Secrets of the Day

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Hushed voices echo around me, racking up my nerves as I try and calm myself, my fingers shaking as I hold the pelts of fur in my hands. The cold winds of winter spiral around me as I hold my head high, the ends of my dress brushing against the forest floor, picking up mud created by the melted snow, and my bare feet guiding me forward to the center of the circle. It feels like yesterday when I was here last, with a bonfire raging as the palms of my hands were cut and I endured the ceremony to become alpha.

It has been two weeks since I returned home from Eternal Shadows and parted with River, coming back to protect my back and to declare to my pack that William and Erik would no longer continue their roles as Beta and Gamma, for their sons would continue that legacy. William and Erik plotted treason, they wanted to control me like a puppet, and I am still on edge from it...wondering if I should act upon what I heard. Yet tonight I need to forget about those concerns, for tonight is about offering Bryson and Cedric the titles they have been training for their entire lives.

Two bonfires are lit, standing close to one another, and their flames rising high into the night sky as before them stand the two men I am going to transfer power over to tonight. The bear fur pelts in my hands grow heavy the more I hold onto them, yet the warmth they offer me make the weight worth it as my thin black dress picks up every gust of wind.

Looking to Elder Oliver, I nod my head to the one Elder who has been by my side through all of my decisions. Elder Oliver begins the ceremony, speaking in Nordic tongue as he greets everyone who has come here tonight to watch our pack accept Cedirc and Erik as the Beta and Gamma of Crimson Lock. Oliver begins to walk around the circle, outstretching his hands as he paints upon his face two stripes down his cheek from the blood of a deer caught this morning. The moment Elder Oliver comes before me, he offers me a slight bow and reaches into the small wooden bowl he holds, painting upon my face with the blood the same markings down my face from my eyebrow to my chin. The longer the stripes shows the greater the importance the individual holds within the pack.

Oliver continues his chant, having explanted to me earlier he is calling to Selene, the Moon Goddess, praising her for the silver moon she placed into the night sky, for creating us creatures – the creatures of the hunt. One day I will be the one to speak in this language as I say these words in this ancient and forgotten language. Soon, Oliver draws the parallel lines upon Cedric and Bryson, displaying the importance they shall soon hold within this pack.

Stepping forward, I walk over to Cedric first as he kneels upon my approach. I place the bear pelt over his shoulders, a weight lifted from my arms as I look to Oliver as he hands me a simple dagger. Taking the dagger, I outstretch it to Cedric, watching as he takes it and places the blade in his palm and wraps his hand around the blade. As he slides his palm across the blade, blood begins to run down his forearm as I watch him wince. Handing the blade back to me, I motion for Cedric to rise and, in the best effort I can, repeat the words Oliver practiced with me earlier.

"Hí standar þessi tribes nýr leader inn striith," I announce, declaring before the pack that Cedric is now the pack's Gamma. Taking Cedric's bloodied hand, I do what I was instructed to do earlier, pressing the palm of his hand against my left exposed shoulder, his handprint left in blood as I back away from Cedric and nod. Cheers are restrained as I walk over to Bryson, the sleeveless dress I wear only making me wish I were wearing the bear pelts.

The same actions take place as Oliver places two stripes along Bryson's face and I place the pelt over Bryson's shoulders and hand him a similar dagger to the one which Cedric had used. I watch too as Bryson slides the blade of the dagger across his flesh and winces in pain as blood runs down his arm.

"Hí standar þessi tribes nýr leader inn striith ok delegation.  Hann munu munu annarr til þinn yarl," I announce as Bryson's bloodied handprint is left upon my right shoulder and the pack members are now allowed to cheer in celebration.

In the midst of the celebration, I meet my gaze with Cedric, those green eyes gazing back at me, as if longing to make some sort of connection. Pack members rush over to him, congratulating him on becoming gamma, offering him much to say as he maintains eye contact with me before becoming lost in the crowd. Walking back to where I had placed a shall before all of this began, I wrap the wool around my torso and shoulders tightly, not caring about the material becoming bloodied as I look out to my pack celebrating their new leaders.

"They needed this distraction from the tensions which have only been rising," Oliver comments as he stands next to me, observing the pack members.

"I am afraid we will be next on Ryker's list to attack. Penelope has been flooded with small attacks and we have seen nothing."

