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Perhaps I tried to fix things up too much, becoming far too optimistic that my plans would be accepted by the masses. River had once confessed to me he felt as if his entire life, he felt as if his purpose had been built around running a pack – more specifically Eternal Shadows. We both understood the deal I had signed with Finley, how it gave those without a pack no power in the government. If River were to have nothing when all of this is said and done, then he would have no home to return to...just like his own parents. Yet, when I announced Silvercrest Ridge would be his and all I need is his signature, River could not look at me.

So here I sit, the necklace around my throat pinching my skin as I straighten my posture, tapping my fingers on my thigh as I wait. I have been waiting for what feels like an eternity, needing to establish what must be done before we head east to fight Keva and those who once served River.

The turning of a doorknob catches my attention, my eyes locking with River's as he passes into the room. Though he does not look surprised to see me here, I can tell this will not be a pleasant conversation.

"I do not need your pity, Leala," River informs, walking through the room as he passes me by, heading for the dresser as I can tell he was just out for a morning run. "I have received enough of that from everyone within this damn house."

"I am not trying to offer you a pack out of pity," I correct, standing up as I walk over to River. "Offering you a pack is a way to open doors for you into the government. It is a way to establish power for you in the new kingdom rather than being just another mediocre name in a history book."

A soft laugh escapes his lips as River grabs his clothes for the day, shaking his head as he slams his dresser doors shut and snaps his head my direction. "You do not think I could do that on my own?"

"To be part of the Senate you need a pack. We both know my scope of power is limited and if you were to sit on my council, it will raise questions."

River peers down at me, silence passing through us as he sets his clothes atop his dresser, crossing his arms as he leans back against the piece of wooden craftwork. "I could give a damn about the masquerades Finley, Yusuf, and all those little twats will partake in. I was once an Alpha of Eternal Shadows and I loved the people I served and the people who actually served me. Those pack members who were slaughtered...they were my family." I watch those golden eyes become watery. "I cannot just take on another pack for your political gain. I will not become your puppet in the Senate. I do not want to be in the Senate, to watch the vultures pick apart the dying, and tear one another to pieces to gain political favor."

I hold my head high, biting the side of my cheek as I watch River wipe away a stray tear. "Then what do you want? When the war is done and Keva is defeated, where do you wish to go? To do?"

Watching, I notice how River takes a step closer into me, his scent enveloping me as a finger brushes against my jawline. "I do not wish to be like my parents with no place to call home." I nod, feeling the warmth of his body against my own. "Put me on your Council. I could give a damn about what people would say or the power it offers me. People will talk no matter what you do."

A small smile tugs at my lips as I try and suppress it, hearing from River's lips how he would choose to stay by my side, on my own Council, than keep a place in the Senate. "Yet what of Silvercrest Ridge?"

"What happens to Crimson Lock when you become queen?"

"They become the royal pack," I explain, "The royal pack has always been given the capital – the citadel – to live in. Once funds are allocated and homes, shops, and whatnot built, they will move up here as well as others who will have business in the palace."

"So let Silvercrest Ridge govern themselves in time. They do not need an Alpha to come in and force them who to be and what to do. Grouping two packs together may be hard, but it is for their protection and growth," River explains. "If you can still have a semi-firm grip on them, slowly releasing it as they build their way up and elect their own alpha, then it will be much better than tossing me into the mix."

I find my head falling into River's light tough, a warmth spreading through my body as I meet those golden eyes. "I can be valuable on your Council, Leala."

"I know."

"But you worry about the Senate."

"I worry about Finley," I correct, becoming more specific. "He search for power. I know it was my fault for signing that document which got us into this mess. I know he will use the form of government he made to benefit his actions."

"My father had a friend like that once." River pulls away, walking towards his windows where the curtains are pulled tightly shut. As he peers out though the curtains out, I notice the onyx ring around his right ring finger, the very same one my uncle happened to offer him before magic sealed that room shut. "I believe his name was Edgar. No, Elijah."

"What happened."

Glancing over to me, his eyes drop for a short second. "Your mother happened to kill him."

