the man had even blinked yet.

Breaking the silence, Sebastian cleared his throat and lifted his head. "Look, sir, I can exp-"

"No, I'll speak first," the principal interrupted. "After all, I think we've heard enough lies from you today, Diaz," he said, shooting Sebastian a pointed look.

Not really having much of a choice but to agree, Sebastian, sunk down in his chair and nodded.

Principal Williams clapped his hands. "Look, I'm going to get to the point. I'm not an idiot. As old as I may look, I'm aware of what is likely happening when two teenagers lock themselves alone in a shower room," he said, rocking his eyes back and forth between the two of us.

My eyes sprang wide and I shook my head frantically, "Sir, no, no, no, we were definitely not-"

"Hold it," Principal said, cutting me off with the raise of his hand. "I don't want to hear any more lies. Your boyfriend's already lied enough for the both of you."

What the fuck? Boyfriend?

"Look, sir," Sebastian said, suddenly sitting up straighter. "Phoebe did nothing wrong. I was the one who pulled her in there. And trust me, she would never do anything sexual with me," Sebastian said with a laugh.

I gave him an odd side-ways look, beyond confused why he was standing up for me. Why the fuck would he try and get me out of trouble?

The principal clasped his hands and leaned forward on his chair. "Okay, Diaz, that's sweet that you want to get your girlfriend out of trouble, but again, I wasn't born yesterday," he explained, his eyes narrowing.

"But-" Sebastian and I started.

"Hush," the principal said, raising his hand once more to silence us. "Look, I'm not that angry at you, you are only horny teenagers after all,"

My face burned terrifyingly hot before he could finish his sentence.

"And since you two are one of my best students, I'm going to go easy on you. I'm going to assign the two of you a written essay for a couple of weeks, and that shall be your punishment. Are we clear?" the principal snapped, as his eyes rocked back and forth between Sebastian and me.

Relieved that I wasn't about to get suspended or worse, I sighed and meekly nodded my head.

"This won't go on my record, and you won't tell our parents, right?" Sebastian asked quickly, a hint of panic in his tone.

It was only at that point, did I realize that this might be the first time Sebastian had actually gotten into trouble. As much as he liked to put on this big persona, it was undeniable that he was still the same goody-two-shoes boy, I used to know. The principal sighed. "No, Sebastian, not this time, but if I catch you guys again, both your parents shall be informed. Understood?"

This time both Sebastian and I nodded our heads.

"I'll email you shortly about your task. You're dismissed," he said, nodding his head for us to go.

Sebastian and I eagerly scrambled out of our chairs and speed-walked over to the door. The moment we were out, I made a sharp turn, without even sparing Sebastian a look.

"Hey, wait, Phoebe," Sebastian called out before I could so much as make a step to leave. Even though I knew it was a bad idea, I let out a heavy sigh and turned back around to face him. To my surprise, Sebastian was not wearing his normal upturned smirk but instead looked kind of serious.

"I didn't mean to get you in trouble. You know that right?" he asked slowly, as his eyes danced back and forth between mine with a level of caution. Very caught off guard, I just stared into his eyes, in stunned silence. His expression made my heart race a little and I couldn't for the life of me get my mind to make sense of his strange behavior.

"Yeah, erm," I swallowed. "I get it, it was an accident. It's no big deal," I said with a simple shrug, finally finding my voice.

The crease between Sebastian's eyebrows fell away. "Great, glad you're not that mad," he said with a smile, seeming relieved. "So, I guess, I'll see you tomorrow then, Brooks." Then with a brief smile goodbye, he turned to go.

He barely made it a couple of steps before he sharply turned back around. "Oh wait, almost forgot," he said suddenly, his lips pricking up. "Don't forget about the bet you made me."

I stared at him blankly for a second, then it hit me – I'd promised him I'd let him see me topless. As my heart sunk down to my feet, Sebastian just winked before finally making himself on his way.


Wrapping my fingers, a little tighter around the steering wheel, I desperately tried to focus on the road ahead, and less on my urge to try and strangle the boy sitting in the passenger seat beside me.

For whatever reason, Sebastian had taken it upon himself to put his feet up on my dashboard and was now dancing in his chair, in a poor attempt to match the song that was playing out through my car radio.

Reaching rudely over to my controls Sebastian turned the volume up before flopping back down in his seat. Then starting to do weird clicking motions with his hands, he started bouncing his head along to the music.

"Hmm, I said, It's getting hot in here. So take off all your clothes. I am getting so hot, I wanna take my clothes off," he sang along shamelessly.

Finally having enough, I took my eyes briefly off the road to stare at him with a lifted brow. My expression seemed to have the opposite effect I intended, and Sebastian just laughed.

"Why, you looking at me like that Phoebs? Want to obey the lyrics and take your clothes off or something."

Rolling my eyes, I shook my head and focused back on the road. "Only in your fucking dreams," I scoffed.