"The most we can do is prepare for whatever is to come," Oliver reassures as I can sense just how stressed he is as well. "But there are also internal struggles here too."

"Because of William and Erik no doubt. They are not happy they have been removed from power just when they decided they needed to lock their talons into me and not let go. They need to be made an example of."

"At this moment?" Oliver questions. "People may become worried if you make an example of two of the most significant pack members from Crimson Lock at this hour of high tension."

I know Oliver is right, for if people see me deciding to excommunicate two of the oldest pack members who have led this pack through so much when our pack is approaching war, it could cause considerable amounts of unease. "Then when? When the war is over? These men talked of treason, Oliver, and who knows what they could do in the meantime if I do something they are not fond of. They still hold influence in this pack."

"What are you wishing to do with them?" Oliver asks, crossing his arms as he looks over to me.

"I could remove them from Crimson Lock, though they could then decide to do a trial by combat against me or go to Alpha Ryker and offer him help."

A brief moment of silence goes on between the two of us before Oliver places a hand on my shoulder in a way I would have expected my father to. "If I may say this, Leala, you are thinking like an Alpha. You are taking things into consideration as someone responsible and in leadership should. As much as I do not want to say this, your mother did not think through things as much as you makes me happy."

My heart swells with his words of pride, making me feel proud of myself and what I have been doing. I have been questioning myself along the way this entire time, worried I have not been doing my job, that I have not been taking proper responsibility, but Oliver's words make me feel proud of what I have done now. "You are a true Maxwell."

Oliver walks off back into the crowd of pack members and as I watch him disappear, I spot a familiar set of faces watching me with the same amount of pride Oliver had just expressed to me.

"You know you will have to visit again," Terrance exclaims, placing an arm around my shoulder as he pulls me in for a welcoming hug. Quinn stands beside her husband, offering me a warm smile as she looks to the party behind her. "We settled unboxing everything and even have a guest room should you need to stay overnight."

"I appreciate it. Though you know I just visited the other day, right?"

My parents continue to chat with me, talking with me about what has been going on with me since they say me two days ago. I used to tell them almost everything happening within my life, yet since I became alpha, I have had to hold so much back from them. I cannot tell them about the men having plotted treason and that I now am considering what to do with them. I cannot inform them that I believe I spotted Sybil Black after chatting with River. I cannot tell them River is the son of Sybil and Zion and that those two still live on. There is so much I have to restrain myself to blurting out now and it has changed the dynamic of our family.

Soon enough, the night becomes day and I awaken to the sound of a sudden knocking at my front door and multiple missed calls. With my robe tossed over my body and my hair still in a mess from my slumber, I pull open the front door to meet Bryson's urgent words.

"There has been an attack."


"Evercrest Ridge. They were hit hard by Alpha Vaughn's warriors. Alpha Edward reports at least fifty of his men are dead and many pack members have been injured."

"How did this happen? When?" I ask, throwing myself into my office chair as I unlock my computer and immediately open my email to find a slew of emails from Alpha Edward, Penelope, and Emmitt.

"Early in the morning, soon after midnight the attack took place," Bryson informs as we both watch Gamma Cedric enter the room. "We just found out about thirty minutes ago. Alpha Edward claims he called for Crimson Lock's aid."

"I never received work of aid..." I trail off, looking to the two of my men who stare back at me with confused faces. "No one called me asking for aid. The only messages I have on my phone are from the two of you. Does anyone in our pack report word from Evercrest calling for aid?"

"No one," Cedric replies, his concern tone setting the mood as I think about what this means. Did Edward call for our aid? Did someone in my pack never let me know Evercrest needed our help?

"What does this terms of our relationship with Evercrest Ridge now? We need to send reinforcements there incase of another attack-"

Elder Oliver interrupts our meeting by rushing into the room. "Finally, you were able to get hold of her."

"Did you hear anything of Evercrest Ridge calling for our help?" I question the elder, though I know his response already. Oliver shakes his head, dread filling his eyes as I watch his skin begin to pale. "Do you have an alpha that you trust one hundred percent?"

I would have thought Alpha Edward would be an ally, since he was my alpha for so long, but after seeing how he has treated me in this past few months, I know he is not someone I can even trust seventy-percent of the time. Alpha Penelope is a wise person to listen to, but I know I cannot trust her completely, for she did fight against my own mother years ago. Alpha Emmitt has been a complete ass to me since we met. Alpha River has been hot and cold to me and I do not know just how much I can rely on him. Alpha Yusuf I trust the most, though he warned me against it, but he is my best hope in this moment of despair.

