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The faces stare back at me, eyes wide with anticipation, and a tension in the atmosphere which only makes me more nauseous. Taking in a deep breath, I try to calm down my nerves, wanting to make these faces disappear from view as I feel completely surrounded, as if the walls will soon close in around me. My heartbeat is fast in this moment, my hand squeezing my mother's tighter as I try and pay attention to their voices, trying to make sense of what they are asking of me.

"She's in no proper state to run a pack-"

"She needs time to adjust to the function of Crimson Lock. She has great potential."

I cannot understand why this is all still up for debate, my mind unable to wrap around the idea of why these men keep pushing me for something I have had panic attacks about for the past day. "Evelyn has known an entirely different life since she can remember." I recognize that calming voice, the very one of my mother – well – not my biological mother as I have come to learn. "You have to give her time to make a solid decision."

Lily Maxwell, the woman I have spent my entire life believing was just a woman who affected my world only in the way packs deal business and that there is no Alpha King anymore. My entire life I have believed Lily Maxwell to be just another figure in werewolf history...never that she would be the woman who gave birth to me.

"What do you know Quinn?!" Oliver shouts, pulling my mind out of a fuzzy state and back to the faces around me. "You were just your daughter's babysitter when Lily was letting the werewolf world know the truth of the brown crown kings have worn for centuries."

My adoptive mother was my babysitter, the mate of my adoptive father who was a warrior in Crimson Lock until he left to live life in Evercrest Ridge with Quinn – my mother. My true mother did not think she would make it out of her battle at the palace alive, giving me away to Quinn and Terrance Matlock to raise as their own. What would have happened to me if I were raised in Crimson Lock as the daughter of Lily and Nixon Maxwell?

Arguments spread throughout the room like a wildfire, bitter words being exchanged as I find myself taking in another deep breath, wanting nothing more but to leave this place. "Lily intended for her daughter to return back to Crimson Lock and take back the title of Alpha."


Everyone looks to me, shocked as I have spoken my first word in this entire conversation with such a stern tone. "No, I cannot just be an Alpha. That woman gave me to my mother to be raised by them the way they wanted to-"

"You know nothing of what your true mother intended," my deceased mother's Beta snaps, his words sharp as he seems insulted to be hearing these words from me. "Your mother did not want you to-"

"I could have been anyone," I whisper, looking down to my shaky hands. "Lily Maxwell gave me to my parents to raise me as they see fit. They saw the world your kingdom had become, they saw the danger of bringing me back here, and they made that decision for me." As I say these words, I find that they leave a bitter taste in my mouth. Looking to the woman beside me who raised me, I shake my head. "They tried to determine my destiny."

I try and get up from my seat, my legs turning to jelly as I try and make it out of the room, only for arguments to begin as I hear multiple people call out my name. "I could have been anyone," I whisper to myself, flinging the door of the office open, only to look down a hallway which seems longer than I remember, pack members of Crimson Lock lining the walls as they look at me. "Get out!" I cry out, watching as they scatter away, their eyes wide and concern spreads across their faces. A hand is laid on my shoulder and I turn around, meeting the eyes of my father.

"Evelyn, please listen to me-"

"I did enough listening," I growl, feeling the magnitude of my growl as the picture frames on the wall begin to rattle. I know understand why my growl has always carried such a magnitude, for I always questioned why my growl could match that of my Alpha's. Terrance removes his hand from me and I begin to walk away from the room, heading for the forest which calls me. Flinging the front door open, I take a look at the pack house which was built by Nixon Maxwell as a gift to his wife. This was my true childhood home – this mansion intended to be where I was to grow up.

I do not waste my time, shifting right in the driveway of the house as I run for the woods, my paws digging into the cold snow as the wind blows through my fur. My vision tunnels as my wolf charges further into the woods, jumping over longs and frozen streams as I catch glimpses of pack warriors roaming pack territory. This time no one charges at me, for they know who I am now. Oliver got what he wanted – Steward Cade kicked out of his position – but he expected everything to be a smooth transition.

