47. Sky Is Pink🦋

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(Warning: The first half of this chapter contains some mature content. Suitable for 18+ readers.)

I opened my eyes carefully and shut them close again, tightly. I had to bite my lips, so I could suppress the screaming of pain. That was the second time I had sex with Ron, and still, the effect was the same or should I say, beyond.

But there was definitely some difference. That night we were so drunk that I couldn't remember everything clearly and we were like some wild animals in heat.

But that time we could feel each other completely. We both desired each other with all of our heart.

I couldn't even open my eyes. I covered my face with both hands and groaned with the pain while massaging my fingers on my temple.

"Ow ow ow! This hurt so much!" I whined.

After a few moments later I could finally calm myself down a little and looked around. Confused. That wasn't my room.

The last thing I recalled clearly we had sex in the bathroom for thrice. And then I passed out. That was Ron's room. I slowly turned around my face to my left side to find Ron, who was awake too. He was staring at me lovingly while laying beside me.

He bit his lower lip. "I know I shouldn't overdo it, but I am not sorry. And I will do it again."

"I know." I laughed while looking at his bright eyes which weren't sorry at all. "I didn't give you any hickeys, but I am damn sure you gave me thousands." I hissed when I turned my body to him out of pain. "Now I have to wear something that can cover up those angry red hickeys, or should I say bite marks. Thanks to you."

"Why do you have to cover them?" He looked confused. "They look beautiful. Every single of them"

"Oh yeah," I hissed with a sarcastic tone. "Thank you for making those beautiful marks."

"You are welcome." He propped up on his elbow and hovered on me seductively. "You know, you can thank me in a better way." He crawled back on top of me as he smirked slyly.

"Noo...no no no...." I tried to push him off vainly, but I didn't have enough strength left. "Ron...I can't anymore."

"Oh come on, One more round won't harm." He grinned temptingly and dropped kisses on my lips.

"Stop.." I tried to free myself from him, but couldn't. He pinned me down hard on the bed. He started to suck my tongue, and I felt numb against him.

I finally gave in and put my hands over him approvingly. He trailed his kisses down to my shoulder and took a deep breath between the crooks of my neck.

"Damn, why do you smell so nice!" he was panting hard. "Your scent always makes me drunk." He started to rub himself slowly between my sensitive thighs, Which were yet to recover from earlier workouts. I could feel his hardness against my softness.

He quickly spread my legs again and led his head towards my entrance. I gasped.

We just did it half an hour ago. He didn't even have to prepare me.

"Let's see how many we can score?" He grinned as he rammed himself in me. He started to pound faster from the start.

Shit! I would be damned.

"Aaaahhhh..!!! Ronnnnn!!!!" I dug my nails deeply on his back.

It would be a miracle if I could make it up one piece at the end of the day.

And then everything went blank.

When I opened my eyes, I could hear some faint voices from the living room. I groaned as I rolled at that super king-size bed. It was already dawn. I reached out and felt an empty cold bed beside me.

Where did Ron go?

But I kind of felt relieved. Ron was just like a hungry beast who suddenly saw some food after a long starvation. His libido power was amazing. My stamina was nothing to match with his.

I slowly got up from the bed and looked around. I didn't have any clothes there. And I couldn't go to my room at that moment. I looked around again and found a pair of off-white trousers and dark blue t-shirt. I picked them up and quickly put them on. The trousers were too long. I had to make three large folds on the waist to make it adjustable. I slowly headed out to the living room.

"That's very kind of you." I heard Stacy's familiar voice. "But still I feel responsible for all of these. I shouldn't leave Mrs Ryan Alone. Every time I shudder whenever I think about that." Her kind voice was filled with guilt.

"Stacy...." Ron was trying to ease her state.

"Stacy!" I said out loudly with happiness when I saw her. She was sitting in the living room with Ron. They were in some deep conversation, I thought, maybe it was about that incident.

"Mrs Ryan." Stacy stood up instantly when she saw me. Ron also got up. I walked to her wearily as I tried to keep my steps steady. She took some big steps and reached me. When she was near enough, I could see her eyes were teared up.

I was wrecked, totally.

"What are you doing here?" I asked her with full concern. "How is your son?"

"He is fine now," she said solemnly. "I am so sorry for all of these. I shouldn't leave you alone. It was all my fault."

"What are you saying!" I smiled indulgently to ease her guilt feelings. "None of us knew that was going to happen. It was an accident." Ron walked towards me and stood beside me. "And look at the bright side. Now we all know what that person really is."

"But, Mrs Ryan...."

"She is right, Stacy," Ron spoke up. "It was not your fault at all. All we could do is now think of that incident as a nightmare and forget about it."

"I.." She was still upset.

"I am hungry." That time I cut her off. "Like really hungry. Do we have any instant Pot noodle packs?" Stacy blinked.

"You are going to eat some instant noodles, when I am standing here, right in front of you?" She asked with a disbelief tone a hint with hurt.

"Oh, you don't have to...." I tried to say something.

