A Good Omen

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The warm summer breeze painted the solemn face of Leala Maxwell, her eyes gazing out across those surrounding the memorial. It was a simple memorial – a foundation for what would follow with time – with the names of those who had perished inscribed to the stone, representing both werewolf packs and the mages. It did not matter the title or bloodline of those carved into the stone, for each name was held to the same font and size, calling out their names. There were those who argued the simplicity, for the name of Alpha Mathis faded into the crowd. Others were fond of the simplicity, for it held each life lost as equal.

The matters of if the memorial were to be impactful enough did not make their way to the head of Leala Maxwell, for the Alpha had other concerns which had been keeping her up the past two weeks. Though the young alpha still walked with a limp from her slow healing wounds, matters of politics and drama were what lived in her head.

The ear-piercing scream of the lavender-eyed elf still sent shivers down Leala's spine, recalling the sound of Keva's skull knocked against sharp-edged rocks before the harsh waves of the ocean pulled her body into the abyss of what lay below. Leala had feared for her life in those moments, her fingers barely having grasped the stone walls as she believed she too would meet a similar fate of the elf. Yet River had been there to catch her, to protect her, and to comfort her as she lay bleeding in his arms. The foggy memories Leala could recall from those final moments were fused together, for she could remember being cradled in River's arms like a child while she gazed into those golden eyes, yet she could also remember stretching out her arms and picking from the garden a posy of lilies, cosmos, and foxgloves. Leala did not recall what became of that posy nor did she recall having been carried into a portal.

Yet River recalled those moments, as he cried out the name of the woman he loved, rushing to find a way to return Leala to safety. The bodies of the elves which scattered the garden, their deep crimson blood running through the crevasses of the stone path, and the bodies of both wolf and man – some mid-shift – as their glassy eyes seemed to follow him. That day, that battle which River would never forget, it was one of pain and guilt for the golden-eyed man. To have grown up within that palace, to look out over the faces and recognize every set of eyes, everything called out to River.

He had wondered just how many of these elves had turned on their own werewolf pack members and slaughtered them when Keva made the call. He had wondered how many of them felt remorse when they turned on their wolfen kin and served Keva. It caused River to once more wonder just how much control he had truly held over Eternal Shadows.

Pretending like the blood of the elves spilled did not phase River was a curse. It haunted his dreams and every moment, for the guilty he felt was enough to pull him to the shadows. Dark thoughts surrounded the young man, memories of how he had killed who was once his best friend, wished for the death of the woman who raised him, slaughtered so many of those who he once trained beside, and witnessed the destruction of the pack he was promised. All of those bundled together made a memorial ceremony all the less enjoyable, crafting a darkness to swirl within the alpha, leaving a bitterness on his tongue. Yet do not be deceived, for River still understood that what was done needed to be done, for what had become of the pack he was promised was a hollow shell of what it once was.

Finding happiness in this moment was just not something River could connect with. Though finding closure and happiness were things many struggled with in this moment. Closure was something most at the ceremony struggled with, for they understood the nasty politics and drama to follow for years.

Alpha Yusuf had even come to wonder if Mathis was one of the lucky ones, for he would go down as a hero and not have the stress of building a kingdom and government to put up with. Yusuf understood that he was lucky to be alive, yet he still wondered. The importance Yusuf would play in the building of the kingdom was something which weighted on his shoulders every second, for as Yusuf looked out to the face of the future queen, he understood her level of stability. Leala was to be a young queen, one who held secrets and scandal which Yusuf would try and shield the media - and figures like Finley - from.

As the soft song came to an end, the small choir stepped back into the crowd, bowing their heads as they faced the future queen. The mannerisms which people had begun to express towards Leala only made the future queen anxious to what was to come. To be declared royalty meant more than just new duties, but a whole other form of respect and treatment Leala questioned if she was ready for.

"The palace which stood here years ago will be rebuilt," Leala spoke, drawing attention towards the small figure of the girl often lost in the crowd. "Rebuilt to reflect a new age of this werewolf kingdom. New territories will be drawn up to reflect the changes over the last two decades, these territories to both held existing packs grow stronger and to encourage wolves who fled their homes to return."

Golden eyes focused on the petite frame of the woman speaking, the authority held her in voice casting the image of a strong and determined woman. For those who had known Lily Maxwell, they had watched the meek woman grow strong, but her determination was fueled by rage, casting both fear and respect for the woman. Those who had known Lily Maxwell looked now at her child with the same view River held for the future queen – a passionate and ambitious woman who would not allow her fury to make decisions.

