16. First Kiss🦋

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"I will drive you home." After breakfast Ron got up from his pushed chair under the table . "I am free right now anyway."

"Oh no, you don't have to," I also got up. "I brought my car last night, remember." I tried to make him remember about my car.

"But can you drive?" He asked me with a concerned face. "How is your hangover?"

"Hey, I am absolutely fine. No need to worry." I gave him a reassuring smile. "And of course I can drive."

"Fine, then." He took his phone and led me the way. "Let me see you off in the elevator." He started to walk. I picked up my phone and followed him.

He pressed the elevator button and those heavy metal doors slid open. I got in that private elevator and looked at him.

"I will see you later." He smiled tenderly at me.

"Yeah, later." I smiled back and pressed the 'U' button to the underground parking lot.

The elevator arrived in the underground parking area, and I scrambled out as soon as the heavy metal doors slid open. I didn't have to search much because my worn-out car stood out among those super expensive cars. I climbed in and started the engine and soon hit the road. As I drove the car, I slowly began to feel foolish and embarrassed as I replayed the words Ron said about my doing the other night. I shuddered. I couldn't believe I did all those things. I gently rubbed my face and secretly thanked god that I didn't strip or something else.

I didn't, right?

Okay, let's just forget about that. To cheer myself up I switched on the stereo and turned the volume up loud. I sat back and listened absentmindedly to the thumping Pit bull's 'Hey baby' as I pressed down on the accelerator.

"Welcome back." Mom greeted me as soon as I entered the house. I was planning to tiptoe to my room silently. But I guessed, I failed. Everyone was sitting comfortably around the dining table, enjoying their warm breakfast.

"Good morning." I greeted them sheepishly as I carefully walked towards them.

"We were so worried, you should have informed us if you are going to stay the night out." Mom gently advised me with a calm tone while sipping her coffee.

I blinked.

That was not the possible reaction I was expecting exactly. I thought she was going to slice me into pieces.

"You are not angry?" I asked her very carefully and...surprised.

"What? No, of course not." Mom looked at me casually. "You are an adult now. But Just inform us beforehand, in case, you know." She smiled fondly.

"So, lucky." Arthur murmured bitterly under his lips.

"Come, and have some breakfast," Dad told me and Mom intended to get up to get me some breakfast. I promptly checked the time on my mobile.

"I already had," I told them as I rushed upstairs hurriedly. "I am soooo late for my work. I have to run." I shouted when I was in the middle of those stairs. "See you later guys."

I hastily changed my clothes and put on whatever came to my hand first. I rushed downstairs, quickly bid them goodbye, then ran out from the house. Even though my mom let me off easily, I had a feeling that my manager would surely slice me into pieces.


"Oh my god, Liza you are alive," My manager Mr. Scott told me with a mockingly happy tone. "I thought you were dead."

"I am soooo sorry." I instantly gave him my best puppy eyes.

"You think I will let you go with just a simple apology." He crossed his arms over his chest.

"No?" I innocently batted my eyelashes.

"NO!" His harsh sound boomed the entire store. I had to cover my ears.

"You are almost two hours late. You will make it up by doing two hours overtime, do you understand me?" I nodded my head quickly.

I changed my clothes into my uniforms without wasting any time. I got myself busy with work. We had hit the autumn season, so I had to spend my half-day restocking the shelves till my lunch break.

When I was enjoying my lunch break, Anna joined me.

"So, what happened?" She asked me as she was unwrapping her sandwich box. "You were never late before."

I put down my bacon stuffed sandwich and rubbed my palms on my face as I groaned. "Don't make me remember."

She laughed merrily. "Why, what happened?"

I looked at her. "Last night I went to a party and accidentally took four shots of some spiked drink, and made myself totally wasted."

"What!" She started to laugh. "I want to see you like that."

I growled grimly, "Believe me, you don't."

"With whom, you went to the party?" She asked me when she finished laughing. "That chocolate boy?"

I slammed my hand on the table.

"Don't mention his name."

Anna blinked a few times, "Why?" She asked me innocently.

I sighed as I leaned back in my seat and blew some hot air off from my nostrils fiercely.

"The other day, he almost kissed me and guess what he told me?" She was silently looking at me for the answer. "He was not sure, but he THOUGHT he liked me." I emphasise the word 'THOUGHT'.

She also slammed her hand on the table. "What the fuck does that means? Did he do a favour or something like that?"

"You know what, I don't give a single fuck about him anymore." I said as I was chewing the stuffed sandwich while imagining that as Brant's head. "And there, I almost thought I was going to have my first kiss."

She choked on her food. "*Cough* *cough*........what do you mean by your first kiss? Your lips are still virgin?"

I chuckled shyly. "Yes. In the first year of my high school, I dated a popular boy from my school. There's a time when we almost kissed but were interrupted by his other girlfriends. Turns out, he was an asshole, who was playing with almost every girl in our school, then we gave him a gang beating." Anna laughed. "Next time I was set up on a blind date, by my best friend Eva. That guy just got his heart broken by his previous girlfriend. On our first date all we talked about was his ex-girlfriend," I laughed instantly after remembering that funny memory. "After three weeks when we were out on our fifth date, and I was going to have my first kiss, his ex-girlfriend suddenly showed up. She cried a lot in front of him and told him she can't live without him, so I had to back away." I finally completed my story in one breath.