"Shut up and sit here." She quickly took off her scarf and headed to the

kitchen. "Just give me a few moments. I will make some corn chowder with pork in no time."

"Thank you. Stacy." I gave her a thumbs up. "You are the best." Stacy disappeared into the kitchen.

"That was quite a nice trick, Mrs Ryan." Ron told me while hugging me from behind. "And I really like your outfit. I wonder where you get them?" He smirked playfully.

"Oh, these belong to Mr Ryan, my husband." I grinned coyly.

"Oh, you are married." He made a fake shock expression. "So, where is he?"

I tiptoed and pecked on his soft lips. "He is standing here, right in front of me."

"Oh, really?" He also pecked on my lips. "Is he kissing you right now?"

"Hmm-mm." I giggled merrily as I answered him.

"Ahem." We both startled when we could hear Stacy clearing her throat. She was standing with two little bowls of chowder in a tray.

"Sorry for disturbing you." She carefully put down those bowls on the coffee table. "I'll just leave them here." She pressed her lips to endure a smile. I instantly went crimson.

"Shit, she saw us." I covered my face with both of my palms. Ron hugged me again lovingly.

"Don't worry, she kinda expects those actions from us." He smirked. "Did you forget about those condoms?"

"Gahh." I gasped when I remembered that she placed condoms. God knows where in that whole house for us to have those types of 'emergencies'.

"Get used to them now, Mrs Ryan." he grinned at me.

I glared at him fakely.


The next morning I got up and looked around confusedly. Where was I?

I turned my head to find Ron was sleeping beside me with a peaceful look on his face. His mouth was slightly open. His one hand was hugging my waist, tightly and securely.

I slowly removed his muscled hand from my body and slowly got up. I tiptoed to the bathroom to take a quick shower. I had to go to my college. I had an ongoing project to catch up. I had countless classes to catch up.

Oh god, I had so many things to catch up on.

When I finished taking a shower, I opened the glass door and stepped out of the enclosure and looked for dry towels. There were some new towels stacking up on the towel stool. Stacy must have taken care of those previous towels. I blushed. I was sure she noticed what we did there.

Oh god, that was so embarrassing.

I knotted my brows. It seemed I was calling god more than usual. I took a towel and carefully wrapped my hair with it. I used another one to wrap myself.

When I walked out from the bathroom Ron was awake and sitting on his bed gracefully.

"I have to go to college today," I said to him. "Are reporters going to make a fuss in front of my college?"

"Don't worry," He said as he leaned to his bedside table and took his phone.

"Let me see what I can do." He smiled fondly.

I smiled back and walked out of the room. I came to my room and changed into some blue jeans and a white t-shirt. When I was brushing my hair. Ron walked into my room leisurely. He was in a black t-shirt and black trousers.

"I talked with Jass. She will handle everything." He walked towards me and stood behind me. "You don't have to worry about anything." He hugged my waist affectionately and leaned a little to kiss on my shoulder softly.

"Thanks." I placed my hands on him and turned my head a little to peck on his lips.

"You should move to the master bedroom with me," he said while still hugging my waist. "That room was for us after all."

I turned around and threw my arms over his broad shoulders. "Hmm, I think I should. But I want to use this room for study. Is that ok?"

"Of course." He pecked on my lips deeply. "Everything here belongs to you. You can do whatever you want to do."

"Is that so." I pointed my index finger on his chest cheekily. "What about you?"

"Only yours." He grinned. "Body and soul."

I giggled gleefully and freed myself from his arms. I slung my backpack over my shoulder and picked up my phone along with my car key.

"Liza," I paused instantly when Ron called out my name. "Can I make one more request to you." He scratched the non-scratchy backside of his head.

"What is it?" I asked casually.

He took out a pair of car keys and dangled it in front of me. "For you."

I took a look at those keys and smiled gaily. "I already have a car." I looked at him. "And it runs fine."

"I know," he smiled shyly. "It was actually a wedding gift from me. I just didn't know how to give it to you. I mean the situation was kinda..."

"You didn't have to," I said with a reminisced tone. "And I didn't prepare anything for you."

"You already gave me the best gift." He smiled warmly at me as he reached out and held my hand. "Please, use it whenever you like to. For me?"

"Ok, fine. I'll take it." It was kinda hard to refuse his earnest request when he was begging like that.

I informed Ian to meet me at the parking lot. Ron accompanied me to the parking lot.

"Good morning Mr and Mrs Ryan." Ian greeted us politely.

"Good morning." I smiled at Ian brightly.

Ron walked to the end of the corner of the parking lot and pressed the key button of the key-chain of a red Porsche Cayenne.

"It looks damn expensive." I looked at him unsure. "I don't know if I can handle it or not."

"Don't worry," Ron said as he kissed my head. "You will get used to these expensive things."

I gave him a disbelieving look.


"Are you alright?" Rose asked me concernedly as soon as I took a seat beside her at our usual spot, coffee shop.

"Yeah," I smiled reassuringly. "I am fine."

