Pandora's Box

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Perhaps this is madness, yet madness can always be back up with rightful reason. Losing sleep over this is the least of my concerns at this moment as I flip through the pages, trying to make sense of these thousands of words, endless paragraphs which never seem to end. At this point, it seems as if I have highlighted at least every sentence imaginable, the neon pink giving me a strange headache. Rolling back my shoulders, I glance over to the corner of the room, finding River passed out by my sitting area in my bedroom, still dressed in his clothes from yesterday as I have already changed into a fresh pair of jeans and sweater for the day just about to begin. As the AC turns on and a chill runs down my spine, I push the papers away from my legs and hop off the bed, walking over to the tired man passed out on my chair as I place a hand on his shoulder, gently shaking him awake. His cheeks are rosy, flushed perhaps as he stirs awake, mumbling as his eyes flutter open and come to meet my own.

"Already morning?"

"Seems like you got some sleep."

"And you?" River asks, stretching out his feet as he picks up the book in his lap, one writing by his great-great-grandfather documenting the government system of the Eastern Werewolf Kingdom and his own.

"I'll survive."

"Survive a meeting of all your alliances which could drag on the whole morning through the afternoon?"

"I doubt it will take long. They all want to strike Penelope hard and where it hurts," I assure, taking the book from River and placing it on the bookshelf. "Everyone agrees to attack and we just go for it with some planning."

"Some preparation? You make it seem like Penelope is not a great general of some sort. When you think of the finest battle strategists in the past few decades, Alpha Penelope is the one who comes to mind." I reassure River I know this already and that with people like Yusuf and Finley on our side, we can plot against her. Besides, with seven alphas including myself, we can take on one alpha who opposed us.

River glances over to the bed, the king-sized bed spread out with pages of the treaty crinkled up, highlighted, tagged, and marked as I have been searching and scanning for scanning for some form of loophole. "Any luck?"

"It is a well-written document."

"We will find something," River promises, placing a hand on my shoulder, squeezing it softly as he walks past me and to the bathroom as he begins to prepare for the day. Just three days ago did the news of Finley's betrayal reach my ears. He used my desperation in this war against me, he manipulated me and blackmailed me. Penelope once told me that alliances can become an enemy in the blink of an eye and this week, I learned that to be true.

The day Finley met with me in that condo was the day he analyzed me and knew exactly the weak alpha he was dealing with. I was wrong to judge myself as I have. I have always know I was not unbreakable and had flaws, but Finley read me like an open book and used those flaws within the moment he met me. He used my fears against me and my love for River against me as well. My love for River...

The words River whispered to me three days ago and I was too scared or in shock to whisper back. I can recall the moment he whispered them to me when I was on my desk, how he said them as if it was so natural and I was speechless. My tongue felt like it had been cut off or tied into knots. River acts as if he had never said it or as if it had never happened. To be fair, I act as if it had never happened too. Yet what if I am too afraid to say it now because of what Finley has done – using my love for River as a way to manipulate and blackmail me. What if Finley catches wind of what I have done with River, if he realizes my relationship with River has only been growing stronger and he uses that against me even more to get his way, and to accumulate power. I fear the more I let River in...the greater I could lose him.

I cannot accept Finley to hold majority power when I am crowned. When it comes to my coronation, if Finley holds majority power, he will only use my relationship with River to blackmail me more. If I really hold limited power, there is only so much he can do until...well, the crown is no more and I could see that as a real possibility. Finley could very well go after a government where the crown is obsolete and I cannot allow that to happen. Werewolves have always had a king or queen to serve and knocking that from tradition is like taking the Moon Goddess from our tradition. It is a piece of our tradition, it is who we are, and it is like removing a piece of our culture. It is like England without its royal family. Loopholes must be found and Finley must be removed from central power – whether by loopholes or by a sudden accident. Alliances can always change and Finley will learn this. Finley has happened to mess with the wrong Alpha, the wrong bitch, and the daughter of Lily and Nixon Maxwell. He will rue the day he made an enemy of Leala Maxwell.


River grabs my hand before we head out the front door, gently pulling me back before my hand can grab hold of the doorknob. Spinning around on my heel, I come to meet those shinning golden eyes. Glancing up at his sparkling eyes, a blush creeps up to my cheeks, his fingers pinching a piece of lint from my blouse as his eyes remained trained on mine. Right as he finishes, a soft kiss is placed on my forehead, warm and welcoming, with no one in sight as for the past day, the house staff as been at the pack house helping for the upcoming Summer Solstice celebration while Cedric and Brie know of our relationship. As River pulls away, he opens the door for me and outside waits Brie with the car to take the two of us to the meeting.

