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The room remains dark, not an ounce of sunlight flood in as my eyes open slightly, just enough to notice the visitor lurking at the foot of the bed. Glancing away, I turn my cheek and burry it into my pillow, the tightness of my stitches pulling at my skin as I hold in a groan. My visitor walks around the edge of the bed, her blue eyes seeming to glow in the darkness of the room. She comes to take a seat beside me at the edge of my bed, offering me a glass of water as I shake my head slightly. "You need to stay hydrated, Leala," she begs, holding the glass out further towards me.

"I had water earlier. They had me on fluids for days anyway."

"But you need to get up sometime," Brie comments, placing the glass on my nightstand. Letting out a sigh, Brie glances to the curtains pulled shut over my windows. "Alpha River has been asking to see you. We cannot keep pushing it off - you two must meet."

I bite the inside of my cheek, my eyes watering as I can recall the feeling as I ran my fingers over my face earlier. Letting out a shaky breath, I try and collect myself, turning my head to face Brie. My glistening eyes look to my Gamma whose cuts have begun to heal well. "I cannot let him see me like weak."

"You are recovering. No one expects you to be back to your best."

"I do," I reply, "I expect myself to be my best because I am leading a pack. I know you have told me no one expects me to be fully recovered, but appearing weak before those who-"

"Your anxiety is only making all of this worse," Brie insists. "You do not have to leave this house if you do not wish, but there are important matters to attend to. River is in a state of distress. He traveled all this way to speak with you, only to talk with Cedric. The two of them are at each other's throats."

Getting to her feet, Brie turns on the lamp by my side table, my eyes squeezing shut. I can hear her move about, grabbing something from my drawer as I try and just be alone. I have spent the last few days in the bed, now able to stay awake most of the day, and no longer requiring any painkillers. "Here."

A mirror is offered to me, Brie motioning for me to take it as I swallow a lump in my throat. My fingers grasp the handle of the mirror, Brie pushing it up for me to look at the woman before me. Taking in a sharp breath, I look at my bruised face, my right cheek still swollen a bit, and my smaller cuts mostly healed up. Yet the thick layer of stitches which make themselves from just under my temple all the way to my ear cause panic to settle in. The bandages over my ear only make it worse as I look to my ear, my cartilage having been ripped in two as my doctor had to make the decision to remove half of it, causing a strange shape. "You are still the same strong woman I swore to protect and serve."

I glance at Brie and then back to the mirror, my fingers reaching up to my face as they lightly run over the stitches. They are still sore, sewing my face shut as the blood which had dried upon my face left me worried that the cut was much worse. Lowering the mirror onto my lap, I look above to the ceiling as I try and collect myself. The wind outside flows at a steady rate as I focus onto the sound, trying to find something to distract myself with.

Although Oliver has found a bitter place in my heart, I can recall a short story he told me of my mother. When she was left for dead in this very house, bloodied and bruised as she was pregnant with me. It took her a recovery as well, one which caused her to be on edge for months after the attack. My mother pulled through and came out on top, leading a rebellion under her name.

"What word is there on pack traitors?"

"My men are walking on eggshells, even those I know would never betray this pack. You scared them, not just the traitors, by announcing it in public."

"So I took the wrong direction," I mutter, taking in a deep breath as I look back to Brie. "And now I must live with consequences."

"We are thankful as a pack that not a great deal of our pack was killed in that attack, but we must hold our heads strong through this darkness. Those who do not mourn their fallen friends are worth looking into."

I agree with Brie, shifting my position in bed so that I am sitting up. "And what of Penelope? I know she lost many men."

The tone of the room shifts within an instant, a full one-eighty, and I glance to Brie, curious as to what news she brings with her. "Brie?"

"It is best for Cedric to inform you, he know-"

"You are my Gamma, I trust you will inform me well on the matter."

"Cedric knows more of the details."