"You look terrible with those ghastly bruises on your face," Rose said with a

hurt tone.

"You should see her that night." Oli shook her head. "Believe me, she looks a hundred times better now."

"Oh god." Rose shuddered a little at that thought.

"But," Oli squinted her eyes at me, "I could see some new marks which weren't there that time." She placed her index finger on her neck and pointed at my neck with her chin.

I quickly cover them up.

"Somebody had some passionate night," Rose smirked as she sipped her coffee.

"There are some bug bites," I said quietly.

"I was expecting something better from you," Oli said with a flat tone. "But I guess I shouldn't."

"Ok fine." I finally gave in. "I had sex with Ron."

"Finally!!" Rose rolled her eyes. "And here my precious cherry is rotting untouched."

"Gross!!" I made a disgusting face.

"You should also ask Ian to take care of yours." Oli grinned at Rose amused.

"Oh yeah!" Rose smirked mockingly. "Did you ask David to pop yours?"

"Fuck you!" Oli glared at her. We all started to laugh.


"So, I heard the news yesterday," My lab partner Mia whispered softly in between our class. "Are you alright?" Rose and Oli had Zoology as their general subject. We shared it sometimes, not all the time.

"Yeah, I am fine." I gave her a firm smile.

"So, what happened actually?" she asked again. Before I could answer her, our department head Mr Jones called out to all of us.

"Okay, everyone." Mr Jones tried to gather our proper attention. "This year we decided to do our final project on a particular tropical animal. So, we need you guys to select a tropical animal." The whole class instantly started to murmur. "Don't worry, we have an idea. We are going to give some names of animals. You guys choose one between them and write it down on a piece of paper."

Mr Jones turned around and wrote down a few animal names on the board. I quickly swiped my eyes on the names. Tiger, Lion, Cheetah, Bear, Elephant and Sambar.

"They are all mammal species." Mia murmured. I raised my hand.

"Yes, Miss Davies." Mr Jones permitted me to ask. I didn't change my surname in college even after marriage. They were still using my maiden name.

"Why only mammals?" I asked curiously.

"We decided this year we will focus on only mammals." Mr Jones answered. I nodded my head and sat down. My other classmate Tony raised his hand.

"What about reptiles." He asked wonderingly.

Oh god, please no.

"Maybe next year." Mr Jones smiled.

I took out my phone silently and messaged our group.

"Did you guys hear about the project?"

"Yes."- Rose

"Yeah."- Oli

"What animal are you going to choose?"

"Dunno, maybe the tiger."- Oli

"Tiger."- Rose

"Cool, me too." I typed my answer.


Ian first got off from the elevator and quickly security checked that place and nodded me to get off.

"Good night, Ian," I told Ian as I stepped out of the elevator. He also got out with me.

"Good night, Mrs Ryan." He nodded his head gently as he pressed the elevator button.

"Good evening Mrs Ryan." Stacy greeted me radiantly as soon as she saw me.

"How was your day?"

"It was good," I said as I removed my shoes promptly and threw my backpack at the couch.

"We have guests," she informed me.

"Who?" I asked carelessly.

"Your parents and your brother."

I quickly walked to the living room to see that mom, dad and Arthur were eagerly waiting for me on the couch. Ron was sitting with them. They instantly stood up when they saw me.

"Mom! Dad!" I almost ran to them. They both caught me in their arms with a warm hug.

"Oh, sweetheart," Mom's voice sounded like she almost cried when she took a good look at those bruises on my face. "We are so sorry." Dad just hugged us

both tightly.

"We were so worried," mom said. "We wanted to come over yesterday. But we thought it would give you extra problems because of those reporters."

"It's ok," I told them smilingly. "I am fine now. I missed you guys so much."

"We are too dear." Dad cautiously rubbed his fingers on my bruises. "We too."

When they calmed down a little they started to talk with Ron.

Arthur got up from his sitting position and sat beside me.

"Hey!" He said as he engulfed me in his huge arms. "You okay?"

"Yeah," I said quietly.

"You should kick his nuts." He said angrily as he was staring at my bruises.

"I didn't get any chances." I smiled proudly. "But I gave him a few punches."

"Wow, I am so proud of you." He smiled contentedly.

"And Ron broke all the fingers of his right hand and smashed his face into pulp." Arthur's eyes widened with shock.

"He did?" He asked wonderingly as he looked over his shoulder to see Ron. Ron was talking with a calm expression on his face.

"That's so cool!" He looked at me with a disbelieving look. "It is quite hard to believe something from that guy."

"Yeah." I looked at Ron lovingly. "I also didn't think I could see that side of him." I smiled unconsciously.

"You are happy, right?" Arthur asked me with a deep tone while placing his hand over mine. I held his hand back.

"Yeah, I am," I answered pleasantly. "I have never been this happy before." I smiled contented.


Author's Note:

Wassup guys?? So I made a new cover for the story. 😎(I'm so proud of my self)

Tell me what do you guys think about the new cover? Comment your feedback because I love reading your comments.😍

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