Alpha Emmitt being part of the meeting means River will be a mandatory voice. River has once more found a voice with the council. Though he has no pack, being an ally of Emmitt means he has a place at the council. Perhaps it was a loophole or perhaps it was just a mix of fate. After Alpha Emmitt and I spoke, later that day, River and Emmitt happened to speak as planned. About what exactly, I was not in that room. I had not pressed River on the topic of that conversation, but River informed me it was on the subject of me and my leadership. Emmitt was not a fan of my style, especially after I had attacked the pack I had grown up my entire childhood. Evercrest Ridge was my home for twenty-two years and I had attacked it like I had never been there.

The ride becomes flooded with the noise of the car engine, Brie's eyes trained on the road as I sit in silence, glancing outside as my feet tap against the floor of the car. I hardly know Emmitt, but I know how he has treated me in the past and I have prepared myself for the topic of Evercrest Ridge to be brought up today. He will question my leadership today and my preparedness to lead an army on top of a kingdom, for how can he expect a queen to be fair to her subjects if she has attacked her home pack without a second thought. I have thought of my answer a million times within the past few days, each time a different response while having a similar format. Every encounter in the past while surrounded by other alphas in a formal setting, Emmitt has disrespected me and called me out, yet perhaps today will be different. Different because now Emmitt has declared his pack and his name an ally to the flag of Crimson Lock and my name. Yet that does not mean I expect Emmitt or others to hold their tongues and become submissive.

Taking in a deep breath, I watch as the pack house appears, the tall double doors pulled open for my arrival as two guards await my arrival, holding the flag of Crimson Lock in their hands. Upon seeing my car pull up, they place the post of the flags into the mounts and come forward to open the doors of the car. Looking back to me, Brie offers me a kind smile. As the doors are opened, I am helped out of the car and escorted into the pack house, Brie and River behind me as we are led into the delegation room where the other alphas and their betas and gammas are awaiting me. Cedric is already there as expected, standing to the right of my chair as a battle map of Penelope's territory is already prepared.

Everyone looks at me, their glances neither welcoming nor dismissive, just blank stares as they await my move. As I walk into the room, Brie is close behind me as I notice River take a seat to the left of Alpha Emmitt and his gamma. With my seat taken beside Cedric and Brie, the rest of the others here sit. Finley and Yusuf are the closest alphas to me, one a welcoming face while the other making my blood boil as I know I have to act as if nothing bothers me. Finley's time will come, but not yet. I will allow Finley's games to be played and his scramble for power to continue, but accidents always happen and he will continue to make enemies.

Rolling back my shoulders, I place my fingers on the table and rise to my feet, ready to greet everyone who has made it here today. "My friends, my partners, and my allies," I begin, keeping my voice strong as I remind myself to pace the speech. I can do this; I can give a speech to these people. I know them all, I know I have yelled at most of them, snapped, cried out, and even bled before some. "I am proud to look to everyone here at this table and see how far we have come. At the beginning of this war many of us were pitted against one another and we are now here are allies. We were lied to at the beginning that this war was just a war for the crown, but we have come to realize the higher purpose of the war we fight: the war for the survival of our species. Elves threaten the survival of our species and we have come together to fight for the future of our children, grandchildren, and so much more.

"I know this path has been hard for everyone. Losses on all sides. Some of us has been enemies before and while wounds are still present, those wounds have begun to heal and this meeting is a testament to that. The faces I see around this table make me proud to be standing here before you here, to have fought for this purpose, and to continue to fight for this purpose. You are a brave set of alphas, betas, and gammas to fight against the odds and for the greater purpose," I proclaim, my voice strong as I watch the faces of many here today. I can see Yusuf's pleased face at my speech, the way Mathis smiles as I mention the bravery, and the sparkle in River's eye. I have made a speech to try and bring these alphas together, for I know so much has separated these alphas. I know so much has pushed them apar in times past and so much may continue to push them apart, but they need to remember what we fight for here today and will fight for on the battlefield. "Remember, when we arrive on the battlefield, when it may feel like face the odds, we are fighting for the future of our species, our children and theirs. It may be tempting to give in when we hear the screams of our men and our friends. But remember this, it is most tempting to give in when you are almost at the end, bloodied and feeling like your body cannot continue, but think of the world you fight for, all of those who have come before you, and those who will come after you." Taking a brief pause, I glance to Finch, seeing his soft nod of approval. "Today we applaud our bravery and ambition for having joined forces and meeting to discuss what happens next, but there is still more to come after this." Nodding, I take my seat, a short round of applause erupting around the room as I can feel my heart beating fast within my chest, hands trembling as I try and suppress my nerves.

