CHRISTMAS SPECIAL: 5 Little Miracles, Part 2

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PREVIOUSLY on The Brozone Chronicles Christmas Special! ..if you care to recap for the next fifteen seconds! :D


The boys had just got done having a huge fight after their rehearsals for their big Christmas performance hadn't gone so well, leaving poor little Floyd to run away into his own solitude with his song alone (well, technically not alone since Branch was there with him)

But after an encounter with an elf and Santa Claus himself, he is about to on an important journey of discovery and cHaRaCter dEvLoPmeNt in order to be able to make things right with his family in time for the holidays!

On the other hand, Grandma and the brothers soon discover that the two are missing and stop at nothing to set out and find them

All that we need to know now is.. how will both journeys go for both parties?

Let us watch and see


F: singing while swaying his head happily

There's nothing to see here now 🎶

Turning the sun around 🎶

We're closed to the earth til furtherrr.. notice 🎶

B: bopping his head along

A stumbling cliched case 🎶

Crumpled and puffy faced 🎶

And dead in the stare of a thooouuusand miles 🎶

Santa: staring at him while flying at the same time, concerned

All I want, only one, street-level miracle 🎶

I'll be an out-in-out, born-again, from none more cynical 🎶

N: blinks ...does he know what he's singing-

Santa: Uh, Floyd, son-

F: rises up in his seat and sings louder

Everybody saaaayssss 🎶

F: rests his palms against the front of the sleigh and hits a note

That time heals everythinggggg 🎶

F: slides away from the front and does a little slow motion spin

All in the endddd! 🎶

What of the wretched holloooooow? 🎶

The endless in-between? 🎶

Are we just going to wait it out? 🎶

B: dances in his seat while smiling

F: picks up Branch while singing dramatically

Sit here COLDDDD 🎶

N: ...are these kids OKAY???

Santa: ...uh- uh, Floyd, Floyd-

We'll be long gone by then! 🎶

Santa: looking over every so often Floyddddd-

In lacklusTE-🎶

Santa: FLOYD-

F: WOAH- falls back

F: pops right back up with a smile Yes Mr. Santa??

S: Are.. are you alright-

F: Mhm! Fine! Why ask? climbs back into his seat, Branch following

S: Well.. the song you were singing was uh.. very.. unhappy-

F: ....OOOOOHHH, that? Yea I just like to finish the songs I was singing before!

N: ....okay so he's not okay-

F: Well.. I wasn't okay before, but I'm a little better now!

Santa: Ah, I see.. well, how about we still try going into something more positive?

F: nod Okay!! Uhmmm.. how about another song!

N: NO-

F: I meant a happy one-!

N: NO!

F: .....a christmas song-?

N: NO!!


F: turns to look at them Why?!

N: No more songs!!

F: But trolls like to sing!!

N: ...I'm an elf..

F: Ehmm.. same thing?

N: No.. no it's not- you didn't even know what I was until I told you-

Santa: Hohoh chuckles come on Nedaj ol' Santa knows that you love to sing yourself a song or two, elves like to sing just as much as trolls do after all!

F: gaaaaasp they do?!

N: DO NOT EXPOSE ME TO THE CHILD- and I only sing when I'm in a good mood which is not now!!

F: taps his fingers hearing that

F: Uhmm.. is it my fault?

N: looks over at him, pausing for a second after seeing his expression and hearing his tone and then sighs, leaning back

N: Nooo, I'm just cold mumbles

F: Oh turns back around

Santa: smiles down at Floyd and says quietly Nedaj is usually always in better moods, I think the sad song just deterred him a bit, he's really just not a fan of the cold at all, even though we live in the North Pole so it's kind of ironic chuckles

F: Hehe smiles up at him

Santa: pats his head So how about my letter hm?

F: Your.. letter? tilts his head

Santa: I see a paper sticking out of your hair with my name and 'letter' on it, I'm assuming that's for me?

F: Huh?? looks up and sees his letter for Santa sticking out of his hair

F: Oh woah! takes it out before the wind can blow it away I thought I put this away! I guess not-

Santa: chuckles Well I would say it's perfect timing

F: nods it is!

F: gently taps his fingers on the paper while staring down at it shyly

F: Do you.. wanna.. read it?

Santa: What a silly question! Of course I do!

F: YAY! is about to hand it to him but then pulls it back

F: Oh wait, you're flying, I don't want you to crash!

Santa: chuckles Sweet boy, I can do both really!

F: No no, I'll just have Nedaj read it for you!

N: I never learned to read-

F: .......... giggles You're so silly!

F: hands him the paper Here!

N: ..I was hoping you'd think I was serious.. takes the paper and reads it, sighing

"Dear Santa.. all I want for Christmas is for my family to be happy.. my brothers have been fighting a lot lately, and I think Grandma has been getting stressed.. I tried convincing John to let us sing my song, but he won't let me.. and I don't wanna argue with him
If you can make both of these wishes come true, that would be the greatest Christmas ever!
Loveeee, Floyd"

Santa: Oh, Floyd.. that's.. that's so lovely! I'm very touched to hear this, family is always very important

F: smiles wide, taking his paper back Thank you Nedaj!

N: Yeah yeah-

F: puts the paper away in his hair again

Santa: I hear there was a song as well?

F: Oh yeah! It's right in he- digs in his pocket only to feel it not in there

F: Wh.. where.. where is it?!! digs in both of his coat pockets

F: looks over at Branch Branch do you have it?!

B: shakes his head

F: inhales and exhales quickly I know it was in my pocket when I left! Oh nooooo I can't believe I lost it!!

Santa: Hey hey, no worries! We can always look for it later!

F: sighs Yeah, okay.. I think I can remember it from memory anyway, how about I sing it??

Santa: Blow me away!

N: Ironic to say with how windy it is right now-

Floyd would happily begin to sing his song for Santa, singing most of everything that he could remember from the top of his head and more

N: That was.. actually really good-

Santa: You wrote that?? Well well now.. aren't you just so very talented!

F: Hehe, thanks Santa! blushes at the fact he received a compliment from the one and only Santa I put a loooot of love into it!

Santa: Well I sure can tell! smiles down at him you're family is just going to love it if you're able to show them

F: It will happen, when you get me my Christmas miracle!! Hehe I can't wait!!

Santa: Hm- I'm sorry, get you a Christmas miracle you said?

F: Uh hunh!! That's what you do! You give little kids their Christmas miracles every year! And to fix my family I have to get mine- from you! That's why you're bringing me here, right??

Santa: Oh, well, yes, but.. see, my dear boy, that's not really how-


F: jumps up and points over the sled what's THAT??!!

Down below, the gorgeous view of the North Pole and Santa's Workshop can be seen down below, meaning they've arrived!

Santa: Oh, it would seem we're here!


F: picks up Branch and holds him up Look Branch!! Look how pretty!!


F: I KNOW!!! giggles excitedly and sits back down

F: Christmas Miracle here I COME!!!

Santa: is smiling but then it slowly fades away as he looks forward, not ready to tell the happy little Floyd the truth


Meanwhile, things with Grandma and the boys weren't that much of the greatest either.. the drive so far was silent and Grandma was still very upset and agitated, not at anyone specifically

S: looks down at his legs, one of them crossed over the other

C: staring out the window, gripping onto his seatbelt

JD: is looking down as well with his arms crossed, looking over at Grandma every few seconds hearing her slightly heavy breathing

C: slowly moves his head to the side to peek over at Grandma himself for a second then whips his head back to the window

C: eyes her one more time then puts his finger on the button to roll down the window

RP: Don't you do it

C: Ughhhhhh but I wanna taste the snooowwwww!

RP: I said NO, Clay!

RP: grips onto the wheel This is the third time already I am NOT going to tell you AGAIN!

C: gulps quietly and moves away from the window, slowly sliding down in his seat

C: ...sorry

S: raises his eyebrows slightly, surprised at Clay's reaction, then looks over at Grandma, who he can see is visibly stressed

JD: eyes her one more time and notices her stress as well

S: You.. doin okay Grandma?

RP: loosens the grip she has on the wheel and unfurls her eyebrows, sighing

RP: To be frank.. no, not at all.. I can't stop thinking about where your brothers could possibly be.. especially Floyd being that he does not do well in the cold at all

RP: sighs But.. the last thing I wanna do is take it out on any of isn't your fault

S,C: look at each other quietly, understanding her feelings

RP: sighs again We.. we probably won't get too far with all this tension

RP: thinks for a second How.. how about a song!

C: OOH, can we play Usher-

RP: chuckles Maybe some other time Clay

C: Awe man-

RP: slows down the vehicle a bit but continues to drive, taking a breath

JD,S,C: looking at each other confused, expecting to hear the radio turn on, not hearing anything

RP: ..when I wake up in the morning baby..🎶

And at that moment, all the boys eyes' widen. Their Grandma was singing!
It's not like she hasn't before, but they're not used to hearing her angelic voice so much; if she did sing more than she let on they definitely weren't around for it
Was this possibly another Christmas Miracle in the works?

Meanwhile with the singing Rosiepuff, though, she would begin to think about her two missing grandchildren, as this was a song she used to them and for them

Can't believe my eyes..🎶

Sweetest little part of destiny..🎶

C: OH YEAH!🎶 sings as a background vocal

S: looks over at him and smiles a little

The two middle children were so excited to hear their Grandma singing, they couldn't help but join in as well!

RP: smiles, hearing him

Oh yeah, cause you're now in my life..🎶


RP: looks up thinking of Floyd when he was a baby

There ain't no troll or priiiiize!🎶

S,C: together: OH NOOOO🎶

RP: Can compare to yoouuu!🎶

Ain't no words to describe the way that I'm feelin..🎶

S,C: YEAH! 🎶

RP: When I look at yooouuuu! 🎶

I'm just speechless baby!🎶

C: starts beatboxing, tapping on the door

S: bops his head to the beat

Don't know what to say!🎶

I'm just speechless babyyy!🎶

The poet in me has gone away!🎶

RP: adjusts the rearview mirror to see her two Grandsons vibing in the backseat together to her song, smiling more

I'm speechless baby!🎶

Don't know what to say!🎶

RP: looks over at John and sees he's looking the other way out the window, not singing with them

RP: frowns a little and lifts his chin, turning his head her way before going back to driving

I'm just speechless babyyyy!🎶

The poet in me has gone away yeaaah!🎶

JD: looks at her for a bit before looking down at his legs, not saying anything still

C: stands up in his seat and raps

In the mornings when I rise up 🎶

Go to the window and I smile with my eyes up 🎶

Stare in the clouds like wow look at my luck 🎶

Everyday I'm feelin' better 'cause I know I got the best I can be proud of 🎶

We can't fall quick- 🎶

RP: stops singing and notices the vehicle slowing down Wh- no! Ohhhhh nooo!!