"Get in contact with the alphas you trust the most, Leala, and tell them the truth and that we never heard from Alpha Edward his call for aid."

"Do you think he could be setting us up in the midst of this war?" I question, my hands shaking as I pull open my contacts and look to the numbers of those I trust the most. "This is not a time to be making enemies when we need allies."

Elder Oliver shakes his head, walking over to me as he places a hand on my shoulder, looking me straight in the eye as I try and calm myself down. "When the crown is up for grabs, everyone who seeks power knows that they will have to remove their allies somehow. It could be possible Edward sees you as a threat...I would not be surprised if he decides to go after the throne in the end."

Nodding my head, I call the first number on my small list, watching the pack members I trust most to advise and guard me as they discuss what happens next. From what Alpha Edward has claimed to have happen after his pack has lost so many lives - some of who I may have known - I would not be surprised if I will start with him first for my continued investigation as to who killed the Steward's daughter.


"In total, Evercrest lost eighty-six lives when you combine both pack warriors and pack civilians," Elder Oliver informs, the room falling silent as I watch the grave faces of my pack members. "Alpha Edward has asked for reinforcements to protect pack boarders and members and Crimson Lock can provide twenty men."

"We are a larger pack, we need more men!" A voice calls out from the crowd.

"Now is not the time to give someone else our warriors. We need them too."

"Evercrest has never been there for us. They did not fight beside us when we fought at the palace and lost many of our men."

Arguments begin to erupt, stating both sides of the argument as I watch from the balcony above, taking in a deep breath as I see the argument only grow in hate and anger. There are those who completely oppose offering Evercrest any help, those who would like to send some of our own men, and those stuck in-between.

Elder Oliver glances up towards me as I take in the scene unfolding below me, my hands wrapped around the railing as Cedric moves up to stand beside me. "You get final say," he comments, only making the stress increase as I know I cannot please everyone. "But we have greater matters to attend to on Alpha Edward stating we never came to help in his moment of need."

"Where was Evercrest Ridge when Crimson Lock fought off the royal troops, the packs who came after us after the fall of the king, the packs who came after us when Sybil was murdered by my father? Evercrest simply held a treaty with us in those days...they provided no aid. They now say we have done what they once did," I state, looking over to Cedric as I furrow my eyebrows. "I know Evercrest claims we never responded to their supposed call for help, but they simply turned their backs when Crimson Lock knocked at their front door, on their hands and knees, begging for just a few fighters.

"We emerged from that war strong in the end. Crimson Lock still remains one of the most powerful packs in this region while Evercrest Ridge only went down in the ranks. We have been in more dire need when they abandoned us. Alpha Edward can get over himself," I state, unknowing that the tone and volume of my voice having changed since I began talking as all eyes of the pack are upon me and not another voice can be heard. Wide eyes stare back at me, heads turned in my direction as my pack members gaze up to me, awaiting my final say as they have heard my declaration with the stories of how Crimson Lock was treated by Evercrest in the past. "We will only send one man to Evercrest Ridge and that volunteer shall carry with them a break of treaty between Crimson Lock and Evercrest Ridge. For too long has Evercrest feasted off of the victories and wealth of this pack. For too long have we scarified what we are just to make a treaty with Alpha Edward and his Luna. We will cut ties with them under these false claims of aid."

I know what this news will do. I know that Alpha Edward will now see me more as an enemy than an ally, but he is smart, he knows I am just starting to think just as he would.


"Alpha Maxwell, a pleasure to see you once more," Alpha Yusuf greets as he shakes my hand and enters into my house. I greet the alpha with the same polite welcome as before, welcoming him into my home as we enter into the main living room.

"I am glad you could make the trip down. I know it is a lot to ask of you in the current state of our kingdom," I thank, taking a seat across from Alpha Yusuf as he crosses his legs and stares straight ahead at me as the cracking of the fire can be heard in the background. "I am sure you have heard of the tensions between Alpha Edward and myself."

"I would be amazed if no one has heard of it," Yusuf comments, leaning back in his seat as he looks around the room, taking in the beauty of the rustic yet modern interior. "But we both know greater things are in the works here."