Coming to a small cliff which overlooks a lake below, my wolf throws her head back, letting out a howl which rips through the night sky, the silver moonlight falling onto her fur as she lowers her head and looks behind us to the pack house roof which can be seen over the treetops. Oliver had a vision for how all of this would play out, for how I would have reacted, but he should have accepted the fact that reality is not like some fairytale. He could have looked to the example of my true parents, for how they both perished fighting for one another and something that they believed in. In the real world, there are not purely good and bad people, and there are those who are more villainous who live in the end.

I pick up a familiar scent from behind me, my ears perking up as I look over to see the same warrior from before, those green eyes staring back at me as Cedric is in human form. The warrior approaches me, his steps slow and careful as he pulls out a blanket from the pack house. Offering me the blanket, he places it over my wolf and I shift back to human form, pulling the wool material closer to my body as my bare feet dig into the snow.

"I could have been anyone before they made that choice for me." My voice is soft, breaking midway through the sentence as I hold back tears. "All of those rooms in the pack house, they were meant for my to spend my childhood wandering through and playing in, yet people made choices for me." I try and calm down, not wanting to cry before a somewhat complete stranger, watching as the warrior motions for me to take a seat on a fallen tree log. "How many times have I heard that Lily and Nixon were such despicable individuals from my own pack members in Evercrest Ridge? These people were my parents and I spent my entire life believing they were just another set of names in a history book."

Cedric takes a seat beside me on the log, staring up at the moon as he shrugs his shoulder. "Parents make decisions for their children which will always alter their future."

"They kept such a huge piece of who I am from me. They kept this fire from me – this truth of my rightful title in a pack that I may not even take now because I have not been raised to accept such a role. Like a shameful secret...that's what they treated my true identity as."

A brief moment of silence lays between us as we both look up at the night sky, moondust falling around us as it mixes into the snowflakes which fall from the clouds. "But you are here now, with so much more to life ahead of you." Cedric is right, I still have a good amount of life yet to live...but your childhood is what morphs you into who you become. "You can learn to be an effective and great leader for Crimson Lock."

"I know nothing of pack politics, treaties, or even war which everyone says is on the way."

"You will have advisors to be with you to make those decisions. Your mother made many wise pack members Elders and Advisors who you can use for solid advice."

He makes sound arguments, showing me there is a way to still be successful with this new responsibility I may have to recognize as my destiny. "This pack was loyal to your parents and they will be loyal to you."

"Loyal to me? I have never lived in Crimson Lock. I know nothing of pack values."

"You can learn," Cedric repeats, looking over to me as I nod my head. He is right, for I can learn pack values and traditions with time, I will live in Crimson Lock if I am to take this title, and I can try my best to be successful.

"What do you think?" I ask, meeting Cedric's gaze as I try and remain calm as my heartbeat picks up. "Would you follow me as your next Alpha?"

"I would."


My luggage is packed as I watch from the window, seeing the men load my bags into the trunk of the car as my father hops into the driver's seat. Leaning my head against the window, I listen to the arguments taking place outside my door, the men trying to keep their voices low. They are arguing about my decision, about the announcement I made just last night, and what will happen next. "You do not have to talk with them before we leave," Quinn informs, trying to offer me reassurance as I shake my head. 

"I need to accept the responsibilities I will have to deal with if I truly take this position," I explain, looking over to the door of my room. "Pack politics is just another responsibility." 

Nodding her head, Quinn rises from the bedside and comes next to me, offering me a soft side hug. "Evelyn, you know your father and I did what we thought was best for you, right? We did not want our daughter to be raised in a world where people would come after her for who she is, to talk badly about your true parents while you were young-"

"Yet you never told me," I interrupt, "making me think you never were going to tell me. Elder Oliver knew I at least needed to know who I was." 

"We did what we thought was best," Quinn remarks, keeping her voice calm as I can tell she is hurt by my words. 

