If I Only Had a Brain

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It was a very long walk, and Sophia assumed the Tanzanite City was further away than she thought. When she reached a field of sunflowers, she sighed, "Oh, how much longer to the Tanzanite City? I have to be home by tonight."

Suddenly, Sophia heard someone talking.

"Aw, I'm sure it can't be that far away, child," said a familiar voice.

Sophia was a little frightened. "Who's there?" she asked.

"Oh, that was me," said the same voice.

Sophia turned and gasped in surprise. She was face to face with a scarecrow—and he seemed to have the same face as Hugo.

"Hello there," Sophia smiled.

"Hello, child," Scarecrow said. "Who may I ask are you?"

"Sophia Parker," Sophia said. "Well, I'm getting married tomorrow, so after my wedding, I'll be Sophia Salonga."

"That's nice," Scarecrow smiled.

"So do you know if Tanzanite City is near or far?" Sophia asked.

Scarecrow wanted to help Sophia, but he had to be honest with her.

"You know, you really shouldn't ask me," Scarecrow said. "I don't have a brain—only straw."

"No brain?" Sophia asked. "What would you do with a brain if you had one?"

"Why, if I had a brain, I could...," Scarecrow was about to reply. Then he began to sing.

I could while away the hours,

Conferring with the flowers

Consulting with the rain

And my head I'd be scratching

While my thoughts were busy hatching

If I only had a brain

I'd unravel every riddle

For any individ'le

In trouble or in pain

Sophia felt like she understood what Scarecrow meant, and she joined in the song.

With the thought you'd be thinking,

You could be another Lincoln

If you only had a brain

Scarecrow was happy that Sophia understood him, and he continued his song on his own.

Oh, I could tell you why the ocean's near the shore

I could think the things I never thunk before

And then I'd sit and think some more

I would not be just a nothing

My head all full of stuffing

My heart all full of pain

I would dance and be merry

Life would be a ding-a-derry

If I only had a brain

Sophia felt pretty bad for Scarecrow, and she knew just how to help him get what he wanted.

"Maybe you should come with me to see the Wizard of Oz," Sophia offered. "He's going to send me home to Nebraska, and I'm sure he can help you get a brain."

"All right," Scarecrow agreed.

"Let me get you down," Sophia said.

Sophia untied the ropes and helped Scarecrow get down.

"All right, Sophia," Scarecrow said. He offered her his elbow, and as Sophia put her hand on it, they started skipping down the Yellow Brick Road and singing.

We're off to see the Wizard, the wonderful Wizard of Oz

We hear he is a whiz of a whiz if ever a whiz there was

If ever oh ever a whiz there was,

The Wizard of Oz is one because, because, because, because, because, because, because of the wonderful things he does

We're off to see the Wizard, the wonderful Wizard of Oz!

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