The brothers all turn to look at her hearing the music stop and her distress

S: What happened?

RP: I.. tries the gas pedal with no luck I think the critter's out of energy!

JD,S: Huh?!


C: turns and mashes his face on the window, looking outside


RP: No we're not unbuckles her seatbelt because we're walking


JD: I'm sorry we're WHAT

C: blinks twice


RP: I don't know who's Grandma's jokin but it ain't me puts on her coat and gloves and hat and unlocks all the doors

RP: looks back and sees none of them moving

RP: Come on get a move on I'm not playin! opens her door and climbs out

JD: exhales We're gonna be dead by the time we make it to Floyd and Branch- opens his door and climbs out as well

C: climbs out Ima scream at them in the afterlife-

S: climbs out and shuts his door Can't we just call someone?! For both the car and Floyd and Branch?!

RP: Nope, because there's no telling how long they'd take ESPECIALLY since it's the holidays!

RP: shuts her door Now let's go! starts trudging in the snow

JD,S,C: all look at each other nervously then follow behind her

Not only was it cold and snowy, but it was also dark out which means trying to find Floyd and Branch would be much more difficult

RP: Everyone turn on your hairlights like I taught! clicks her hair on

JD,S: click their hairlights on as well

C: clicks his hairlight on ...Okay- are we REALLY, really sure this is a good idea- it's cold and it's dark, our hairlights can only do so much and we don't even know where we're goi- WHERE are we going?!!

RP: I don't know.. but we're gonna keep going until we find something.. they're both tiny so they couldn't have gone too far.. I hope..

S: Them being tiny also makes it worse! It'll be harder to find them!!

RP: Please boys just- try and look for any clues at all and just try and stay as positive as you can and stay together!

JD,S,C: all sigh and stay close together behind Grandma, all knowing how important this was

Unbeknowest to the group, in the distance just a mile or two away, something could be heard shuffling around in the snow..


Santa: lands the sleigh smoothly

Santa: And here we are!

F: YAYYYYY jumps out of the sleigh holding

F: WE'RE HERE WE'RE HERE!! starts dashing towards the workshop

B: WHEEEEEE laughs

Santa: climbs out of the sleigh and walks to the swagstags and unhooks them from the sleigh, giving them gentle pats before returning them to their stands and then walks toward the entrance

N: hops off the sleigh, walking next to Santa

N: When are you gonna tell him that this is not how Christmas Miracles work-

Santa: I will eventually, I'm just.. going to give it a little time, let him be a kid and be excited, you know?

N: sigh Fair enough I guess


The inside of the Workshop was just as beautiful, if not more beautiful than the inside, and the boys were enjoying absolutely every second of it, they almost didn't wanna go home!

There were MANY more elves, gifts, lights, and so much excitement and movement everywhere!

F: holding Branch while walking are you okay to walk? It's pretty noisy and bright

B: nods and takes his binky from his hair anf puts it in his mouth to calm him down from the overstimulation of colors and movement

F: smiles and puts him down, skipping along

F: This is crazy!! I can't believe I'm really HEREEE EEEEEE!!! jumps up and down while looking around

Santa: walks next to him Yep, this is where aaalll the magic happens, where I receive every child's gift to deliver!

F: watches all the elves move around and wrap gifts and send them to certain places

F: It must be tiring thought right? Look at all of those gifts

Santa: chuckles Unlikely, I haven't heard of a single elf who said they despise their job!

F: Not even Nedaj??


Santa: laughs Not even Nedaj!

N: siiiiiigh

B: sucks on his binky louder while walking

N: .... slowly turns to look at him

N: are suckin real hard on that binky

B: turns to him



B: takes it out of his mouth and offers it to him

N: OH- raises his hands up no- no thank you- I'm good-

B: shrugs and puts it back in his mouth

F: sniffles and wipes his nose

Santa: looks down at him

F: inhales quietly and shakily before sneezing

Santa: You alright?

F: Yeah, I'm- ACHOO! sneezes again and sniffles I think I just got something in my nose

F: sneezes one more time before shuddering a bit

B: looks up at Floyd, a bit curious and concerned

N: Uhh- hands a cloth to Santa to give to Floyd are we sure that's what it is-

Santa: hands Floyd the cloth are you sure you're alright Floyd?

F: Yeah!! I thought I said yes already.. uhh I did right?

Santa: Well, yes but-

F: sees him giving him the cloth Thank you!! takes the cloth So what else do you have around here?! blows his nose

Santa: tries brushing past the subject and smiles down at him Well I'm just glad you asked, I could go on about talking about my wonderful factory all day!

F: Oh please do!! Well don't actually, because I still have to save my Christmas and go home, but- PLEASE DO!!
smiles up at him happily, his eyes sparkling

Santa: chuckles Will do!

Santa: puts a hand on Floyd's back and points to where everything is this is of course the main factory which where the elves send in the finished and wrapped gifts, the gift making factory where the gifts are made,


Santa: This is the gift wrapping room, this is the break room, right here is my office, and-

??: Oh-em-GEEEEEEEEE!!!!

Everyone looked around after that, confused of where that high pitched scream came from

F: Who was that??

Santa: I don't know, but it sure sounded familia-

??: IT WAS MEEE! plops behind them

It was another Elf!

F: AH- falls on his face

F: Owwwww! whines

??: Oops.. hehe, sorryyyy new friend! runs in front of them helps Floyd

Santa: Ah nods with a chuckle I knew I recognized that voice

??: laughs yeeeep, it's me, hey hey!!

N: Girl walks toward her you're gonna end up giving someone a heart attack, you needa lay off them candy canes-

??: Hi to you too Daj, and psssh rolls her eyes playfully and puts her hands on her hips I already told you I'm not-

Suddenly, a bunch of candy canes fall from her hat and she just stands there, staring down at it
Everyone stares down at the candy canes as well

N: ...yeah I totally believe you now-

B: snatches his binky from his mouth CANDYYYYY plops down in front of the candy canes and grabs a few

??: Hehe- I uhhhh forgot those were in there-

N: rolls his eyes playfully Riiiight-

F: Ooh ooh I want some too! starts to reach down but then stops and looks up at the elf can I-

??: laughs Go crazy! whispers down to him I've had way too many anyway-

F: HOORAY!! reaches down to grab some too

Santa: Well anyway, what brings you here my dear?

??: I just decided to stop by because I overheard what I assumed to be a touurrrrrr! sings excitedly

Santa: leans down to Floyd and whispers Told you they sing! winks

F: giggles quietly

??: I also see that we have a guesttttt soooo lemme introduce myself formallyyyy

??: slides in front of everyone and claps her hands together Hi there! I'm Eel! It's great to have you here and you should consider yourself SOOOO lucky because Santa doesn't normally bring children on a visit to his AMAZING spectacular workshop, you have to be REEEAAAALLY special or REAAALLLLYY be going through something

N: Geezus louizus-

F: OOOOOOHH, so you're Eel!! Nedaj told me sooooo much about you!!

E: Awwww Dajjj you diddddd? smiles at Nedaj

N: ..I only told you that she's my friend-

E: laughs Yep, this is ma best pal right here slings an arm around his neck he's a lil sarcastic but he's a great guy!!

N: Uh huh- rolls his eyes playfully and pats their side love you too-

E: laughs again See?! He's awesome!!

F: smiles Well my name's Floyd!!

F: reaches down to pick Branch up who's sucking on a candy cane and this is Branch!! My baby brother!!


F: No no Branch, her name is Eel!

E: laughs Amazing! He said my name backwards! Smart little dude!

F: I know right? giggles do Nedaj's name Branch!

N: No-

E: chuckles

E: zooms over to Floyd and wraps an arm So what brings you here today Floyd? What super special reason has my leader brought you here today??

F: Well, Santa found out that I was having trouble with my family, so he brought me here to get me a miracle to make it all better!!

N,E: both slowly turn to look up at him

Santa: notices them looking at him and starts to chuckle, pretending not to be nervous

E: whispers to Nedaj did he- did you-

N: Nope- you know how wild kids' imagination goes-

E: blinks then looks up at Santa again

Santa: Ahhh, uhm, Floyd? Let's go and talk for a minute my boy, gifter to giftee?

F: looks up at him Okay!! nods then looks down at Branch you coming?

B: Ya! reaches up to grab his hand

Santa: smiles This way! pats his back and leads him to his office

E,N: watch Santa leave with Floyd and Branch

N: sigh Yeah this won't end well-

E: looks over at him Don't say that!

N: You can't tell me I'm wrong!

E: He seems like a sweet kid!

N: Exactly, that's part of the problem! He's gonna get his heart broken and he's gonna get really upset.. now come on, we should really put some of those extras gifts away to be sent off walks away

E: frowns and sighs, looking up and forward, realizing he had a point but hoping it really wouldn't go too bad


Santa: lets Floyd inside and closes the door behind him, sighing

F: Oooh, this is so comfy! walks and looks around for a little bit

Santa: pulls up a chair for Floyd to sit in Why don't you have a seat, Floyd?

F: Oh, okay! climbs into the seat and sits down, picking up Branch and putting him on his lap

Santa: pulls up a chair of his own Would either of you like a snack or a drink?

F: Uhmmm- sneezes again another hanky, please- giggles shyly

Santa: smiles but of course reaches into a drawer and pulls out a few tissues, handing it to him

F: Thank you!! wipes his nose

Santa: nods then looks at Branch How about you my boy?

B: shakes his head I got candy canes!! takes one of the candy canes he took earlier out of his hair and pops it in his mouth

Santa: chuckles a little but then pauses for a second before exhaling quietly

Santa: Um, sits down in his chair slowly, tapping his fingers in his lap

F: smiles over at him happily, kicking his feet

Santa: sighs again, tapping his fingers on his desk

Santa: Floyd, uh.. do you know, why I brought you out here tonight?

F: Yeah!! To get me my Christmas Miracle right? To help me and my family??

Santa: I.. yes, but, see.. there's something, about that, that you need to know

F: Oh? tilts his head, a little confused is ittt.. not ready yet?

B: looks up at him then over at Santa

Santa: No no, um.. sighs this.. "Christmas Miracle", you speak of.. I can't give it to you

F: loses all color and hope in his expression

F: You.. can't?

Santa: No, son.. but, let me explain-

F: But.. it can't be true! Why can't you??

Santa: It just.. isn't how that works my boy..

F: starts furrowing his eyebrows, upset Then.. why would you bring me all the way out here?!

Santa: Floyd I-

F: What am I supposed to do?! gets up out of his seat, putting Branch in it

F: My brothers won't talk to each other and my Grandma is stressed out back at home, I can't do anything unless you help me!!!

Santa: I can't, do that Floyd..