Sebastian smiled, seeming unoffended. "Your loss," he shrugged. He reached for the volume control button again, but I quickly slapped his hand away before he could reach it and turned the whole thing off.

As the music cut out, Sebastian snapped his head towards me with a frown. "Kill-joy, much?"

I just ignored him and pulled the car into the familiar entrance of our local mall's car park. Moving the car into the first available space, I quickly put it into park before turning back to Sebastian.

"Okay, so before we go in there, I'm going to have to hear your full plan. You can't just demand I drive you to the mall without explaining how this will actually help break up our siblings," I said, my eyes narrowing.

"Fine," Sebastian said, letting out a heavy sigh. "So basically, the plan is simple. We're going to go in there and buy a pregnancy test-"

"A pregnancy test? Who the fuck have you knocked up Sebastian?" I stammered out, my eyes widening in panic.

"Nobody!" he said quickly. "Just calm your dramatic ass down and listen to me, okay?"

Relieved that Sebastian wasn't due to become a father, I nodded my head for him to continue.

"They aren't for me, it's for my sister. We're going to go plant the pregnancy test in her bag, and then we're going to make your brother 'accidentally' stumble on it. Then boom, they'll argue and we're one step closer to break-up-town. Nothing rocks the boat of a relationship more than an unplanned pregnancy, trust me," he said, with a light laugh.

"Speaking from experience?" I said, cocking up a brow.

"No," he scoffed, his eyes narrowing.

I took a second, to think over his plan. "You really think that will work? Won't your sister just deny she bought it?" I asked slowly.

"Probably," he shrugged. "But your brother probably won't believe her. And then boom, more arguing," he smirked. As I took another few seconds to think about it, I slowly started to realize how great an idea it was.

It was an evil and toxic idea, of course, but it would get the job done. And what could I say, I was desperate.

"Okay, I'm in, let's do this," I said, as I started to unbuckle my seatbelt. Climbing out of the car, we weaved our way through the maze of parked cars and into the mall.

I followed Sebastian mindlessly for a while before I slowly started to realize what shop we were approaching. We were approaching the shop. The shop where Jordan parker worked at.

To put things into context, Jordan parker was undeniably the hottest boy at our school and I wanted him – bad. For the past year I'd been intensely crushing on him and had developed a regular routine of stalking him at his grocery store while pretending to buy random items. It hadn't had quite the effect I hoped, but there was still time.

I stopped abruptly at the entrance of the shop causing Sebastian to slow down, and look back at me, all confused. "Why'd you stop?" he asked.

"Why didn't you tell me we were going here. I don't look hot enough," I snapped.

Sebastian's brow plucked higher as he looked at me from head to toe. "Come again?"

Ignoring him, I started hurriedly pulling down the neckline of my shirt to expose some cleavage before adjusting the end, to expose more of my midriff.

I could feel Sebastian's eyes on me the whole time before he cleared his throat. "I'm...erm...not sure, what's happening right now but by all means, please do continue," he murmured, his eyes undeniably glued to my chest.

"Yeah, well it's not for you," I snapped rudely as I brushed my way past him. Entering the grocery store, I made my way down one of the aisles.

"Hey, Phoebe, wait up," Sebastian called out from behind me. Coming to a stop at the end, I did a quick visual scan of the shop until I found him.

My heart thudded as they stared at the back of a very hot-looking Jordan parker who was diligently stacking cans of soup onto a shelf. As he ran a hand through the silk strands of his light blondish-brown hair, I found myself swallowing.

God, he made even that look hot.

"Phoebe?" Sebastian called out again.

"Hmm," I mumbled, still staring right ahead.

I felt Sebastian follow my gaze along and once he saw what I was looking at, he stiffened. "You've got to be fucking kidding me...., he laughed, his voice coming out bitter. "Please tell me you didn't do all that clothing-adjusting shit for him?"

Snapping my head his way, I glared at him. "Shut up, he might hear you," I whispered.

Sebastian's eyes lazily narrowed. "What's it with you, and your attraction to idiots? First, you date Aiden the dumbo, and now you're crushing on this loser?" he scoffed.

"Shut. Up," I repeated back, in between gritted teeth, feeling defensive of my crush.

"Make me," he winked.

Then before I could so much as blink, something twisted flashed through Sebastian's eyes. "Let's see what your new boyfriend thinks of this," Sebastian chuckled.

Grabbing me by the wrist, he tugged me roughly over to a nearby shelf. Suddenly, he was loudly clearing his throat. "Are you sure, Phoebe, you really want condoms for tonight?" Sebastian called out loudly. And by loud, I mean really, really, fucking loud. Feeling the very fiber of my dignity light itself on fire, I stared at him in absolute shock.

A couple customers passing by gave us odd looks, and then the dreaded happened - Jordan Parker turned around.

And the second those baby blue eyes of his met my own, I knew it was all over for me.

It was official – Sebastian was dead.


Next Update: Thursday 

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