Taking a look around the room, I do not look to who applauds – for all within the room do – but I look to the faces. Mathis, Finch, River, and Yusuf look pleased and proud of me. It is Emmitt and Finley I have yet to win over. I know Emmitt will be easy, it will just take time due to his recent loss of his pack members and family, or perhaps just never because we never have clicked in general. That is okay, for I do not expect us to click, I just need his support in this war. It is Finley I worry about; I know he is only part of this pact because he is in search of power and does not wish to be against me. I am not afraid of him trying to place me in danger, but I know Finley will have something up his sleeve.

"Thank you, Alpha Leala Maxwell, for such an uplifting speech. With that, I suggest we discuss Penelope. She is our first step before we can move onto Keva," Yusuf applauds, turning to the others in the room, offering me a soft smile. I nod, my mind thinking of Keva. Of the subject which will come up when Keva's time come to this meeting and the argument which will come with it and the news I will bring forth. "Alpha Penelope and her troops lie Northeast, just past my own territory as well as Alpha Finch. I have noticed their minor movements in recent weeks, yet it is still worth noting. If we allow minimal movement, they can push boundaries."

I watch as Emmitt becomes uncomfortable in his silence, wishing to push his own agenda on the topic of Penelope. He wants revenge and he wants it fast. "Penelope is a force to be reckoned with. She knows what she is doing when she orders her troops to move even a matter of miles," Finley pipes in, motioning to the map before us all. "In the last war, she dissolved four packs within a matter of two weeks, something thought unthinkable before she did it. Packs twice the size of her own."

"She is smaller than our whole army," Finch comments. "We can spare half our troops."

"Half our troops?" Mathis questions. "Half our troops, while it still is a good deal larger than her own, would still mean risking a large loss and having half our troops far away from their packs to protect if Keva wanted to attack. We should not just throw numbers around for fun. We should not just throw troops at Penelope's men because we can. These are lives here and we still have a larger war to fight when this is all done."

"I agree with Mathis," Yusuf comments, "Penelope – while she is a top dog in her own respect – Keva is in her own category. The elves have a large army, they have a secluded base water-locked, and let us not forget they use magic."

The tensions within the room grow as magic is mentioned. "We should not become side-tracked with Keva. Keva is another subject we cannot become distracted with. Penelope is our first priority here," I argue, trying to draw attention away from Keva and back to the subject at hand. "Penelope is the first priority here."

The room becomes filled with half-muttered words of agreement. As the attention is once more placed on Penelope, I glance back to Emmitt, his jaw clenched as his eyes are trained to the map where Penelope's pack is located. I watch his eyes glance back and forth to his pack and hers. He has every right to be angered about the loss of his pack and his family. Seeing his eyes darken, I know I will have to keep a close eye on him during the battle, to make sure he does not do anything too irrational. Turning my attention back to the conversation, I listen as Finch brings up the possibility of attacking Penelope from the West and South.

"Penelope is not completely land-locked. She has the water on the East. We can trap her with the ocean, with no where to run," Finch argues, looking to everyone.

"We need to think also of the wave of men we can send in. She has fought with us before, how we think. She will expect us to back her against the ocean and perhaps send in a wave of men behind us," I comment, placing my head in my hands.

The pondering as to what we could expect to happen and ways to work around the battle continue for what seems like hours. As the meeting started in the early morning, we continue into the late morning and soon it becomes noon as I take in a deep breath, thanking Brie as she hands me a coffee. I listen as Finley's gamma proposes an idea and we all contemplate it before dismissing it.

"We have to acknowledge Penelope will play dirty," Finley speaks up, dismissing his gamma from conversation as he leans forward. "You were there, Alpha Leala Maxwell, were you not when Alpha Penelope – well, her men - proposed silver bullets." Tensions are thick, cut-throat as I take in a sharp breath. I had not forgotten when I was questioned with the use of silver bullets and it showed me what kind of leader Penelope was – the one who allowed her men to use silver bullets. "I was there many years ago when Penelope was one of the alphas who fought for territory when the palace was dissolved...when the time of kings was thought to be dissolved. My father saw the grave battlefields Penelope left in her wake, proving to those who witnessed the aftermath the weapons she dared to use and tried to cover up."

