6. Soccer🦋

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The next day, for the first time in my life, I didn't shut off my alarm and got up earlier than usual.

In fact I was already awake before the alarm could produce any sound.

I always had a bad reputation for not being a morning person, and I never tried to get rid of that habit of mine. I love sleeping. Until noon if possible. But that day early in the morning my eyes flew open suddenly, and I couldn't sleep anymore.

I was actually waiting for my alarm to wake up.

I got up and started to scratch my super tangled hair as I slowly rubbed my eyes.

"Mmmm...." I stretched my arms and loosened my muscles. I went to the bathroom and took a long relaxing shower. I got pretty much more time than usual. Why not enjoy things slowly?

I opened my wardrobe and put on a pair of sea-blue jeans and a light purple t-shirt. I slung my backpack over my shoulder and picked up my phone. I checked myself in the mirror before heading downstairs. Everyone was eating in the kitchen. I pulled out a chair and sat down.

"Good morning everyone." I greeted everyone. I picked up a half eaten hashbrown from Arthur's plate and started to nibble on it. Arthur glared at me.

"Good morning honey, how was your dinner party last night?" Mom pushed a plate towards me and poured some orange juice in my glass. I picked up my fork and stabbed a mushroom on my plate.

There was no way I could let her know that it wasn't just a simple dinner party but a gala. She would get more things to say about my last night dressing up.

"Yeah, It was good." I lied to her smoothly and started to chew my bacon.

"Hmm mm." Mom nodded her head while sipping her coffee. "Did you meet Oli's cousin?"

"Yeah," Arthur tried to steal a sausage from my plate. I slapped his hand away. When mom got herself busy with her black coffee I slowly straightened up on my seat.

"Umm, Dad," I called out dad very quietly with a nervous tone.

"Yes, honey." Dad looked up from his phone to me. Mom and Arthur also focused their attention on me.

"I need a car," I said out while looking down at my plate, "I have little savings from my old part-time job and the current job." I hurriedly added.

Dad and mom looked at each other for a moment, then dad cleared his throat, "Yeah, you should have a car on your own, now." He picked up his coffee. "Do you have any preferred model or brand in your mind?"

"I am ok with any brand as long as it is a pick-up car," I released a relieved sigh as I answered cheerfully. "And dad I am ok with a used one."

Arthur suddenly started to laugh hilariously. So hard, he almost choked on his food. When we all turned to him He stopped her laughing by force.

"Sorry, I just thought that only a pickup car would go with your dress sense." And again started to laugh savagely. Mom and dad also started to laugh gaily.

This little brat....

Mom raised her fist with a grin on her face. "Can I get a fist bump?" Arthur closed her fist with his while laughing. I rolled my eyes. Those people had nothing important to do in their life. I looked at dad.

Dad quickly stopped his laughing and composed a serious face. He turned to me. "Ok, I will check online, I am sure we will find something for you." He smiled indulgently.

"Thanks, Dad," I said gleefully and jumped up to kiss him. I finished my breakfast quickly and headed out.


When I reached college, I met Rose at our usual coffee shop. I glared at her angrily and took the seat opposite her.

"What did I do last night?" Rose asked me as soon as she saw my grumpy expression. I gaped at her.

"You don't remember! Seriously!" I asked her with a disbelieving look.

"No." She shook her head. "I was out. Like completely. "

"Anyone would, who took so many shots." I scoffed mockingly.

"Just tell me, what did I do last night?" She asked me impatiently.

"Nothing." I grumpily told her.

"Then, why are you angry?" She looked completely dumbfounded. I shook my head.

Rose was beyond her dumbness.

"You just took countless shots and passed out, and did nothing, that's why I'm angry, do you get it?!"

She blinked for a few moments and took some time to digest everything.

"Liza, I am sorry." Her eyes were brimming with guilt.

"Do you know what really just got me about that whole thing?" I looked at her grimly. I just remembered the most pissed off part of last night. "That blonde."

Rose looked at me super confused. I continued my ranting like a little kid. "The whole time the only thing she just did was touching Ron while dressed like a hooker. And you know what, when Ron offered me to drop off she opposed so strongly. Like who did she think of herself, huh?" I was sure some hot steam was coming out from my ears.

"Ron dropped you off?" Rose asked me in a surprised tone with a hint of jealousy.

"Really, now you are jealous of me, not that blonde." I looked sourly at her with an un-amused expression.

"Well, I can't help it." Rose pouted.

"Sorry, but you asked for it," I told her and got up from our seat.

"Wait." She also got up with her coffee and followed me hurriedly.

We lazily walked to the college front gate.

"Where is Oli?" I asked Rose.

"Dunno." She checked her phone. "She should be here by now."

Suddenly there was a blue Porsche car parked in front of us. We both looked at the car with shocked expressions. I didn't know someone in our college had this expensive car.

And to our surprise, Oli climbed out from the passenger seat and... Ron got out of the driver's seat.

What was he doing with Oli? A jaunty wave of murmur rose among the people who were standing there at that moment.

Well, I couldn't blame them.

Ron was looking super handsome, with his tousled chocolatey hair and in his bottom green chunky-knit sweater, jeans and chocolate brown walking boots, with dark grey sunglasses.

"Hi." He smiled warmly at us as he removed his glasses.