I nod, my heart skipping a beat as I realize how this story has background in both our lives, tangling our histories in a messy manner. "Turns out Elijah was never a true friend of my father, but using him for power, knowledge, access to wealth, and in the end, Elijah tried to work alongside your mother. It was determined it was Elijah would gave her access into the palace." I take my seat on the bed once more, hands in my lap as I wonder what it must have been like to kill a werewolf when she was human. To have to kill someone you thought was once your ally...yet not too long ago I was having to do the same with an ally of my own.

"I am getting off track though," River continues, "for Elijah had seen the innerworkings of the government and how items of it functioned. He was not born into any immediate power nor did he have a pack, but he had a silver tongue. The gossip of the palace never failed to meet his ears, he was in every war room, and he was there when there were plots to kill political figures."

"Yet Finley has power," I remark.

"Finley lacks the patience of Elijah," River states, taking a seat across from me. "Elijah was a friend of my father's for years – well not a real friend. When your mother came along, she was a catalyst to Elijah's plans. Elijah was patient, not as patient as Keva, but far more than Finley. Finley waited until you needed his help and he had his plan ready to go. Yet Finley did not try and progress into a more powerful position in your council, nor will he in the Senate. Finley will strive to be the top dog quickly and that will gain him many enemies."

Nodding, I follow with that River is saying – Finley will create a mistake in his desperation for power. Finley lacks patience and that will be his downfall. "Do not get your hands dirty, Leala," River comments, grabbing his clothes as he heads for the connected bathroom suite. "Let someone else Finley has wronged get their hands tainted with his blood."

"And what if I lack that patience, what if it takes too long?" I ask, concerned just how long it could take Finley before he will make enemies in the palace.

River offers me a lopsided smile as he slides into the bathroom. "He made a opponent out of you pretty fast. Do not fret, he will slip up."


Is Finley the only one I should be concerned about? River had told me the story of Elijah and how he was friends with Zion for years before he finally went through with his plans, only to be killed by my mother. Glancing around the table, I meet the cornflower blue eyes of Brie as she offers me a soft smile. Brie has been loyal to me in ways I would never expect her to betray me. Cedric, as much as we have argued in the past, I would put my life on the line for him as he would do for me. Brie and Cedric will be my top advisors in the palace and they have already accepted those roles.

Picking up my coffee, I place the rim of the ceramic mug to my lower lip, glancing around the small table another time as I meet the eyes of Yusuf. The one alpha who has stuck by my side the whole time, who has told me he will fight for my cause, and he believes in what we are doing. Yusuf is perhaps the only alpha besides River who I can actually trust. Though I was worried what Yusuf would do when he knew the truth of River, he has remained loyal to me and to the cause for which we are fighting for. The three people I have before me I can rely on during these volatile times.

"So Silvercrest Ridge will be allotted a troop of fifty men to ensure peace during the merger," Yusuf continues with the conversation. "Though I still think River is foolish to turn down such an opportunity you have given him."

"He feels he has a different purpose in the palace when this is all over," I inform, "for he does not wish to run a pack when the pack members he lost still haunt him. Losing the pack you grew up with and then being handed another one, I can understand why he would be uncomfortable with such a concept."

Yusuf offers me a slight nod, turning to Cedric. "And you do not think fifty men is too much?"

"I think it is a fair amount. Even though these packs are mainly families and not warriors, they could easily become warriors when they pick up sharp objects, shift, or unite," Cedric explains, shifting his position as Brie glances at me once more.

"Okay, fifty men will then be kept at Silvercrest Ridge to ensure everything is kept peaceful." I watch as Yusuf signs the document before him, handing over a collection of his own men to total fifty. His signature, along with Finch and Mathis' will allow the right amount of men to be sent to Silvercrest. As Yusuf rises to his feet, he glances to me. "We are restless as we wait, Leala."

"As am I," I acknowledge.

"Will Keva notice Finch and I do not have as many men guarding our pack? Does she have eyes and ears close by? Will she notice the mages we have coming here soon and catch onto what we are doing?"

"Declan does not think Keva could expect us to come in through portals, for it takes ancient magic."

"I am not willing to leave it up to chance," Yusuf mutters, bidding us goodbye as he returns back to his guest room where he has lived in and out of for the past so many months.