"What happened?" I ask, curious as I wonder why Brie would suddenly become so closed-off to me. "Brie?"

My nerves begin to pile up, fingers beginning to shake as I fear what news Brie brings with her. Could more of Penelope's men died in the attack than thought? What of Alpha Emmitt's pack?

"There are matters for you to attend to when you hear this news. Matters which mean meeting with a council."

"So what is the news? What transpired on that battlefield?"

Brie sighs, holding her head high as she leans forward to take my hand in hers. Those candy blue eyes glistening as she tries to tell me what happened. "Penelope attacks just as expected. Fighting off the elves as she had walked into an ambush not meant for her pack." I nod, motioning for Brie to continue as I have come to know of this news already. "What Penelope ordered her men to do..."

I feel my heart plummet in my chest, dread filling my soul as I watch Brie's lips move. "Penelope ordered her men to attack both elf and werewolf - those left defenseless within Alpha Emmitt's pack." Brie's eyes begin to glisten, her face flushing red in anger, and her lips pursing together as she tries to word her next sentence. "Children were dragged from their homes, slaughtered in the streets, innocent men and woman ripped apart...few made it out alive."

"No," I whisper, shaking my head as I try and think of what all I have learned. "Penelope...she...she never would." I know I am lying to myself, wishing I could not believe the words told to me. I remember how Penelope looked when we attacked Evercrest Ridge, how her eyes seemed to gleam with some insane stare, how Penelope laid waste to that pack as I watched her kill men begging for their lives. My eyes begin to water, wising I could disprove what I have heard.

"Emmitt and his warriors returned home to find their wives, husbands, children, and friends lifeless." Brie takes in a shaky breath. "They are preparing for a mass funeral."

"And-" I choke, trying to keep in a snob. "What of the elves? What of Penelope's pack?"

"Elves were slaughtered as well, but it has become clear to everyone that Penelope saw members of Emmitt's pack as the primary enemy. Even when she figured out she had led her men into an ambush not meant for her, she did not shift the focus of her men away from the innocent unless needed."

I look up to the ceiling, my face heating up as I purse my lips. "What of the elves?"

"They retreated when they figured they could not face Penelope's pack. They only brought enough men to slaughter pack members without any obstacles."

A tear escapes my eye, the back of my hand wiping away the tear quickly as I try and pull myself together. "Where is Penelope now?"

"Radio silence on her end. There is word she has returned to her pack lands."

"Then she has made her bed," I whisper, trying to figure out where to go from here. "Penelope attacked innocent members of Emmitt's pack. Penelope led her men to war on her terms - under her name. She has made it clear to me where her allegiance lies and where she plans on going from here." I try and come to terms with this new truth - the truth that once more someone I once considered an advisor is nothing more but a liar and traitor. Penelope warned me to trust no one, even herself. She warned me all along she was not someone to trust and she has shown her true colors after all. "I will require a meeting with Alpha Mathis, Yusuf, and Finch."

"What of River?"

"Has River pledged his loyalty to this side of the war? As far as I am concerned, he still stands with his pack and goal for the crown. Mathis, Finch, and Yusuf are who remain in my circle and we must agree together on Penelope's standing. I do not wish to make a decision they have to accept without a say."

"I agree," Brie begins, her voice drawing out as I await her next words. "But you cannot ignore River. He has come here answering your call."

I know I cannot ignore River...but how can I let him see me like this? How can I let anyone see me like this? I know it is all because of my own dignity and embarrassment, the deep cut which will scar over and bring attention to my face more than ever. The missing pieces of my ear drawing only more attention. But I must remind myself others lost their lives that day, others lost more than me.

I made the decision for River to come here and I must respect that. "Cedric and him have been nearly at each other's throats since they met."

"Cedric is watching out for me," I comment, shaking my head as I undo the braid of my hair and feel my locks cover what I have lost. "How have operations been going?"

"The pack is healing."

