Prologue:The First boy in this world

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??? POV

Darkness, that's all i see, i don't know who i am, what am i.

and then I open my eyes

I saw 3 man who is looking at me and I heard them saying.

Man 1: The project have finally been achieve.

Man 2: We can have the advantage, we got the perfect weapon, we can...

The man next to him stop him.

Man 3: Use him as a weapon, are you two insane, look at him, he is alive, you cannot do that, you can't force him to do what you want.

Man 1: He is not alive, it's a goddamn ship, he has been created to obey us, fight for us, to be the ultimate weapons of omegasis.

My eyes widen, I was created to be a weapon for what purpose do i have to fight.

Man 3: Do you know,  who created this project omegasis?

Man 2: I don't know and I don't care, we created him, now will use him, we will beat him if he don't want to obey us and it's certainly not you who will stop us old man.

Man 3: Not me, but them will.

A group of man break in the room and I saw them with strange devices maybe a weapon they used and they point they their devices on the 2 man.

Man 3: I am the one who created the project omegasis and it's not you two bastards who will use my creation for your gain. NOW GET OUT!!!


The man understand and take the two man away who break in the room.

Creator: Take them.

As the group of man take the 2 man while they tried to get out of their grip, my creator kneels in front of me, I asked.

???: Who are you ?

Creator: You are Y/n Omegasis, an Mega Aircraft carrier Warship of the Azur Lane, more precisely your a hybrid of a human and juubi kitsune with siren powers and the ability to change your eyes in which base your into.

So my name is Y/n, he say I got tails and siren powers so i looked behind me and I saw he is right that i have ten tails and looked in the mirror that my eye changed as well to beast, Devil, Knight, and Eagle Eye and i touched my head to feel two fox ears and when i change my eyes my ears are gone and I looked at him and I asked.

Y/n: What am I to you Creator ?

Creator: Some people would say, you're my creation but I think I would say that you are my son I never have, so you can called me father.

Then i hugged him.

Y/n: Okay Father.

He hug me in return.

I shake my head, my father the stop hugging and took my hand leading to the outside world.

Years Later

Y/n Pov

I run to the hospital, where my father is , for humans I look have got 17 to 18 years old but I have been 19, I then arrived in the room where my father is and  I saw him with a white skin.

Y/n: FATHER!!! What happened to you?

My dad smile at me.

Father: I guess this is the end for me.

My eyes widen.

Y/n: W-What do you say?

Father: I'm too old, i'm gonna die, that's the destiny of all humans that aged this years.

Y/n: But father, i don't want you to die, I don't know what i will do without you.

My dad squeeze my hand tightly.

Father: Don't say that my boy, you are my son and finally grown up, I know you will do great things in your life without me and remember Y/n "You will be the one to decide your faith".

I look at Father with tears in my eyes 

Y/n: I will father, i promise.

Father: Know this my son, even death I will be always be with you, my...boy.

I sense his grip loosen.

Y/n: Father ?

I push him slightly, he didn't react.

Y/n: FATHER!!!!

I started to cry while screaming, in pain, everyone in the hospital could hear my pain.

Days Later

Y/n Pov

Days passed since my father dies, I'm at his burial with his family, friends and colleagues, everyone said his condolences to his family but the more were to me because I was his only son, he didn't have wife or family to be with him, he only got me, his creation he called son.

I was about to leave when i stopped by one of his colleague who the name is Mace.

Mace: Y/n, can you come with me for moment.

I then follow him during the march I haven't talk much at least when we arrived in front of the house.

Mace: You know, your father, have created more of you.

I look at him.

Y/n: More of me ?

Mace: Yes you are the only shipboy but they are shipgirls as well.

My eyes widen, then I open the door and I saw lots of cradle each of them bare each faction.

Mace: This is his legacy to create all of you to fight and save the world.

Note: Enterprise, Bismarck, Hood and Amagi will have the same age  but the eldest sister will be the first created then the 2nd sister and the 3rd sister. Plus amagi is still alive and she will not cough. But also you have only 13 sisters in each faction, but the new one's didn't know you or your legacy.

Y/n: Who are they ?

Mace: The one in the left is Enterprise and the other on the left is Bismarck, the one beside bismarck is hood and finally the one beside enterprise is Amagi.

I look at them and then suddenly their eyes open, their beautiful eyes look at me curiosity, then transformed to kitsune form and give one of my tails and.

Y/n: Hello my dear sisters.

I smile when I saw them playing with my tail in joy, I look to mace and he is smiling at me.

Mace: Your father was certain you will choose them as your little sisters.

