Chapter 39

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Sebastian and I quickly went over the rules, and we'd come to the mutual agreement that we weren't going to make-out mouth on mouth with one another or do anything that involved removing anyone's clothes.

Well, those rules were mostly constructed on my end. Sebastian had aggressively rolled his eyes the moment I suggested the no-make-out rule, and muttered something rude about me being a 'killjoy.' We also agreed that as soon as the receiving person, reacts by touching the other person back, they lose.

I was confident with these rules in place, I was going to be an undeniable winner. Sebastian wouldn't affect me – not when I was focused.

Still lying down on the bed, Sebastian looked me up and down with a challenging spark in his eye. "Okay, do you want to start or should I?" Sebastian asked with a smile. The look in his eyes scared me a little; he looked far too excited.

I took a second to think before shrugging. "You know, what I'll go first so the game ends faster. I'm sure it won't take me long to get you to lose."

Sebastian plucked up an amused brow, his eyes dipping up and down my body in a way that felt frustratingly flirty. He shouldn't be flirting – it wasn't his go yet. "Wow, cocky, aren't we?" he teased.

I let out a light breath, a victorious one. "It's easy to be when I'm going to win," I stated boldly, my lips and brow both plucking upward. Then turning around from where I'd been sitting on the bed, I crawled my way closer to him.

Still, lying on his side his eyes followed my movement intensely, his smile slipping the closer I came, in a way that was distracting.

Brushing the feeling away, I put my hands on either side of his head and leaned over where he lay till our eyes were aligned and close. I saw his throat sink in sharply as he swallowed, his eyes dancing all around me in a way that left me feeling naked. It excited me in a way that made me embarrassed.

I made a pointed look scanning my eyes up and down his body slowly before returning my eyes sharply back to his. My own pulse was rising, embarrassingly so and I had to beg and plead for it to lower. I was supposed to be the one with control in this situation, but it didn't feel like it.

No matter how hard I tried to convince my brain this wasn't real, his eyes were convincing me of something else entirely.

"Sit up," I ordered. Sebastian smirked up at me before doing as I said by putting his hands underneath him and pushing himself up till his back was up against the headboard.

Without breaking eye contact, I pushed him back against the hardwood of the headboard before throwing my leg over his lap and sitting down on his lap in full straddle. A vibrant awareness shot up my entire body, from my thighs right up to the tips of my fingers that had my stomach rolling. It was something I'd never felt before.

My heart was fully leaping away at this point, at the craziness of what I was doing. There was a time when I never did all this crazy stuff. I never flashed people my boobs, never went swimming in my underwear and certainly never got myself wrapped up in weird seduction competitions. It was like Sebastian had this insane ability to talk me into losing all my common sense.

Sebastian's throat worked over hard as he glanced down at our position and something in his expression seemed to change. His hands made frustrated fists into the covers as a heated breath escaped past his lips. Suddenly it didn't feel like a game anymore.

Unluckily for me, Sebastian still seemed to remember the rules of the game, kept his hands rigidly by his side, and held back from touching me. It was impressive for the likes of someone as pervy as him considering I was literally sitting in his lap.

I had noticed however that those hands of his refused to untighten from the fists he had them in. He was struggling to meet my eyes, his eyes doing quick movements over the features of my face. It was only a matter of time before I had him.

Feeling my stubbornness from before return, I decided I needed to do more to get him to react so I could win. With my hand still on his chest, I trailed my fingers up to his neckline causing his breath to quicken.

I lifted my eyes and locked eyes with him with a smug little grin. "You okay? Not tense, are we?" I asked with a slight tilt of my head.

"No," Sebastian said, his tone wavering slightly.

"Hmm, interesting," I mumbled in thought as I danced my fingertips up and down his chest. I smiled internally at every sharp inhale of his chest. He could lie all he wanted; he knew I was affecting him.

Leaning closer to him, I then brought my lips right up against his ear while making sure to curve my spine, so my chest pressed up snugly against him. It was shameful what I was doing to try and win at this point, but I didn't care, I wanted the bragging rights.

He more than noticed the way I'd pressed my body into him from the way his whole chest stiffened. When I saw Sebastian's hands still lay tightly by his sides, I decided to take it up a level and kissed the skin right behind his ear.

Sebastian sucked in a sharp breath and then shivered, making me smile against his skin. It was the quietest I'd seen Sebastian in years.

