Soul Fire

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It was late morning when Obito woke up and rolled out of bed. He went down to the kitchen to make his wife, their guest and himself some breakfast. After he makes a quick breakfast for himself he made some pancakes and sausage for Thana and Kakashi. Once the pancakes and sausage were done cooking he quickly plated the food and put it on a tray to take upstairs.

Obito quietly slipped into the guest bedroom and set the tray down on the bedside table. Obito look over to the bed where Thana seemed to be trying to curl around Kakashi protectively, with Kakashi's head tucked underneath Thana's. He smiles at the show of instinctive Sky protectiveness. Kakashi was cuddling a burnt orange scarf that was infused with a small amount of Sky Flames mixed with Sun Flames for healing.

Kakashi's eye flutters open and he lifts his head to look at who entered to room. Kakashi freezes when he sees a heavily scarred man standing beside the bed. A memory from last night flashes before Kakashi's eyes and he starts trembling. "O-Obito?" He chokes out. "Wha? How?" His heart was thundering in his chest and he was clutching the Sky and Sun Flame infused scarf close.

"Hey, Kakashi. It's good to see you again." He smiles warmly at Kakashi and comes over to sit next to him. Obito places a hand on Kakashi cheek and Kakashi clutches desperately at the hand with one of his own.

"Am I dreaming?" Kakashi questions, wishing and hoping that this was real.

"No. No, you're not dreaming. I'm really here." He gently pulls Kakashi face closer and leans down so their foreheads were touching. "I'm really here."

Kakashi was close to crying again. "O-o-obit-to." His eye widens and then he starts crying softly. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm so so so sorry. I killed her. I-I..." He was starting to hyperventilate and cry harder. "I killed her. I killed her. I killed her."

Obito stares at Kakashi wide-eyed for a few seconds as he watches him break down into a sobbing mess before scooping Kakashi into his lap and holding him close.

"No, you didn't. Rin-chan jumped in front of you. It wasn't your fault." He gently rocks Kakashi in an attempt to calm him down.

"H-how would you know what h-happened?.... You weren't t-there...where you?" Kakashi asks through the tears.

Obito stays silent for a moment before answering. "I....was. I saw you put your hand through her heart...."

Kakashi stares at Obito in horror and starts to curl into himself. "I......" The tears stream down his cheeks.

"Kakashi it is not your fault. I don't blame you. You didn't know." Obito wipes away Kakashi's tears. "It's not your fault."

Kakashi sniffs and nods mutely, calming down. He then lays his head on Obito shoulder and hugs him. "Where have been all these years?"

"Well for the past five years I've been here and before that, I've been around the Elemental Nations-"

"Wait what? But it's been ten years since your d-death." Kakashi stutters but forges on. "Why didn't you come home?"

"I'm getting there. It took me a year and a half to heal enough to go outside... That's when I saw Rin-chan die...... It took another 6 months for me to heal completely." Obito pauses. "I couldn't go back to Konoha. I just couldn't....It hurt too much..."

He takes a deep breath. "For a while I..., I blamed you for Rin-chan's death....I probably would still be blaming you for it if it weren't for Thana."

He looks away from Kakashi, feeling guilty. "I'm not ashamed to say that before I came here my mind had descended into madness. I was completely off my rocker. Another part of the reason I didn't go back to Konoha is that if I meet you five years ago I would have probably would have tried to kill you." Obito clutches Kakashi closer to him like he was afraid that Kakashi might disappear, though he still doesn't look Kakashi in the eye. "A small part of me didn't want to kill you. You were still my teammate, my friend, my best friend. That part of me was sure that you had a reason, you promised after all." Obito pauses and finally looks at Kakashi, trying to gauge his reaction to what he was just told.

Kakashi had at first stared at Obito in shock and a small amount of fear, but as Obito keep talking it turned slowly into understanding. He gently squeezes Obito. "Okay. I... just please don't leave me...not again....please not again."

Obito sighed softly gazing at the crying man before him. "How about you just stay here. You don't need to go back Konoha. You can stay here with us."

"I can?..." Kakashi questions uncertainty, rubbing his tears away.

