Chapter 2- You Have My Word

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"Well...I will tell you...Urmila...As you know I am the third son of my father and I have three brothers. Shatrughan my younger twin, Bharath my elder brother and Ram the eldest one...We share a wonderful bond...I love them the most...But in the case of Ram bhayia(brother)... he is actually more than a brother to me...He is my father , my mother,  my teacher, my friend and my soul...He was there in all my needs...He can solve all my problems...He can sense all my feelings, He can control my worst temper too, and..."

Urmila had a little smile on her face...  

"You are very childish Lakshman...An elder sibling is always like that...If any one asked me about my didi(sister) Sita, I will share the same things that you said about Ram bhayia."

Lakshman too smiled and nodded his head to agree with her.

"They are perfect pair. Meant to be together..."

"And a match made by heaven..."  Urmila completed Lakshman's sentence. Then waited for him to continue his narration.

But Lakshman was lost in his inner world. He was standing there like a statue. 

"I hope you are here..." she said in a little loud voice.

"Umm...What...! "

"I think a warrior can not be a day dreamer, at least never in the middle of a forest..."

At the very next moment after her words, Urmila witnessed the change happened to him...There were tears on his eyes, and his face reflected the pain of his heart.

He was murmuring over his breath.

"You are correct...I am such a fool to do that...I always react with my anger...I...I just failed...I just failed as a brother that day...I am sorry ,bhaiya...I..."

Urmila placed her hand over his shoulder. 'He is suffering from something in his mind.' She thought.

Her touch called him back to the real world. He replied with a stiff voice.

"I have a decision. I will be with my bhayia until my last breath. I will care him like a parent, serve him like a servant, love him like a brother and protect him from all dangers like a shield. That is my only goal. He will be the first one in my life , always..."

Lakshman took a pause and looked directly in to her eyes. But opposite to his expectation there were no fear. Her eyes were filled with understanding and love. They made him calm , just like his brother's... 

"I know what a wife or a lover expect from her life partner...Sharing your life means making your first priority...A good husband will always be there for his love, he will always care her...And in our case you are a princess, if you married never will be a queen, I mean, I never will be a king myself."

"Leave your second point Lakshman...I am daughter of Janaka. He taught me to prefer my feelings and self pride over money and royal highness."

"I am really sorry...I didn't mean that...I am not good with words..."

"You are 'terribly' correct this time..." Urmila suppressed her smile.

"I will clear my point. I can't be always with you after our marriage. I can't make you my first priority. I can't take any relations which may affect my duties towards my bhaiya...I never thought about a marriage before meeting you...I can't see your heart breaking...So choose someone over me...I will be glad to see you leading a blessed marital life...Love is not a gain always...Sometimes it is better to lose you...My Love..." 

Urmila's heart skipped a beat...He was directly sharing his feelings with her. He was unable to coat his words with sugar, some people may find them as rude and arrogant. But at the moment when Lakshman called her 'My Love...' Urmila decided her future. She can't lose him, at any cost...

"I am not lying now...I love you, you are the only girl I want in my life. But..."

"Then make me yours...Laksh..."

Lakshman couldn't believe what he heard. He never expected this type of answer from her.

"I know how much you love Ram bhaiya...I am very happy for that...My didi is blessed, you will be a wonderful devar(brother-in-law)...And in my case, why are you thinking I will be hurt when you prefer our bhaiya over me...Love is a simple thing Lakshman...Don't make it complicated...When I told you that I am ready to be yours, that means I am ready to accept all of your priorities , missions, happiness and sorrows too...I need you in my life...I love you..."

Lakshman closed his eyes...Now she is with him, he won't be alone anymore...

"I am not asking you to give me your entire heart. You already been my heart...And as your lover I am promising you, I will never come between you and Ram bhaiya...I will never be an obstacle in your path...YOU HAVE MY WORD...My Laksh..."

"You are my world...My Mila..."

"Mila...nice...usually I am called Urmi by everyone..."

"Well, but I am not like know that..." He replied with a mischievous grin...

Urmila blushed a little..."You can be romantic too!"

"Why not..." Lakshman widened his eyes. "I am not a boring person..."

"Then prove it later not now..." Urmila replied and ran back to the palace like a happy child.

Lakshman looked at her and smiled. She was the missing piece of his soul...And now he is complete...

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