Walking to the door, I pull it open to find my deceased mother's Beta and Gamma  - my new Beta and Gamma before the transition begins and I will have to pick the next Beta and Gamma. Picking the next ones will be easy, for Beta William has his son who will take the position and Gamma Erik has his son - Cedirc - who will take the position. These two men will become advisors to help guide me in decisions. Of course, all of this happens if I decide to go through with the ceremony and take the title of Alpha. 

"What is the issue?" I ask Beta William and Gamma Erik, watching the two of them as they try and figure out who will speak first. 

"Allow us to send some of our warriors with you back to your pack. You are the next Alpha of Crimson Lock and we cannot let you return to Evercrest Ridge without protection."

"I grew up in Evercrest Ridge, these people would not attack me," I reassure, the Beta only shaking his head. 

"Allow us to at least send two warriors, Leala." 

Leala. I still cannot get used to that name no matter how many times these people call me that. 

"The attitude of your past pack members will and have changed if word has reached them by now. Believe me, Leala, when I warn you of this." 

Knowing the Beta will not back down on this issue, I agree to his terms, limiting the number of warriors to be two. Informing the men I must be off, I walk with my mother down the hallway and staircase as I do not know if I am ready to return back to Evercrest Ridge. Informing my mother to go ahead and go to the car, I look around at the pack house which Beta William informed me yesterday would turn back into the Alpha's house and the pack house would transfer to the origional pack house. The home my father built for me years ago would finally serve its purpose. 

Wandering into a small sitting room, a grand piano is the center of the room, polished and looks untouched. Running my fingers across the row of white keys, I catch glimpse of silver lettering on the edge of the piano's top. For my dearest Lily. This piano was a gift from my father to my mother, causing a tug at my heart as my eyes begin to water. I wish I could have met them, have been raised in this house, and to have heard their advice in hard times. 

Knowing it will soon be sundown, I head back to the front door, Beta William and Gamma Erik standing by the front door as they inform me they look forward to hearing from me. The front door opens for me, the familiar warrior from the night before opening it for me as those dark green eyes meet mine with an intense gaze. A shiver runs down my back as we pass by one another, the future Gamma wishing me a safe journey as I thank him, heading for the car as my parents wait eagerly for me. 

As I hop into the backseat, meeting the future Gamma's gaze as we drive off and away from the destiny which is just a decision away. 


"Your visit go well?" Alpha Edward asks as I enter into the pack house, the decorations up as the rest of the pack members present can be heard celebrating the close arrival of a new year. 

"I think so," I reply, pulling the wool jacket off as I place it on the rack in the closet. "Thou-"

"Steward Cade has been rumored to be removed from his position. I don't know why you would say it went well if the person in charge of Crimson Lock is suddenly booted from his position." 

Shaking my head, I try and think of a way to defend myself in this moment, worried Alpha Edward may be onto me. "I-I told the Steward what I saw and his reaction was not one which his advisors approved of." 

"I have not heard yet if the pack has appointed a new Steward." 

I try and think of something to say, only for Terrance to step in and reply for me. "Then we should keep our ears open for what is happening in that pack," he replies to the Alpha, ushering me away from the Alpha and towards the celebration. 

"Gamma Terrance, will you be available for the meeting with Eternal Shadows tonight?" 

My father seems confused as we heard the name Eternal Shadows. I am curious, wondering why that pack would be back so curiosity also spiked as those golden eyes flash through my mind. "I'm sorry, Alpha, but I was not aware that Eternal Shadows would be here." 

"Neither did I until a few hours ago," Alpha Edward replies, looking over to me. "We should have this conversation in private." Nodding, Terrance informs me to go join the party as the two of them head off for the Alpha's office. Why would Eternal Shadows be back so fast? It is not a short journey for them to travel to our pack, for they are located far Northeast, meaning they have to fly to come here. Looking to the room where people dance and celebrate the closer arrival of the new year, I instead head a different direction, my heels clicking against the floor as the sound of the music drowns them out. Playing with the short hem of my dress, I walk quietly towards the office, curiosity getting the best of me. 