"Of course." He nuzzles Kakashi's hair, smiling happily. "Plus I doubt Thana would let you leave before you're healed."

A pair of arms wrap around their waist and a tired voice says "Damn straight. You're mine now. Konoha can go suck my nonexistent dick for all I care." Thana's head was resting on Obito's knee and she was laying down on her stomach with her bottom half still under the covers.

"Thana?" Obito questions.

"Oui mon coeur?"

"What are you doing?"

"I'm hugging my boys. Why?" Thana answers flippantly, though there seemed to be a strange emphasis on 'my' for some reason.

Obito just sighs and shakes his head while Kakashi blushes. "Ma chéri you still need to court him properly first." Kakashi silently mouths the word 'court' in confusion.

"But he already accepted my Sky Flames. He's mine."

"Thana he doesn't even know what Flames are yet. You need to explain them to him first before you start to court him."


"No buts. You know the rules."

"Fine...." Thana pouts.

"What are you talking about? What do you mean by courting? And what are Flames?" Kakashi asks

Obito stares blankly at Thana until she sighs and whines "Fine. I'll explain." She lets go of Kakashi and Obito and wiggles around until she's sitting across from them. "Ok where to start?...."

"The beginning would be a good place to start," Obito says dryly and Thana just rolls her eyes at him.

"Brat. Anyway. Flames, otherwise known as Soul Fire, are the main 'superpower' in this world. And yes, yes you are in another world, and other then you and Obito, nobody else in the world has chakra." She snags a glass of water from the other bedside table and takes a sip.

"There are two different spectrums of Flames, Earth and Sky. I'll be focusing on The Flames of the Sky for now. There are 7 different kinds of Flames in the Sky Spectrum. There's Storm Flames which is a ruby red color and holds the property of Disintegration, Sun Flames which is well a sunny yellow color and holds the property of Activation, Lightning Flames which is an emerald green color and holds the property of Hardening, Rain Flames which is a aqua blue color and holds the property of Tranquility, Cloud Flames which is a violet color and holds the property of Propagation, Mist Flames which is a dark blue color holds the property of Construction, and last but not least Sky Flames which are an amber orange color and hold the property of Harmony." She takes a sip of water and clears her throat. "I'm a Misty Sky which means I have Sky Flames as my primary with a secondary in Mist. Obito is an Electric Mist. He has Mist Flames as his primary and Lightning as his secondary. Not everyone has multiple Flame types, some only have one. Though I have seen one person have five different Flames types." She sighs before continuing.

"What Obito mean by having to court you first before I can claim you as mine is that since I'm a Sky I instinctively want to have Elements, another name for the different Flame types, to ground me. I want you to be in my Sky but I'm not going to force my Flames on you in an attempt to Harmonize with you. That's all kinds of wrong and I want to court you like a proper Sky. I want you for you even if I wasn't an active Sky. I want you as an equal, as a friend, as a family, not a tool that can be discarded."

Kakashi gulps and stares at the woman in front of him who just said she wanted him. Not as a tool used for her own means but as a family. She wants Kakashi, just Kakashi, not Sharingan no Kakashi Shinobi of Konoha. Her words tore through the thick calloused shell he'd built around his heart like a kunai. "I-I'd be honored if you courted me."

Thana smiles brightly at Kakashi and cups her now empty hands as she had put the glass of water back down on the side table. Her hand was suddenly engulfed with a bright amber-orange flame that had dark blue 'wisps' throughout it and was slightly see-through. "Go on. You can touch them if you want. I wouldn't hurt you." She holds out her flaming hands.

Kakashi slowly reaches out and touches the flames hesitantly. The second he touches the Flames warmth floods his body and he groans, his body slumping forwards. Obito smirks, amused by Kakashi first reaction to direct contact with Thana's Flames. Thana chuckles and cuts off her Flames.

Kakashi head snaps up to look at Thana, panicked, the warmth it-it was gone. "Wait! No!" The couple looks at Kakashi in confusion. "Bring it back. Please!" Kakashi was halfway out of Obito's lap and halfway into Thana's. He was clinging to her hands and was looking panicked. "Please bring it back please!"