"I need to thank those who fought. I would like to have an informal meeting with those who served as well as the rest of the pack. I want to meet with them and express my thanks as well as how we will recover from this attack." My mind brings up the topic of traitors. "Do we know who has been working against us within our own pack?"

"Word has it of a handful. They were seen avoiding most of the battle and having been stationed at the pack boarders where the elves entered. Hardly anyone died out there, bringing suspicions upon them."

"I will require an audience with them then."

"Of course."

Taking in a deep breath, I try and loosen the weight of the world from my shoulders, all the events of the past week and stress I have felt having been placed upon me as all I could do in this bed is worry.

Brie helps me out from under the covers, gathering a set of fresh clothes for me as she watches me walk towards my bathroom with a slight limp in my step. As I take the clothes from Brie and thank her, I inform my Gamma to wait for me outside the bedroom and I will join with her in a half hour. Entering into the bathroom, I run a bath of hot water, my hands on the counter as I steady myself.

Looking up, I follow the shape of my body, the exposed bruises and cuts, my tangled locks falling over my shoulders, the deep bags under my eyes, and the swollen, puffy, pale face which looks back at me. Taking in a deep breath, I begin to peel off my garments, taking in a sharp breath as my shirt runs along my stitches. Standing before myself, I try to not compare myself to what I was before as my body looks sick and weak. I try and forget the moment which plays in my mind. I can still recall the touch of his skin on mine, his hot breath upon my shoulder, and how his hands ran over my body that night.

My knuckles turn white as I grip the edge of the bath, steadying myself as I become submerged in the steaming water. I keep my stitches away from the water and soap, my shaky hands running soap along my body as I lean my head back. The warmth of the water helps to calm me, to send me off into a different world as I let out a sigh of relief. As my time of relaxation comes to an end, I manage to get out from the bath and peel on a fresh pair of black joggers, old university t-shirt, and clean socks. The rest of my time spent is focused on the knots in my hair, pulling them apart with each stroke of my brush. Come the end of my half hour, I finish by putting my hair in a tight ponytail and exit the room to find Brie.

As I head to the front door of my bedroom, the moment I place my hand on the brass doorknob, I can hear hushed voices outside. I try to not make a sound, gently removing my hand from the handle and leaning into the door, hoping to pick up on the voices.

"Will she?"

"She needs some time."

"I don't have time, Brie. I know she needs time to recover, but she has been meeting with Cedric and you since I got here. She called me here and I need to discuss matters before it is too late for my pack," River hushed and desperate voice rings, a lump forming in my throat. "She knows matters within my pack are only growing more dire."

"She has just been informed about Penelope, River. Please give her a little more time."

"I do not have infinite time."

"I know. I'm sorry-"

"Please get Leala to talk with me. If not, then I am leaving tonight."

I hold my breath, listening to River's footsteps drift off. I can hear Brie swear under her breath, walking forward to the door as I pull away. Just as Brie begins her knocking, I pull the door open, her face turning pale as she learns I was here without any words exchanged.

"Inform Alpha River I will hold an audience with him."

"When?" Brie asks, watching as I place a fresh bandage over my ear.

"Within the next two hours. I heard Alpha Yusuf arrived here last night, so ask him to meet with me soon. I will be in my office."

Walking off, I head down the hallway, hoping River is not where I am headed. As I reach the main staircase, a pair of blue eyes set me off my guard. Finch waits for me at the foot of the stairs, leaning against the wooden post as sunlight floods the room. Offering me a slight smile, I know I cannot back out of this meeting. As I begin my descent, Finch perks up and stands tall. "Glad to see you moving about."

"I was not informed you were here."

"I arrived this morning. Cedric allowed me in."

"I take it this is about Penelope."

"Penelope and the visitor who has been lurking here."

"And should I expect Mathis to be here or on his way. I have come to see how inseparable you two are."

"He is. Just got in an hour ago. We all need to meet to talk about Penelope."