F: Well.. well.. can you talk to them at least?! They'll listen to you instead of me!!

Santa: Because that would contradict the reason of why I brought you out here tonight

F: What do you mean?!

Santa: Floyd.. stands up and walks towards him

Santa: I'm giving you the gift of courage, which is something you indefinitely need to help bring your family back together..

Santa: You, can be what brings your family back together.. you just need to believe that and have that courage in you

F: blinks slowly

F: ...what does that MEAN???

Santa: Uh, well it means-

F: No.. don't tell me turns away

F: ...I'm leaving.. walks toward the door

B: sees him about to leave and hops off of the chair, quickly following

F: puts his hand on the doorknob and twists it, sniffling and holding back tears I guess I'm just gonna have a Christmas with my family ignoring each other for who knows how long..

Santa: Floyd, just wait a minute! tries to stop him

F: stops but keeps his hand on the doorknob, staying right where he is

F: ..if you know everything and can get everything everyone wants, why couldn't you get me my miracle..

Santa: says nothing and stares at him with a sad look

F: stands there for a few more seconds before trembling and flinging the door open, running out of the office

B: walks forward a bit before stopping and looking up at Santa with a sad look as well, then takes off after his older brother

Santa: Ohhh dear.. Floyd?? Floyd! goes after them


E: dancing and singing quietly while giving Nedaj gifts

I'm super shy, super shy 🎶
But wait a minute while I make you mine make you mine-🎶

N: sitting on a stool next to her putting gifts away This song again-

E: Whaaaat it's catchyyy I can't help it!!

N: chuckles and rolls his eyes offff course-

F: runs past them while crying and wiping his tears continously

E: Huh- drops the gifts she was holding Floyd?!

N: quickly stands up after seeing him run past

B: runs after him

Santa: Floyd! is running after them then stops next to the elves Floyd please wait!

F: No! I don't wanna talk to you! Leave me alone! runs to the main door of the workshop and runs outside


F: opens the door again ...please! closes it back

Santa: sighs, looking down

N: blinks what.. slowly turns to Santa exactly did you say-

Santa: I just.. tried to hand it to him in the most gentle way possible.. I'm supposed to make a child's Christmas worthwhile, not scarring sighs this has never happened before

E: frowns, looking to the door for a few seconds, then back over to the group

E: And it won't starts running to the door

N: looks at her E??

Santa: What are you doing?

E: turns around before opening the door I can talk to him! Or I can try talkin to him! Maybe if I'm sympathetic enough while explaining everything, something could change.. opens the door and goes outside

Santa: sighs again, looking toward the floor

N: walks next to him and gently pats his side

N: I don't say this a lot but- things will get better soon

Santa: looks down at him with a small smile

Santa: I would only hope you're right..


Back with Grandma and the boys

C: Grandmaaaa it's so colddd and snowyyy how much fartherrrr is being pulled by the arm by Spruce to help him keep going

RP: If we don't find anything in the next fifteen minutes we can take a break continues to trudge in the snow

JD: It's been an hour already.. how are you not TIRED?!

RP: Grandmas never sleep when they're looking for their lost grandsons.. plus the cold is giving me more energy

RP: hears groaning and chattering teeth and turns to see her grandsons huddled near one another while walking

RP: furrows her eyebrows and sighs

RP: I'm sorry boys, really I am, I'll.. I'll try and find us somewhere where we can rest for a bit, maybe there's somewhere we can go to grab a bite nearby that we haven't passed already.. or isn't closed

JD,S,C: all look up at her

RP: But we'll have to walk a little further for a bit.. is that alright with you all?

S: nods Yeah smiles a little

C: I'm c-c-c-cool with that- chatters his teeth

RP: looks over at John John?

JD: is looking up at her while rubbing his arms, then just nods quietly

RP: smiles a little Alright then, let's keep going.. and stay close together continues walking

C: Ughhhhughuguhughugh huddles against Spruce I'm so cooooldddd

S: trudging We all are-

C: Can you carry meeee-

S: You'll live-

C: exhales shakily then looks over at John who's barely spoken during the trip

C: What's on your mind Square

JD: What- looks down at him and continues trudging nothing

C: You've barely said anything the whole trip- it's weird-

JD: So- wouldn't you guys rather me not talk anyway-

C: What're you-

JD: slows down a bit hearing something rustle a few inches away from him, looking around

JD: raises an eyebrow Did you hear that-

C: rolls his eyes Hear what??

JD: looks behind him, completely stopping, hearing the noise again but slightly quieter

C: scrunches his face then shoves his side Stop being weird!!

JD: turns back to him Didn't you hear that?!

S: notices they're a little behind and rolls his eyes and turns to them What're you morons doing??

JD: I heard something!

C: John's being weird!

S: sighs Clay, leave him be- it's cold and I think the last thing he wants is to be annoyed right now- especially by his younger brothers-

JD: his face falls Why.. mumbles why'd you have to say especially by his younger brothers-

RP: Boys? says from a few centimeters away Everything alright back there? I know I said stay close to each other but I need you to stay close to me too please!

S: See? Hear that? Now let's go- keeps trudging

C: Fine! jogs up to Spruce

JD: stares a bit upset but then rolls his eyes, scoffing Yeah, pssh, fine, whatever continues walking

C: walks by Spruce's side But I need something to distract meee it's cold and I'm BORED-

S: Then read a book

C: Yeah, because I'm gonna be walking and reading a book at the same time-

S: You've done it before!!


S: siiiiigh Fair-

S: Catch more snow with your tongue then

C: I've been doing that for the past half hour I'm bored of it now!!

S: Well I don't know Clay-

C: Hmmm..

C: OOOOH what about a SOONNGGGG


C: Well I need to do SOMETHING!

S: sigh What are you even gonna sing-

C: taps his chin How about that one song we both like??

S: ...yeah okay there's no way you're gonna make me sing that right no-




C: hops to one side of John

S: hops to another side of John

JD: doesn't look at either of them and just continues walking with an annoyed face

S,C: walk forward together while singing



S,C: dap each other up

JD: watches them walk forward together and sing and do handshakes, sighing to himself

John would take notice of the bond they have and starts to feel sad, feeling like he's never really actually bonded with them in the way they are with each other because of his constant focus on being a leader and older brother

But.. what could he do about it now he thought? Would they even wanna share a bond with him now with the way he's been acting?

JD: mumbles and sings quietly to himself

and then I'll say.. I'll say everything su-🎶

JD: stops again hearing the same noise from earlier, except it sounds like it's right behind him now

JD: whips his whole body around and looks forward, seeing much of anything despite having his hairlight on

JD: Uh.. hello?

JD: gasps again seeing something jump in the snow.. as if it was.. beneath it?

JD: What.. the.. starts to walk toward it slowly, seeing whatever it was tremble

S,C: both stop and turn to see that John is not close behind them anymore

S: What the- where did he-


C: GAAAASSPPP do you think he got buried in SNOW?!?

S: sound so much like Floyd right now-



RP: runs to them What's going on??

RP: looks around Wait where's-

JD: hears calls for him but tunes them all out as he walks closer to the area of moving snow, hearing.. animal-like noises

JD: What is.. starts dusting the snow off of where the movement was and sees colors of red and orange

And just as he was about to unveil whatever this thing was, the creature would unveil itself by climbing out of and shaking off the rest of the snow

JD: AH!! falls back and covers his face BAD IDEA STUPID IDEA-

S,C: hear his shout JOHNNN!

RP: hears him yelling as well JOHN WE'RE COMING! runs to the sound of his voice

S,C: look at each other in worry then follow behind quickly

JD: covers his face assuming something bad was about to happen, but instead feels something cold rub up against his leg

while.. purring?

JD: opens his eyes slowly and moves his arm from his face and slowly looks down only to see..

JD: his eyes widen tremendously as he gasps, not believing what he's seeing at all

JD: H-Hey.. you.. you're..

R: looks up at him and sees him looking down at her now

JD: sits up slowly

JD: starts to slowly smile ..No.. freaking.. WAY!!!

JD: gets up and jumps around happily IT'S YOU IT'S YOU ITS YOU YOU'RE HERE!!!

R: jumps back a bit after his shouting and starts to shudder, looking around as if she's planning to run away again

JD: quickly backs down Hey hey, wait no! waves his hands around I'm not gonna hurt you!!

JD: slowly kneels down holds his hand out for her to interact with it

JD: You can trust me

R: looks down at his hand then up at him again

JD: smiles

R: looks down at his hand again and slowly creeps towards it, taking a few sniffs before nuzzling her head against it and making cute armadillo noises

JD: Yeah, there you go girl..

R: stops nuzzling against his hand but stays close to him, panting quietly but happily, still shuddering a bit from the cold

JD: notices this then slowly reaches his arms to her sides to pick her up gently

R: licks his face numerous times and nuzzles into his shoulder, purring once more

JD: rubs her back You're so cold..

RP: John?! John!! sees him from a distance and runs closer to him

RP: Oh thank goodness there you are!! ..what are you holding??

S,C: follow behind Grandma

S: ...wait, is that-

C: RHONDA?!?!?!

R: looks up to see them and pants happily again

JD: looks over at them then smiles nervously

JD: Heh-

RP: Wait- how did- how-

JD: I kept hearing noises and when I finally saw what it was it was her!!

JD: ..wait- looks at Rhonda

R: looks at JD

JD: ...have you been FOLLOWING US THE WHOLE TIME?? OH I KNEW IT I KNEW WE WERE MEANT TO BE!! snuggles Rhonda into him

R: licks him and makes multiple armadillo noises

S: Wow

C: smiles Well, merry early Christmas!

RP: Okay no, no, and no- that is a lost caterbus that many are on the lookout for and she needs to be returned-

JD: frowns BUT GRANDMA!!

RP: Nope, we are returning her and that's that, it's only right! The pet store is open until 3am so we can go right now starts to trudge

S: Aren't we looking for Floyd and Branch though-

C: I thought we were getting food-

JD: EXACTLY!! We can't waste anymore time!

JD: PLUS! She can help us look for clues!! Pleaseeee Grandma just let me keep her until we find them PLEASEEEEE!!

RP: Oh sigh JD-

JD: hugs Rhonda close to him and mutters with cutesy eyes Please..

R: makes her own cutesy eyes up at her while purring

RP: sighs again Alright okay, but you agree AFTER we find them that we return her to the pet store okay??

JD: smiles up at her then looks at Rhonda and squeezes her close again

RP: Okay! Let's go then! starts trudging again

C: walks next to John I can't believe you actually got her

JD: I know! And she was following us the whole time!

JD: his eyes sparkle It's like fate brought us together..

C: ...yeah okay slowly slides away

JD: holds Rhonda up in front of him while walking Wanna help us look for clues girl??