Growing bolder, I looped my hands loosely around the back of his neck then dragged my lips down the base of his neck. Knots built up in my stomach for every kiss, and I hated how much I was enjoying it. I despised even more how badly at that moment I wished I could take back my earlier rules.

Once I got to the bottom of his neck, I kissed the area causing Sebastian to once again shudder before I started to suck against the skin.

Sebastian swallowed hard. "Phoebe," he said warningly.

Knowing I had him just where I wanted him, I continued kissing his neck, knowing it was only a matter of time before he slipped up. That pervert's hands certainly couldn't stay still forever.

Suddenly, my phone started buzzing from inside my pocket; loud enough for both of us to hear. I pulled away upon hearing it, causing Sebastian to let out a deep frustrated sigh. It almost sounded like a growl if I was being entirely honest. "Just ignore it, and call them back later," he said.

I considered the idea for a second before slowly shaking my head. "I can't, it might be important," I said as I pulled my phone free from my pocket. Climbing my way out of his lap, I caught Sebastian throwing a glare my way as I took a seat on the edge of the bed and away from him. If anyone were to see the expression on his face, they'd think I'd slapped him around the face, and stolen his first-born child.

I glanced down at the caller ID, then widened my eyes in surprise at who it was. "It's Jordan," I mumbled.

Sebastian threw his head back and let out a bitter laugh, looking about ready to burn a whole town down. "Oh, you've got to be fucking kidding me..."

I put a finger to my lips, indicating for Sebastian to be silent before I pressed answer and lifted the phone to my ear. Sebastian looking far from impressed just glared off at the phone in irritation.

"Hello?" I called into the phone.

"Oh, hey Phoebe, I hope I haven't called at a bad time," Jordan said. Yes, you fucking have, I was very busy, you prick. – the nutty part of my brain wanted to say.

Truthfully, I had no idea why I felt so mad inside. I should be thanking Jordan for putting a stop to the insanity that was this game.

"Oh, no, not at all. I wasn't doing anything important at all. I was just...erm," I glanced over to Sebastian who was still glaring at me from the other side of the bed. "-Playing a game with a friend, that's all," I said with a light laugh.

Sebastian plucked up an eyebrow at that, and looked me up and down, his eyes sparkling with that worrying look of challenge.

"Oh, that's good," Jordan replied. "I've also meant to ask but did you get my Valentine's card the other day? I was going to talk to you in person that day, but I just forgot."

Feeling the bed dip and rise, as Sebastian shuffled closer to where I sat on the bed. I just ignored him, figuring he was just coming over to annoy me.

I smiled. "Oh yeah, I did, I loved the card. It was so cute." It was a bit of a stretch saying I loved it, but I knew it was the polite thing to say. Shamefully, Sebastian's 'I hate you' Valentine's card sparked up a far stronger fire in my belly when I read it than his.

"That's a relief," Jordan laughed into the phone. "I wasn't quite sure what to write and-"

Whatever he said completely got drowned out in my mind as Sebastian smoothly slid his head into the crook of my neck from behind. My breath instantly sharpened as the intoxicating smell of him brushed right under my nose. It was driving me insane how good he smelled especially now his entire hard chest was being pressed against my back.

As Sebastian's hands slid to wrap around the small of my waist in what felt like a tightly possessive embrace, my heart raced away like a crazy person, feeling beyond confused. All I knew was that he was doing strange things to my head.

Then it hit me. He had decided it was his go-next for our game and he clearly didn't give a shit whether or not I was on the phone. In fact, the wicked asshole was probably getting a kick out of the fact I was on the phone.

Just as that thought brushed through my mind, I felt Sebastian's breath lightly brush against my ear. "My turn," Sebastian whispered mockingly against my ear. His breath was warm and tickling, and let's face it hot. Very hot. His words cause goosebumps to spring up against my skin, and a foreign tugging feeling to grip at my stomach.

"Phoebe, hello, you still there?" I heard Jordan speak into the phone. Thrown back into reality, I blinked rapidly realizing I'd missed near to everything Jordan had just said because of Sebastian and his wandering hands.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm still here, something just distracted me, that's all," I muttered with a light laugh.

That's the moment, I heard Sebastian chuckle lightly near my ear, the motion vibrating my chest and the next thing I knew, I felt lips pressing against the column of my neck – soft and dizzyingly slow like he wanted to take his time. Torture me.

Panic immediately gripped me as Sebastian's hands fell to my hips as he started kissing down the length of my neck. And I would be lying straight through my teeth if I didn't admit a part of me wanted him to continue.