Sighing, I take a large sip of my coffee, knowing Yusuf is right, for we cannot just leave things up to chance. We all know Keva will have eyes and ears here, but she should have no way of knowing what we plan on doing to get inside the palace. For all she knows, we just plan on making an approach from the sea. There are limited ways in and Keva knows this.

Brie clears her throat, grabbing our attention. "So what 'greater purpose' does River plan to accomplish in the palace when you are the queen?"

Yusuf did not bother to question me on it for he already knew the answer. Yusuf expected River would be by my side in some aspect. Brie must expect something along the same lines, as much Cedric. "He would rather have a seat on my Council than the Senate."

Cedric scoffs. "The Council with limited power."

"He does not wish to have a pack that was not his," I repeat, looking to my Beta as he nods. "River believes he can be of value on the Council and I agree. You two would be my top advisors still."

"I never feared being demoted," Brie comments, smiling as she pops a small strawberry tartlet into her mouth. "I worry the rumors." Cedric nods. They both understand the history I share with River.

Taking in a deep breath, I stretch out my hands. "People will talk no matter what. I know tabloids talked about the dimensions of Queen Sybil's engagement ring and if it meant Zion loved her or not. I know Tabloids have talked about the material of past queen's jackets and what it meant about their mood. People will always talk and make stories."

"But this is bigger than just tweed or leather," Cedric adds, leaning back in his chair as those green eyes look to me. "This deals with the fact your once-rival alpha is now on your council."

I nod, having to remind myself that Cedric knows not of River's true past. "What is this war for, Cedric? This war is for the survival of our race and quite literally other races as well, for the elves have come after us first before they try to go after others," I begin, "I think if we show the people that all alphas were able to come together and fight for the greater good or some 'holy purpose,' it will make a convincing story as to why I placed River on my Council. It makes for a cliché and stupid story those people who still worship the Moon Goddess will eat up while others will accept. Besides, tabloids enjoy having a nice face to photograph so they can make money off that too."

Taking a large swing of my coffee, I find myself finishing off the black coffee as I glance over to Brie. "Not to mention there will be much news going on. News which deals with the formation of the Senate and new laws and all being passed. Those things will be a larger concentration and will overshadow what we are arguing about," Brie adds, coming to my aid as she brings in another point.

"Fair," Cedric agrees, looking to the time as we all sit in silence once more. "It has been a week since Declan visited."

"He said it could take a bit longer."

"I just want to get things over with."

"We all do."


"Fuck, that hurt," I hiss, rolling from my back to my knees as I glance to see the skin on the palms of my hands slowly being scraped away. Glancing up to Terrance, he offers me a hand up, once more informing me why I took a hit and was unable to dodge my attacker. Nodding, I inform my father I am ready to go again as I adjust my stance and take in a calming breath. As Terrance slices the wooden dagger through the air, I twist my body out of the way, grabbing his hand as I push it away and kick the prop out of his hand.

Just as I am successful in disarming my attacker, I forget about my shift in balance and find myself back on the ground as my father has swiped his foot under my own. My back hits the ground as I look up at the bright blue sky of the morning. Letting out a deep sigh, I once more look to my father. "Weight shifts are an important concept, Leala, especially when it deals with an elf who has very fluid movements."

"I know," I groan, getting to my feet once more as my father begins to practice weight shifts once more with me. "Yet how can I properly train when you do not fight like an elf?"

"You can prepare and at least become familiar with concepts," my father repeats, giving me the same answer as earlier when I had asked the same thing. "You think that any of the men you will fight beside have more training than you at fighting an elf? You are all going in with an equal idea, though you are all trained differently and have different strengths."

I nod, informing my father I am ready. I block his blow once again and disarm the weapon, remembering my weight shifts as I plant my foot correctly and balance the weight equally between the ball of my foot and heel. As he comes at me again, I use flexibility to my aid and twist my back as I bend it as well, dragging my foot in a semi-circle behind as I find myself behind my father. Getting low, I quickly pick up the weapon and arm myself, straightening my hold of the wooden prop as I touch the fake blade to the back of his knee.