"And you were right I could really trust no one."

"Yet you decided to call upon me in your moment of weakness and uncertainty with Edward."

"I need someone I can at least discuss things with. I trust you enough for advice." The Alpha offers me a sly glance, a smile tugging at the corner of his lips. "How do I go about investigating something from months past?"

"The attack on your pack and murder of the Steward's daughter?" I nod in response, letting Yusuf know he has struck my issue on the nail. "Think of who it could have benefited."

"Who would have wanted the Steward's daughter dead? She was not to take the role of Steward. She was attending university. She was dating her way around Crimson Lock. Who would have hated her so much they wanted to kill her? Who would have seen her as some risk?"

"You are not asking the right questions then."

I raise an eyebrow, thinking of all the questions I have asked myself and others over the past months since that attack. I have asked myself time and time again who could have wanted that girl dead and what significance she played. Have I been asking the wrong questions this entire time? Perhaps did someone think she could have been me? That the Steward's daughter was really the missing daughter of Lily and Nixon Maxwell? Yet if someone took a second look at her, they could have seen she looked nothing like Lily and Nixon.

Her death sent her father spiraling into a pit of depression, anger, and madness. It made him care less for the responsibility he held to Crimson Lock and find joy in taking justice out of the equation when dealing with pack duties. It caused Steward Cade to cause a rift in the pack...leading Elder Oliver to seek me out. But I saw elves attack that night and River's pack had elves though he has never wanted to kill me after learning who I was.

"What questions should I be asking?"

"You know this pack better than me," Yusuf replies. "I cannot do the thinking for you, Leala. I cannot see into the past."

Yet witches can see into the past, I think to myself, remembering the wax sealing which was left for me to signal to them. My mother dealt with witches, she trusted them, she trusted the same coven. Yet I have always heard to never trust a witch, for they will always have their own motivation behind everything and never want to help for the reason of good. The witches could offer me truth...though I should not be keen to use them. Elves practice an ancient for of magic, Keva one of those who could perhaps help me uncover something. Yet Keva is an elf, the very creature which attacked Crimson Lock, and her eyes are lavender, the same color as the man's eyes who killed the Steward's daughter.

"How did Evercrest Respond when you sent the messenger?" Yusuf asks, changing the subject as he looks to the fire.

"My messenger left just an hour ago. Should be at Evercrest by the time we are landing."

Yusuf nods, looking over to the hallway as he spots my luggage being placed by the entrance of the house. Only hours ago does it feel like I announced to the pack that we would be cutting ties with Evercrest Ridge, for it was only seven hours ago and then a few hours later Alpha River called a Council Meeting at his palace. Alpha Yusuf arrived at my pack to have a chat with me and pick me up, for I was on the way, and then for the two of us to make the trek together to Eternal Shadows territory.

"Ready?" Yusuf asks, getting to his feet as my last luggage has been placed at the front door. Nodding, I get to my feet and follow the alpha out the front door, Bryson and Elder Oliver in tow as we enter into Yusuf's SUV and meet his beta as well.

Soon enough, we are pulling out of my driveway and off to the private airstrip where a private jet awaits us having been scheduled by Alpha River. I did not expect myself to be back so soon, especially with tensions so high, but I guess times of war call for much delegation.

Through the car ride and the entire plane ride, I find myself pondering what questions I should be asking. Who did it really benefit to kill the Steward's daughter? Perhaps I am thinking of it wrong, that it was not the Steward's daughter who was not the true target, but the Steward himself. Someone wanted his daughter dead for him to go mad in her absence, for him to divide Crimson Lock. The attack during the party was just a ruse, just a way to cover what the attack really was rather than it just being a cut and dry assassination.

Alpha Edward was never fond of Steward Cade, but then again, not many people were. Not many alphas thought highly of the Steward near the end of his rule. Could it have been someone from within Crimson Lock? Kill their own fellow pack members just to get rid of the Steward?

The moment the plane touches down and we find ourselves boarding a sailing yacht, my mind is filled with enough questions to keep me up all night. As the waves gently rock the yacht and the ocean mist sprays across my face, I stand at the side of the ship, gazing out as I watch the sun set upon the horizon with pastel colors filling the sky.

"Beautiful, is it not?" Elder Oliver comments, coming up beside me as we both look out to the horizon. "Reminds me of one of the last nights of peace within this realm before hell broke loose about twenty years ago."