R: makes happy armadillo noises then hops down and starts dashing around the snow

S: Woah!! Where's she going?? watches her run off

JD: I don't know!! follows her

C: OH COME ON IM TIRED OF RUNNING- follows behind him

RP: Boys!! What- sees Rhonda dashing somewhere Oh boy- runs after them

R: looks and sniffs around the ground but stops as she sees something from a starting point to a farther distance

R: looks back and armadillo calls for all of them to look

JD: runs up to her What is it girl??

RP,S,C: follow behind

JD: looks down and sees what she's looking at

They were footprints!

JD: She found footprints!!

RP: What?! looks and sees the footprints and gasps quietly

RP: measures it with the size of her own foot And they're just like the size of my baby's..

S: walks up and sees the footprints as well Yeah these are definitely Floyd's, but.. where are Branch's then? I see two other pairs of feet but that are pretty small too but they look slightly longer

C: walks forward a bit and sees something else And whose footprints are THOSE?! points

Everyone looks forward to see the footprints of a slightly larger person a few ways away, which would happen to be Santa, but they obviously weren't aware of that


RP: NO! We're not putting that kind of thought in our heads- let's just- keep moving forward and see where this leads us

JD: nods then pats Rhonda's back Let's go Rhonda!!

R: armadillo noise then dashes forward again, tracking the rest of the footprints

RP,JD,S,C: all quickly follow behind her

S: We're gonna be out here all night..


E: is walking around outside of the factory looking for Floyd

E: Floyd?? Floooyydddd??

E: stops when she hears singing nearby and looks over to see someone sitting on a snowy hill across from the factory

E: walks forward a bit to see that it's Floyd, sitting next to Branch as he sings to himself, then quickly makes her way over to him

I need ya I need ya I need you right now..🎶

Yeah I need you right now..🎶

So don't let me don't let me don't let me down..🎶

Think I'm losin my mind now..🎶

F: sneezes again and wipes his nose, sniffling

It's in my head.. darlin I hope..🎶

That you'll be here when I need you the most, so..🎶

Don't let me
Don't let me
Don't let me down..🎶

D-Don't let me down-🎶

Don't let me down..🎶

F: sighs, hugging his knees to his chest

B: looks over at him with a frown

F: I'm sorry Branch, I guess we won't be able to have our Christmas after all

F: And this is your first Christmas too.. I was really hoping we would be able to make it great for you too

B: leans against him and hugs him gently

F: sighs I don't wanna go home, I don't wanna go anywhere flops on his back onto the snow

F: I'll just freeze to death out here

B: furrows his eyebrows hearing him say that then flops on his back next to him

B: Then I will too

F: looks over at him then smiles a little

F: You know.. as much as I love our other brothers.. I always knew you understood me the most

B: smiles back at him

F: starts to cough a little and shudders, holding his arms

B: loses his smile and looks at him with a worried expression, sitting up a bit

F: I'm okay, I'm okay- sits up as well, clearing his throat with another small cough

F: It's just really cold out he-

E: Floyd??

F: turns his head and looks to see Eel, coming up the hill

F: Eel?!

E: Yeah, it's me buddy smiles a little at him while walking up to him

F: How.. did you know I would be here slowly turns away from her

E: I didn't sits down next to him I just heard your beautiful singing from afar and looked closer to see that it was you

F: doesn't say anything and continues looking down

E: frowns over at him heeeyy.. what's goin on bud what's got ya all down? Talk to me!

F: sigh I.. I thought when santa brought me here he was gonna give me a miracle to help me and my family be together again for Christmas!! looks at her But he lied!! Why would santa do that..?

E: Well.. he didn't really "lie", in fact he never said that at all

F: Then why would he bring me all the way out here only to not be able to do anything??

F: sniffs it's not fair, why can he give everyone their gifts but not mine..

E: sighs Look, sweetheart, to tell you the truth.. Santa can't "make" miracles happen, he can encourage them but not make them..

E: I mean.. that would be amazing of course, but, sadly, it's not how it works

F: looks down, remembering how Santa told him that

E: ..but that's exactly what you needed, encouragement

F: looks at her

E: You found the courage to come all this way just to help your family, so what's say you haven't got the courage to help bring them back together?

E: Maybe.. courage is the miracle..

F: sniff what's courage? Santa told me that he gave me that as a gift earlier..

E: chuckles it means you're very brave Floyd

F: Oh..thank you eel smiles a little

E: ..or.. maybe YOU'RE the miracle floyd

F: tilts his head huh?

F: But.. how could it be me?

E: You and your courage to help your family, what if that's the miracle! Maybe you're the gift that's gonna bring your family together again!

F: shakes his head I don't think so, they're probably all still mad at each other

E: Why do you think Santa brought you all the way out here?

F: To get me a miracle?

E: Noooo! scoots closer to him

E: To help you see that YOU are what's gonna bring your family back together! And you're adorable baby brother- reaches over to poke Branch's nose

B: giggles

F: looks down again Huh..

E: leans back I mean who knows, maybe they're out there looking for you right now!

F: looks out in the distance with the snow and colorful lights around a few trees

F: ..Do you really think.. they're looking for me?

E: Well, I can't think of why they wouldn't be!

F: looks down once more So.. it's really me

F: starts to stand up slowly I'm.. what's gonna save Christmas for everyone

E: nods up at him proudly

Just then.. Floyd begins to feel something rise inside of his chest again
But instead of it being rage this time.. it was nothing other than the encouragement and love he began to feel in his heart again

F: starts to walk forward while singing

..I'm ready now..🎶
Nothing's gonna slow me dooooown!🎶

..'Cause finally I seeeee🎶

Finally I seeeeeeeee!🎶

F: sings a high note while looking up to the sky

E,B: smile up at him

It's so possibleeeeee!🎶

Watch me rise high above my obstaclessss!🎶

Watch me become who I'm supposed to beeee!🎶

Oh, the possibilitieeeees!🎶

Don't tell me it's too far to go!🎶

I know that I'm unstoppable!🎶

'Cause the answer of impossibleeee..🎶

F: walks up to the highest point of the hill and sings out loud

Is meeeeee!🎶

E: walks up to him a few inches behind while holding Branch's hand

F: turns back to Branch and Eel with a wide smile

Is meeeeeee!🎶

B: YAAAAYYYYY lets go of Eel's hand and claps

F: runs down toward them and hugs Branch, picking him up

F: pulls away from the hug still holding him, tears in his eyes I didn't need to get a miracle Branch.. it was me all along.. it was us!!

B: smiles while nodding

F: Santa didn't lie.. he just needed me to realize.. and now I know.. if I didn't come here, then I wouldn't know what curb edge is and how to save our Christmas..

E: nods and pats his shoulder with a smile Courage- but, that's right

F: smiles over at Eel and hugs her as well Thank you Eel.. for everything

E: Oh.. smiles wide and hugs him back but of course.. making a child smile is the greatest gift I could ever give and receive

F: pulls away from her then looks over at Branch again

F: Let's go home

B: nods again, holding onto him

Floyd starts walking down the rest of the hill back toward the factory, with Eel following behind him


F: turns his head to sneeze again, sniffling and rubbing his eyes as if he was sleepy

B: hears him sneeze again but more harshly now, looking up at him

B: Unh?? pulls on his coat gently but worriedly

F: I'm- I'm fi- starts to cough

E: Floyd?? walks next to him are you alright??

F: Yeah, it's just a little- coughs again c-cold-

E: Are you sure??

F: Yeah, I'm.. shivers and starts slowing down

E: puts a hand on his neck and feels that it's warmer than usual

E: Floyd I.. I think you have a fever!!

F: what's a.. his vision starts to get blurry and he stops walking completely

B: Floflo?? Floflo!!! pulls on the collar of his coat again

F: ..fever.. starts to loosen his hold on Branch and his eyes start to close, loosing balance in everything completely

B: climbs out of his arms quickly

B: FLOFLO!!! grabs onto him before he can fall to the ground

E: panicks Oh my goodness oh my goodness- I'll go get Santa right away!! runs to entrance of the workshop and goes inside

B: Hurry!!! gently lays Floyd on the ground and rests his hands on his chest

F: mumbles quietly Branch I'm sleepyy..

B: have to stay awake..

B: sniffs and holds his hand We're gonna go home.. just stay awake.. okay..

F: says in a weaker voice Okay..


E: bursts through the doors Santa!!!

Santa: is talking to Nedaj and a few other elves then looks up at Eel, seeing her panicked expression

N: E?? walks forward

Santa: Eel? What's happened?? walks forward as well

E: Floyd!! He.. he-

Santa: He's what???

E: He's fallen very ill!

Santa, N: What?!

E: We have to get him home straight away!!

Santa: looks down and around for a second then gets a serious expression on his face

Santa: Alright, load up the swagstags, I'll get my sleigh ready

E: nods I'll grab a blanket too!! runs toward the room where the swagstags are kept inside

Santa: starts to run the other way to a garage where his sleigh was put away

N: Santa wait! runs after him

Santa: stops at the entrance, turning to look at him

N: ..I'll come with you

Santa: stands there for a second before nodding

Santa: If you must.. but then let the other elves know what's happening and tell them to pass it on, then stay outside with Floyd and Branch and Eel and I will meet you out there presses a button next to the garage entrance which would get the door to open

N: nods and runs to go tell other elves what's happening


R: continues to track the footprints going forward

C: How many more ARE THERE!!

S: Stop complaining- we've already been walking for one to two hours-

RP: However more there are I don't care! I just need to know where it's going so I can know where to find my grandso-

R: stops in place, making an armadillo noise again

JD: What's up? walks toward her and sees that the footprints have stopped, looking up

JD: That's.. it?

RP: No, that.. that can't be it!! There's nothing here!!

RP: walks forward Floyd?! Branch?!

S,C: start to walk around as well, looking

RP: starts hyperventilating a bit, gripping onto her coat, still walking

JD: looks at her sadly, walking next to Rhonda and picking her up

RP: looks around, feeling the slightest of tears prick at her eyes ..if you're both playing hide and seek right now it's NOT funny-

RP: steps on something and hears a slight crackle

RP: looks down and sees something sticking out of the snow, and moves her foot off of it to pick it up

RP: wipes the excess snow off of whatever it is and sees it's a paper with something written on it

S: Grandma?? jogs over to her

C: What is it?? follows behind him

JD: goes over to her side as well

At this point Grandma's eyes are widened, as it doesn't take her long to realize that she's holding-

RP: Floyd's Christmas song..

S,C: their eyes widen as well, seeing that it really was his as they read through the lyrics

JD: actually reads through the lyrics as well and starts feeling awful, seeing how beautifully written it is and remembering how he never even gave it a chance,

how he never gave Floyd a chance

RP: tears up more and looks up and away from the paper, seeing nothing but snow and darkness along with some of the stars in the sky

RP: grips onto the paper and covers her face with her other hand, kneeling on the ground as she starts to cry softly

RP: My sweet baby can't be gone..