Terrance glances down to see me kneeling, my arm extended as I have the wooden dagger as if I were to slice the back of his knee open. "Excellent," he informs, "your enemy will fall to the ground and you can go in for the kill. Never ever leave them like this Leala, for they can still do damage. You always want to ensure you finished the job."

"Understood." Tossing the prop to my father, I hop to my feet and, from the corner of my eye, I notice those golden eyes watching me from his room. "Yet what of magic?"

"My training does not encompass that of magic, Leala."

"My men are scared of magical spells slicing them in half, lighting them aflame, turning them to ash, or whatever else their imagination can make," I inform, watching my father begin to pack his items.

"Declan would be someone to ask when it comes to defending yourself against magic. Anyone who has used magic must have some idea."

"Long range weapons," I mutter, remembering what Declan had informed. "Or the spell he taught our men when we attacked Penelope. We are limited in protecting ourselves from magic. I think most are just afraid of what magic can do to them." I glance that way again, back to the window as I see those golden orbs vanished. Thanking my father for his time, I begin to head in for the house, knowing I wish to speak with River about what Keva is capable of. I know River has spoken of it before, yet that was in front of many others. Perhaps he could have been holding back the worst. Is there a limit to what magic can do?

Entering the kitchen, the moment I head for the hallway, I hear voices gathering around the front door, my name coming into conversation. Heading for the front entrance hall, I find myself passing by the row of oil paintings done of my family members, the hallway opening wide as I come to find a small crowd of seven or eight, a mix of alphas, beta, gammas, and in the center stands Declan.

"Any update?" I ask, nervous as I find my hands beginning to shake and my heartbeat increase rapidly. The moment I ask my question, River enters the hallway with all the commotion and Declan looks past me to him. His gaze shifts between the two of us for a short second before he finally places his attention back to me.

Those in the hallway wait patiently for what he has to say, nervous for the news as we know we could be headed out to war at any moment with our troops ready to go. "I am here to gain access to the locations of the magical artifacts. I am needing the recollection of River," Declan informs, "and once we have those sorted out, I will gather the rest of my coven to bring with me."

I glance out past the open front door, noticing the mages which step out of the SUV Declan arrived in, their arms heavily inked in the same type of ruins. Dressed in black and dark blue, it seems to be uniforms in a way with a unique twist. Four mages make their way up to the house, their hands filled with scrolls or old bags. "Should River be willing to participate."

"I am not sure how many I can remember, but I will try and help," River informs, stepping forward, in line with me as I notice how Declan seems confused by River's statement.

Shaking his head, Declan walks up to River. "We do not require you to recall," he begins, explaining what he means as I am confused. "I have brought my apprentice along with three others of my rank. We will require access to your memories."

"You will go in through my recollections?" River asks, concerned as we all realize this is not what we had thought.

"It is the only way to be accurate," Declan informs. "It is not painful, for you will be placed under a deep sleep." His gaze shifts from his apprentice to River for a short second. "Only if willing, for it is a draining process. But just know-"

"I is the only way to accurately enter the palace," River finished Declan's sentence, cutting him off as I can tell just how worried he has become. Letting someone into your memories is something extremely private and the things Declan will unlock, I can only wander what River does not wish others to see. Will Declan see River's memories which pertain to me? The nights we spent together? Will they pertain to private meetings of River's personal past he has told no one of – not even me? Yet River understands what the risks are if he does not follow through with this.

I lead Declan and the others of his coven into the house, asking them what kind of room they would need for this ritual of sorts. As we settle on a small sitting room located on the second floor, we make our way to the room. Ascending the stairs, I notice how River lags behind, his face pale as his eyes are glued to the floor. Speaking with Declan as he informs me of the seclusion he requires, I cannot help but concentrate on River in these moments, worried just how this will drain him mentally and physically. He seems to understand what he is up against here, understanding the magic at play as a sort of darkness seems to draw me into him. Perhaps Keva performed something like this back at Eternal Shadows and River learned of it there, coming to know what it took out of someone. Or perhaps River just had an idea of the concept but not the entire picture. Whatever it is, I cannot comprehend what he will go through as his recollections are exposed to others.

As I push open the double doors which lead to a narrow hallway, I inform Declan the room will be right down to the left. "Interesting secluded hallway."