"I was planning on it," I inform, taking in a deep breath. "I plan on meeting with Yusuf first."

Finch does not look pleased with my reply. As I get down to the last step, the blue-eyes alpha reaches out his hand, placing it at the small of my back as he tries to usher me into the living room. "And what of River?"

"I must-"

"He is someone we should not make an ally."

"We should all meet to discuss that matter," I snap, a headache forming. "I am not going to outright make him part of this pact, but there are many factors at play now."

Finch rolls his eyes. "Just because he slept with the you doesn't mean you owe him something."

"Excuse me?!" I hiss, pushing away at the alpha as I hear his comment. "You have no right to say anything like that to me."

"Oh, come on, Leala. You know what people are calling you outside of this pack, right?"

My jaw clenches as I ignore the pain, my eyes darkening. "You should hold your tongue."

"The Crimson Whore is what they have begun to call you. I mean, sleeping with the very man you claimed you were going to war with is not adding anything fruitful to your reputation."

"I should not have to remind you of your place," I snap, shoving at Finch's chest as I watch him grow closer. "Just because I fucked you does not give you some pedestal for you to stand on and preach words of hate," I spit, holding my head high as I put distance between the two of us as my headache turns mind-numbing.

"People should not associate you with River, Leala, they should associate you with someone else."

"I do not need someone else," I growl. "I do not need someone whose shadow I will be forced to live in."

"You need someone," Finch repeats, shaking his head as he tries to get near to me one more. "Someone to stand beside you in every moment and offer you a shoulder, words of trust, and even-"

"How the fuck am I to believe that?!" I do not think for a second as the back of my hand meets Finch's cheek, the sharp sting rippling along my hand as I watch Finch's shocked face. "I do not need some man to save me. I did not claim this title to have a man tell me I need to be his."

"Then whose?"

I thought I had asked the question, my emotions running so haywire I believed I had opened my mouth. Finch glances over his shoulder as I look out to the doorway of the kitchen, those golden eyes glancing at me for a moment before they settle back on Finch. "Whose, Alpha Finch? Did you not swear loyalty to Alpha Leala for what she was fighting for?"

Finch's jaw tightens as I can almost feel the anger radiating off of him. "You have no place here, elf-lover."

"I am here for reasons Alpha Leala invited me. You are here to do your own dirty work. To try and persuade her into thinking she would be better off with you."

"Than you?" Finch snaps, turning to face River. "No one trusts you, River. Hell, not even your own pack respects you."

"Quite the both of you." Both heads turn my way, both eyes darkened. River's chest rises and falls heavily, his face twisting from angered to worried as his eyes are laid upon my presence. I feel how his eyes search me over, falling upon the bandages, cuts, and stitches. "I do not need some man to govern who I pick to lay in my bed or who I can have feelings for." My eyes connect with Finch's as I say those words, pushing past Finch as River stands before me. "You may seek an audience with me in the next hour, Alpha River, once I have spoken with an advisor of mine."

I push past the two of them, my hands shaking at my side as River keeps his gaze fixed on me as I walk to my office. As I push open the door and peer over my shoulder, those golden eyes lay there, searching for me, begging for me to return. I enter into the office, closing the door behind me as Alpha Yusuf sits across from my desk beside Cedric. Yusuf asks if I am okay, seeing my face red with anger. Taking my seat, I take in a deep breath.

"The topic of Penelope must be discussed. I would like to talk about what should come of her before we meet with the others."


My mind dwells on River, on how he responded to Finch, and just how far Finch crossed a line with me. I should have never slept with the ass, much let allow himself to pull me so far into such a twist embrace. I had tried hard to keep my distance from him ever since that night, but I can see tensions have only been building up since. I should have listened to my grandmother more, to know better than to just bed someone I hardly knew - yet I thought I was just having fun and not setting myself up for trouble. I have to be more careful, with not just who I get intimate with, but who I allow to get personal, much less even close.