S,C: look at each other sadly, not knowing what to do at this point

JD: puts Rhonda down and slowly walks forward to her and puts a hand on her shoulder

JD: Grandma?

RP: moves her hand away from her face, wiping her tears and looking at him

JD: ..I don't know where they are, but.. we're gonna find them, I have the strongest feeling they're out there somewhere

JD: I mean- shrugs with a side smile how far could they have really gone, right?

S,C: look over at JD, surprised by his encouraging words

RP: sighs and turns away from him, looking at the paper again, holding it close to her

C: But then.. walks up to them why would the footsteps stop right here?

JD: looks at him and shrugs maybe they used their hair to climb up in a tree then just kept climbing from tree to tree?

S: ...does floyd even know how to use his hair that way yet-

JD: Hey anything's possible especially on Christmas-

JD: I mean look I got Rhonda! smiles wide while gesturing down to Rhonda

R: happy armadillo noises

RP: sighs again, putting the paper in her hair

RP: Let's just hope you're right, JD.. slowly gets up on her feet

RP: Come on, let's try and keep going continues walking

John would smile a little, glad to see she hasn't given up yet even if her spirits are a little low, eventually following behind her, and his brothers would follow eventually behind as well


N: is running outside Floyd!!

B: looks up to see Nedaj running

B: Here!!

N: hears Branch and runs to the sound of his voice, seeing him next to an almost unconscious Floyd

N: Oh no.. runs and kneels down next to him

F: opens his eyes a little and sees Nedaj, smiling weakly

F: Nedaaajj.. you're heree..

N: Hold on Floyd, we're gonna get you home..

And just at that moment, Santa can be seen bringing his sleigh outside, as well as Eel can be seen dragging the swagstags outside at the same time

Santa: sees them and runs towards them

Santa: I've got the sleigh!

E: is running while pulling the reindeers with the collar ropes while also holding a blanket around her

E: And I've got the reindee- WOAGH- nearly trips come on move or lose it guys we've got a sick child out here!!

N: looks up at them

Santa: gets closer and sees a halfway unconscious Floyd, letting go of the sleigh

Santa: Oh no..

B: Santa hurry!! looks up at him with teary eyes

Santa: looks down at him and nods then looks over at Eel

Santa: Hook the reindeer up to the sleigh! turns and bends down to pick up Floyd and lays him down in the back of the sleigh

E: nods and leads the reindeer to the sleigh, hooking them up onto it

N: quickly picks up Branch and runs to the sleigh as well, putting him in the back next to Floyd then climbs into the front

Santa: climbs into the front as well and grabs onto the rope

Santa: Everything all ready up there E?!

E: finishes hooking the reindeer and shouts back all clear up here!

E: runs to the sleigh and climbs into the back with Floyd and Branch

Santa: Right then! Off we go swags!

As soon as they hear that the swagstags immediately take off into the air, flying away from the workshop back to troll village

Santa: Hang on Floyd!! calls back to him as he leads the reindeer in the right direction

E: quickly remembers the blanket she brought and takes it off of her, laying it on top of Floyd

E: That should help you stay warm a bit

F: mumbles quietly as he grows closer to losing consciousness

B: cuddles next to him in the blanket

B: We're going home Floyd.. sniffles with a sad smile

B: takes his hand under the blanket gently We're gonna be home for Christmas..

F: ever so slightly holds his hand back, despite his eyes being closed


C: Uh.. Grandma?

RP: continues to trudge Yes hon?

C: I.. I have to pee.. like now-

RP: looks back at him

C: ....chuckles nervously

RP: ..right now? But there's nowhere that's open for you to go.. looks around and sees no sign of an open shop or facility so far


RP: sighs and shakes her head

RP: Can one of you go with your younger brother somewhere so he can go pee real quick-

JD: I'm sorry what-

S: I'm not watching him pee!!

RP: facepalms Not LITERALLY watch him pee, just walk with him and find somewhere for him to go pee so he isn't alone!!

C: Pssh, come on Grandma I don't need them I can handle myself- walks into the darkness

RP: raises an eyebrow

S: sighs and three.. two..

C: zooms back ACTUAALLYYYYY we don't know what kind of creepy crawlies might be hidden out there I'll definetly need someone to help me punch em if they show up-

S: It's literally cold and snowing out you can stop with the excuses- walks to him

C: They're not excuses!! They're very, valid.. reasons!! starts walking away to find somewhere to pee

S: Yeah okay- follows him

RP: Hurry back you two! sighs and leans against a tree

JD: walks up to her while holding Rhonda up

RP: looks down at him with a confused look

JD: ...wanna pet her? smiles wide


Santa: Anyone! We've been flying for a while! Let me know if you see anything!

N: looks around nothing so far!!

B: hears them then climbs out of the blanket and stands up, looking over the side of the sleigh

E: looks over at him Careful Branch!!

B: looks down, swearing he can see something moving around down below

And he did, through the snow he would see the moving colorful lights of hair walking around down below he would soon be able to tell that they were the same colors that matched the colors of his brothers and his Grandmother

B: GRANDMA!! BROTHERS!! points below

Santa: looks back for a second What's that Branch??

B: UNH UNH UNH!! keeps pointing below to where he sees them, urging him to turn

N: looks back and sees him pointing

N: I think he's saying he sees his brothers and his Grandma down there!

E: looks over to where Branch is pointing at wait.. I see it too! Those colorful lights down there!

Santa: looks to where everyone is pointing and takes notice of the hairlights and Branch recognizing them

Santa: That's your family Branch? Are you positive??


Santa: Alright! Turning that way now! Let's go!

Santa begins to turn the sleigh around toward the direction that the lights of hair were supposedly in, getting ready to soon make a landing nearby


S: standing somewhere a few inches away from Clay, looking off somewhere

S: hears him singing california girls from afar and rolls his eyes

S: calls out to him Are you done yet-

C: dancing while finishing his pee



C: pulls his pants up and turns to start walking back towards Spruce but stops as he hears something

S: walks over to him What are you doing-

C: doesn't respond and his ear twitches, hearing the noise coming closer

C: Do you hear that?

S: raises an eyebrow then looks around Hear.. what?

C: It sounds like.. the jingling of bells..


S: You're not funny-

C: No really! Listen!

S: listens in to whatever he's hearing and hears the bells as well

S: ...what is that?

C: turns to look up where he thinks the sound is coming from and gasps quietly

C: No.. way-

S: looks at him What're you looking a- turns to look up as well and stops, his eyes widening at the sight

S: Holy..

From up above, the boys can see what appeared to be a sleigh in the sky, specifically Santa's sleigh given the Christmas bells that could be heard as it flew

S,C: together excitedly HE'S REAL!!!

The sleigh starts flying in their direction, coming closer to them

C: ...uh-

And closer and closer..

S: ...okay let's run-

S: grabs Clay's arm and runs off back to where Grandma and John are

N: sees the ground as they start to near it

N: that yellow snow-


RP: sighs a bit frustratingly Where are Spruce and Clay? It does not take that long to pee they must be back there playin!!

JD: shrugs Well you know-

S,C: start running back towards them


RP: Boys?! walks towards them What's wrong??

JD: follows behind her


C: HE-

S: HE-





RP: Wh- What?!


RP: exhales Boys I don't know what kind of joke you're playing right now but it's not funny and I don't got time for it!! We need to-

Suddenly a sleigh lands right next to them

RP: blinks twice in disbelief

RP: ...go-

S: We told you!!

Santa: climbs off of his sleigh

JD: ...can this night get any CRAZIER???!!

Santa: walks toward them Rosiepuff, correct?

RP: Y-Yes, but- what are you doing here?? How did you know we were here??

N,E: climbs off of the sleigh as well

N: Your grandson led us to you

RP: My grandson??!

B: climbs off of the sleigh


B: Grandma!! stumbles toward her

RP: Oh BRANCH!! runs toward him and picks him up, hugging him close


B: smiles wide and snuggles into her

S: Wait, but, where's..

RP: looks up and her smile fades away, knowing what he meant

E,N: look over at Santa sadly

Santa: sighs and walks back over to the sleigh, picking up a now unconscious Floyd out of the sleigh and bringing him to them

RP: gasps Floyd?!

JD,S,C: all look at each other in worry and run over to their younger brother

Santa: kneels down while holding him, gently placing him down

B: whines Floy.. scrambles out of Grandma's arms and immediately goes back to his side

JD,S,C: all form a small circle around him

S: What.. what happened??

Santa: It's a.. bit of a long story, but.. before I would return him home he would begin to fall very sick.. I tried to make it back as fast as I could..

RP: No.. oh no no no Floyd please.. please you can't you have to..

RP: gently rests a hand on his cheek, feeling how warm he is

B: tears run down his cheeks as he rests his head against Floyd's chest, sniffling

B: Flo..

JD,S,C: all look down in sadness, feeling their own tears start to come on

E: We're so sorry.. looks down

N: looks down as well, standing next to her

Santa: walks toward them slowly

RP,JD,S,C: all look up at him

Santa: Floyd.. is a really brave kid.. truthfully, it wasn't my intention to take him away from you all, but I could see how lost and distressed he was and wanted to do everything I could to help, because every child deserves to be happy.. and let me tell you he stopped at nothing to try and get a miracle for you all to come together for Christmas, for you all to be happy

JD,S,C: gasp quietly, remembering their fight from a while ago

Santa: But.. I would then tell him that-

E: He's the miracle, steps up toward them, wiping away a few tears him and his courage.. that was the real miracle

Santa: looks down at him and nods slowly

RP,JD,S,C: all sadly turn down to look back down at him

RP: Oh sweetie.. strokes his hair gently that's why you left.. you wanted to save our Christmas..

JD: is looking down at the ground, gripping the snow as he trembles, tears coming down his cheeks

JD: says ever so quietly It should be me who's laying there.. not him

Everyone turns to look up at John in astonishment after hearing him say that

RP: Oh, John.. don't say things like that..

JD: No, Grandma.. it's ALL my fault

JD: sniffles and wipes his tears away with his arm I'm the one who was pressuring everyone, I'm the one who started the fight, it's all because of ME

S,C: frown over at him

JD: trembles, his voice cracking I.. I didn't even read his song.. I didn't even let him try.. all he wanted was to..

JD: is unable to finish his sentence as he breaks down sobbing

S,C: immediately crawl over to both of his sides and hug him tight, tears falling from their own eyes

R: walk over to them and joins in on the hug, purring sadly

B: crawls over to them as well and sits in between them, hugging John from the front

RP: Oh, baby.. moves closer to her grandsons and squeezes them, holding them close to her

S: He just wanted us to stop fighting..