"It lead to my nursery of all things," I comment, noticing the door which I was raised in for the first few months of my life. I recall nothing from those first few months, yet so much in those months happened which shaped so much of the world I have come to live in. "Here we are."

Pushing open the heavy door, the dark room is exposed to Declan and the members of his coven, the mages entering in as they gaze about. As the woman flicks her wrist, a blue spark ignites, the room becoming lit as I notice just how large the room actually is. "Will this work? There are no visitors within this hallway and we can keep guards at the entrance of the hallway to ensure privacy."

"This will do perfectly."

I glance to River, still standing in the doorway as he dares not take a step in the room. "When would you like to start?"

"When he is ready," the woman informs, a strange accent rolling off her tongue as she speaks of River. "We will require a mattress, some tables, and a few chairs."


"No need," another mage informs.

"River?" Declan asks, "are you prepared? Perhaps in the next two to three hours?" Nodding, River gives his answer, informing them he will be, only to slip out of the room as he excuses himself. "He is afraid...that will put a risk to what we can draw from his recollections."

"They are always afraid," the woman remarks. "They come to settle down with time."

"If he understands Chaos like you said, Declan, then he will settle his nerves."

"Leala?" I look to my uncle. "Will he be ready?"

"Yes," I state, though unsure as I recall just how nervous River was. Excusing myself, I go to find River. Not too far off, he leans against the wall just before my nursery door, gazing across to the wall with his hair a mess. "Everything okay?"

He pounders my question, unwilling to meet my gaze as I come to stand beside him, leaning against the wall. "Going through my recollections. Going back through time to goddess knows how long. I lived so much of the past decade in that palace and so much happened there."

"I doubt they will go through a decade of your memories," I reassure. "Do you not trust them going through your memories?"

"It is not about trust, Leala," River insists. "How would you feel if someone were to go through every single memory in that head of yours from the past seven years? All those memories you thought were yours and all to yourself? Even if you knew they would not tell a soul, they are no longer your own personal and private memories. Someone else now shares them with you...they are no longer a unique piece of you."

Nodding, I push off the wall, facing River as I spin on my heel to meet those golden eyes. "Memories are private experiences no one else has, I understand. Declan and his fellow mages going through them mean they now experience your distinctive experiences." River nods, glancing past my shoulder to the door behind me. "Are you scared?"

"Risks are low. Keva once mentioned how this type of magic was available," River comments. "She once spoke of a woman who lost her mind, but the elf who surfed the mind of her participant was inexperienced and went too far back in the participant's memories."

"Declan seems better?"

"His coven seems far more professional," River replies. "I should prepare now as they do as well. I need to rest before I go."

"I thought they place you in a you not rest then?" I ask as River begins to walk for the doors we came through.

"The experience is draining mentally. I will need to rest before they put me under."

Nodding, I watch River walk off from the dark hallway, offering me a soft smile as he parts ways with me. Leaving me alone, I glance towards my nursery door. As I place my hand on the door handle, I push it open, the dust of the room escaping as I look around to the room which was remodeled a bit by Steward Cade. The pastel walls remain the same, yet white bookshelves line one of the walls. I can only wonder what must have been running through my mother's mind when she decided to part ways with me the day she left for the palace. She believed in what she was fighting for, but I also know she did not want to live in a world without my father.

Lily and Nixon Maxwell were two twisted souls as so many people have told me. I understand that, for my mother loved him so much and fought to her death for him. Yet they left me Crimson Lock and a legacy behind. Soon enough I will lead my own army, just as my mother did, within the palace walls of my own enemy. I will fight for the cause I believe in – the continuation of my species and others as well as Keva threatens our existence. I will be damned if Keva takes that away from me.

I look outside, looking to the men who train outside as Terrance instructs others how to defend themselves against an attacker with a sword. As the wooden sword slices through the air and soldiers dodge the attack, I notice Cedric and Brie wandering around the men, keeping an eye on everyone.

Soon enough we will all be fighting within the walls of Eternal Shadows. I can only hope and pray to the gods who abandoned us long ago that the people who fight beside me and those I care most about will make it out alive. There is only so much stardust in this world after all. 

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