"Try and remain civil," I hear Yusuf growl at Finch, his voice kept low but not low enough. Taking in a deep breath, I hold my head high and look to the three alphas around me, our Betas and Gammas mostly present.

Clearing my throat, all attention is placed on me as I sit at the head of the table. "I am sure you all know what this meeting is about, for Penelope has showed us where her true loyalties lie. We must decide as a group what is to come of her."

"Kill the bitch," Mathis mumbles, glancing towards me as his first comment is the most out there. "She went to slaughter innocents and has not tried to reach out to any of us. She broke free when she got what she wanted from our little coo."

"And what would she have gotten?" I question, wondering what Mathis could mean.

"She had someone there to protect her if things went wrong. She led us to attack Evercrest Ridge. She used us to get rid of opponents of her own."

"But she would not still leave," Yusuf pipes up," for we are still a strong army. We could march to her front door and attack her much smaller army."

"Her warriors are famously trained under harsh conditions."

"Her warriors are not as well-trained as my own," I speak up. "My family has established a long line of warriors, my men held to a high level of competence."

"And look how we handled an attack of elves," Cedric comments. "Even if it was a small number of elven warriors, we all know they still took down many our warriors. Elves are a different breed of soldier from regular elves. They have been training for decades or even centuries."

"Then what did Penelope join this cause for?" I ask, looking around the faces of the room. "What use did she make of us?"

Yusuf mutters something, each of us glancing towards him, motioning for him to speak up. "Puppets," he repeats. "Once she saw she could no longer pull the strings, she decided to take her own chances in this war." I clench my jaw, holding my tongue back as I want to refute what Yusuf has said, for it makes me sound weak - but I know he is right. "Penelope has observed this war, the players in it, and she has made her assessment. She thinks she is strong enough to take on the last players in this game - to either join with her or to die by her hand."

A few mutters of agreement appear around the room. "Penelope fought against your mother, Alpha Leala," Alpha Mathis comments. "She fought against Lily Maxwell for two reasons. She was a rumored friend of Queen Sybil, but Penelope has always been known to favor a system which offers power. Her father got off on power."

"But the old kingdom's government was laid out to limit the power of alphas and maximize the power of kings," I pipe up.

"Penelope's family is a branch of the royal family, a few lines removed, but they still held power because they were royals in their own respect."

I shake my head. "Penelope told me of what past kings had done to their citizens...even to her own sister. She did not favor the system of kings."

"No one favors it when you are not in charge. She wants the crown," Finch interrupts. "We all saw her on that battlefield with Evercrest Ridge. We all saw how she led her men as if she was some holy crusader. We know she left because she had to go on to fight her own battle - that she had to fight her way to a throne rather than use her little mind games."

A pit forms in my stomach, pulling in my soul as I feel my heart beating fast, my hands beginning to tap frantically against the desk. "So we all agree...that Penelope is no longer considered an ally?" I ask, my voice shaky as I try and regain control of my emotions.

"Yes," Mathis agrees, followed by a similar response from Yusuf and Finch. The gammas and betas around the room nod their heads, agreeing with their alphas as no more time is spent debating the matter.

Nodding my head, I push myself out of my chair and thank everyone for their time. "And what of River?" Yusuf pipes up, just as everyone begins to collect themselves, only to stop. Eyes are laid upon me now, bringing back the words Finch dared to call me. Looking around to the awaiting gazes, I lean against the desk, placing my hands down as I think of what to say.

"I called Alpha River here to discuss the attackers of Crimson Lock. I called him her to explain and give proof that he is not the one in control of Eternal Shadows, but Keva is - with Asger under her wing. I hope we can have a discussion about next steps, to show him he is not fighting the war he thinks his pack is."

The others in the room remain silent for a few moments to process what I have said.

"And if he dismisses the idea?"

"He will not, Alpha Mathis, I am certain he has come to that conclusion as well," I defend myself.

