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"Peter! Rose!" The two heard. Lucy and Susan ran towards the two and Lucy crashed into her two oldest siblings. "Where's Edmund?" Susan asked. The four took off and saw the Witch's right hand about to kill him. Susan released an arrow into him.

Rose collapsed beside Edmund. She grabbed his hand and he gripped it. Lucy dropped one drop of the juice of the fire - flower into his mouth. He stopped moving and the four were crying harder than to begin with.

Then he started coughing. Rose gasped in shock when he opened his eyes. The four all smiled. Peter pulled him into a hug, "when are you gonna learn to do as you're told?" He asked him through tears. The five all hugged each other. Before looking at Aslan. He breathed onto one of the men they lost. The stone melted away and he breathed again. Rose gasped in shock. Lucy smiled and ran to everyone injured, dropping the juice into their mouths.


Aslan led the five down the isles of Cair Parevel. The three sisters on one side and the two brothers on the other. Susan, Edmund, and Lucy all wore silver and gray outfits while Peter and Rose were clad in gold and navy blue clothes. The High King and Queen.

They stepped up to their thrones and turned around. The order went Edmund, Peter, Rose, Susan, and then Lucy.

"To the glistening Eastern sea, I give you Queen Lucy, the Valiant." The beavers and Mr. Tumnus stepped forward. He took one of the crowns off of the pillow and placed it on Lucy's head.

"To the great Western Wood, King Edmund, the Just." Aslan said as Tumnus placed a crown on Edmund's head. "To the radiant Southern sun, Queen Susan, the Gentle."

Mr. Tumnus approached Rose with a smile on his face and a larger crown than Susan and Lucy's "and to the green Western plains, I give you, Queen Rose, the Bright."

She bowed her head and allowed Tumnus to place the golden crown on her head.

"And to the clear Northern sky, I give you, King Peter, the Magnificent." Aslan said and Tumnus placed the last crown on Peter's head. The five sat down, "once a King or Queen of Narnia, always a King or Queen. May your wisdom grace us until the stars rain down from the heavens."

Aslan turned to the crowd and they chanted, "Long live King Peter! Long live King Edmund! Long live Queen Rose! Long live Queen Susan! Long live Queen Lucy!"


The sun was setting on the horizon and Rose stared out at it. She watched Aslan's retreating body. She heard footsteps behind her. She turned and saw Oreius.

"Hello, Oreius." She said to him. He nodded his greetings.

"Hello, Queen Rose." Rose scoffed.

"Although it sounds nice, you don't have to call me that." She said to him.

"I do, Your Highness. You mustn't worry about Aslan. He'll be back one day." He said to her.

"I'm not worried about him. I know he can take care of himself. I mean, after all, he is a lion." The two laughed.

"He told you about how your story doesn't end here, didn't he?" Oreius asked.

"He did but he never told me what it meant." Rose said to him. She looked up at the centaur.

Oreius sighed, "your story doesn't end here in Cair Parevel. Your story ends somewhere out there." He pointed to the woods.

"That's still mighty confusing." She said to him.

"There's another prophecy about you. Just you. It says, "the eldest Daughter of Eve will find herself. She will not retreat home but stay."

"That doesn't rhyme." Rose stated. Oreius laughed.

"It doesn't." He trailed off. Orieus wandered off leaving Rose all by her lonesome once again. She heard another set of footsteps. She sighed and turned around.

"Hello, Your Majesty." She heard Tumnus' voice.

"Hello, Mr. Tumnus." She replied, "how're you?"

"I'm great," he replied, "I'm not stone anymore so that's a plus." The two laughed.

"Lucy went on about you for hours. Talking about faun named Tumnus." Rose laughed, "you know, my whole life I dreamt this."

"Dreamt what?" He asked her.

"This," she motioned to Cair Parevel, "ever since I was young I had dreams every night. I was crowed Queen. It happened just as it did in their. You crowned me and Aslan called me Queen Rose, the Bright." She said to him. He looked at her in wonder.

"You were the only one who believed Lucy." He said to her. She nodded, "yes, I was."

"I'm thankful someone believed her. She's only a child." Tumnus said.

"Yeah, she is." Rose trialed off.

Tumnus grabbed her hand and looked at her. She looked up at him, "Narnia is grateful for you and your brothers and sisters. You've saved us all." Tumnus said.

"No, you saved us."


The five raced through the woods of Narnia, Rose sat atop her black horse from all those years ago. She learned her name was Grace.

They realized Edmund wasn't with them so the stopped and trailed back to where he was.

"Come on, Ed." Susan said to him.

"Just catching my breathe." He replied.

"Well, that's all we'll catch at this rate." Susan replied.

"What did he say again, Susan?" Lucy asked her.

"You girls wait in the castle. I'll get the stag myself." Susan quoted their brother. Rose looked up at the lamp post.

"What's this?" She asked. She and Peter got off of their horses and approached it.

"It seems familiar." Peter said.

"As if from a dream."

"Or a dream of a dream. Spare Room." Lucy said and started running. The others followed after her, calling her name.

They followed her into a place. "These are coats!" Rose called. After several seconds of shoving and yelling they all fell on a floor.

The five looked around confused. A man walked through the door, "ah, there you are. What were you all doing in the wardrobe?"

"You wouldn't believe us if we told you, sir."

The professor threw Peter a ball, "try me."


word count : 1,022

and that's a wrap on act one folks. rose and oreius made me heart go 🥰. they were a brotp there for a second.

ugh i loved oreius sm. act two is going to be a roller coaster. i already said it, y'all may or may not hate me after it. but it's my choice 🥴.

rose pevensie will return in act two.

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