I was vaguely aware Jordan was still speaking but hadn't a clue what the fuck he was saying. I was truly struggling to care. All I could focus on was Sebastian's hand's which was now lightly dipping under my shirt to trace the bones of my hips.

No, Phoebe, stop him he's breaking the rules. You agreed to keep things PG-13 by not taking off clothes, but he's cheating by putting his devil-like hands up your clothes. Stop him, Phoebe. Stop him at once.

I didn't stop him. In fact, my traitorous body angled a little to the side to assist him in his exploration. I was disgusting.

With Jordan yammering away, it completely caught me off guard when Sebastian started sucking hard against where my neck met my jaw.

"Hmm," I moaned as he hit a good spot. I instantly froze the second I did, and soon I felt Sebastian's lips spread to a smile against my skin.

There was silence on the other end of the phone. "What are you erm....what are you erm...doing?" Jordan spoke slowly and slightly suspiciously.

"Nothing," I said quickly. "I was just erm eating a cookie, and it tasted really good," I lied quickly. Sebastian chuckled lightly at my excuse.

"Oh, right, fair enough," Jordan said in understanding.

That's when I once again, felt Sebastian's lips start trying to kiss lower and lower down my neck. My chest started rising and falling fast in panic, and fine maybe a little excitement.

"Why are you breathing so hard, are you seriously okay?" Jordan asked again.

"Er..yeah, yeah, I'm just-"

My words slipped away from me as Sebastian's lips found their way to my collarbone and were still heading lower.

"You're just what?" Jordan probed.

"I'm-" As Sebastian trailed closer and closer to the valley of my breast, my heart jumped as he stopped just short of the neckline of my shirt to suck the skin.

"Sebastian," I gasped. The only problem was that it came out as less of a whisper and more of a breathy moan after trying to repress myself from reacting for so long.

"Sebastian? Wait...are you guys...," Jordan trailed off uncomfortably. Humiliated beyond belief, I could only stare in horror at the wall before me while still clutching desperately at the phone.

To make it worse, Sebastian then snatched the phone from me before I could react. "Hey," I yelled.

Sebastian winked at me with a far too bright-looking smile, then quickly leaped to the other side of the bed and put my phone to his ear. "Hey, it's Sebastian. Phoebe and I are a little busy at the moment but I'm sure she'll call you back."

Then without even waiting for a response, Sebastian just hung up and chucked the phone on the bed.

"Well, that was fun," Sebastian said with a smile.

I snapped my head towards him in fury. "What the hell, Sebastian? I was on the phone, that was humiliating!"

"Relax, it was only Jordan," Sebastian said as he lay back on his bed with a smile. "And besides, nobody told you to make those sounds and moan my name, that was on you."

That was the final straw for me, and with murder in my mind, I leaped towards him with my hands stretched out for his neck.

Going fully feral on him, I slammed his back into the mattress and climbed atop of him. Then grabbing a pillow from behind him, I started absolutely beating the shit out of him. Sebastian just started shaking underneath me with laughter through the beating like an absolute psychopath.

"Stop laughing, you asshole," I snapped, punctuating my words, with aggressive whacks with my pillow.

"Okay, I think that's enough," Sebastian said with a smile as he tugged the pillow free from my hand. Then wrapping his arms around my waist, he completely caught me off guard as he rolled us around sharply until he was now the one on top. I looked up to see dark, mischievous eyes beaming down at me. Woah.

I sucked in a sharp breath in surprise, as he hovered up above me, pinning me down by my hands. "What are you....what are you doing?" I whispered as I looked up at him.

Leaning slightly closer to me, he looked me teasingly up and down with a smile. "Finishing my turn."

As Sebastian moved his lips back up to my ear, the door suddenly swung open.

"Fifi, Sebby, what are you doing?" a little voice called out. Turning with wide eyes to the door, I saw little Izzy, holding a little teddy in her hand while staring us up and down with curious slightly fearful eyes.

Sebastian muttered a shit under his breath before rapidly scrambling himself off me and sharply sitting up beside me on the bed.

As Sebastian rushed to Izzy to try and reassure her, we were playing not 'trying to kiss and make a baby, 'I realized three very important life lessons. One, never let Sebastian persuade you into playing a dodgy game. Two, never play dodgy games while also trying to babysit a little girl in the other room. And lastly three; an arguably obvious one - never trust Sebastian. 


Hope you enjoyed

Next Update: Thursday

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