Finley offers me a sly smile, tugging at the corners of his lips as he shakes his head. "If we are met at this battlefield with silver bullets, will you meet her with them? After all, you did let her men use silver bullets. You opened up Pandora's Box once before. Why not once more."

I bite the side of my cheek, jaw clenching as my fingernails dig into my palms. I know what I have to say and what it will do. What it will do to my men. Though, I could make a call. Glancing to Cedric, I watch as he nods his head, assuring me I can do this. "I was weak when I made that call, Alpha Finley. I was weak and backed into a corner – though I know that can never be an excuse. To use silver bullets, that is something of excruciating pain and immoral. Penelope may decide to go down that path, to wish that upon her enemies, but I cannot allow for us to make that call-"

"So you want our men to go up against silver bullets?" Finley calls out, "Without any form of protection from them as we fight them-"

"If you would allow me to finish, Alpha Finley," I continue, cutting off the alpha as I hold my voice strong, not trying to rush, keeping my voice steady and from snapping at him. "Though she uses bullets, Penelope's territory is guarded heavily by trees. Old white pine, oak, maple, and other trees stretch far and wide in that area of land. Shooting bullets in the forest with fast-moving wolves...easier to hit a tree than wolf-"

"So you are placing the lives of our men in the likelihood of her men to hit a tree than a moving wolf?!" Finch remarks.

Shaking my head, I try and calm the alphas down, assuring them I have thought this all through. "I know there is still a likelihood of her men hitting ours with bullets, after all, her men are not Stormtroopers. There is a tactic which could help us, one of three phases and would take our own efforts of a range attack."

The alphas look around, curious as to who has been trained with range, or at least if we have enough men who have experience with long range. "I have a platoon of men who can fire with a bow and arrow. About forty," Mathis offers. Yusuf adds in, offering about another thirty who know their way around a bow, followed by others who offer enough to create a large enough army for this attack.

Emmitt clears his throat, all attention turning towards him as he has stayed silent the entire meeting until this point. "Nothing has been settled on what should happen about the silver bullets. Our men will still get hit, Leala Maxwell."

"Alpha Maxwell," Cedric grows, only for me to place my hand forward, trying to calm down my beta. I understand where Emmitt is coming from, still angered by the loss of his pack and family, angered that we are playing it safe and not chopping off their heads from the start, and concerned about his remaining men dying painfully from silver bullets.

Clasping my hands together, I look to Alpha Emmitt, knowing I need to tread carefully here. "I was going to address another tactic we would be taking with that, Alpha Emmitt, one which would help protect our troops from those bullets." People perk up, interested. "I wanted to propose this tactic first before bringing it forward because once I did, it would transition into the topic of Keva." Emmitt nods, slouching back in his chair and I look back to the table. "My Beta, Cedric, brought this battle tactic to me, I feel it is best for him to present it."

Cedric thanks me, rising to his feet as he reaches forward to the figures upon the table, presenting his tactic with them to help visualize the plan. "We keep our army in two units, the first stays put and fires upon Penelope's army while remining covered. The second unit will advance. The two will then switch after an amount of time, their roles swapped. The objective is for our two units to close in and meet the enemy in their position. Once we have met them, then the real fighting will begin."

"Yet Penelope could be familiar with this. I have heard of this before...vaguely familiar," Finch comments."

"The goal is the rotation then," Brie stands up for Cedric, "If we catch wind of Penelope's troops trying to move, then the units flip. The one in movement will stop and fire on those moving. The advantage of this tactic is that it is dynamic and allows for fire and movement. We would be fighting in the trees and have to work with the woodlands around us, use the high ground around us to our advantage and not let Penelope's men swoop in too fast to take advantage of that. Are we up for it?"

An agreement seems to be met around the room; no objections raised. Yet, I already know the question to be raised as I watch Finley glance over to Emmitt. "As for Alpha Emmitt's concern about the fire of silver bullets, I have word about what we can do." Rising to my feet, I pull from the pocket of my dress pants a metallic medallion given to me by my Uncle Declan from his visit just a day ago, the crest of his coven carved into the metal.


"I had been given a message, one from a coven in Europe, Scotland or Ireland to be more exact," I inform, watching as my uncle looks to the green wax seal left behind from that message. "They informed me I could call upon them if needed, that they would be happy to help. They had fought beside my mother in the battle she perished in."