"And if he agrees that he does not run Eternal Shadows? What will become of him? He then has no true pack under his control. An Alpha without a tragic," Yusuf mutters his last words, drawing attention to the truth River in fact be living.

"An Alpha without a pack cannot be an alliance. An alliance requires warriors or some force behind him."

"There are werewolves like us within that pack. He has an army, but it will not be as massive as before," Brie pipes up into the conversation.

"Does he have control of those warriors?" Yusuf's Beta asks.

"I believe he does. He comes with an army and while it would be small, we need the men."

"Would he be loyal to the cause?" another gamma asks. "He stood on the opposite side of you for so long."

"I trust his character." Finch scoffs at my answer. "Keep your trap shut," I snarl at Finch, knowing what he is reacting to. "Let me remind you that while we may hold similar titles, you have pledged yourself to me as your future queen."

Pale faces look around the room, focusing on Finch and me as they wonder what this could be about. I watch Finch's face become twisted, the gears turning in his head as he decides to keep his mouth shut for the time being.

"I will inform you all of the decision Alpha River will make once I have met with him."

Alphas and their men begin to break off from the branch, exiting as they leave me alone to face Cedric. "Please let River know I am ready to meet with him."

Cedric stands back for a couple of seconds, watching as everyone else becomes out of earshot. "Word will reach them, Leala. Rumors only grow...the way you two talk to one another only throwing gasoline onto the fire."

"About what?"

"Don't play dumb. You know this is about River. Finch knows you two have been intimate and he will most likely try to use it against you - sleeping with an enemy when war was declared."

"I know what I did-"

"It was beyond foolish, Leala!? These things will always come to light. Rumors only grow and as more catch wind of this, the most people will look into what has happened between the two of you."

I cannot debate Cedric. I cannot for I know he is right.

I hold my head high, Cedric and I coming to an agreement that I know what I did was foolish, but there is no turning back yet - no erasing the intimacy I shared with River.

"Please send Alpha River in."


The moment he steps into the room, an anxious feeling fills my chest, twisting my heart and stomach as I try and remain collected. Those golden eyes focus on me as he takes a seat before my desk, hair brushed back and well-rested. I can feel his eyes on my stitches, perhaps too wondering what I will look like when the wound has healed.

"I assume you know what this is all about?" I ask, trying to remain professional as I cross my legs and sit up straight in my chair.

"Because we both hold the same suspicion about my pack," River begins, "that there are people pulls strings behind the curtain."

I nod, steadying myself as my gaze meets his stare. "Elves attacked Crimson Lock, killing Steward Cade's daughter. An elven assassin killed my past beta and two loyal alphas. Asger even murdered my own grandmother, sending me her head in a box as a warning. And now, my pack has been attacked once more by elves, a small platoon of them as they set my pack house on fire, nearly killed me, and killed many of my own men and pack members. You see why I assume Eternal Shadows to be playing a hand here."

"I do, Alpha Leala," River replies, my name and title rolling off his tongue effortlessly. "And I have kept a close eye on Asger and Keva since I got word of many of these attacks."

"Yet you were too late," I respond. "Too late to see any of this happening. I believe you are not the authority of Eternal Shadows and the werewolves in your pack are in danger." River listens carefully to my words. "I believe Keva is coming not just after a crown, but after this entire realm...that she wants control over the land her ancestors once ruled." I watch River, how he runs his fingers through his hair, adjusts the sleeves of his shirt, and watch me with a peculiar gaze. "Do you not think this is possible?"

River crosses an ankle over his knee, biting the inside of his cheek as he lets out a sigh. "I do not deny these things, Leala-"

"Alpha Leala," I correct.

"Are we not past the formalities already?"

"We are here for business," I respond, my tone curt.

"Alpha Leala, I do not deny anything you have said, but I have to see concrete proof. Yes, I admit I have seen shifts in the innerworkings of my pack. I have kept little birds around my own pack to find out something. I hear radio silence but I still search for rumors in the dark."