"What was my mother like?" I ask, looking over to the man no older than my own father yet given such an esteemed title. "So many people have told me she was young for her title, was strong, was naïve, foolish, and so much more. You were here friend though."

Oliver rests his hands on the railing of the ship, looking down to the railing below as he takes in a deep breath. "She was very kind and determined. I knew her before she met your father too. In those days...she was very ambitious for what she wanted. She was determined to peruse her dreams."

"You blame a downfall on my father? Everyone tells me she faced some kind of downfall when she met him."

Oliver slightly nods his head, hesitant to agree. "Nixon was an alpha who led with fear. He saw her and knew he wanted to be with her and she found something mysterious and enticing about him. He stole much of her youth, Leala, for she lost much of her ambitions to study physics or become a pianist. But she found her own passions within the world Nixon introduced her to. She found those passions when she found out she was to have a child and she fought hard till her death."

Taking in a deep breath, I try and calm down, holding back the tears in my eyes as Oliver tells me something no one has told me before about my parents. I know my parents were some dark and twisted fairytale, only coming to truly love one another just before they were taken from one another. "I do not want a story like hers," I whisper, looking up to Oliver.

"You won't," he replies, wrapping an arm over my shoulder, trying to help calm me down. "You have many great people surrounding you, to protect and guide you."

"So did she."

"But she also had Nixon. She had demons in her life she was trying to battle and dance with all together."

I recall what Penelope and my grandmother told me, for they warned me to not become entangled up in a man too quickly, for they warned me that is what had happened to my mother. Oliver seems to acknowledge this too, that my mother had so much ahead of her yet she allowed herself to give away much of who she was to please someone else's version of her.

Taking in a shaky breath, I thank Oliver for his words, wiping away a stray tear as I look back upon the darkening horizon as the winds grow harsh upon the sea. The captain announces we should be arriving within the next two hours, informing us there should be a storm up ahead and we should head down into the cabin of the boat. Out of Oliver's kind embrace, I head down to the small living quarters of the yacht, overhearing Yusuf discuss pack duties with his beta as Bryson reads a book and offers me a seat next to him. Making myself at home, I try and think about the elves who attacked Crimson Lock and who they could have been ordered by. Who had ties to elves and wanted Steward Cade to suffer?


The wax sealing runs over my fingertips, the material smooth as it slides through the gaps between my fingers and I play with the small circular shape, tapping it against the marble railing as I look out to the palace garden where those familiar lavender eyes stare back up at me. No doubt she expects me to join her in the rose garden just like before and have a conversation, though this time I will have more questions for her than ever.

My hair still soaked from the boat ride over, I watch the dark clouds in the distance begin to dissipate, the sprinkles dying out as I slide off my shoes and replace them with a dry pair from my luggage. Grapping a warm jacket, I toss it over my shoulders and place the wax sealing back into my luggage, heading out the door as I make sure to lock it behind me.

The palace feels strange this time as I walk through it, as if I am discovering it again for the first if it holds a different feel to it. Whispers seem to spread through the walls, following me around every corner as the eyes of every person I pass are glued to me. Something must have been told about me that I do not yet know, but I have a hunch Keva is aware of. River has been no where to be seen still, though I have low expectations for the council meetings ever since last time. These alphas have pledged their loyalty to him yet he seems to not see how significant that is.

Walking out of the palace and into the garden, I walk down the familiar stone path to see the elf with the lavender eyes staring back at me. "I was wondering when you would find me," Keva greets, a smile pulling at her lips as today she is dressed differently. Typically she is in a plum-colored dress which sweeps the floor and has an artisanal elegance with leaf-shaped hemlines, yet today is that of multilayered coats with the longest layer sweeping the floor with a white cotton fabric, the top coat being a dark burgundy hue. Her silver hair is no longer pulled back in a braid, but let loose in gentle curls which fall just to her waist.

"Has something happened?" I ask, raising an eyebrow as I keep a distance between the two of us. Keva looks confused by my questions. "You look different today, how you are dressed."

"Ceremony," she replies, though it is not typical of her to give such short replies. "I sense you have come to me seeking guidance."

"Was it Sybil Black I saw with River last I was here? In a tavern in town?" I ask right off the bat, my mouth running for me as I do not have time to think for myself. "I heard him talking to a man and woman who I can only assume to be Zion and Sybil."