Alpha Finley was one of the few to highly question the reputability of Leala, much less her own ability to assert herself correctly into political matters. It was no secret the doubt Finley cast over Leala, for he had even made his opinions known to her before the final battle. The feelings were mutual for how Leala and Finley felt for the other. Feelings which could easily mutate into a strong hatred. Feelings so close to unraveling into what could create a hostile environment. Leala had mentioned to those close to her just how she wished an accident would occur to Finley, for the alpha to upset just the wrong person and find it to be the death of him. Though Leala spoke those words, she also had come to understand the taste such actions would leave in the mouths of people who respected her. Leala understood the cold and calculated man Finley was and she also understood the role he was to play in the Senate. Though another war was something Leala did not wish to find her new kingdom in the middle of, she recognized the likelihood of Finley pissing someone off so much to create a rift.

In a similar fashion, Finley also recognized that wishing the future queen ill harm would do no good. Finley did not wish to see Leala on a throne, much less anyone, but he knew that for something devastating to come of the new queen would weaken the already cracking foundation of this new kingdom just being crafted. The foundation was weak already and it would take time for a strong foundation to be made. Finley understood that keeping the same figure on the throne was needed in these times, though that would not stop the alpha from stirring up trouble.

As the ceremony came to a close and those who had attended fizzled out, Leala stood before the center of the memorial, located where a courtyard would be placed, for flowers to be planted around and ivy to scale the tall walls of the future palace. The plans for the palace had been drafted, inspiration taken from both the palace of River's parents as well as that of Eternal Shadows. White stone was to be used, stained glass windows of hazy pastels, and balconies to overlook the glimmering lake. Many had traveled far not just for this ceremony, but to get a glance of what the future palace would look like. The construction would take time, perhaps years before the final touches could be complete.

"He was young," Leala commented, gazing to the names on the large stone. "Many of them were so young. A number of them my own age."

"As what happens with war."

"I know...it is just that the reality hits different," Leala replied, gazing back over her shoulder to Yusuf. "This is my first war too. It hits differently I assume for every battle and war."

Yusuf stood beside the woman he pledged his loyalty to, but not just to her, but to her unborn children he hoped would be molded into strong rulers. Yusuf understood the possibility of a child was years out for Leala, but he would be there to oversee the schooling of the children – perhaps even more than Leala would. "It hits different – yes – but that does not mean I have forgotten about the lives lost from smaller battles. With time, the sorrow will fade, but it will still be with you, like a branding on your soul."

"I hope this is the only war I will face in my time."

"There are always more. Perhaps never on this scale, but there will be battles where you must intervene for the good of not just the kingdom, but for others too. Zion fought against vampires. His great-grandfather fought against witches. Civil wars are common, perhaps not common on a grand scale, but there will always be tensions unable to be resolved."

"So there will always be stress."

"Did you not think there would be?" Yusuf asked, puzzled by Leala's comment.

Shaking her head, the future queen rephrased her statement. "I was just stating the obvious to myself. I understand the job I am to have will not do well on my mental health. I understand the stress and anxiety which will follow me around like a shadow. I just...well, I just have to persevere and know I am doing what I must for the good of my kingdom."

A smile broke across Yusuf's face. Though small, the expression was enough to cause an eyebrow of Leala's to cock upward.

"Perhaps I will take that as a good omen of what is to come," Yusuf stated, "that you are ready to serve the people who serve you."


Those who had come to pass had their bodies returned to their packs for their families to properly mourn those who had given their lives in honor of a new kingdom. Yet only so many bodies could be retrieved from the grave of the palace, the castle itself burring many in their eternal slumber. It was today that many of those bodies were properly returned to the mourning families, a very solemn feeling passing over Crimson Lock. 

Cedric was one of the few wandering the walls of the pack house on such a day, many of those who usually ran around these halls were absent, the pack house feeling distant to the Beta of Crimson Lock. His pace quickened as the purpose for his visit grew closer. The Beta was aware of the holiday his alpha and future queen had given the pack as a chance to shut down and focus on the loss of those families. Yet Cedric was also aware of the importance of business - for growing a kingdom from the ground up would not allow for a holiday for some time. Injured in the battle, the Beta still walked with a soft limp in his right leg, unable to properly bend the leg which had a knife driven straight through it nearly two weeks ago. 

"You did not take too long," Yusuf commented, greeting Cedric as the door shut behind him. "How's the leg?"

"It's a healing process, but I can get around."

"Many are healing still. Some may take years to heal." 

"Physically or mentally?" Cedric asked, taking a seat across from Alpha Yusuf as the two looked out the window which lay before the sitting room. It was a room of solitude, used in the past for nursing mothers who sought out privacy during pack gatherings - no mothers would be here today, for there was no purpose for anyone to be doing business today. 

Yusuf cocked his head, gazing to the face of Cedric whose left temple barred a healing wound from a deep cut. The wound would no doubt turn into a nasty scar. "I fear no one will really recover from that battle mentally."

"Leala tried to hold such a façade."

"She is keeping up appearances. She fears showing sign of mental weakness will make her an easy target for Finley or others like the man." 

