It's a Twister!

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Sophia and Butterfly rode down to the community flower garden.

"Sophia Parker, it's great to see you," said Mr. Hartman, the owner of the garden. "How's the bride-to-be today?"

"Fine, Mr. Hartman," said Sophia. "I still need a bouquet though. Do you have any roses?"

"I'm afraid not, my dear," said Mr. Hartman. "But perhaps you'd be interested in any other flowers?"

Sophia looked through the garden for other flowers, but there weren't any flowers that tickle her fancy.

"Oh, I don't know about these," Sophia sighed. She wondered if she could find the perfect flowers for her bouquet. Since Sophia couldn't find any good flowers, she felt like she'll just have to go down the aisle without a bouquet.

When Sophia looked up at the sky, she started to feel scared. "I think I might have to come back later," she gulped. "Look at those clouds over there."

The clouds were turning dark, and the sky was turning gray.

"I think we're going to have a thunderstorm," Sophia said.

But there was a strong breeze, and any Nebraskan knew what that meant—a tornado!

"We'd better get home right away, Butterfly," Sophia told her horse. She got up on Butterfly and rode away. "See you later, Mr. Hartman," she called over her shoulder.

"We'd better get undercover, Sylvester," Mr. Hartman told his horse. "There's a storm blowing up a whopper, to speak in the vernacular of the peasantry. Poor Sophia—I hope she gets home alright."

At Austin and Miranda's farm, they and the bridesmaids were getting the animals in their shelter.

"Cora, get the horses in the barn!" Austin called. The bridesmaids got the animals safe inside their shelters.

Meanwhile, Sophia was still riding to her own house.

"Everyone in the storm cellar!" Austin called.

"But what about Sophia?" asked Cora.

"She's probably on her way to her own house," Miranda said. "Come on; we need to get in the cellar right now, girls."

Miranda, Austin, and the bridesmaids got inside the storm cellar safely.

Sophia made it to her own home and locked Butterfly in her shelter. Sophia was about to get into her own storm cellar when one of the cellar doors broke off and got blown away.

"Oh, no!" Sophia cried. She knew it would be dangerous to be in the storm cellar if it was only half-closed. She had no choice but to take refuge in the house.

Sophia got inside her house, and she was on her way to her bedroom when a window frame in the living room got loose and hit her in the head.

"Ouch!" Sophia cried.

Sophia lay on the floor and passed out.

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