"Detective Maxwell," Keva ticks, running a hand through her silver locks. "What did you overhear?"

"That they tried to kill my mother when she was pregnant with me."

"Not the most pleasant conversation to walk in on."

"No," I reply with a cold tone, recalling the conversation I have tried to suppress from my memory for the past two weeks. It made me mad for so long as I replayed it in my head over and over, for Zion tried to kill my mother when she was pregnant. Though, my father did the same to Sybil...though no one knew Sybil was pregnant at the time expect for Zion. "Have Sybil and Zion tried to kill me since? Did they order the attack on Crimson Lock and the Steward's daughter thinking it was me?"

"You know for yourself what the answer to that is."

Keva is right, for I have already uncovered to myself that anyone in their right mind would have known the Steward's daughter was no Leala Maxwell.

"Do Sybil and Zion still want me dead?"

Keva looks over her shoulder to someone interrupting our conversation. Immediately I recognize the scent of who it is. Looking over my own shoulder, I meet those familiar golden eyes as I notice he too wears the same colors of Keva with a dark burgundy ceremonial jacket with golden embroidery, his hair combed back, and a brooch of a platinum wolf covered in diamonds and rubies. "Alpha Maxwell."

"Alpha River," I greet, looking to over to Keva as I watch her beginning to leave the two of us alone.

"I will catch up with you at the observatory," River comments to Keva before she heads off back to the palace and leaving my question unanswered. Adjusting his attention back to me, River stands a few feet apart from me, yet it feels like miles away considering our last conversation. "Can I see you later today?"

"It's already night," I infer, "in a few hours it will be midnight and I plan to be asleep in preparation for the council meetings tomorrow. I should hope you will be there as you should be."


"You did not make it to the ones last time and Penelope and Edward were attack. Edward made up false accusations about my pack not answering to his aid and now he has paid the price for it. We all gave you our loyalty and in return, you have given us a place to hold meetings. Some kind you will turn out to be should you win that damn crown."

"Leala, please-"

"Were those your parents, River, when I tried to talk to you in the tavern?" I ask, interrupting him once more as River once more holds back his tongue. "Were those Sybil and Zion? The very two people who made the lives of my parents a living hell. The reason why I grew up raised by another set of parents? The very man you talked with the one who tried to kill my mother when she was pregnant with me?"

"Enough!?" River snaps, cutting me off from asking another question as my wolf is fueled by rage. "I thought we agreed the past was the past and what our parents did was their decision. We cannot take responsibility for what they did."

"No, we cannot," I agree, a bitter taste in my mouth. "But the fact that the very man and woman who kill my parents were just a door away from my makes me sick."

"What are you trying to argue here, Leala?" River asks. "Why raise your voice and act like you are trying to demand something from me when we have agreed that the only thing we can do with what our parents have done is try to make a better world out of it?"

Tears begin to fill my eyes as I feel my throat run dry, despair filling my chest as I try and remain focused on the subject. "Because maybe, deep down, I feel like if I was able to lay even one hand on the man and woman who killed my parents that I would be able to feel like my parents got an ounce of I could connect with them..." I begin to cry. "I never got to know my parents...perhaps I feel like exacting one small bit of vengeance could make me feel some connection to them."

Arms wrap around me, pulling me in for a tight hug as River holds me close, placing his lips against my forehead as he whispers that I'll be okay. Running his hands through my tangled hair, he tries to help me calm down, his other hand tracing circles upon my back as he squeezes me and holds me tight. My own hands grab onto the fabric of his wool jacket, grasping at it to have something tight to hold as I try and calm myself down as I sob.

"It's okay, Leala," River whispers, placing a soft kiss against my forehead before his rests his chin on my head.

Remaining in his warm embrace, I shut my eyes tightly, trying to think of where I could be if I had never known about my true identity. If Elder Oliver had never written that letter, I could have still been in Evercrest Ridge with Terrance and Quinn, never having to deal with matters of treason, never having to face the fact of my true parents, and never having to hear people call me such horrible names because of who my parents were.

"I promise you I am not my parents," River whispers, looking down to me as his eyes meet mine.

"Nor am I," I reply, watching as River lowers his lips to mine and closes the gap between the two of us with a soft kiss.

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