The two understood why Leala would act such a way. The young alpha came across as strong to her pack, for she kept up a strong mental image. She needed to appear unfazed by a war which stole her youth. It stole the youth of many. To think almost a year ago did Leala believe her identity belonged to that of Evelyn made Cedric wonder just how much of the origional Leala had been lost in her cause - how much of the same woman which Cedric met on a snowy night was still left in her shell? "She is putting too much pressure on herself. She has advisors to help her. It is okay to show sign of weakness when you have gone through hell."

Yusuf knew Cedric was only looking out for Leala, but they both were. They held a disagreement in how Leala should present herself to not just her back, but fellow advisors, alphas, and so forth. "She is still a child," Yusuf muttered, stretching out his legs as a pinch of pain caused his face to scrunch. "She is young and is expected to make mistakes - we can not allow that to happen." 

"And how will we ensure that? Mistakes are natural."

"We both know that while she is a great woman, there are dark sides of her character which do not just pose a threat to the decisions she will make with greater power, but the respect and reputation it could threaten." Yusuf glances out the window to the view of a quiet lawn. "If Leala is to act in a reckless way, the kingdom which has just been build and in constant fear of crumbling will indeed feel the effects of her reckless behavior." 

Cedric knew Yusuf to be correct, but the young Beta held more blind loyalty and respect for Leala than Yusuf ever could. While Cedric would fight off anyone or travel to the edge of the world to protect his alpha and future queen, that same blind loyalty caused him to miss many of the faults Leala possessed which threatened her reign. "We are both aware - and expect - that Leala will proceed with River as a suitor."

"In secrecy?"

"It is a matter of how long," Yusuf responded. "For the queen to be tied up in a secret romance with her right-hand man will stir up drama. We must ensure a smooth transition so when it comes to light of their romance, it will not create an uproar." 

Yusuf was protecting Leala and River - he did not wish the world to know the truth of the man Leala was on route to one day marry. "She will take the throne without a King - one of the few in history - so the public will create rumors as to who that king could be one day." 

"You wish to play with the media then?" Cedric questioned, already knowing the dangers which could be brought with playing the media. 

They two men came to an agreement in their discussions and proceeded with two final conclusions. The first was that in her transition into queen, Leala hold the presence of a strong mentality even thought they knew she was crippled from the weight of the war. The second conclusion was that of her suitor - that the media would be fed small pieces of information to help keep them off the trail of River. Though these would not be the only conclusions drawn, nor did they fully encompass just how complex their plan would be. 

Yet they were unaware of a third conclusion the two of them had come to reach, for no final decision had to be discussed to be acknowledged. 


Having been raised by a father who not just led his men into battle, but also faced the reality of war itself, Leala had learned the hardships of recovering from such events. Her adoptive father, Terrance, was a man who would return home from a victory, defeated as he would drag his feet to the couch and lay awake and gazing to the ceiling until how body begged for food. Leala recalled the arguments her parents would have before and after every battle as Quinn would cry out how Terrance never came home the same man. 

Leala could now understand both sides of their arguments. 

The young alpha lay awake in her bed, gazing to the ceiling as fragments of that damned day cursed her slumber. Losing sleep, she replayed the moment over and over again in her head as she had watched Keva's body fall from the cliff and her head knock into the jagged rocks below. The body of the lavender-eyed elf had given into the waves, carried off into the sea as Leala had cried out in pain and for help. 

The body beside her stirred, the presence of River something which Leala had thought would allow her to take her focus from the battle and put her into a deep slumber. The two had been walking on eggshells to make their relationship work, for passing in the dead of night to be with one another, hiding off in the daytime to find one another, and escaping the public eye to find intimacy. Leala knew the risks she was taking by not just laying beside River at night, but by trying and find time to be at his side. Leala understood if word was to circulate that the two were intimate, it would stir up drama. The two could not risk the pack finding out and digging deeper into River's bloodline, much less the other packs uncovering the truth.

Letting out a sigh of frustration, Leala turned onto her side, facing the closed eyes of the man she had fallen for. He had been at her side every day since the battle, there for one another as the two recovered from the wounds and formed a new kingdom. 

There was work to be done and not enough time. 

Leala had expected all the work which needed to be sorted out, yet she had not anticipated the speed it would travel at. Crimson Lock was to remain in place, but until a proper palace to be build, Leala was to remain within the falls of her house and have it treated as royal chambers. When the palace was to be finished, Leala would find herself swept away into a new world, for her advisors to follow, and for Crimson Lock to become the Royal Pack. It scared the young alpha, for the pressures of her new life only added to her lack of sleep and proper self care. 

Leala understood the worst was behind her, but a vast unknown lay ahead. 

An arm wrapped around the young alpha's torso, pulling her into the warmth of the man who had not just sworn his loyalty to her, but promised his heart as well. Leala made herself at home in the crook of River's neck, the warmth of his body helping the future queen to drift off to sleep. As the two slept in peace, closing off their fears for the future, they grew another day closer a hopeful future for their ability to walk side by side in public.    

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