Chapter 9 - The Princes

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19 years back...

"Meghnadh... My son... Where are you?"

Mandodhari was searching her son for a long time but he was nowhere.

Suddenly she heard the sharp sound of a sword from Ravana's room in which he kept all his weapons with 'Chandrahasa'.

Mandodhari ran towards the room and opened the golden doors with a forceful push.

The sight of her four year old son smiling at her with 'Chandrahasa' on his hands gave her a deep shock.

It was unbelievable... It was Ravana's sword... A divine weapon he gained from Mahadeva...

"Maa... I am looking like father,  aren't I?"

Mandodhari was not fully recovered from the shock. But she smiled and nodded.

"Of course, my boy..."

Ravana said standing at the door.

"Pithajii..." Meghnadh ran towards his father but Ravana stopped him by raising his hand.

"First put the weapon on the table... It is not an ordinary one"

"Yes sure." Meghnadh placed the sword on the table respectfully and whispered a prayer of Lord Shiva.

Mandodhari stared Ravana with widend eyes. He was neither surprised nor shocked.

He smiled and said to her. "He is capable... I know that..."

Ravana hugged little Meghnadh with a pride filled heart.

"My son, my prince...I am sure, you will be the king of the entire world... The saviour for asuras and the villain for devas and human clan."

Ravana's hearty laugh filled the room with its echo. Little Meghnadh couldn't understand the full meaning of his father's words but he placed a kiss on his bearded cheek and giggled.

Mandodhari's smile vanished immediately. Her mind was filled with an unknown fear.

"If there is a villain, there must be a Hero "


"How is Sumitra ? Is she fine...And what about the baby?"

Raja Dasharadh couldn't mask his worry.

The Vaidhya raj (royal doctor) didn't have the courage to look into the King's eyes.

"Maharaj... not baby, but babies. They are twins and that makes the delivery more complicated. We have a single option left with us... "

 "What do you mean Vaidhya raj? "

Vaidhya raj closed his eyes to gain some courage. He was speaking about the prince of Ayodhya, no matter is he born or not, but he is the prince.

"We can't save the queen and the two babies simultaneously...The first one is little weak I think, it seems like he may not succeed... So it is better to save the latter and the queen" 

Dasharadh's heart skipped a beat at that moment. But before he could react he heard a loud yell.


Three year old Ram stood before him. His little soul was burning with an uncontrollable rage.

"You are utterly wrong Vaidhya raj... My brother is the strongest one... He will enter in this world for me... He know his Ram bhaiya is waiting for him..."

At the moment when Ram completed his words they heard the cry of a baby. A loud and powerful cry.

"Thank God" exclaimed the Vaidhya raj and ran towards queen's chamber.

Dasharadh looked at Ram with amazed eyes while Ram smiled back.

"I think your second younger brother will always obey you ! He already proved it."

"Yes pithashree... He will. Not only he, but all my brothers will obey me" Replied Ram and hugged the two year old Bharath who was sitting near them.

Dasharadh thanked the God for blessing him with his sons. His elder two were very calm and composed. Even though they were a bit restless because of the absence of their three mothers, they never complained about it. They just sat together, holding their little hands. It was very special, especially in this small age.

After three minutes they heard another cry.

Kausalya and Kaikeyi came from the chamber carrying Lakshman and Shatrughan respectively in their arms, covered with white coloured royal silk. Shatrughan was sleeping with a cute smile while his elder twin glared everyone with his deep dark eyes... 

Raja Dasharadh slowly touched the baby.

Kausalya smiled and whispered...

"My Lakshman...Meet your father..."

Dasharadh sat on the chair and placed his little princes on his lap.

"I am the happiest man in the world..."

 "Maa... These babies are our little brothers... They are so cute." Said Bharath while running his tiny fingers through the rose coloured cheeks of the youngest one...

Ram slowly picked Lakshman with his small hands.

"Ram... Careful... He is a new born baby... It may hurt him..." Warned Kausalya.

Ram kissed his brother and cradled him. " I won't let anyone or anything to hurt my baby brother, Maa... I am his Ram bhaiya and he is my Lakshman..."

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