Telling the Band: Chapter 2

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After my shower I finished my homework and ate dinner. After I ate dinner I folded the laundry and went to bed.

In the morning Kaylum came to wake me up as always, "Em! Wake up! Come on it's ten minutes til school starts!" I bolted out of bed and got dressed. 

I raced down the stairs and put on my Ked's grabbing my bag and heading out the door to Kaylum's mom's car when Kaylum handed me a piece of toast, "So today it's Jacksepticeye?"

I took the toast out of my mouth and nodded, "Yep. Yesterday was Markifart so today is Septiceye Sean." After I buckled up and closed the door I finished my toast, "Thanks for the toast Kaylum."

"No problem," we arrived at school and got out of the car. "Bye mom."

"Bye guys, have fun!" with that she drove on down the road.

"Your mom's nice. Welp, to the band room I goes!" I said walking in the building and down the hall to the band room.

I sat down in the hallway and pulled out my laptop, "How about... Markiplier fnaf 2!" I plugged in my ear buds and watched as the jump scares came along.

After about thirty minutes the bell rang for first block, "Sorry Mark, your crown will have to be regained later on." 

*Time skip brought to you by my laziness*

I was heading to study hall when the announcements came on, "All band members please go to the band room for 3a."

I passed the lecture hall and headed on to the band room, "Guess its full band today..." 

I got to band and left my stuff in the hallway. "I mean with all the Symphonic and Concert stuff out it'll be super crowded."

I walked in and went to my seat. 'What could we be doing today?' I thought as I read that we didn't need instruments today.

Everyone arrived and was talking among themselves when we heard the whistle. We all turned to the podium, "Quiet down everyone!" Everyone got quiet and looked at Mr. Simmons, "I'm afraid we have some bad news. Emma, could you please come here?" 

I stood up as I felt everyone's eyes burn into the back of my skull. I knew what this was about. "Mom, I don't think this is a good idea," I whispered to Mr. Simmons.

He looked at me and had me stand on the podium with him. "Emma they're your friends. They deserve to know." I nodded and looked up at the rest of the band, "Now as many of you know Emma was in the hospital the other day. The doctor's determined what's wrong, Emma would you like to tell them?"

I nodded and took a deep breath, "I'm dying. I have one year to my life." I studied their faces. "But I'm okay with that. Because I've had a pretty good life. I've made friends, made some enemies but who doesn't? I've had my fun and continue to have more fun. But most of all I've met you guys, you're the best thing that could've happened to me if I'm being honest." 

A lot of people were crying. I just smiled and looked to the band directors, "This is why we had full band today. Now is there anything you guys would like to say to Emma?"

Multiple people raised their hands. I looked to Daniel, "Why are you so call about this? How are you so calm about this?"

I smiled at him, "Because I had my freak out time. And now I'm okay with it. Because I know that you guys will always remember me." I looked around and asked, "Since you all are so emotional right now, who would like a hug?"

People raised their hands and I had them follow me. I lead them out to the main entrance and looked around, "Alright this should work." When everyone was gathered around me I looked at them and yelled, "Group hug!!!"

Just then the bell rang for lunch and we all headed to lunch or choir. As I sat at the lunch table people would come up to me and I would smile and give them hugs. We took pictures and talked. Then when lunch was over we went to the band room for study hall.

*Time skip brought to you by my Dean Winchester playlist*

The bell rang for school to let out and I walked out to my grandpa's car. It was now Christmas break so we could have fun and enjoy ourselves.

Grandpa dropped me off at home and I made some food because I was hungry. Kaylum arrived and ate with me, "Hey Emma? What is the one thing you wanna do before you die?"

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