C: So we could enjoy Christmas together.. but when we do fight we don't listen to each other..

S: nods slowly, leaning against John as he hugs him

RP: Well.. wipes the last of her tears away at least this has all helped you all to realize something..

JD: Nothing is more important than family..

RP: nods slowly, kissing his forehead

John stays there for a second, feeling something rise in his chest besides all the pain he was already feeling in his heart

..everybody needs inspiration..🎶

S,C,B: look up at John, hearing him sing

..everybody needs a song..🎶

S: looks down and away from John, joining in

..a beautiful melody..🎶

JD,S: together

..when the nights are long..🎶

C: looks at the both of them and slowly stands up, joining

..cause there is no guaranteeee..🎶

JD,S: stand up as well

RP,B: look up at all three of them

Santa,N,E: look over at them as well

JD,S,C: all together

that this life is easyyyyy..🎶

Yeah, when my world is falling apart 🎶

When there's no light to break up the dark 🎶

That's when I, I..🎶

I look at youuuu..🎶

When the waves..🎶

Are flooding the shore and I can't-🎶

Find my way home anymoreeee🎶

That's when I, I..🎶

I look at youuuuu..🎶

JD,S,C: all finish their song as they kneel back down next to him

When I look at youuuuu..🎶

JD: picks up Floyd gently and holds him close, closing his eyes, feeling Spruce and Clay gently hug his sides again

JD: I would do anything.. to take back everything..

Santa: sighs sadly, appreciating the bond the brothers have, but sad they had to see their second youngest like this

But.. was it really over for our little miracle?

JD: quickly opens his eyes when he hears two small coughs, moving Floyd away from him

S,C: open their eyes as well and look down at Floyd, hearing the coughs as well

RP: looks over at them W.. Was that-

B: Floyd..?

F: coughs a few more times and rubs his eyes, opening them slowly to see John

F: Oh, hey John.. what are you doing here..?

JD: tears up again, instead they're happy tears this time as he smiles wide

JD: Floyd..!! FLOYDDDDD!!!

JD: hugs him again but tighter than before

S,C: YESSSSSS!! high five each other and join in on the hug once more

B: immediately jumps in and hugs them all as well YAAAAAAAYYYYYYYY!!!!!

RP: OH MY DEAR HEAVENLY TROLL- picks up all of them and hugs them close to her


F: starts to smile, feeling all the love from his family around him, happy that they're all smiling and together with him

R: makes extremely happy armadillo noises and jumps around

Santa: Hohoho! Jolly good show! laughs and claps

N: smiles and claps as well

E: HOORAAAAAAYYYY!! hugs Nedaj and dances around HE'S ALIVE HE'S ALIVE!!

N: YEAH I KNOW I KNOW- wobbles in her arms

RP,S,C,B: all pull away from the hug

JD: Are you okay to stand?? still holding him

F: Uhhh- attempts to stand

RP: Nope! takes him from John and holds him in his arms I don't care if he's awake now, I'm not risking anything- as soon as we get home he's getting medicine

JD: Fair enough-

R: rolls up to Grandma and smiles up at her and Floyd, panting

F: looks down at her and gasps John!! You got Rhonda?!!

JD: Oh chuckles actually she was following us and I found her stuck in the snow.. still wondering how she got lost

F: looks down at her with a smile Wow...

Santa: walks over to them Well isn't this just a lovely Christmas Miracle!

F: looks up at Santa Santa!!

Santa: Hey there son, glad to see you're back and well

RP: I really couldn't be happier.. leans down to kiss his cheek

F: smiles but then frowns, looking down

F: Grandma, I.. I'm sorry for running awa-

RP: No, I don't wanna hear any of that, okay? All I care about is that you're safe!

RP: And.. Santa told me what happened, you went out there to try and help us have a happy Christmas

RP: leans down to nuzzle his nose against hers Which was so very brave and sweet of you!

F: giggles, smiling up at her

RP: smiles back down at him And he was right too

F: tilts his head about what?

RP: About you being the miracle.. both you and Branch.. you're both what brought all of us out here together tonight and helped your brothers just how important you and they all are to each other

F: smiles wide, looking down at his brothers who are already looking up and smiling at him

S: You did it Floyd

C: It's all you man

JD: All of us out here right now together, it's because of you

F: Aw, guys.. sniffles and wipes away a happy tear

B: climbs on Rosiepuff's shoulder YEAAAAAAAA!!

JD: And.. rubs the back of his neck I'm sorry I almost ruined all of it

F: It's okay JD smiles down at him I forgave you the moment I woke up and saw you

JD: smiles up at him again

E: Oh gosh.. wipes away a tear you folks have a VERY Merry Christmas!! blows her nose

Santa: Well, you all seem like you've got everything settled, I believe it's time we start heading back and delivering the last of these presents hm Daj and E?

E: Oh!! Yes we have to!! Come on Daj!! runs towards the sleigh

N: I am TIIIIRREEEEDDDDDD- but yes let's go walks towards the sleigh as well

Santa: walks towards Rosiepuff and the boys

Santa: You have a lovely beautiful family Rosiepuff, and I couldn't be more proud of your wonderful boys over here

RP: smiles Neither can I.. thank you so much for tonight

Santa: Anytime, you all take care and get home safely, and of course have a very MERRY Christmas!

Santa: starts walking back towards his sleigh

F: sits up in Grandma's arms and waves BYE SANTA, BYE NEDAJ, BYE EEL!

C: ...what kind of names-

E: BYE BYE FLOYD!! TAKE CARE!! waves back to him

N: See you around kid smiles and waves to him as well

S: ..wait-

RP,JD,C,F,B: all look over at Spruce

S: How ARE we gonna get home- we walked a thousand miles away from the pod and we left the car behind too-

C: ...dang-

JD: Well-

RP: Oh noooo you're right- facepalms what ARE we gonna do-

Santa: looks over at Eel and Nedaj with a smile after hearing this


They all turn to look over at Eel

E: We can give you a ride!

JD: Seriously?! says excitedly


S: This isn't real- THIS ISN'T REAL!!!


RP: Ohhh no no no it's fine really we wouldn't wanna bombard you all-


They all got on the sleigh to home-

RP: We are SO HIGH above the ground right now-

Meanwhile all the brothers are cheering as they are high up in the air flying across the starry sky



C: runs to the front of the sleigh SCUUUUSE ME- stands at the top

JD: runs behind him and holds his sides and sings my heart will go on aka the titanic song


Santa: Oh! How.. lovely?

S: ....I'm not involved-

N: What in the-

E: laughing I love these guys!!

C: IM FLOATING JOHN IM FLOATINGGGG! raises his arms in the air in a t-pose

JD: OH NO- AN ICEBERG- pretends he's ringing a bell DING DING DING DING DING-

C: OH NO WE'RE GONNA DIE- DON'T DIE JOHN WE CAN SURVIVE!!! wiggles in his grasp pretending to drown

F,B: laugh and clap


JD: BLEH- pretends to die and falls back, taking Clay with him

C: I.. regret nothing lays back with a satisfied smile

JD: You know what I don't regret- grabs Clay and starts tickling him out of nowhere HAHAAAAA

C: NO NO NOOOO STOPPP HABABAHA- starts laughing and tries pushing him away

JD: NEVERRRR MUAHAHAHA attacks him with more tickles

S: Weirdos-

JD,C: both stop and look at Spruce

C: looks at John and whispers I think he wants to join in too

JD: whispers back I think you're right


JD,C: TICKLE FIGHT!!! jump on Spruce and attack him with tickles

S: WHY DO I TAAALLKKKKKK- laughs while being tickled and tries pushing them away

RP: sighs and shakes her head, not even wanting to scold them anymore as it made her happy to see them all bonding, slowly smiling at the chaos

F: scoots closer to Grandma and leans on her side, watching their tickle fight still I'm so happy..

RP: smiles down at him and squeezes him into her

RP: Me too..


When they arrive home, Santa also helps to bring their vehicle back with the use of the swagstags, and they've all officially made it safe and sound still before Christmas!

RP: Thank you so much for your help again! You have NO idea how much this means to me!

Santa: It's never a problem my dear, you all have a joyful rest of your holiday!


R: says goodbye in armadillo

Santa: climbs back in his sleigh and looks over at them one more time

Santa: Floyd?

F: Yes?? his eyes sparkle

Santa: smiles You keep being the brave and courageous little troll you are

F: GAAAASP I will!!


N: Yeah, see ya- man I'm so tired-

Santa: chuckles and leads the swagstags up in the air, starting to fly away

Santa: says from afar HOHOHOOOOO Meerryyy Christmasssss!


S: Wow- tonight.. has been SO unreal-

C: Yeah if we weren't on the nice list before we for SURE are now-

RP: chuckles and hugs all of them close

RP: I'm just so happy to have all my boys with me again..

BroZ: smile up at her

RP: pulls away from them Now, let's go inside for a bit to warm up before I head to the store that's a few minutes away to get some gasoline for our car so I can take John back to the critter store to return Rhonda opens the door I'll get Floyd his medicine too and give it to him before we go

JD: Oh okay cool that's- HUH HUH AND HUHHHHH?!

RP: Yes guides him inside and closes the door I told you already that we were going to return her to the pet store after we found Branch and Floyd didn't I?

C: Techhhhnicallyyyy Santa brought them to us-

RP: slowly turns her head towards him

C: shuts up and zips his lips, smiling nervously

JD: Well, yes, but.. looks down at Rhonda as he holds her I don't.. I..

RP: You don't?

JD: sighs shakily I don't want to!! hugs her closer to him we've made a bond and everything!! I can't give her back you won't make me!!

RP: sighs Well.. well I'm sorry hon but.. that is a missing animal and that's stealing in a way if you keep her! We have to do the right thing and return her, okay??

JD: frowns up at her then looks down at Rhonda, who looks back up at him with innocent eyes

JD: remembers how going to find Floyd and Branch and apologizing for what he did was also the right thing and sighs, wiping away the tears that were about to force their way out of his eyes

JD: Okay, fine..

RP: Alright then, I'll be back in a few minutes, you boys stay down here walks back outside, closing the door behind her

JD: sits down on the couch while holding Rhonda, sniffling as he hugs her closer

R: purrs in his arms and snuggles up to him

JD: It's not fair.. after everything..