"Cedric informed me that three elves were captured during the attack. Did you get any information from them?"

The tension already present in the room grows more intense. "I was able to draw information out of one just this morning. Your Cedric can attest to it, for he was there as we got our information." I motion for River to continue. "The three elves your men captured came from three different elven realms. One elf came from the realm I grew up in alongside Keva before the pack lands were built. That elf informed me that Keva did indeed order the attack, but she did not use my own pack warriors."

As River informs me I was correct about Keva, no wave of relief washes over me like I had thought. No, for instead an overwhelming weight becomes pressed on my shoulders as I begin to worry just how deep this war has gone. "Did he tell you more?"

"Not before he freed himself from his shackles and leaped at Cedric. I placed a skewer through his neck and no more words escaped his mouth." I flinch at the thought of the way the elf had died. "I have made arrangements to return to Eternal Shadows before tomorrow-"

"You may be ambushed."

"I must go to protect those loyal to me in the pack. Those who are innocent and do not know what is coming for them."

I clench my jaw, the next words escaping my mouth. "If you were to declare yourself an ally - to pledge your loyalty under my name- I can send some of my own men to help defend the werewolves of your pack." River's eyes widen as I offer him what I have. "I know it would mean throwing out what you have fought for already."

River shakes his head. "The safety of my innocent pack members is more important. I know I do not hold complete control over my pack - much less now an army as Emmitt will spend much effort to rebuild the safety and emotion wellness of his pack."

Yusuf's haunting words repeat in my head. An alpha without a pack.

"Will you declare your loyalty to my cause? To me?" I ask, noticing now how the tables have turned, for I once pledged my loyalty to River what seems like eons ago. Rising to my feet, I walk around the desk, wondering how River will respond. If he will kneel or bow his head in respect.

The alpha leans forward in his chair, taking hold of my hand in his as he swallows my small hand. Bringing forward my hand, River hovers it right before his lips, his warm breath blowing across my knuckles. "I pledge my loyalty to you, Leala Maxwell," he whispers, gazing up to me as he gently kisses the knuckles of my hand. "I pledge what pack I have left to your cause. I pledge myself to your cause."

As River releases my hand, he gets to his feet, towering over me as we stand inches apart. I clear my throat lightly, taking a step back from Alpha River. "I look forward to working with you," I reply, thanking River for his decision as I open the door to my office. The moment the door opens and River begins to leave, Brie can be seen running down the hallway of my house, her skin pale as she does not come for me, but River.

I watch as Brie comes to a halt before River, trying to catch her breath as she struggles to get out her words. "What is it?" River asks, trying to calm Brie down as her skin only turns paler.

"Eternal Shadows," she starts, gasping for air as I wonder just how far she has run. "Eternal Shadows is being torn in two right now. An ambush occurred."

River pushes past Brie, running for the front door as I call after him. "I have to return."

"The time you arrive will be too late, River," I try to reason. "Traveling takes nearly half a day. Most of the battle will be done by then."

"That is my pack, Leala!"

"A pack without warriors to defend itself," I speak, my words causing River's eyes to glisten. "A pack of werewolves fighting against elves...River, you cannot go in without a proper army which will take more than a day to assemble and bring to Eternal Shadows. Your pack is located on an island with only one way in."

Yusuf and Mathis step out from the living room, wondering what has happened. As I walk over to River, I watch the once strong male crumble into my arms, head leaning against my shoulder as he holds me tight, a sob muffled as he begins to slide to the ground, taking me with him. I find myself being clutched by an unwoven alpha without a pack, accepting the reality which is. Help cannot get to Eternal Shadows fast enough. The sad truth that many of those within the pack will die without protection, betrayed by their neighbors as River remains here, weeping in my arms. A once great alpha who has lost so much in just a matter of hours.

An Alpha without a pack.

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