Y/n: My father know me really good but that is not the reason I will be a big brother figure to others but i will be a big brother of them, can i take them to my house.

Mace: Of course, a hybrid human kitsune never be in the same place.

I laugh because i know its true about myself a lot, I look at him and leave then I look at my new sisters.

Y/n: It's time to say hello to your new home my young sisters.

I saw them smile at me and I amagi yawn and the three other yawn as well and they fell asleep.

I take the cradle and take them with me to my house.

Years Later

I was outside of azur lane base and I was playing with my harmonica(Orbnica) singing a song.

When i finish the song I heard of the applause of every shipgirls and inside there was my 4 little sisters.

Every shipgirls in 4 faction: It was great onii-sama/big brother.

Y/n: Thank you evryone, I will do another song tonight before we will all sleep.

Every shirpgirls in 4 faction: Thank you, Onii-sam/Big brother.

They all leave, the only ones who haven't left were my sisters with shoukaku, takao, cleveland, belfast and tirpitz.

Akagi: Onii-sama

3 of them: Big brother.

Y/n: Yes, akagi, enterprise, hood and bismarck.

Akagi: Shoukaku and Takao want to ask you something.

Enterprise: Cleveland too.

Bismarck: Tirpitz as well.

Hood: And belfast too.

I look at shoukaku, takao, cleveland, belfast and tirpitz.

Y/n:*smile gently* What do you want Shoukaku, takao, cleveland, belfast and tirpitz?

Shoukaku: C-can you teach me how to play the flute onii-sama.

Takao: Can you teach me swordmanship with you onii-sama.

Cleveland: Big bro can you make a cool cloak just like the one you used in battle.

Belfast: Can you show me how to be a perfect maid big brother.

Tirpitz: Big brother can you make a flag for both of us with bismarck.

I patted their heads.

Y/n: Of course I will everyday at 15pm I will teach you and takao your training with will be noon to teach you the "Way of the swordman" and tirpitz and bismarck i will gladly make you two a flag for each of you ok and finally belfast i will show how to be a proper maid and.

Give shoukaku a flute and Cleveland a new cloak.

 Y/n: This is a gift from me okay you two, and also cleveland i have 3 more cloaks for your sisters you know.

Shoukaku: Thank you Onii-sama.

Cleveland: Thanks big bro and i will give them these cloaks you made for us.

They all leave and look at 4 sisters.

Y/n: How are my sisters doing ?

They hugged me.

Enterprise/Bismarck/Hood/Amagi: We are good Onii-sama/Big Brother.

Then I spent the day with my sisters walking in the garden i made, as i promised I play with harmonica and I and my sisters go to sleep.

When i was about to go sleep I heard a door opening to see my sisters at the door.

Amagi: Onii-sama can we sleep with you.

I smiled at them.

Y/n: Of course you can sleep with me.

They all got in my bed and i used my sirens power to put a blanket pillow to hug them when they sleep, I decided to sleep as well.

Years Later

Now all the shipgirls arrived at the age of 18 years old, they were doing their life but their peaceful time were interrupted by commander mace in depressed and tell them that their brother Y/n omagesis is gone.

Everyone widen including enterprise, bismarck, hood, and amagi. But then enterprise walk in front of the commander asking him.

Enterprise: This can be commander tell me this isn't a joke.

Mace stayed silent knowing its true that their brother is gone. Bismarck, Hood and Amagi approach them and ask.

Bismarck: Please commander this isn't real.

Mace: I'm sorry you 4 for but that's all i can tell you. He fought against the sirens till the very end and found this.

Every shipgirls were shocked seeing the commander found during his search for him is a damaged USS Bow, Broken Flag pole with ironblood symbol on it, Damage, rusty sword, and a burning paper plane. Enterprise, Bismarck, Hood, and Amagi wear in tears seeing this weapons belong to their older brother, Then commander mace approach them and said.

Mace: You're brother will be proud of you girls are finally grown to become strong fighters to defeat the sirens and save humanity just like your brother did for us.

Mace: He told me this to you his sisters that "You will be the one to decide your faith".

Every shipgirls hearing what the commander have told them including enterprise, bismark, hood and amagi to  fight just like their brother. So enterprise took the damaged USS Bow, Bisamarck took the damaged Flag pole, Hood take the sword and finally Amagi took the Paper plane and everyone were crying knowing that their brother is really gone.

But what they didn't know that their brother will soon return again.

(A/n: Sorry guys for the late update of this story and once again i can finally have my break of all the college works i've been through a lot. If you enjoy this book and please no negative comments on this and i hope you enjoy)

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