S,C,F,B: all look at each other quietly, feeling bad for him


You would think that after all those events, and after everything John learned, Grandma would possibly reconsider letting him keep Rhonda, but she still stuck to her word after everything, which was almost as upsetting as him not getting to keep her

She had gotten juice for the car at the nearby store she always goes to that was conveniently open 24 hours, and after feeding the critter she would round up her grandsons inside and start making her way toward the critter store

JD: is pressing his face into Rhonda's side as he holds her, avoiding everything and everyone

F: looks over at JD sadly, turning to Branch who was also looking sad

S,C: look at each other as well, also feeling bad

RP: looks over at John a few times, seeing how upset he was, starting to feel bad

But as soon as she would start feeling bad, they would already be at the critter store after a ten minute drive

RP: Oh, looks like we're here, come on boys opens the door and climbs out

JD: sighs and climbs out of the car, dreading even walking towards the store, holding Rhonda tighter in his arms despite his arms shaking every second

S,C: climb out as well and follow behind

C: Okay I know I said the things I did about Rhonda and I always say brutal but- this is beyond brutal..

S: nods

F: follows behind them as well while walking alongside Branch, fighting the urge to say something

RP: opens the door to the store

F: ...NOOOOOO!! runs to Grandma and pulls on her coat

RP: stops and turns around to look down at him

RP: Floyd wha-

F: You can't!! You can't make him return Rhonda Grandma!! He loves her so much don't do it!!

F: looks up at her with sad eyes Please..

RP: Oh, well.. Floyd, I don't want to but I have to, I'm sorry love


JD: Floyd

F: looks at John who is about to walk inside

JD: It's.. it's fine, I don't want to either but- it's the right thing to do

JD: smiles up at him sadly Just like making things right with you was

F: frowns at him sadly

F: But you love Rhonda..

JD: turns around to the entrance

JD:'s okay.. walks inside

It in fact wasn't okay
But what else could John do? He felt he had no other choice now

He was trying to be better at learning how to do the right thing, and this was truly a right thing to do

S,C: follow him inside, wanting to do something too

F,B: look at each other one more time before going inside

RP: sighs and closes the door behind her

Store Employee: sees them walking inside Hello, how can I hel- gasps Oh my troll is that-

JD: sighs Yeah, it's Rhonda walks up to the front desk and sits her on top of it, not letting of her

SE: You.. you found her! This is incredible! I have to make so many phone calls oh WOW this is insane- grabs the nearby telephone and dials someone's number

SE: Thank you so much young man, this little critter right here is a costly one! Oh my manager is gonna be so happy to find out that she's back!!

SE: grabs onto Rhonda and tries to pick her up but is unable to move and is confused, only to see that John is still holding onto her, looking down as tears start to spill down his cheeks

JD: sniffles S-Sorry, I, just.. sniffles again and looks up I just need a second with her before she goes if that's okay..

SE: Oh, um of course! lets go of her slowly

RP,S,C,F: all look over at him sadly

JD: We.. sniffles while trembling we haven't even known each other for that long, but.. it feels like it's been longer than that..

R: looks up at him, purring gently

JD: Rhonda.. I've wanted you as mine for the longest time now, and getting to have you for the past few hours has been amazing.. but, I.. I guess me not being able to keep you is my karma for everything I've done laughs sadly

RP: frowns

JD: sighs shakily and presses his face into her

JD: mumbles I reeeaallly don't wanna do this..

JD: slowly slips his hands away from her, sliding his hands down the desk, not moving his face away from her

R: tilts her head at him and licks his face happily, not thinking he's gonna leave

JD: lifts his face up and smiles down at her, giving her a few last pats

JD: You're a good girl.. whoever actually gets you will be happy to have you

R: makes happy armadillo noises and pants, her tongue sticking out

JD: frowns, tearing up again before saying

JD: ..goodbye.. slowly backs away from her and turns around, walking towards the others

R: loses her happy smile and watches him go, purring confusedly, scooting forward a bit

SE: looks down at Rhonda then back up at John who is still walking away

R: starts to whine a little, not understanding why he was leaving

RP: I'm sorry John.. sighs sadly and puts a hand on his back, walking him towards the door

S: looks back at Rhonda then back at Rhonda and sighs ...come on Grandma are you really gonna do this-

C: runs in front of the door This is gonna devastate him for the rest of his life!!

F: pulls on his coat again Please Grandma pleaseeeee!!

B: grabs onto her leg PLEASEEEEEE

RP: Oh, boys, I-I..

F: Imagine if someone took US away from you!! It's the same thing for John if you take Rhonda away from him!!

F: Imagine how you felt.. when you lost me..

RP: looks down, thinking about all their words

JD: smiles a little, wiping some of his tears away hearing his brothers trying to help him

SE: Uhm.. excuse me?

They all turn around to look at the Store Employee, who has tears in their own eyes

SE: I- sniffs and wipes their tears sorry- I just wanted to say.. I'm willing to let John have adopted Rhonda for free.. if that's alright with Grandma

SE: My boss might FIRE me, but.. hey, it's Christmas.. I'll just say she found a safe and lovely home


S: Okay come on you CAN'T say no to that-


F: Let him have her Grandma come on!!

RP: looks at all of them and starts to smile Welllll..

R: starts spinning around happily seeing all of them start to look at her

RP: Okay!

JD: smiles wide and runs toward Rhonda and scoops her into his arms, spinning around with her

JD: I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS IS HAPPENING!!! starts to cry again except it's happy tears.. again

R: makes extremely happy armadillo noises and happily licks his face, nuzzling into him

F: YAAAAYYYYY runs over to them and hugs them

S,C: YEAH!!! high five each other

B: runs over to them as well RHONDA RHONDA

R: hops out of John's arms and spins around them happily

B: giggles excitedly SHE'S GOING SO FAST


RP: smiles and crosses her arms, watching them all cheer excitedly

SE: smiles at the sight as well Happy Holidays to you all!

RP: And to you too! Come on boys it's super late and it's still cold let's start heading home opens the door for them all to leave out of

JD: BEST, CHRISTMAS, EVER!!! COME ON GIRL!! dashes out the door

R: pants happily and follows behind him

RP: chuckles and closes the door behind her

And joyfully, the brozone family would go home and excitedly get themselves readied for bed for Christmas the next day
But let us not forget, they still had a concert they were going to perform as well!

Let's just see how that will go now


F: is snuggled in his bed asleep when his eyes begin to flutter open, and he realizes what day it is

F: gasps and sits up in his bed quickly


F: climbs out of his bed and hops around GUUUYSSS WAKE UP IT'S CHRISTMASSSSS!!

C: jolts upward as well HOLY CRAP IT IS CHRISTMAS-

JD: jolts up IT'S CHRISTMAS??

S: jolts up IT'S CHRISTMAS!!

F: YAAAAYYYY LET'S GO!! runs downstairs while giggling

C: PLEASE TELL ME I GOT IT PLEASE TELL ME I GOT IT- climbs out of bed as well and runs out of the room nearly tripping

S: jumps out of bed as well IM SO ANXIOUS!! dashes downstairs as well

JD: looks over to his side COME ON
👹R H O N D A A A A A A A A👹

R: jumps out of his blanket and starts to roll around the room excitedly making a bunch of armadillo noises

JD: laughs and climbs out of bed This way girl! points to outside of the room and runs outside of it, hearing her follow behind


RP: is sitting on the couch while holding Branch on her lap, hearing clamoring from upstairs

RP: Well, looks like your brothers are up chuckles

F: IT'S CHRISTMAS IT'S CHRISTMAS!! is running down the steps

C: is running crazily GANGWAAAAYYYY- OOF- trips

S: grabs his shirt CLAY- oh no- WAGH- falls forward and they all tumble down the stairs next to Floyd who was already laying on his face

JD: goes to the top of the steps and sees them all laying there

JD: blinks ......okay-

RP: Goodness! walks over to them are you all alright??

F: sits up like nothing happened MERRY CHRISTMAS GRANDMA! smiles wide

RP: chuckles Merry Christmas my angels! Now come on so we can open presents! walks back

F: YAAAAYYYYY gets up and dashes toward the tree

C: starts to sit up Ow- did I die-

S: sits up as well I'm surprised we didn't- smacks the back of his head and walks to the tree

C: Ow- again- stands up and walks toward the tree as well


After fifteen or so minutes the boys would all finish opening up their individual presents! Floyd got a brand new set of makeup that he's always wanted despite barely asking for it since his family was more important to him Spruce got his "Only Me Mirror!" that he was obsessing over for nearly a month
Clay got the newest volume of Captain TrollPants that he was absolutely anticipating

And John already had the gift he wanted most of all.. his little Rhonda


C: takes his new set of books and inhales it deeply, sighing happily Oh yeah, that's the smell of heaven right there..

S: I CAN'T BELIEVE I REALLY HAVE IT!! ITS REALLY- IT'S ACTUALLY MINE!! holds the mirror in different angles, clicking both the music and the light buttons on and off every second GEHEHEHEHEHEHEHHEE-

F: Oh wow!! holds up his new makeup set happily I barely even asked for this and I still got it!!

RP: chuckles Well, you sure do deserve it after going through all of what you did for us ruffles his hair

F: giggles I'm mostly just happy that we're all together

RP: smiles Me too love

S: Wait, John, looks over at him did you get anything?

JD: Nope, Rhonda was the only thing I wanted, so I don't need anything else! smiles as he feels her start to lick his face

S: nods with a shrug Yeah makes sense

RP: Now John, you know that she's still a critter so she's gonna be a big responsibility, you'll have to feed her and clean after her

JD: Pssh, who's complaining?! Not me! I've practically waited for FOREVER for this rubs Rhonda's belly happily while baby talking to her yes I did, yes I did oh YES I did! Who's a good girl who's a good girl WHO'S A GOOD GIRL YOU ARE YES YOU AREEEE

F: Awwwww!!


C: Yeah it's still gonna take me a bit to get used to all of this-

JD: laughing while holding her up and getting licked by her again SHE'S LICKING THE INSIDE OF MY MOUTH!

S: OOOOKAY- covers his eyes

C: ALRIGHT YOU'RE DONE- gags and turns away

RP: chuckles and shakes her head Well anyway, are you guys excited for your concert later??

F: Oh!! I forgot about that but yeah!!

JD,S,C: smile at each other

JD: Actually, Grandma, about that-

RP: looks over at him

JD: puts Rhonda down on the couch and gets up I wanted to change some things up before we go.. and I got some help from Spruce and Clay too

RP: Oh? And what's that?

JD: looks over at Floyd with a smile

F: looks back at him with a confused but curious expression

JD: Floyd.. while we were looking for you I finally read through your Christmas song,

F: gasps quietly you did??

JD: Yeah, I loved it chuckles and.. I felt like a huge idiot not giving it or you a chance, you put so much work and love into it

JD: So, now.. I wanna give this opportunity to you, I want you to guide us through your song

F: GAAAAAAAAASP REALLYYYYY??!!?! jumps up excited

JD: Yep! It's all you buddy! winks at him and we can have as much fun as we want!

F: HOORAAAAAAYYYYYYYYY!! runs over to him and tackles him in a hug

JD: OOF- OKAY OKAY- laughs while hugging him back

RP: Awwweeee smiles wide how wonderful!