As I am about to walk past a doorway, I stop and try to figure out if anyone is present. 

"She's just another common pack member who has a fetish for men in power, just like her mother," I can hear the snide remark of Luna Olivia. "Her mother was just a common whore who wanted something more than the human world could offer her." 

"She had a right to know who her parents were." Luna Olivia and Quinn are in the room. My adoptive mother hearing the harsh comments of the Luna. "She is my daughter, regardless of what you think. I raised her, Olivia, and I know she going to be successful no matter what she picks." 

"Please, Quinn, save your words. When the people of the pack find out that Lily Maxwell's daughter is one of their fellow pack members, they will blacklist her and she will never be successful as a pack member here." 

"She has ambitions." 

"She's the daughter of a woman who fucked her way to the top of a pack," Luna Olivia snaps as I feel anger rising within me. "No doubt Evelyn will fuck her way to the top of Crimson Lock to secure that pack's trust if she becomes their Alpha." 

"Keep your snide remarks to yourself," Quinn argues with the Luna as my eyes begin to water. Is this what people think of my mother? That she was someone who slept with my father just to gain position and power? I know Luna Olivia has always had a nasty way of saying things, but I have never heard it so personally. 

The Luna scoffs. "Please, you see the way she looks at the Alpha of Eternal Shadows. No doubt she may try and sleep with him to secure some treaty if she becomes an Alpha. Alphas are strong individuals, not weak girls in their twenties who are horny." 

"You are a disgusting Luna," Quinn snaps. "If my daughter takes the Alpha position of that pack - a pack I may add is much stronger than the one your husband leads - then I will gladly become part of Crimson Lock." 

A sense of pride fills me, the idea that Quinn would stand up for me like this and even join Crimson Lock if I were to become Alpha. 

"You know why Alpha River is coming right, Quinn? No? Well, he heard of Crimson Lock's powershift and has come to talk with Edward about a stronger treaty or to perhaps begin plans of war if their next ruler is one of trouble." 

Would Evercrest Ridge and Eternal Shadows really be willing to go to war with Crimson Lock the moment I take power if they were not fans of my position? Evercrest Ridge and Crimson Lock have a treaty, meaning they would be breaking it if they went to war...against me. What if I could make a treaty with Eternal Shadows if I became Alpha? Make a treaty with a pack I believe attacked Crimson Lock...that could cause controversy within my future pack.

Already it all overwhelms me.  

"The Alpha will be here around one in the morning. Hopefully nothing horrible is decided which could cause your daughter to perish in the first week of her new position." 

I walk away from eavesdropping, questions circling my mind as I head back down the hallway and to the noise of the party. I find the bartender for the party, asking for a bourbon as I look to the people dancing and chatting ahead of me. Bliss covers their faces as they live in such simple worlds in this moment, throwing out any worries as the alcohol takes hold and they sway their bodies to the beat of the music. The glass of alcohol in my hand touches my bottom lip as I look at my fellow pack members, tilting the class up as the bitter taste touches my tongue. Swinging the glass bottom up, I take a the drink in within a matter of seconds, my feet leading me back to the bar as I ask for another and take it the same way. 

Placing my glass down, I leave the party room and grab the jacket is just seems like I took off, a ringing in my ear erupting as I walk towards the front entrance, taking a seat on one of the first steps which lead to the pack house. 

As midnight nears, I sit alone in the cold and pounder my decisions, both past and future. The moonlight dances across the blanket of snow covering the earth, my mind trying to focus on what could happen in the next few days. 

Cheers erupt loudly as people call out to celebrate the new year which has taken place and begun, my mind foggy with questions as I look up to the lantern at the center of the driveway. "Happy New Year," I mumble to myself, placing my head in my hands as I try and concentrate on what happens now. The music only becomes louder as I try and think of what to do, if I should leave or stay until my parents are ready to leave. 