"Hi, Ron! What a pleasant surprise!" Rose greeted him with a super cheery tone. Ron just made her day. "What are you doing here?"

"I was just free, so I just gave her a ride." He looked sheepishly to us.

"That's really sweet," Rose said with a dreamy tone. I tilted my head, that was too sweet to digest.

I slowly looked at the heart-shaped orbs on Rose's eyes then turned to Ron.

"Just go away now. Your fucking car is getting us too much attention. Shoo." Oli shushed Ron in an irritated tone.

Ron rolled his eyes.

"You are welcome." He got in the car and started the engine. He peeked from the window, "Bye Guys, see you later. He swayed his hand to us and drove away.

"Well, well, well." I turned to Oli with a super amused expression. "Such a lovely brother you have there."

Oli raised her both hands in the air.

"I know it's very fancy."

"Let's head to the class." I suggested. "We will be late."

"What happened to your car?" I asked her while we were sitting down on our seats in the classroom.

"I have no clue. Until yesterday it was doing fine. When I was ready to leave for college, it just didn't want to come with me. I guess. Ron said he would take a look," Oli told us.

"So, Ron will pick you up?" Rose asked her with a super excited tone. Oli nodded her head. That entire day Rose spoke our ear off how happy she was.


"Hey, are you guys free?" Oli asked us when all our classes had ended.

"Yeah, I am free," I replied to her and looked at Rose.

"Yeah, I am also free." She answered as she checked herself on her phone screen. "Tsk, I didn't bring my foundation today."

"Today we are having an inter-college football match," Oli told us. "I am thinking about going. If you guys are free, you can tag along."

Oh, sometimes I forgot that she played soccer.

And as for me, I didn't understand a single thing about soccer, but I and Rose always accompanied her to practice or any match.

"Sure, why not." I pointed my both indexes to her. "Popcorn on you."

"Fine." Oli rolled her eyes.

We reached the college ground, and my mouth gaped wide open. I thought the whole college gathered here, and the maximum number of the audience was...girls. I never saw so many girls before for a football match. Wow, it felt like I was the only girl who didn't like soccer in the whole world.

"Why are so many girls suddenly so interested in soccer today?" I casually asked Oli, while looking around with a shocked expression.

"I never saw so many girls before for a soccer match."

"Because Brant is playing today," Oli answered me with a flat tone as she handed me a popcorn bowl.

"Who is Brant?" I asked her again as I accepted the paper bowl from her.

"I can't believe you. You don't know Brant!" Suddenly a girl beside me gasped with shock.

"Umm, well no. But should I?" I asked her, unsure as I put some popcorn in my mouth. "Popcorn?" I offered her some. She seemed friendly.

"Of course, you should!" She said to me with a disbelief tone as she completely ignored my offer. I thought I did something very terrible by not acknowledging that 'Brant' guy.

"Ok, who is Brant?" I asked her with an uninterested tone.

"Oh, Brant," her eyes instantly turned dreamy. "He is the most handsome, most attractive, super cool, super hot person in our whole college, and he is the soccer team captain too." she suddenly shouted, "look there he is!"

I abruptly turned to see that Brant guy and instantly stopped chewing my popcorn. Holy moly cow!


Just look at his magnificent height, his sculpted body, his divine eyes, his lovely hair, his stunning smile, his......

"HE IS HANDSOME," I shouted back at that girl. She smiled back at me.

"I know right."

"WATCH OUT." Suddenly there was a loud voice, and I turned to find out, a flying soccer ball was coming towards me.

Oh no...


With a loud noise, the ball hit my face. I completely lost my balance and fell backward. The paper bowl full with popcorn flew in the air asI hit the ground with a loud thud. Everyone around me gasped, and my friends tried to hold me up. I could feel my nose start to bleed, and my vision blurred. Suddenly I felt someone hefted me up and shifted me to a less crowded place. That person placed me gently on a bench. Slowly my vision started to clear, and I looked up to see... Brant. My nose bleed got worse. Oli hurriedly took out some tissues for me from her backpack and reached them out to me. Brant took them from her and pressed it gently on my nose.

"Are you alright?" He asked me worriedly with a pang of guilt in his tone.

Oh god, it was illegal to be that handsome!

I couldn't get any words out of my mouth, so I just nodded my head. I took the tissue paper from his hand.

"That's good to hear." He gave me a radiant smile.

Oh what a beautiful pattern of teeth he had!

"I am really sorry, umm..."

"Mona Lisa, Mona Lisa Davies," I quickly introduced myself to him.

"Hi, my name is Brandon." He again flashed his bright smile to me.

Oh dear god, was I in eternal heaven?

We stared into each other's eyes for a few precious seconds.

"Hey, Brant hurry up!" Some of his teammates called him.

"Yes, coming." Brant got up and was ready to leave.

"Bye, Mona Lisa." He jogged to the field. I was watching his back as he was leaving. Suddenly he paused and turned abruptly and met my eyes. "I will See you around."

"Yeah, See you around." I choked out.

He smiled and left. That whole time I was in a completely dazed state. I looked at my friends. They were looking back and forth between leaving Brant and me.

"Oli, I just realised something." I was still dazed.

"What?" Oli asked me curiously. Rose was grinning.

"Soccer is a beautiful game, and I really love it." I was still looking at the way Brant left.               **************

Author's Note:

Soccer is indeed a beautiful game, in many ways...

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