C: Weeeee alsoooo had the idea of having a special guest perform alongside us as well and made a call-

JD: More like you did-


F: Really?? sits up on John Who???

S: walks over to the closet door and opens it, revealing-

V: HELLOOOOOOOO!🎶 sings happily while doing a pose

F: VIVA?? WOW WOW WOW jumps around excitedly


RP: long was she in there-

C: Oh I had her sneak in before we opened presents so not too long- UH I MEAN-

S: Yeah he snuck his girlfriend in


S: laughs Just messingggg

F: YAYYYYYY!! runs to Viva and hugs her


V: HECK YEAH WE ARE!! hugs him back



After nearly an entire day of not only successful but FUN rehearsing, it was now 8pm and the boys and Viva were all preparing to actually get ready to perform, standing behind the curtains as they conversed with one another

It was still cold outside so of course along with the crowd that would wait for them to make their appearances, they would still be in long sleeved clothing but still got glamored up for their special holiday performance (totally not with the help of two talented fashionista twins)

F: peeks out of the curtains and gasps quietly I see Grandma!!

V: peeks out as well I see my dad!! squeals and he brought baby sister!!!

F,V: pulls their heads back in

F: Is everyone ready??

S,C: nod at the same time

JD: puts a hand on his shoulder ready when you are little bro

F: smiles up at him

B: READYYYY! hops from behind him

V: I'm not gonna lie I'm- waves her hands around I'm kinda nervous now-

F: It's okay! puts a hand on her arm because we're doing this for fun! Who cares if we're not perfect!

JD: smiles and nods

V: takes a breath and smiles as well right! You're right!


V: laughs and hugs him it's okayyyy

Just then, the group would all hear someone on a mic announcing that Brozone plus a special guest would be performing in the next thirty seconds

F: Ooh! It's almost time! Everyone get ready!

JD,S,C,V: all nod at each other and get in their positions


RP: looks over at Peppy who she's standing next to You know it's just so lovely to see both of our kids getting together to spread some holiday cheer for everyone

KP: Absolutely! I'm happy they decided to get Viva involved, she was more than happy to hear that they wanted her to join in on their performance! It was very generous of them to bring her up

RP: sighs Yeah, they sure have all learned a lot in these past few hours.. I'm really proud of them

KP: And you should be, you have some very bright grandsons with bright futures ahead of them

RP: smiles at him as well as your daughters..speaking of, Poppy really looks like she's gonna be ready to come out soon

KP: Hm? looks up at Poppy's egg that's sticking slightly out of his hair and moves his hair out the way, showing more of the crackles

KP: Oh! chuckles Yes I definitely haven't been saying that for the past few weeks now- but it definetly will come any day now

RP: chuckles as well Well I absolutely can't wait to see your new little princess

KP: smiles back at the egg As can't I..

"Get ready for Brozone in 3, 2, 1!"

RP: gasps quietly it's starting!

The curtains slowly open to unveil the five Brozone brothers, standing faced away from the crowd as the music started and the claps of the crowd would emerge, slowly dissipating as they began to sing

F: turns around with a wide smile and starts to sing, dancing forward

Oh you shine brightttt!🎶

Brighter than all the starsssss!🎶

Brighter than fireworksssss!🎶

So I give you all my loveeeee!🎶

S,C: turn around as well and join alongside him

And your perfection, even in your mistakes🎶

Give affection, even when your heart aches🎶

When I'm away,🎶

You're who I'm thinking of, becauseeee..🎶

All of the brothers join in, singing along!

You are my home, home, homeeee!🎶

Wherever I may roooaammm!🎶

You are the place where I can rest my weary bonessss!🎶

You are my home, home, home!🎶

You are my home, home, home...🎶

The boys all freestyle dance around for a bit as an instrumental plays, hearing the beloved cheers of everyone below them including their Grandmother and their king

F: Please welcome.. Princess Viva!! gestures to behind them to where Viva would come out and slides out of the way for her to make her entrance, the rest of the brothers doing the same

V: starts walking to the front and of the stage and sings

You're a diamondddd!🎶

Brightening my cloudy skyyyy!🎶

KP: That's my girl smiles

Sparkling all through the nightttt!🎶

Light me up like fireflies

See you shining even in the darkness

Stand beside me, when I don't deserve itttt🎶

That's why I say🎶

I give you all my love, becauseeeee..🎶

BroZ,V: stand all together and sing

You are my home, home, homeeee!!🎶

RP,KP: WOOOOOOOOO!!! clapping

Wherever I may roam

You are the place where I can rest my weary bonesssss!🎶

You are my home, home, homeeee!🎶

You are my home, home, home!🎶

C: slides in up front to the front and starts to rap

You're my number 1, there's no doubt!🎶

And we stick together throughout!🎶

Like troll scouts we are 'bout!🎶

All for one till life out!🎶

The group dances together happily, harmonizing with one another until they would finally sing their last line and pose together, their outfits glowing in the starry christmas night

You are my home, home, HOME!🎶

Everyone starts to clap wildly, more than ecstatic they got to see their favorite boyband INCLUDING the princess herself perform this holiday!



C: Nailed it! says while posing and panting

V: pants while still posing as well Thank you.. thank you my people..

S: pants as well Weee still got it!

JD: That..was..AWESOME!!!! jumps up and walks towards all of them

B: cheers WE DID ITTT!!

F: YEAHHH!! turns around towards them as well We all did amazing!!

JD: smiles down at Floyd YOU did amazing

F: smiles up at him and jumps onto him and hugs him

JD: hugs him back tightly

V: WOW! That was GREAT WAY better than I expected I mean my adrenaline is over here PUMPING dude!! moves her arms around

C: Hey walks over to her

V: turns to look at him

C: Thanks, like really thanks for coming up today, it was really UHHHH cool getting to perform with you- smiles wide

V: smiles at him well it did take me a bit of courage and overthinking since this was my first time ever doing something like this but-

V: walks closer to him and places a hand on his shoulder happy to help!!

C: grows nervous at how close they are ....UHHAGSHA YEAH HAHA YOU'RE A GREAT FRIEND HAHA-

S: mumbles behind him with a smirk Great friend huh-

C: Spruce I really don't wanna slap you in front of all these people-

V: laughs

JD: Hey guys,

V, S,C: all turn to look at him

JD: Let's give our own round of applause to Floyd

F: looks over at him Me??

JD: Yeah, you made this all possible! We wouldn't be up here right now if it weren't for you!

V: Heck yeah!



JD,V,S,C,B: start chanting FLOYD! FLOYD! FLOYD! FLOYD!

F: starts to smile wide and happily at all of them, then turns around to the crowd who is also now chanting "FLOYD! FLOYD! FLOYD!"

F: Wow.. sniffles and wipes away happy tears thank you everyone!..

RP: WOOHOOOO yeahhhh thas my BABY!!

KP: is cheering and clapping as well but stops as soon as he feels something moving around in his hair

KP: Oh- oh goodness!!

RP: looks over at him What's the matter?

KP: I.. takes Poppy's egg out of his hair watching it move around

KP: I think she's about to hatch!

And at that moment, everyone including our performers on stage would gasp loudly


C: Okay someone needs to cut off his mic-

V: moves between the boys and hops down the stage and runs next to her father

V: Is she really hatching daddy?!!

KP: I.. I believe so!

As everyone around would watch or wait in anticipation, the egg would slowly move and crackle more and more-


Until it stopped

BroZ: blinks

V: Why did- why did it stop??

KP: Huh.. I don't know..

RP: Uhm- maybe she's trying to adju-

But they were immediately shut up as the princess would suddenly pop up from out of the egg, the top of the eggshell still sitting on her head

Poppy: looks around at everyone

KP,RP,V,BroZ: stare back at her


P: squeals and reaches her arms out


V: BABY SISTER!!!! climbs onto Peppy's back SHE'S HERE SHE'S HERE!!!



S: smiles while clapping

RP: Oh my goodness she's BEAUTIFUL!

KP: holds up the eggshell with his second daughter inside, smiling at her

KP: My sweet Poppy, you're finally here..

P: babbles and grabs onto his nose happily

V: LOOK AT HER FACE! SHE LOOKS JUST LIKE ME! squeals happily and slips into her father's arms as well and gives her a bunch of kisses

Meanwhile somewhere in the back..

Satin+Chenille: THE PRINCESS IS HERE SHE'S FINALLY HERE!! squeal and hug each other



Biggie: IT'S SO BEAUTIFUL I JUST MIGHT DIE!! OUAGH- falls backward and passes out

??: somewhere farther back in the crowd MOVE- THIS IS MY BIG DEBUT- shoving through people

MB: kneels next to Biggie with two electric bugs IM A DOCTOR- zaps him in the chest with him

Anddd back to the front-

F: smiles wide while watching everyone cheer Wow.. today really was the best Christmas ever.. so much HAPPENED today

F: I mean the Princess hatched!

JD: laughs and puts a hand on his shoulder You can say that again

F: laughs with him but then stops as he hears something.. like a laugh or a jingle

F: Did you hear that??

JD: looks down at him confused Hear what??

F: looks up and gasps at what he sees in the air, now definitely recognizing the familiar noises of the laughing and jingling

Up above was none other than Santa himself passing by and flying in the air with his swagstags, waving along with two familiar elves on board waving down at them!

F: Santa..? Nedaj..? Eel..? walks forward and smiles wide

E: waves down at them while smiling wide

N: waves down as well with a small smile of his own

F: They remembered our concert today!!

JD: starts to slowly smile as well

S,C,B: walks and stands next to them, seeing what they were looking at

S: ...should we tell the crowd to hush so they can see too-

C: ..Nah.. wraps an arm around Spruce and John

C: This is for us

F: smiles then picks up Branch, holding him in his arms

F: Yeah, it is

JD: wraps his arms around his brothers as well, pulling them close to him as they continue to watch the sleigh pass by into the night

Santa and the elves would already be passed by as soon as trolls would take notice of them looking up and look up as well, seeing only the starry night sky above..


..And after that night, it would officially be remembered.. as one of the most memorable and best Christmases, that not only Brozone, but many in trolls village would reme-

RP: walks out of the room with her bonnet on Who is that downstairs!

B: is sitting in front of the fireplace with his sippy cup and immediately stops, looking wide eyed before starting to whisper

Yeah, okay, I should probably go to bed now, it's waaaay past my bedtime- but I hope you enjoyed this super duper fantastic intergalactic out of this world story!!

B: stands up

Now as 'The Whispers' would sing- Happy Holidays tooooo youuuuu 🎶
Kay- Goodnight!

B: waddles over to the steps and climbs up quietly, peeking back over one more time to wink before disappearing completely

The end! ❄

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