"And you are thinking of taking them up on that very offer?" Declan asks, glancing over to me, his eyes unable to decide if they are blue or violet for the day.

"Something tells me not to, that Keva could be expecting just that." We continue our walk through the garden of my backyard, free of warriors and troops from visiting packs just for once. I had been working on this garden for months it seems like, as if a testimonial to my mother, flooded with lilies, tulips, violets, and other colorful flowers helping to creating a beautiful sight which stretches the length of this mansion. "If my mother had their help, perhaps Keva expects me to call upon them as well."

We take a seat on a black marble bench before a small pond I placed a small statue of the Moon Goddess at the back of. Declan raises the wax seal to his nose, closing his eyes as he inhales the scent of the seal, leaning back his head as I watch the tattooed ruins on his forearm seem to almost darken and swirl with a violet hue. "I know I have barely met you, Declan, and I know you have every right to say no to this-"

"I trust you, Leala," Declan interrupts, "I know what you are fighting for. This war has not gone unnoticed by us mages and warlocks, for we know the elves will come after us next. It is not me you must convince though; it is my coven's leader."

"Then why did they fail to show today?"

Declan shakes his head, pulling on a silver chain around his neck, a ruby stone shining under the sun. "My coven's leader is many years old...well, centuries old. Their body remains at our coven's temple, help together by Chaos – our form of magic. I transported her spirit here today under her wishes to speak with you, well, in my body. She has listed to our entire conversation and, if you allow, I will allow her energy to take over."

Goosebumps creek up my spine and over my arms, my stomach twisting into knots as I nod my head. With a short whisper, Declan's eyes begin to change from blue and violet to a bright and crisp green, chills running down my spine as everything in my body tells me to run and hide. I cannot though, I know what I have allowed to happen. This is witchcraft and this is the first time I have really seen it happen. A dark grey mist swirls around what used to be my uncle, his arms raising with the mist as the bright green eyes look to me, the mist fading away as his arms lower and he cocks his head to the side.

"So, this is Leala Maxwell. What a pleasure to finally meet you," he speaks, yet a woman's voice leaves his mouth, his mannerisms different as well. It is a different person after all, for it is now the leader of his coven within his body. "So sorry dearest, he should have prepared you more for this. Although we are all supernatural, we warlocks do tend to be the most strange with...well, our abilities."

The coven leader rises into the air be an inch, crossing her legs as she settles back onto the bench, straightening her posture as she looks up to the sky. "Full moon tonight? Seems about right. When I was a child there was a star which would shine so bright this time of the evening. Sadly one of my constellations I grew up with has faded away. I know Declan informed you I was old, perhaps that little piece of information will give you an idea. Appearing in the body of another is easier for me to meet others like you than for you to meet my current form."

I remain silent, an avid listener as the coven leader simply leans her head to the side and offers me a warm smile in the body of my uncle. "Now, tell me, what exactly do you seek from my coven."


"I require specifics."

I nod, knowing I have to give this woman more than just a little information. "The elves do not just threaten the existence of my species on this side of the continent, but also your species, the vampires, fey, and so many more. Keva has come for us because we are the biggest threat and once we are removed, then she goes for the others. The elves utilize ancient magic which we wolves cannot possess or learn.

"We have unified – expect for one – and plan to attack Keva on her isolated island. Attacking from the sea is near impossible since we have no ships. Drawing Keva and her army from the island is like a slow death. We want to bring the fight to her, not the other way around. The palace is protected by an ancient barrier and there are portals made of ancient magic I think you and your coven could have a knowledge of how to breech and allow our armies through."

The coven leader nods, thinking it through as she gets to her feet, my uncle's body moving smoothly, posture perfectly poise as she makes her way around the garden. "The name Keva is very familiar," she mutters to herself, trying to collect her thoughts, to recall where the name could come from. "Perhaps we met on the battlefield, though I cannot recall if it was as enemies or allies." The coven leader lets out a soft laugh. "You live so long, you either write down moments of your life or you will forget them."

"What of this one you have not unified with?"

"She does not fight for the cause," I reply. "She was once with us and then one day, she went haywire and attacked the pack of another. She slaughtered pack members, killed children, and then went her own way." The coven leader nods, continuing down the garden.