"Kakashi? What do you mean? Bring what back?" Thana asks Kakashi worried. She has never seen such a strong reaction to her Sky Flames disappearing of all thing. Usually, people have extreme reactions when she brings them out.

"The warmth. Please bring it back. I'm so cold." Kakashi was shivering like he just got out of a long cold shower.

Thana nods, but she was still confused and lights her hands on fire. This time though, the fire looked more solid and went all the way up to her elbows. "Come here." She gently tugs Kakashi to come into her lap completely.

Kakashi gives a small sob and hurriedly crawls into Thana's lap, curling up and clinging to her. "So warm."

Thana slips a hand underneath Kakashi's shirt and rubs his back while watching his face for any reactions. Kakashi's entire body shudders at the touch and he gives a loud groan. He presses his body closer to the fire.

Obito looks at Kakashi worriedly. He wasn't sure what was going on with his friend. "Kakashi?"

"Hmm? Yes?"

"You doing ok?"

"Uh Huh. I was just so cold."


"Yeah. I didn't realize until now but I've been so cold for so long. I want to be warm again."

Thana's eyes narrow in confusion before widening in horror. "Your chosen Sky died...."

Obito head snaps to look at Kakashi in horror. "Oh Kakashi... Minato-sensei was your chosen Sky wasn't he...."

"My chosen Sky?"

"Yeah. Minato-sensei was probably your chosen Sky. I didn't get enough time to make any strong connections with him. So when he died I wasn't affected very much. But you had years of time to spend with him....."

Kakashi just shrugs and continues to cuddle with Thana, enjoying being warm for the first time in a long time.

Obito jolts suddenly remembering that he brought food for them to eat. "Right you two should eat before the food gets too cold."

"Food?!" Thana questions excitedly.

"Yes food ma chéri. I made pancakes and sausages for you two."

"Yes! Food!"

Kakashi perks up at the mention of food but doesn't move from Thana's lap. Thana shifts Kakashi around a bit so both of them can eat while Kakashi was still in her lap. Kakashi's stomach growled. When was the last time he'd eaten actual food and not ration bars? He couldn't recall....

"Sounds like someone's hungry." Obito teases while handing over the tray of food.

"Hmm." Kakashi hums, blushing lightly while Thana starts eating some of the breakfast that Obito had made. Kakashi's brow furrows as he thinks of a way to eat without his face being seen.

Obito chuckles. "I'll be right back. I'm going to go make some tea." Obito leaves and goes to the kitchen to make some Jasmine Green Tea. Thana, having finished her part of the food in record time leans back on the headboard and closes her eyes.

Kakashi, realizing what the two just did, starts eating. Once Kakashi was finished eating he puts the tray back on the side table and curls up with Thana. A few minutes later Obito comes back with three mugs in one hand and an electric kettle of boiling water in the other. "Tea anyone?" He moves his hand so the mugs clink together to emphasize his point.

"Yes please." Thana answers while Kakashi shakes his head, wanting to relax.

Obito pours the tea out into two mugs setting the last on aside and handing one of the full mugs to Thana. After that Obito climbs into the bed with his mug and sits next to Thana and Kakashi. At this point, Thana had turned off her Flames but since Kakashi was still warm he didn't complain.

Obito takes a sip of his tea and reaches over to Kakashi so he can stroke his hair. "You feeling better?"

"Yeah. Much better.... Thank you."

"You're welcome."

Kakashi stays silent for a few moments before asking in a small voice. "How long can I stay here?"

"For as long as you want."


"Yup. This can be your home too."

"Are you sure?" He says hopefully.

"Yeah, of course we're sure. We'll need to teach you a bit about this world and stuff, but yeah this can be your home too." Obito says as he sets his and Thana's mugs on the side table.

"A... h-home," he says softly. How long had he been without that? Without a true home... After all, a house isn't always a home and a home isn't always a house.

Obito and Thana hug Kakashi. "Welcome home Kakashi." Thana whispers into Kakashi's ear.

"I'm home." He whispers back.

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