I make my decision and rise to my feet, taking off my heels as I walk onto the driveway and begin to walk home. Through the cold snow I make my way down the driveway of the pack house, the darkness falling upon me as I wonder when I will make my return to Crimson Lock. Pulling the wool coat tighter around my body, a set of headlights approach in the distance from a sleek sedan making its way up towards the pack house. Covering my eyes from the blinding lights, the car gets closer, nearing me as I wonder who would be going to the pack house this late. Eternal Shadows was supposed to be arriving after midnight. 

As I try and walk out of the way of the car, I notice as it slows down before me, only a couple of feet away as the headlights dim. A car window rolls down and I meet a familiar set of golden eyes. "Alpha River," I greet, looking to see if anyone else is with him. Strange for an Alpha to be traveling alone. No doubt his warriors are in pursuit. 

"Evelyn," River greets back, "are you not cold?" He seems concerned as he notices I have my shoes off and am walking in freezing temperature. "Let me drive you home." 

"I'm fine," I comment, thanking the Alpha for his offer. Shaking his head, the Alpha hops out of the car, eyes locked with mine as he insists he drive me home, perhaps noticing the alcohol on my breath. Offering his out, outstretched as the warmth of the car blows across my face, River's eyes locked in on mine like magnets. The snow falls around us, setting the scene as the distance between us shrinks little by little as River awaits my response. "I'm sure you are here for important reasons. I would not want to delay your arrival." 

The distance between us is almost nonexistent, those golden eyes closer to mine than ever before as he begins to lean in. 

"I'll take a ride," I interrupt the silence, right before River can lean in too far. 

Nodding, the Alpha watches as I place my hand in his, his hand swallowing mine as he leads me to the passenger side, asking me for the address. As River begins to drive off, I look back to the pack house, it all seeming so quiet from afar. "Leaving so early from the party?" 

"It wasn't my type of party," I express, looking over as River keeps his eyes trained on the road. "Why are you back so soon?" 

"Treaty business. Just some signatures needed on an updated form." 

"So you flew all the way out for something which could be done over the internet and be faxed?" I ask, leading River down into a deeper conversation as I try and get my answers. "Quite a long flight from that chain of islands." 

The car begins to slow down a bit, River's hands gripping the steering wheel as he looks briefly at me. "My pack territory isn't that far." 

"Seems far. I mean, you have to fly to really meet with any pack." Silence fills the car as curiosity gets the best of me. "Did your pack rebuild the palace which was there before? The ruins and everything?" 

We arrive at the front of my parent's house, the lights off as River parks the car in the driveway. "It was rebuilt before I took the Alpha position." That makes no sense, for River is the first Alpha. How could the ruins be rebuild if no one had claimed territory of those ruins...for no one has since that empire's capitol was torn apart. 

"It seems almost magical. The rebuilt empire-"

"Why don't you visit?" River interrupts, looking over to me as I can sense the atmosphere shift from tension to excitement.  

I stumble over my words, wondering what to say as I think of the decision waiting me at Crimson Lock. "I-I don't know. I'm not sure if I could even stay that long."

"You don't hold a position or can visit however long you want." There is a possibility I could get answers with the mystery surrounding Eternal Shadows. "What do you say?" 

Beta William did not urge me to make too quick a decision the last time I talked with him. No doubt the warriors watching over me currently for protection would be fond of this, but I am not their Alpha yet. I would have time to visit Eternal Shadows...a pack which may attack Crimson Lock if I become Alpha. 

"Sure, I'll visit." 

"I leave tomorrow evening. Feel free to pack your bags and tag along." 

Nodding, I offer the Alpha a shy smile, opening the door as River tells me he will pick me up in fourteen hours. Holding out his hand once more, I place my own in his, awaiting a handshake only for the Alpha to bring his lips to my knuckles, eyes looking up through his long eyelashes to me. "I will see you soon." 

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