The leader plays with my uncle's head of hair, running her hands through the short locks. She touches it as if she has not had any in years, as if she has just rediscovered the feeling of hair. "They have called you a Queen. I have met many queens and kings, many having come to me for advice and help in the past, though this is a different kind of help." The leader stops before the woods which stand tall before us. "You fight for the continued existence of your kind, but not just your kind...for you know if your cause perishes, then Keva will come for my kind, the vampires, the fey, the giants, the dwarves, and so forth. Let me ask you this, Queen Leala Maxwell, what will you do with the survivors of Keva's side?"

"What will the answer mean to you?" I ask, those bright green eyes staring deep into me.

"It will determine the aid I offer you. But be wise, dearest Leala Maxwell, do not lie to someone lie me."


"The Coven of Andromeda has pledged aid to us. I had spoken with its coven leader, Davcina, only days ago and made my argument to her." I watch Finley's reaction, his expression of shock as he tries to suppress both shock and amazement. I made an ally in Davcina and her coven without strings attached, only my truth of word sealing the deal. I made a powerful ally, one far more powerful than anyone at this table, yet one I will never dare to take advantage of. "In my meeting with Davcina, she also taught me a simple spell all of our men can produce when Penelope's men are firing against us. Shields are never perfect when silver is being shot, but it can protect the men on the battlefield."

I watch the faces of the allies sitting at the table, impressed as I have won them over today, impressed with me as they are pleased with me. They are happy to hear I have found a small way to work around the topic of silver bullets, a way to help protect our men against silver bullets. Glancing to Finley, I can see I have made him angry, I have rattled his cage, and I can also assume he will be more desperate to take control back from me.

"Davcina has returned to her coven to work on a way to find spells to breech into Keva's palace using ancient magic, the same magic Keva and her elven brothers and sisters use, perhaps even more ancient." I spot River from the corner of my eyes; how broken he looks for a short second. He still feels something for those who fight under Keva, for those people were once his pack members, they were his friends and family before they slaughtered the others in his pack. I do not blame him for still feeling something, I just hope I can rely on him in that battle. "For now, we wait until we hear word from Davcina on those spells."

"Why does she not allow her coven to fight as we attack Penelope?" Finch asks, curious as I know someone would ask.

"We cannot allow Keva to think we have teamed up with mages, warlocks, or witches. If Keva catches wind then she will barricade the palace with extra layers of magical protection," I explain. "Davcina taught me what she could for us to get away with using magical spells to not seem too suspicious to Keva. This way, we fly under the radar with magic to Keva. We cannot rattle her cage and cut off our way into the palace."

"And what happens to the bitch?" Emmitt asks, "the one who slaughtered my pack and family?"

I steady my breath, trying to think of the best way to word it. "Penelope will face her justice, Alpha Emmitt, and I swear it. Penelope will be made an example of and she will face the crimes for what she did to your pack, your wife, and your child. I will not let Penelope kill herself before she can be taken hostage." Emmitt nods, trying to hold back tears as he thanks me for my words. We both know he wants her to die a painful death, but I cannot allow myself to be seen as the queen who brutally murders her enemies for all to see.

"When shall we attack?" Yusuf asks, bringing forth the big question.

"Once word reaches us that Penelope has moved one mile in any direction of our boarders, we will send an army her way to get this over with," I declare, applause filling the room as my eyes lock with a set of golden ones. I feel Finley watching us, the predator stalking his prey. I know I have ruffled his feathers, but for now, I have more important matters to tend to.

Those from the meeting begin to leave the room, desperate for a bite of food as the meeting has dragged on long enough. I watch River as he takes a step out of the room, Finley close behind him. As I grab my phone and glance back to Brie, Cedric grabs hold of my arm softly. "What did Davcina want in return for her aid?"

"Nothing," I reply, our voices hushed as the last alliances leaves the room.

Brie and Cedric seem confused with my reply. "She wanted nothing?" Brie asks, the two trying to figure out what I could be hiding.

"No," I state, Cedric letting go of my arm as he shakes his head.

"She if offering aid, intelligence, men..."

"She understands the cause we are fighting for. She just wanted me to answer her truthfully. My answer would either make or break the deal."

"And what did she ask?" Cedric requests.

I turn around to my Beta and Gamma, the three of us all which remain in the room. As I let out a sigh, I recall the question Davcina had asked of me. "She asked what would become of the survivors of Keva's army and citizens of Eternal Shadows. She wanted my honest answer."

"And your answer would make or break the deal?"


"What did you say?"

"The truth."

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