Our Forest

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A bright light flooded through their forest as Obito and Thana were taking the usual midnight stroll that they took after either of them had a nightmare. The blinding light had left just as swiftly as it had come but Obito was able to recognize where it was coming from.

"Ma chéri the light came from the clearing ahead," Obito says after the light dissipated.

"Are you sure mon coeur?" Thana looks at Obito worryingly

"I'm sure. Should we go see what happened?" Obito confirms

"Yeah, we should..... But get a kunai out just in case it's hostile." They head down the well-worn path to the ahead clearing, the same clearing where Kakashi happens to be "resting" in. Obito stood stock still at the sight of the oh so familiar silver hair. Thana placed a hand on Obito's arm to bring him back to the present.

"Mon coeur is that?..." She trails off uncertainty and looks worriedly at the amount of blood around the man. There was so much of it that she couldn't tell how much of the blood was from the body in front of her and how much of it was someone else's.

"I... I think so but why." Without even realizing it Obito begins to walk towards the unconscious silver-haired man. As Obito walked toward Kakashi, Thana followed him. Once they'd reached Kakashi Thana squats down next to Kakashi and pushes back his silver hair to get a better view of his face.

"It's him," Obito whispers as if he speaks any louder Kakashi will wake up.

"He needs medical attention," Thana says as she gently runs her fingers through Kakashi's hair.

Obito nods in agreement. "I'll take us home." He then gently gathers Kakashi in his arms, being careful not wanting to make Kakashi's wounds worst. Thana goes to Obito and hugs his waist. "Ready?" Obito questions Thana.

"Yeah let's go." Obito Kamui's back to their house on the edge of the forest. Once they landed in the kitchen Thana let go of Obito and rushed to get the medic kit and start boiling some water from the kitchen. As Thana did that Obito put Kakashi down onto the kitchen island counter. After he put Kakashi down he began removing Kakashi's clothes to see the extent of his injuries.

The injuries on Kakashi were horrible. There was a shallow but long cut that went from the bottom his ribs on his left side to his hip on the right like someone tried to gut him. Multiple small, shallow cuts on his upper arms and lower legs and a long cut on the outside of his left thigh. All the cuts were bleeding at varying degrees of alarming-ness. He also a small cut that was bleeding sluggishly above his left eye, which contained Obito's Sharingan eye.


She labored for hours to heal Kakashi. Obito helped Thana by fetching clean bandages and more boiling water, which he heated with a mild fire jutsu, plus any other supplies she needed.

Eventually, Kakashi woke up just as Thana was stitching the wound on his abdomen. Kakashi yelped in pain and before he could jolt upright Obito held him down. Kakashi moaned in pain and muttered a soft curse. He cracked opened his eye, squinting at Obito. "O-obi-t-to?" He stutters, his eyes trying, and failing, to focusing on the face in front of him. "A-am I dead-d?"

"No, you're not. Go back to sleep Kakashi and save your strength." Obito orders Kakashi gently. Thana wraps Kakashi wound with some clean gauze and backs away having finished stitching Kakashi's wound while he was distracted by Obito.

"He should be okay ma coeur. He just needs some rest." Thana lays a reassuring hand on Obito's shoulder.

Obito nods in agreement and with one last glance at Kakashi he takes the pot used for boiling water and puts the dirty bandages in it to take out to the trash. As Obito disposes of the used bandages Thana packs up the medic kit and cleans up the rest of the area. Luckily they didn't get any blood on to the floor so there was no need to scrub it.

After cleaning up Thana has Obito carry Kakashi to their guest bedroom and have him rest there. "Obito mon coeur I'll watch over him you go get some rest."

"Are you sure?" He asks even as his eye drooping tiredly.

"Yes, I'm sure," she huffs fondly and pushes him out the door.

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