"You have got some fucked up luck with your firsts." She laughed humorously.

"Yeah." I joined her laughing.

"Liza, do you have some spare moments?" Suddenly Mr Scott popped his head through the door.

"Yeah, sure." I hastily got up from my seat. Anna also got up and excused herself.

"I actually want to know if you want to work regularly." Mr Scott asked me as he tucked his hands into his pocket.

"No, I can't, I have my classes." I told him timidly.

"I know, I am talking about the evening shift, till the shop closes." He arched his brows.

My face lit up.

"Then I think I can take the offer." I smiled at him. That was a very good offer actually. I could speed up my savings for the apartment. And I was free anyway every evening. "When can I start?"

"I think you could start from next month." He smiled at me.

"Cool." I smiled back at him.


The next day I flopped down between Rose and Oli and lazily placed my bag on the table. Rose looked up from her phone and Oli looked up to see me from her notebook where she was writing something. She removed the ink pen which was between her teeth, and smirked at me. "So, how was your hangover, wild white tigress?"

"So, I really did those things, last night," I groaned dismally with utter embarrassment.

"Don't tell me you don't remember anything!" Rose gasped. I shook my head.

"You should thank Ron. He handled you pretty well, otherwise you already ate everyone at the party." she told me with a stupid grin on her face. I rolled my eyes.

We headed to our classes when they stopped teasing me. My classes were finally over, and I was glad I completed my class assignments well. We got up from our seats and started to tidy up our things from the table.

"Actually, I want to watch the football match today." Oli suddenly spoke up, looking timidly at me. "Do you guys want to.....come?" She cautiously asked us while fidgeting a little on her feet .

"Umm..." Rose hesitated and looked at me.

"We are coming." I spoke up. I didn't give her any chance to talk anymore and promptly pulled them along with me towards the field. "Come on, let's go."

The field was very crowded. We could take some good spots because Oli was the soccer club member. There was still some time left before the starting. I looked at the field. I could see some players with our college's jersey and some players with other college's names on their jersey,.......and I could see Brant.

Damn, when would he stop looking so handsome?

He was talking with the coach with a serious face. I tried hard to look away, but my eyes were glued to him. He was only wearing a freaking normal jersey like everyone, but he looked so hot in those beige colour uniforms. The coach was telling him something while pointing to the ground. He looked around to see, as his eyes swiped the field and suddenly met with mine.

We stared at each other for a good five seconds and then I slowly looked away, chewing anxiously the inner side of my mouth.

I couldn't watch him anymore. Damn, It hurt so much.

I sighed hopelessly and got up from my seat. Oli and Rose looked up at me with genuine concern.

"Umm... I forgot that I had something to do.... so,...umm...I am leaving." I smiled thinly. They looked back and forth between the field and me. Then they nodded their heads with understanding.

"We will come with you." They both stood up and were about to follow me.

"No, you guys stay," I said in a hurry. "I...have...to..meet my store manager." I quickly made up an excuse.

"Are you sure you don't need us?" Oli asked softly.

"Uh-huh." I nodded my head and gave them a reassuring smile. "I will call you guys later."

"Ok." They both agreed.

I looked up at Brant for the last time. He was still watching me. I sighed sadly and left the field.

When I reached the parking lot, I yanked open my car door, climbed up and quickly started the engine. I hit the road and slowly the college building disappeared behind me. I slowly speed up my engine.

Why couldn't I overcome him? He seemed really ok. It felt like I was the only one who....

My bubbles of thought popped up when I heard a honk behind me.

What did I do wrong again this time.....

The impatient honk behind me didn't let me gather my sorrowful thoughts. I signed exhausted.

What was his actual problem?

I slowly stopped my car at the side of the road and got off. It's a BMW bike, and...why did that bike seem so familiar?


I got my answer when the familiar person on that BMW bike quickly removed his helmet.


"Liza, I want to talk." He pleaded earnestly.

"About what?" I crossed my arms over my chest.

"About me...us," he stammered a little.

"About us, what?" I almost scowled at him.

"I love you." He blurted out suddenly.

I was not going to fall for that time....again.

"You told me the same sentence last time, remember?" I was still crossing my arms over my chest. "In the library."

"This time I am sure." He told me with a super serious face, and stepped towards me confidently. I slowly undo my crossed arms as my cheeks slowly heated up by his sudden closeness.

I always went weak whenever he came closer to me.

"This is the first time I am genuinely feeling something like this for someone,....for you. That's why I was confused, but not now." He slowly reached out his gentle hand and affectionately caressed my face with his thumb. "Will you go out with me, Liza?"

I am red as tomatoes right now. I could feel the steam coming out of my baked cheeks.

"Are you sure?" I whispered nervously to make sure.

"Yes." He chuckled delightedly with a low voice. "Will you?"

I couldn't utter any words, so I slowly nodded my head while biting my lower lips. He chuckled and leaned down to......

Kiss me.

Oh my god, oh my god......

I was going to have my first kiss. Did I properly brush my teeth in the morning? Did I use mouthfr.....

Suddenly I could feel the touch of his soft lips on mine and my brain stopped working. My organised mind went blank, and everything else instantly disappeared. The only thing I could feel at that moment was a delicious apple flavour in his mouth.

Yup, I just got my first kiss, and it tasted like an apple.

Author's note:-

My first kiss was tasted like Lindt chocolate.

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